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Subchapter 1 - General Provisions
§ 14-72-101. Municipal water and sewer revenue bonds for repayment of water pollution control grants - (a) Any city of the first class, city of the...
§ 14-72-102. Transfer of unexpended balance of bond redemption fund to county hospital building fund - In all cases where bonds have been issued in any...
Subchapter 2 - Refunding Bonds of Counties Generally
§ 14-72-201. Authority to refund — Procedure - (a) Any county of this state shall have the power...
§ 14-72-202. Form of bonds — Rights and remedies - The refunding bonds: (1) Shall be negotiable instruments; (2) May...
§ 14-72-203. Certificates of indebtedness for interest due on refunded bonds and expense of issuing refunding bonds - (a) In order to facilitate the refunding of its bonds,...
§ 14-72-204. Tax for original bonds continued for refunding bonds - The tax for the payment of the outstanding bonds levied...
§ 14-72-205. Refunding bonds under Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 17 - (a) Any county that has issued funding bonds, under Arkansas...
Subchapter 3 - County Bonds for Courthouses and Jails
§ 14-72-301. Authority to issue - Any county which has built, constructed, or extended a county...
§ 14-72-302. Interest, maturity, and sale - (a) Bonds bearing interest at a rate not exceeding five...
§ 14-72-303. Submission of question to electors — Special election - (a) If the county court decides that it would be...
§ 14-72-304. Form of ballot — Returns — Appeal - (a) In the order calling the election, the county court...
§ 14-72-305. Levy of special funding bond tax - (a) If a majority voting in the election vote in...
§ 14-72-306. Publication — Sale of bonds - (a) Bonds that may be issued to pay for courthouses...
§ 14-72-307. Quorum court to levy tax - Whenever, at an election called for the purpose of authorizing...
Subchapter 5 - Refunding Municipal Bonds Issued Under Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 13
§ 14-72-501. Application of subchapter — Successive refunding - (a) The power and authority granted by this subchapter may...
§ 14-72-502. Authority to refund — Issuance - Any city of the first or second class of this...
§ 14-72-503. Methods of issuance - (a) (1) No refunding bonds shall be issued until the...
§ 14-72-504. Form of bonds - (a) All such refunding bonds shall be negotiable instruments and...
Subchapter 6 - Local Government Revenue Bond Elections
§ 14-72-601. Title - This subchapter shall be referred to and may be cited...
§ 14-72-602. Legislative intent - The Arkansas Supreme Court has determined in the case of...
§ 14-72-603. Definitions - As used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise requires:...
§ 14-72-604. Construction - This subchapter shall be construed liberally to effectuate the legislative...
§ 14-72-605. Certain districts excluded - The provisions of this subchapter shall not apply to bonds,...
§ 14-72-606. Election procedures — Contest - (a) (1) Whenever a county or municipality shall determine the...
§ 14-72-607. Venue - For the purposes of this subchapter, when it is necessary...
§ 14-72-608. Elections held prior to effective date - Any election called for the purpose of authorizing revenue bonds...
§ 14-72-609. Refunding bonds - (a) Revenue bonds issued for the purpose of refunding revenue...
Subchapter 7 - Refund of Amendment 13 Municipal Bond Proceeds
§ 14-72-701. Disposition of principal and interest - In instances where bonds were issued by a municipality under...
§ 14-72-702. Filing of claims - (a) The taxpayer must file a claim with the city...
§ 14-72-703. Publication of notice - (a) Before any money is transferred into the city general...