(1) All municipal corporations having over two thousand five hundred (2,500) inhabitants shall be deemed cities of the first class.
(2) All cities having five hundred (500) inhabitants or more and fewer than two thousand five hundred (2,500) inhabitants shall be deemed cities of the second class.
(3) All others shall be incorporated towns and shall be governed by the provisions of this subtitle.
(1) Any incorporated towns of fewer than five hundred (500) inhabitants who have voted to be a city of the second class under § 14-37-112 shall continue to be a city of the second class.
(2) Any city having a population of one thousand five hundred (1,500) or more may become a city of the first class upon the enactment of an ordinance therefor, with all powers, authority, and responsibility of other cities of the first class.
Structure Arkansas Code
Subtitle 3 - Municipal Government
Chapter 37 - Classification of Cities and Towns
§ 14-37-102. Division into classes
§ 14-37-103. Population limits
§ 14-37-104. Cities of the first class
§ 14-37-105. Cities of the second class
§ 14-37-106. Board of Municipal Corporations
§ 14-37-107. Advancement of cities and towns according to census
§ 14-37-108. Application for advancement between census periods
§ 14-37-109. Appointment of enumerators to take census
§ 14-37-110. Return of enumerators
§ 14-37-111. Reduction of city to lower grade — In general
§ 14-37-112. Incorporated town may become city of the second class
§ 14-37-113. Effect of population changes on legislation
§ 14-37-114. Reduction of city of the first class to city of the second class