Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 45 - Waters
§ 45-273 - Claim of water right; penalty; fee

45-273. Claim of water right; penalty; fee
A. A claim of water right for a stockpond and application for certification of such right shall be typewritten or legibly written in ink and filed in duplicate with the director upon a printed form furnished by the director. Each blank in the form shall be completed with the required information pursuant to instructions furnished by the director.
B. A claim which does not contain the required information or which is not accompanied by the required filing fee shall not be accepted, but shall be returned to the sender.
C. A separate claim shall be filed for each stockpond.
D. All claims shall be certified as true under penalty of perjury.
E. Each claim shall be accompanied by a filing fee of ten dollars.
F. The director shall deposit, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, all fees received pursuant to this section in the water resources fund established by section 45-117.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 45 - Waters

§ 45-101 - Definitions

§ 45-102 - Department of water resources; director; appointment; qualifications; compensation

§ 45-103 - Scope of authority and responsibility of department and director

§ 45-104 - Department organization; deputy directors; employees; legal counsel; branch offices; consultants

§ 45-105 - Powers and duties of director

§ 45-106 - Limitation of powers

§ 45-107 - Cooperation with the secretary of the interior of the United States

§ 45-107.01 - Waiver of rights to return flow credits

§ 45-108 - Evaluation of subdivision water supply; definition

§ 45-108.01 - Application for water report or designation of adequate water supply; notice; objections; hearing; appeals

§ 45-108.02 - Exemption from adequate water supply requirements for city, town or county based on substantial capital investment; application; criteria; expiration

§ 45-108.03 - Exemption from adequate water supply requirements for city, town or county based on an adequate water supply within twenty years; criteria; application

§ 45-108.04 - Definition of adequate water supply; upper San Pedro water district

§ 45-108.05 - Water supply definitions

§ 45-108.06 - Water provider water supply information; definitions

§ 45-109 - Division of state into water districts; district water superintendent

§ 45-110 - Duties of superintendent; injunctive relief of injured water user

§ 45-111 - Annual report by director

§ 45-112 - Violations; classification; enforcement

§ 45-113 - Fees; refunds

§ 45-114 - Administrative proceedings; rehearing or review; judicial review

§ 45-115 - Production and copying fund; use; account; nonreversion

§ 45-116 - Publication and mailing fund; use; account; nonreversion

§ 45-117 - Water resources fund; purpose; monies held in trust

§ 45-118 - Arizona system conservation fund; purpose; report

§ 45-131 - Definitions

§ 45-132 - Filling large bodies of water for landscape, scenic or recreational purposes prohibited; exceptions; preemption

§ 45-133 - Permit for interim water use; application; fee; surcharge on use of groundwater

§ 45-134 - Temporary emergency permit for use of surface water or groundwater in body of water

§ 45-135 - Inspections; investigations

§ 45-136 - Cease and desist order; temporary cease and desist order; hearings; injunctive relief

§ 45-137 - Civil penalties

§ 45-138 - Burden of proof

§ 45-139 - Violation; classification

§ 45-139.01 - Notice of source of water used to fill or refill body of water

§ 45-139.02 - Effect on legal status of effluent

§ 45-141 - Public nature of waters of the state; beneficial use; reversion to state; actions not constituting abandonment or forfeiture

§ 45-151 - Right of appropriation; permitted uses; water rights in stockponds

§ 45-152 - Application for permit to appropriate water

§ 45-152.01 - Instream flow applications; process; definition

§ 45-153 - Criteria for approval or rejection of applications; restrictions on approval

§ 45-154 - Correction of defective application

§ 45-155 - Requiring additional information on application

§ 45-156 - Legislative authorization for appropriation of water to generate power

§ 45-157 - Relative value of uses

§ 45-158 - Effect of approval or rejection of application

§ 45-159 - Conditions of acceptance of permit

§ 45-160 - Limitation on time of completion of construction; exception

§ 45-161 - Applications for reservoir permits; secondary permits for water

§ 45-162 - Certificate of water right; time limitation on use of water for power purposes

