It shall be plainly stated on the face of each bond or note that it has been issued under the provisions of this subchapter and that it does not constitute an indebtedness of the city within any constitutional or statutory limitation.
Structure Arkansas Code
Subtitle 12 - Public Utilities Generally
Chapter 201 - Municipal Boards And Commissions
Subchapter 1 - Cities of the First Class Generally
§ 14-201-101. Scope of subchapter
§ 14-201-102. Construction of subchapter
§ 14-201-103. Applicability of subchapter
§ 14-201-104. Powers of city council
§ 14-201-105. Creation of commission — Members
§ 14-201-106. Compensation of commissioners
§ 14-201-107. Oath of commissioners
§ 14-201-108. Removal from office of commissioner
§ 14-201-109. Abolition of commission
§ 14-201-110. General powers of commission
§ 14-201-111. Authority to borrow, issue bonds or notes — Pledge of revenues
§ 14-201-112. Bonds or notes — Issuance generally
§ 14-201-113. Bonds or notes — Terms and conditions
§ 14-201-114. Bonds or notes — Trust indenture
§ 14-201-115. Bonds or notes — Contents
§ 14-201-116. Bonds or notes — Sale
§ 14-201-117. Bonds or notes — Nature of indebtedness
§ 14-201-118. Bonds or notes — Priority among issues
§ 14-201-119. Refunding bonds or notes
§ 14-201-120. Default in payment of notes or bonds — Receiver
§ 14-201-121. Use of fees and charges — Pledges — Surplus
§ 14-201-122. Meetings and records
§ 14-201-123. Quarterly report to city council
§ 14-201-125. Rules and regulations for operation — Injunctions
§ 14-201-126. Enforcement of rights under resolution or trust indenture
§ 14-201-127. Bonds — Tax exemption
§ 14-201-128. Investment of public funds in bonds or notes
§ 14-201-129. Social security, pension, and retirement for employees