(a) Cities of first and second class and incorporated towns are given power and authority to vacate public utility easements or segments thereof, within such cities and towns under the conditions and in the manner provided for the vacation of streets and alleys by §§ 14-301-301 — 14-301-306.
(b) A petition requesting the vacation of a public utility easement, signed by the property owners through whose property the easement extends shall be filed with the municipal legislative body and dealt with in the manner provided for by law.
(c) Upon the adoption of an ordinance vacating a public utility easement, or a segment thereof, the ownership of the lot, block, or parcel of real property through which the easement extends shall cease to be burdened with the easement.
(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed as empowering first-class and second-class cities and incorporated towns to vacate utility easements still in use or to vacate utility easements owned by utilities without just compensation therefor.
(e) This section shall be cumulative to §§ 14-301-301 — 14-301-306.
Structure Arkansas Code
Subtitle 12 - Public Utilities Generally
Chapter 199 - General Provisions
Subchapter 1 - General Provisions
§ 14-199-101. Surplus revenues — Definitions
§ 14-199-102. Compensation of school district in lieu of taxes
§ 14-199-103. Vacation of public utility easements
§ 14-199-104. Insurance and retirement plans
§ 14-199-105. Release of information to court-appointed process server