§ 45-163 - Assignments

§ 45-164 - Registry; reporting

§ 45-165 - Application for interstate operations

§ 45-166 - Approval for appropriation of waters for generating electric energy

§ 45-171 - Effect of chapter on vested water rights

§ 45-172 - Transfer of water rights; application; limitations; required consent

§ 45-172.01 - Flood damaged acres; substitution of acres; definitions

§ 45-172.02 - Impediments to efficient irrigation; substitution of acres; definitions

§ 45-173 - Use of natural waterway to carry water of another or for other water projects; dispute over division of waters

§ 45-174 - Using bed of stream as carrier of reservoir waters

§ 45-175 - Chronological preference to water in times of scarcity

§ 45-181 - Definitions

§ 45-182 - Claim of right to withdraw, divert or use public waters; exception; administration by director of water resources

§ 45-183 - Contents of statement of claim; filing procedure; fee

§ 45-184 - Waiver and relinquishment of water right

§ 45-185 - Filing of claim not deemed adjudication of right; presumption; exemption

§ 45-186 - Water rights claims registry

§ 45-187 - No rights acquired by adverse use or adverse possession

§ 45-188 - Future rights acquired through appropriation; rights within service area of agricultural or municipal provider

§ 45-189 - Reversion of rights due to nonuse; notice; hearing; order; exception

§ 45-189.01 - Water conservation plan notice; filing; exemption; duration

§ 45-190 - Overstating claim; classification

§ 45-201 - Construction of canals; eminent domain

§ 45-202 - Opening fence without consent of owner; damages

§ 45-203 - Head gates; measuring devices required on canals and reservoirs

§ 45-204 - Prohibition on canal owner to contract to carry water in excess of capacity of canal

§ 45-205 - Failure of owner to clean canals and make repairs; lien for work done; release of lien; liability

§ 45-206 - Widening and extending lateral ditches; definition

§ 45-251 - Definitions

§ 45-252 - General adjudication; representation; superior court; assignment to judge; personnel funding; petition

§ 45-253 - Service of summons; statement of claimant form; record

§ 45-254 - Statement of claimant; filing; information to be included; verification; failure to file; fees

§ 45-255 - Appointment of master; compensation

§ 45-256 - Technical assistance of director; report

§ 45-257 - Hearings; report of master; final judgment by court; administration and enforcement of decree

§ 45-259 - Rules governing general adjudications

§ 45-260 - General adjudication fund

§ 45-261 - Presumption in favor of prior filings and decrees

§ 45-263 - State law applicable

§ 45-264 - Joint legislative adjudication monitoring committee

§ 45-271 - Definition of stockpond

§ 45-272 - Water rights in stockponds; priority

§ 45-273 - Claim of water right; penalty; fee

§ 45-274 - Notice of claims; protest; grounds; contents

§ 45-275 - Investigation, hearing and certification of claims

§ 45-276 - Statement of continuing use; revocation of certification

§ 45-291 - Definition of person

§ 45-292 - Approval required to transport water out of state; application; fee; criteria; hearing

§ 45-293 - Compliance monitoring, reports and notices; jurisdiction

§ 45-294 - Limited nonapplicability

§ 45-311 - Definitions

§ 45-312 - Prohibited plumbing fixtures; residential construction

§ 45-313 - Prohibited plumbing fixtures; commercial, industrial and public construction

