In all cases where bonds have been issued in any county for the construction, reconstruction, or extension of any county hospital as authorized by Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 25 [repealed], and all bonds issued for those purposes by any county have been wholly retired, the county courts of those counties may by appropriate order transfer any balances remaining unexpended to the credit of the bond redemption funds in those counties to the county hospital building funds. The moneys may then be used for all purposes for which the county hospital building fund could be used.
Structure Arkansas Code
Subtitle 4 - Public Finance Generally
Chapter 72 - Bonds of Counties, Cities, and Towns
Subchapter 1 - General Provisions
§ 14-72-101. Municipal water and sewer revenue bonds for repayment of water pollution control grants
§ 14-72-102. Transfer of unexpended balance of bond redemption fund to county hospital building fund