Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 46 - Welfare
§ 46-171 - Definitions

46-171. Definitions
In this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. " Lifespan respite care" means a coordinated system of accessible, community-based respite care services for family caregivers of children or adults with special needs.
2. " Respite care" means short-term care and supervision services that are provided to an individual to relieve the individual s caregiver.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 46 - Welfare

§ 46-101 - Definitions

§ 46-132 - Special services unit

§ 46-132.01 - Depositions; attendance of witnesses; production of papers

§ 46-133 - Duties of attorney general

§ 46-134 - Powers and duties; expenditure; limitation

§ 46-135 - Power to promulgate rules concerning confidential nature of records

§ 46-136 - Powers of state department regarding work projects for unemployed persons

§ 46-137 - Administrative expenses

§ 46-138 - Expenditures for public welfare

§ 46-138.01 - Public assistance and administration revolving fund

§ 46-138.02 - Duplicate checks; notice; form and effect

§ 46-139 - Notification; federal poverty guidelines

§ 46-140 - Duty of employees to report violations; penalties for failure to do so

§ 46-140.01 - Verifying applicants for public benefits; violation; classification; citizen suits

§ 46-141 - Criminal record information checks; fingerprinting employees and applicants; definition

§ 46-151 - Department of health services; out-of-wedlock pregnancies; goals

§ 46-171 - Definitions

§ 46-172 - Lifespan respite care program

§ 46-173 - Lifespan respite care advisory committee

§ 46-181 - Section on aging

§ 46-182 - Section powers and duties; costs

§ 46-183 - Advisory council on aging; members; appointment; terms; compensation; officers; subcommittee

§ 46-184 - Advisory council duties

§ 46-191 - Definitions

§ 46-192 - Identification of services

§ 46-193 - Respite care for care givers of the elderly program; definition

§ 46-201 - Application for assistance; notice of penalties

§ 46-202 - Rules

§ 46-203 - Investigation of application; witnesses; financial institutions

§ 46-204 - Granting of assistance; notice to applicant; award; certification to department of administration; reimbursement

§ 46-205 - Appeal to state department from denial of application or failure of the local office to act; consideration by state department on own motion

§ 46-206 - Payment of assistance; authority of department of administration; limitation upon payment from state funds; methods of payment

§ 46-207 - Grant plus income; uniform assistance plan; amount of assistance

§ 46-207.01 - Temporary assistance for needy families; amount of cash assistance

§ 46-208 - Nontransferability and nonassignability of assistance; exemption from process

§ 46-209 - Residence in state after assistance granted; basis for discontinuance of payments to recipients of assistance

§ 46-210 - Effect on domicile of absence while in military service

§ 46-211 - Periodic reconsideration and change in amount of assistance

§ 46-212 - Assistance subject to amendment of law

§ 46-213 - Duty of recipient to notify department of change in status; recovery of excess assistance paid; violation; classification

§ 46-214 - Fee for representing applicant or recipient in civil proceeding under article prohibited

§ 46-215 - Welfare fraud; program disqualification; classification

§ 46-216 - Violation; classification

§ 46-219 - Supplemental nutrition assistance program; eligibility after conviction; drug testing; rules

§ 46-231 - Department of economic security; supplemental nutrition assistance program; produce incentive program; definitions

§ 46-241 - Definitions

§ 46-241.01 - Short-term crisis services

§ 46-241.02 - Eligibility for short-term crisis services

§ 46-241.03 - Appeals; hearings

§ 46-241.04 - Ineligibility for short-term crisis services

§ 46-241.05 - Method of payment

§ 46-244 - Victims of domestic violence; identification; referrals; waiver

§ 46-251 - Mandatory state supplemental payments program

§ 46-253 - Ineligibility

§ 46-291 - Administration and notice; expenditure limitation; locating deserting parents and assets; violation; classification

§ 46-292 - Eligibility for assistance

§ 46-293 - Ineligibility for other public assistance

§ 46-294 - Duration of assistance

§ 46-295 - Recovery of public assistance from legally responsible persons; fund

§ 46-296 - Eligibility for assistance; unwed minor parents

§ 46-297 - Electronic benefit transfers; prohibitions; penalties; violation; classification; definitions

§ 46-297.01 - Electronic benefit transfer cards; replacements; out-of-state spending; fraud investigation

