Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 46 - Welfare
§ 46-140.01 - Verifying applicants for public benefits; violation; classification; citizen suits

46-140.01. Verifying applicants for public benefits; violation; classification; citizen suits
(Caution: 1998 Prop. 105 applies.)
A. An agency of this state and all of its political subdivisions, including local governments, that are responsible for the administration of state and local public benefits that are not federally mandated shall do all of the following:
1. Verify the identity of each applicant for those benefits and verify that the applicant is eligible for benefits as prescribed by this section.
2. Provide any other employee of this state or any of its political subdivisions with information to verify the immigration status of any applicant for those benefits and assist the employee in obtaining that information from federal immigration authorities.
3. Refuse to accept any identification card issued by the state or any political subdivision of this state, including a driver license, to establish identity or determine eligibility for those benefits unless the issuing authority has verified the immigration status of the applicant.
4. Require all employees of the state and its political subdivisions to make a written report to federal immigration authorities for any violation of federal immigration law by any applicant for benefits and that is discovered by the employee.
B. Failure to report discovered violations of federal immigration law by an employee is a class 2 misdemeanor. If that employee's supervisor knew of the failure to report and failed to direct the employee to make the report, the supervisor is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor.
C. This section shall be enforced without regard to race, religion, gender, ethnicity or national origin. Any person who is a resident of this state shall have standing in any court of record to bring suit against any agent or agency of this state or its political subdivisions to remedy any violation of any provision of this section, including an action for mandamus. Courts shall give preference to actions brought under this section over other civil actions or proceeding pending in the court.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 46 - Welfare

§ 46-101 - Definitions

§ 46-132 - Special services unit

§ 46-132.01 - Depositions; attendance of witnesses; production of papers

§ 46-133 - Duties of attorney general

§ 46-134 - Powers and duties; expenditure; limitation

§ 46-135 - Power to promulgate rules concerning confidential nature of records

§ 46-136 - Powers of state department regarding work projects for unemployed persons

§ 46-137 - Administrative expenses

§ 46-138 - Expenditures for public welfare

§ 46-138.01 - Public assistance and administration revolving fund

§ 46-138.02 - Duplicate checks; notice; form and effect

§ 46-139 - Notification; federal poverty guidelines

§ 46-140 - Duty of employees to report violations; penalties for failure to do so

§ 46-140.01 - Verifying applicants for public benefits; violation; classification; citizen suits

§ 46-141 - Criminal record information checks; fingerprinting employees and applicants; definition

§ 46-151 - Department of health services; out-of-wedlock pregnancies; goals

§ 46-171 - Definitions

§ 46-172 - Lifespan respite care program

§ 46-173 - Lifespan respite care advisory committee

§ 46-181 - Section on aging

§ 46-182 - Section powers and duties; costs

§ 46-183 - Advisory council on aging; members; appointment; terms; compensation; officers; subcommittee

§ 46-184 - Advisory council duties

§ 46-191 - Definitions

§ 46-192 - Identification of services

§ 46-193 - Respite care for care givers of the elderly program; definition

§ 46-201 - Application for assistance; notice of penalties

§ 46-202 - Rules

§ 46-203 - Investigation of application; witnesses; financial institutions

§ 46-204 - Granting of assistance; notice to applicant; award; certification to department of administration; reimbursement

§ 46-205 - Appeal to state department from denial of application or failure of the local office to act; consideration by state department on own motion

§ 46-206 - Payment of assistance; authority of department of administration; limitation upon payment from state funds; methods of payment

§ 46-207 - Grant plus income; uniform assistance plan; amount of assistance

§ 46-207.01 - Temporary assistance for needy families; amount of cash assistance

§ 46-208 - Nontransferability and nonassignability of assistance; exemption from process

§ 46-209 - Residence in state after assistance granted; basis for discontinuance of payments to recipients of assistance

§ 46-210 - Effect on domicile of absence while in military service

§ 46-211 - Periodic reconsideration and change in amount of assistance

§ 46-212 - Assistance subject to amendment of law

§ 46-213 - Duty of recipient to notify department of change in status; recovery of excess assistance paid; violation; classification

§ 46-214 - Fee for representing applicant or recipient in civil proceeding under article prohibited

§ 46-215 - Welfare fraud; program disqualification; classification

§ 46-216 - Violation; classification

§ 46-219 - Supplemental nutrition assistance program; eligibility after conviction; drug testing; rules

§ 46-231 - Department of economic security; supplemental nutrition assistance program; produce incentive program; definitions

§ 46-241 - Definitions

§ 46-241.01 - Short-term crisis services

§ 46-241.02 - Eligibility for short-term crisis services

§ 46-241.03 - Appeals; hearings

§ 46-241.04 - Ineligibility for short-term crisis services

§ 46-241.05 - Method of payment

§ 46-244 - Victims of domestic violence; identification; referrals; waiver

§ 46-251 - Mandatory state supplemental payments program

§ 46-253 - Ineligibility

§ 46-291 - Administration and notice; expenditure limitation; locating deserting parents and assets; violation; classification

