In respect to the exercise of certain corporate powers and to the number, character, powers, and duties of certain officers, municipal corporations are divided into the following classes:
(1) Cities of the first class;
(2) Cities of the second class; and
(3) Incorporated towns.
Structure Arkansas Code
Subtitle 3 - Municipal Government
Chapter 37 - Classification of Cities and Towns
§ 14-37-102. Division into classes
§ 14-37-103. Population limits
§ 14-37-104. Cities of the first class
§ 14-37-105. Cities of the second class
§ 14-37-106. Board of Municipal Corporations
§ 14-37-107. Advancement of cities and towns according to census
§ 14-37-108. Application for advancement between census periods
§ 14-37-109. Appointment of enumerators to take census
§ 14-37-110. Return of enumerators
§ 14-37-111. Reduction of city to lower grade — In general
§ 14-37-112. Incorporated town may become city of the second class
§ 14-37-113. Effect of population changes on legislation
§ 14-37-114. Reduction of city of the first class to city of the second class