§ 46-297.02 - Electronic benefit transfer card; spending report

§ 46-298 - Diversion from long-term assistance; report; definition

§ 46-299 - Jobs program; definition

§ 46-300 - Sanctions

§ 46-300.01 - JOBS program; privatization; definitions

§ 46-300.02 - Orders to seek employment; persons owing child support

§ 46-300.03 - Individual development accounts; definition

§ 46-300.04 - Perinatal substance abuse treatment and services

§ 46-300.05 - Substance abuse treatment

§ 46-300.06 - Food bank assistance for welfare to work and low income families program

§ 46-300.07 - Employment service contractors; success rate; semiannual report

§ 46-301 - Definitions

§ 46-302 - Selection of practitioner

§ 46-303 - Violation; injunction

§ 46-311 - Conformity with federal legislation

§ 46-321 - Fingerprinting; affidavit

§ 46-331 - Arizona special supplemental food program fund for women, infants and children; purpose; reimbursement

§ 46-341 - Definitions

§ 46-342 - Family caregiver grant program; requirements

§ 46-343 - Family caregiver grant program fund; report

§ 46-401 - Purpose

§ 46-402 - Definitions

§ 46-403 - Authorization of department to act

§ 46-404 - Notice; service; order

§ 46-406 - Funding for administration of public assistance services of child support enforcement program; expenditure limitation

§ 46-407 - Assignment of rights to support; definition

§ 46-408 - Assignment of support rights; priority; definitions

§ 46-441 - Support payment clearinghouse; records transfer; payment; definition

§ 46-442 - Child support case registry; data sharing; unauthorized disclosure; civil penalty

§ 46-443 - Child support case registry; location information; presumptions concerning notice

§ 46-444 - Transfer of support rights; disbursement of support payments

§ 46-445 - Electronic transfer of support payments; warrants; definition

§ 46-451 - Definitions; program goals

§ 46-452 - Protective services worker; powers and duties; immunity; communications

§ 46-452.01 - Office of state long-term care ombudsman

§ 46-452.02 - State long-term care ombudsman; duties; immunity from liability

§ 46-453 - Immunity of participants; nonprivileged communication

§ 46-454 - Duty to report abuse, neglect and exploitation of vulnerable adults; duty to make medical records available; violation; classification

§ 46-455 - Allowing life or health of a vulnerable adult to be endangered by neglect; violation; classification; civil remedy; definition

§ 46-456 - Duty to a vulnerable adult; financial exploitation; civil penalties; exceptions; definitions

§ 46-457 - Elder abuse central registry; mandatory reporting; release of information

§ 46-458 - Hearing process; definitions

§ 46-459 - Adult protective services registry

§ 46-460 - Adult protective services information; confidentiality; allowed disclosures; violation; classification

§ 46-461 - Multidisciplinary adult protection team; duties; confidentiality; definition

§ 46-471 - Definitions

§ 46-472 - Disclosures; immunity; third-party disclosures

§ 46-473 - Delaying disbursements or transactions; immunity

§ 46-474 - Records; disclosure; exemption

§ 46-601 - Identification card; contents; definition

§ 46-601.01 - Presentment of identification card

§ 46-602 - Department may contract for services

§ 46-603 - Fraudulent use of identification card; violation; classification

§ 46-701 - Telecommunications service assistance program; administration; rules

§ 46-702 - Assistance eligibility; list

§ 46-703 - Assistance rate credit; form; applicable services; amount; application

§ 46-704 - Budget request

§ 46-731 - Utility assistance; qualified fuel fund entity; report; definitions

§ 46-741 - Neighbors helping neighbors fund; definition

§ 46-801 - Definitions

§ 46-802 - Child care services

§ 46-803 - Eligibility for child care assistance

§ 46-804 - Appeals

§ 46-805 - Child care assistance; rates; definitions

§ 46-806 - Choice of child care providers

§ 46-807 - Certification of family child care home and in-home providers; hearing

§ 46-808 - Confidentiality

§ 46-809 - Rules

§ 46-810 - Department of economic security; child care; report

§ 46-811 - Child care providers; background check requirements

§ 46-901 - Definitions

§ 46-902 - Qualified ABLE program; duties

§ 46-903 - Use of contractor as account depository; program manager

§ 46-904 - Incapacitated or minor eligible individual

§ 46-905 - Program requirements

§ 46-906 - Limitations of article

§ 46-907 - Achieving a better life experience act oversight committee