§ 46-292 - Eligibility for assistance

§ 46-293 - Ineligibility for other public assistance

§ 46-294 - Duration of assistance

§ 46-295 - Recovery of public assistance from legally responsible persons; fund

§ 46-296 - Eligibility for assistance; unwed minor parents

§ 46-297 - Electronic benefit transfers; prohibitions; penalties; violation; classification; definitions

§ 46-297.01 - Electronic benefit transfer cards; replacements; out-of-state spending; fraud investigation

§ 46-297.02 - Electronic benefit transfer card; spending report

§ 46-298 - Diversion from long-term assistance; report; definition

§ 46-299 - Jobs program; definition

§ 46-300 - Sanctions

§ 46-300.01 - JOBS program; privatization; definitions

§ 46-300.02 - Orders to seek employment; persons owing child support

§ 46-300.03 - Individual development accounts; definition

§ 46-300.04 - Perinatal substance abuse treatment and services

§ 46-300.05 - Substance abuse treatment

§ 46-300.06 - Food bank assistance for welfare to work and low income families program

§ 46-300.07 - Employment service contractors; success rate; semiannual report

§ 46-301 - Definitions

§ 46-302 - Selection of practitioner

§ 46-303 - Violation; injunction

§ 46-311 - Conformity with federal legislation

§ 46-321 - Fingerprinting; affidavit

§ 46-331 - Arizona special supplemental food program fund for women, infants and children; purpose; reimbursement

§ 46-341 - Definitions

§ 46-342 - Family caregiver grant program; requirements

§ 46-343 - Family caregiver grant program fund; report

§ 46-401 - Purpose

§ 46-402 - Definitions

§ 46-403 - Authorization of department to act

§ 46-404 - Notice; service; order

§ 46-406 - Funding for administration of public assistance services of child support enforcement program; expenditure limitation

§ 46-407 - Assignment of rights to support; definition

§ 46-408 - Assignment of support rights; priority; definitions

§ 46-441 - Support payment clearinghouse; records transfer; payment; definition

§ 46-442 - Child support case registry; data sharing; unauthorized disclosure; civil penalty

§ 46-443 - Child support case registry; location information; presumptions concerning notice

§ 46-444 - Transfer of support rights; disbursement of support payments

§ 46-445 - Electronic transfer of support payments; warrants; definition

§ 46-451 - Definitions; program goals

§ 46-452 - Protective services worker; powers and duties; immunity; communications

§ 46-452.01 - Office of state long-term care ombudsman

§ 46-452.02 - State long-term care ombudsman; duties; immunity from liability

§ 46-453 - Immunity of participants; nonprivileged communication

§ 46-454 - Duty to report abuse, neglect and exploitation of vulnerable adults; duty to make medical records available; violation; classification

§ 46-455 - Allowing life or health of a vulnerable adult to be endangered by neglect; violation; classification; civil remedy; definition

§ 46-456 - Duty to a vulnerable adult; financial exploitation; civil penalties; exceptions; definitions

§ 46-457 - Elder abuse central registry; mandatory reporting; release of information

§ 46-458 - Hearing process; definitions

§ 46-459 - Adult protective services registry

§ 46-460 - Adult protective services information; confidentiality; allowed disclosures; violation; classification

§ 46-461 - Multidisciplinary adult protection team; duties; confidentiality; definition

§ 46-471 - Definitions

§ 46-472 - Disclosures; immunity; third-party disclosures

§ 46-473 - Delaying disbursements or transactions; immunity

§ 46-474 - Records; disclosure; exemption

§ 46-601 - Identification card; contents; definition

§ 46-601.01 - Presentment of identification card

§ 46-602 - Department may contract for services

§ 46-603 - Fraudulent use of identification card; violation; classification

§ 46-701 - Telecommunications service assistance program; administration; rules

§ 46-702 - Assistance eligibility; list

§ 46-703 - Assistance rate credit; form; applicable services; amount; application

§ 46-704 - Budget request

§ 46-731 - Utility assistance; qualified fuel fund entity; report; definitions

§ 46-741 - Neighbors helping neighbors fund; definition

§ 46-801 - Definitions

§ 46-802 - Child care services

§ 46-803 - Eligibility for child care assistance

§ 46-804 - Appeals

§ 46-805 - Child care assistance; rates; definitions

§ 46-806 - Choice of child care providers

§ 46-807 - Certification of family child care home and in-home providers; hearing

§ 46-808 - Confidentiality

§ 46-809 - Rules

§ 46-810 - Department of economic security; child care; report

§ 46-811 - Child care providers; background check requirements

§ 46-901 - Definitions

§ 46-902 - Qualified ABLE program; duties

§ 46-903 - Use of contractor as account depository; program manager

§ 46-904 - Incapacitated or minor eligible individual

§ 46-905 - Program requirements

§ 46-906 - Limitations of article

§ 46-907 - Achieving a better life experience act oversight committee