§ 45-313.01 - Water free urinals; state buildings

§ 45-314 - Labeling fixtures; violation

§ 45-315 - Waiver of requirements; unavailability; health or safety requirements

§ 45-316 - Violation; civil penalties

§ 45-317 - Inspections

§ 45-318 - Cease and desist order; hearing; injunctive relief

§ 45-319 - Exception; preemption

§ 45-320 - Rules

§ 45-331 - Definitions

§ 45-332 - Cooperation in lower Colorado river multispecies conservation program

§ 45-333 - Colorado river water use fee; purpose

§ 45-334 - Setting Colorado River water use fee

§ 45-335 - Payment of fee; penalty for delinquency

§ 45-341 - Definitions

§ 45-342 - System water plan; components; exceptions

§ 45-343 - Records and annual report of water use; penalty

§ 45-351 - Watershed improvement program; purpose; projects; funding

§ 45-352 - Program administration; rules; project criteria; report

§ 45-401 - Declaration of policy

§ 45-402 - Definitions

§ 45-403 - Designation of groundwater basins and sub-basins; hearing

§ 45-404 - Findings on hearing; maps; order for boundaries of groundwater basin; review and modification of boundaries

§ 45-405 - Judicial review of decisions of the director; assignment of actions for judicial review

§ 45-406 - Designation of judges; publication of designated judges

§ 45-407 - Stay of director's decision; precedence of actions for judicial review; review by the court of appeals

§ 45-411 - Initial active management areas; maps

§ 45-411.01 - Exemptions from irrigation water duties, conservation requirements for distribution of groundwater and portions of groundwater withdrawal fee for portions of Phoenix active management area; fee; review

§ 45-411.02 - Modification of boundaries of Tucson active management area; map

§ 45-411.03 - Santa Cruz active management area; map

§ 45-411.04 - Declaration of policy and intent; Santa Cruz active management area

§ 45-412 - Subsequent active management areas; criteria; review of groundwater basins not subject to active management

§ 45-413 - Hearing on designation of subsequent active management areas and boundaries; notice; procedures

§ 45-414 - Findings upon hearing; order for active management area; publication

§ 45-415 - Local initiation for active management area; procedures

§ 45-416 - Limitation on number of irrigated acres

§ 45-417 - Review and modification of boundaries of subsequent active management area

§ 45-418 - Area director; appointment; qualifications; compensation

§ 45-419 - Duties of area director

§ 45-420 - Groundwater users advisory councils; appointment; representation of water users; term; compensation

§ 45-421 - Administrative duties of the groundwater users advisory councils

§ 45-431 - Initial irrigation non-expansion areas

§ 45-432 - Subsequent irrigation non-expansion areas; designation; review

§ 45-433 - Local initiation for designation; procedures

§ 45-434 - Limitation on number of irrigated acres

§ 45-435 - Hearing on designation of subsequent irrigation non-expansion areas and boundaries; notice; procedures

§ 45-436 - Findings upon hearing; order for irrigation non-expansion area; publication

§ 45-437 - Irrigated acreage; water measuring device; annual report of groundwater pumping; penalty; transportation; exemption

§ 45-437.01 - Substitution of irrigated acreage in an irrigation district; central Arizona project water

§ 45-437.02 - Flood damaged acres; substitution of acres; definitions

§ 45-437.03 - Impediments to efficient irrigation; substitution of acres; definitions

§ 45-438 - Review and modification of boundaries of irrigation non-expansion areas

§ 45-439 - Conversion from irrigation non-expansion area to active management area; director; local initiation; procedures

§ 45-440 - Subsequent irrigation non-expansion area; limitation on use of groundwater

§ 45-451 - Groundwater rights and uses in active management areas

§ 45-452 - No new irrigated acreage in active management areas; central Arizona project water; exemption

§ 45-453 - Groundwater rights and uses in areas outside active management areas; amounts; transportation; irrigation non-expansion areas

§ 45-454 - Exemption of small non-irrigation wells; definitions

§ 45-454.01 - Exemption of superfund remedial action activities; use requirements; definition

§ 45-455 - Application to state lands

§ 45-461 - Definitions

§ 45-462 - Grandfathered groundwater rights; persons included; certificate of exemption amount is legal use

§ 45-463 - Type 1 non-irrigation grandfathered right associated with retired irrigated land; appurtenancy; ownership

