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Subchapter 1 - General Provisions
§ 14-199-101. Surplus revenues — Definitions - (a) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise...
§ 14-199-102. Compensation of school district in lieu of taxes - (a) (1) Upon approval of the governing body of a...
§ 14-199-103. Vacation of public utility easements - (a) Cities of first and second class and incorporated towns...
§ 14-199-104. Insurance and retirement plans - (a) In any city of the first class owning and...
§ 14-199-105. Release of information to court-appointed process server - (a) Upon verbal request of a court-appointed process server, a...
Subchapter 2 - Profits of Electric or Water System
§ 14-199-201. Applicability to commission form of government - No part of this subchapter shall apply to a municipal...
§ 14-199-202. Authorized use - Any municipality owning an electric power plant or a water...
§ 14-199-203. Ordinance requirement - The profits from the operation of any electric power plant...
§ 14-199-204. Apportionment ratio - At the end of each fiscal year of the operation...
§ 14-199-205. Payment of allocated funds - The amounts allocated to the various sewer or street improvement...
Subchapter 3 - Lease or Sale
§ 14-199-301. Lease or contract - (a) The council of any municipal corporation operating a system...
§ 14-199-302. Sale - (a) The council of any municipal corporation owning a system...
§ 14-199-303. Payment — Bond - (a) Where the sale price is an amount greater than...
§ 14-199-304. Deed of conveyance — Satisfaction of lien - (a) The transfer of property under this subchapter shall be...
§ 14-199-305. Use of down payment - The proceeds of any initial cash payment from the sale...
§ 14-199-306. First opportunity to purchase — Notice - (a) Any privately owned utility whose main facilities and service...
Subchapter 4 - Joint Management
§ 14-199-401. Joint management authorized - All cities of the first class whose population exceeds seven...
§ 14-199-402. Ordinance abolishing old boards — Light and water commission created - (a) Cities of the first class, in order to comply...
§ 14-199-403. Compensation of commissioners - The city council of any city adopting an ordinance in...
§ 14-199-404. Report and audit of operation - The city council of any city adopting the ordinance provided...
Subchapter 5 - Electric Distribution System Management
§ 14-199-501. Authority to create commission - All cities of the first class in excess of population...
§ 14-199-502. General powers of commission - (a) The commission created pursuant to this subchapter shall have...
§ 14-199-503. Fiscal powers of commission - (a) (1) Subject to restrictions set forth in the ordinance...
§ 14-199-504. Quarterly report - The commission shall report to the city council on each...
§ 14-199-505. Outstanding bond indebtedness — Cross-pledging - (a) If any city of the first class subject to...
Subchapter 6 - Television Signal Distribution Systems
§ 14-199-601. Authority of municipalities generally — Immunity - (a) Any first-class city, second-class, and incorporated town may own,...
§ 14-199-602. Appliances, fixtures, and equipment authorized - The city or town may erect, construct, operate, repair, and...
Subchapter 7 - Municipal Utility Systems
§ 14-199-701. Authority to lease or contract with nonprofit corporation - (a) Any city of the first class, city of the...
§ 14-199-702. Subchapter supplemental - It is the specific intent of this subchapter that the...