Arkansas Code
Subchapter 4 - Joint Management
§ 14-199-402. Ordinance abolishing old boards — Light and water commission created

(a) Cities of the first class, in order to comply with the provisions of this subchapter, are authorized and empowered to adopt and approve an ordinance providing that:
(1) Each board or commission referred to in § 14-199-401 shall be immediately abolished;
(2) A new board, known as the “light and water commission,” shall be created and established to be composed of not more than nine (9) members, with at least one (1) member from each ward, whose qualifications and tenures of office are set forth in subsection (b).

(1) The city council shall, immediately after the passage of the ordinance, select four (4) members; two (2) members from the light board or commission and two (2) members from the water board or commission abolished by this ordinance to serve as commissioners of the light and water commission.
(A) Members appointed shall serve until the third city general election following their appointment and thereafter shall be elected for two (2) year terms by the qualified voters of the municipality.
(B) The remaining members of the commission shall be appointed to serve until the second general election after the passage of this ordinance and thereafter shall be elected each two (2) years by the qualified voters of the municipality at the city general election.

(c) The commission shall have authority to designate its chairman and prescribe rules and regulations for the operation of the commission.