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Subchapter 1 - Cities of the First Class Generally
§ 14-201-101. Scope of subchapter - (a) Any water or waterworks commission in this state now...
§ 14-201-102. Construction of subchapter - (a) (1) Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to...
§ 14-201-103. Applicability of subchapter - The provisions of this subchapter shall not apply to any...
§ 14-201-104. Powers of city council - (a) (1) Any city of the first class owning and...
§ 14-201-105. Creation of commission — Members - (a) (1) Any city of the first class in which...
§ 14-201-106. Compensation of commissioners - The commissioners shall receive ten dollars ($10.00) per day while...
§ 14-201-107. Oath of commissioners - Before entering upon their duties as commissioners, each member of...
§ 14-201-108. Removal from office of commissioner - A member of the commission may be removed from office...
§ 14-201-109. Abolition of commission - (a) (1) A utility commission established under this subchapter by...
§ 14-201-110. General powers of commission - (a) (1) The commission shall have full power to manage,...
§ 14-201-111. Authority to borrow, issue bonds or notes — Pledge of revenues - (a) The commission may borrow money and issue negotiable evidences...
§ 14-201-112. Bonds or notes — Issuance generally - The issuance of bonds or notes shall be by a...
§ 14-201-113. Bonds or notes — Terms and conditions - (a) The bonds or notes may: (1) Be coupon bonds...
§ 14-201-114. Bonds or notes — Trust indenture - (a) The authorizing resolution may provide for the execution of...
§ 14-201-115. Bonds or notes — Contents - It shall be plainly stated on the face of each...
§ 14-201-116. Bonds or notes — Sale - The bonds or notes may be sold at public or...
§ 14-201-117. Bonds or notes — Nature of indebtedness - (a) The bonds and notes shall not be general obligations...
§ 14-201-118. Bonds or notes — Priority among issues - Priority between successive issues may be controlled by the resolution.
§ 14-201-119. Refunding bonds or notes - (a) Bonds or notes may be issued for the purpose...
§ 14-201-120. Default in payment of notes or bonds — Receiver - (a) If the commission defaults in the payment of any...
§ 14-201-121. Use of fees and charges — Pledges — Surplus - (a) For so long as any bond or notes are...
§ 14-201-122. Meetings and records - All meetings of the commission shall be open to the...
§ 14-201-123. Quarterly report to city council - The commission shall report to the city council on each...
§ 14-201-124. Annual audit - At the end of each fiscal year, the commission shall...
§ 14-201-125. Rules and regulations for operation — Injunctions - (a) The commission shall adopt such rules and regulations as...
§ 14-201-126. Enforcement of rights under resolution or trust indenture - Any holder or registered owner of bonds or notes, or...
§ 14-201-127. Bonds — Tax exemption - Bonds and notes issued under the provisions of this subchapter,...
§ 14-201-128. Investment of public funds in bonds or notes - Any municipality or any board, commission, or other authority duly...
§ 14-201-129. Social security, pension, and retirement for employees - The commission is authorized to provide a plan of social...
Subchapter 2 - Cities of the First Class — Pre-1957 Provisions
§ 14-201-201. Construction - (a) (1) This subchapter shall not be construed to repeal...
§ 14-201-202. Existing boards continued - (a) (1) If, in any municipal corporation subject to the...
§ 14-201-203. Commission to operate utilities authorized - (a) A city of the first class may, by ordinance,...
§ 14-201-204. Creation of board or commission — Members — Vacancies - (a) Any city of the first class subject to the...
§ 14-201-205. Meetings of board — Organization - (a) When the city council of a city, subject to...
§ 14-201-206. Powers of board and city council - (a) The board created pursuant to this subchapter shall have...
§ 14-201-207. Employees of board — Salary of board members - (a) Subject to such restrictions or limitations as may be...
§ 14-201-208. Reports of board - The board shall make due report to the city council...
Subchapter 3 - Cities of the Second Class and Towns
§ 14-201-301. Construction - This subchapter shall not be construed to repeal or amend...
§ 14-201-302. Creation of board - (a) In each of the cities of the second class...
§ 14-201-303. Petition for election to adopt subchapter - (a) When fifty (50) or more owners of real property...
§ 14-201-304. Notice of election - Within five (5) days after the filing of the petition,...
§ 14-201-305. Form of ballots — Manner of voting - (a) The county board of election commissioners shall provide ballots...
§ 14-201-306. Conduct of election — Board created upon majority vote - (a) The polls at the election shall be opened at...
§ 14-201-307. Calling election to elect board members — Notice of election - (a) Immediately after the creation of the board of public...
§ 14-201-308. Qualifications of voters - (a) Only owners of real estate in one (1) or...
§ 14-201-309. Supplies for elections — Cost - The board of election commissioners shall provide all necessary ballots,...
§ 14-201-310. Ballots in duplicate — Conduct of election - In the conduct of the election, all ballots shall be...
§ 14-201-311. Election officials - (a) Not less than ten (10) days before the date...
§ 14-201-312. Members of board — Qualifications - (a) Boards of public utilities, when created in the manner...
§ 14-201-313. Nominations to board membership - Nominations of candidates for membership on the board of public...
§ 14-201-314. Interest of board members in contracts unlawful — Penalty - (a) It shall be unlawful for any member of the...
§ 14-201-315. Terms of initial members - The candidate receiving the highest number of votes at the...
§ 14-201-316. Election of succeeding members — Term — Conduct of election — Notice - (a) In all cities and towns where a board of...
§ 14-201-317. Commencement of term — Oath of office - The term of office of the members of the board...
§ 14-201-318. Vacancies - If any member of the board shall cease to be...
§ 14-201-319. Compensation of members - (a) The sole compensation of each member of the board...
§ 14-201-320. Officers of board — Meetings — Minutes - (a) At the first meeting of the board, one (1)...
§ 14-201-321. Subsequent election to create board - In event of a failure of the owners of real...
§ 14-201-322. General powers of board - The board of public utilities: (1) May do and perform...
§ 14-201-323. Agents and employees - The board, in the operation of the plant or plants...
§ 14-201-324. Deposit of moneys — Bond — Checks - (a) All moneys derived from the operation of utilities under...
§ 14-201-325. Disposition of profits - Any profits derived by any of the boards of public...
§ 14-201-326. Enlargements of plants and systems - (a) The board of public utilities may, in their discretion...
§ 14-201-327. Sale or mortgage of plants and machinery - No board of public utilities created under the terms of...
§ 14-201-328. Accounting books — Annual audit - (a) The board shall keep or cause to be kept...
§ 14-201-329. Suits for misappropriation or misuse of money - Any taxpayer in any city or town in this state...
§ 14-201-330. Power to sue and be sued — Hiring of attorneys - (a) The board of public utilities may collect and receipt...