§ 45-464 - Type 2 non-irrigation grandfathered right not associated with retired irrigated land; determination of amount; definition; ownership

§ 45-465 - Irrigation grandfathered right; determination of acres entitled to and amount; appurtenancy

§ 45-465.01 - Flood damaged acres; substitution of acres; definition

§ 45-465.02 - Impediments to efficient irrigation; substitution of acres; definitions

§ 45-465.03 - Right to use groundwater for domestic and stockwatering purposes incidental to irrigation grandfathered right; definitions

§ 45-465.04 - Use of groundwater to water plants in containers as non-irrigation use; right to use groundwater withdrawn pursuant to irrigation grandfathered right to water plants in containers; definition

§ 45-466 - Limitations on use of irrigation water duty; deliveries of water in excess of irrigation water duty

§ 45-467 - Withdrawals in excess of irrigation grandfathered right; withdrawals less than irrigation grandfathered right; flexibility account; conveyances; variance; exemption

§ 45-468 - Accounting of water by persons delivering a combination of surface water and groundwater for irrigation uses

§ 45-469 - Right to retire irrigation grandfathered right for non-irrigation use; development plan approval; amendment of plan; approval of plan prior to retirement; amount withdrawn; service area determined; restoration of retired irrigation grandfa...

§ 45-470 - Use of type 1 non-irrigation grandfathered right by original owner; definition

§ 45-471 - Use of type 2 non-irrigation grandfathered right by owner

§ 45-472 - Conveyance of irrigation grandfathered right; within service area; outside service area; change to non-irrigation grandfathered right; forfeiture of right to convey to non-irrigation use; definition

§ 45-473 - Conveyance of type 1 non-irrigation grandfathered right; use by new owner; appurtenancy; within service area; outside service area; definition

§ 45-473.01 - Conditions on using groundwater withdrawn pursuant to rights acquired under sections 45-472 and 45-473

§ 45-474 - Conveyance of type 2 non-irrigation grandfathered right; amount

§ 45-475 - Determination of exterior boundaries of service area for purposes of conveyances

§ 45-476 - Application for certificate of grandfathered right

§ 45-476.01 - Late applications for certificates of grandfathered rights; definition

§ 45-477 - Right to withdraw, receive or use groundwater in an initial active management area

§ 45-477.01 - Waiver and relinquishment of grandfathered rights in a subsequent active management area

§ 45-478 - Notice of requirement to apply for certificate of grandfathered right

§ 45-479 - Registry of applications; written objections; request for hearing

§ 45-480 - Review of applications; investigations; hearings; final determination; judicial review

§ 45-481 - Issuance of certificates; contents; recordation

§ 45-482 - Registry of certificates of grandfathered right; reporting; definition

§ 45-483 - Designation of protected farmland; notice; revocation of designation; irrigation water duty; assured water supply credit for extinguishment of irrigation grandfathered right prohibited

§ 45-491 - Scope of article

§ 45-492 - Withdrawals by cities, towns and private water companies within service areas; contract to supply groundwater

§ 45-493 - Limitations on extensions of service areas; prohibition on formation of private water company for irrigation purpose; prohibition on service without payment of tax

§ 45-494 - Withdrawals by irrigation districts in initial active management areas

§ 45-494.01 - Addition and exclusion of area by irrigation districts in initial active management areas

§ 45-495 - Withdrawals and transportations by irrigation districts within subsequent active management areas

§ 45-496 - Applicability of general transportation provisions and conservation requirements

§ 45-497 - Withdrawal of groundwater by irrigation districts for municipal or industrial purposes

§ 45-498 - Maps of service areas

§ 45-511 - Definitions

§ 45-512 - Categories of groundwater withdrawal permits

§ 45-513 - Dewatering permit; definition; priorities for use of groundwater; conditions on director; duration of permit

§ 45-514 - Mineral extraction and metallurgical processing permit; conditions for issuance; duration of permit

§ 45-515 - General industrial use permits; conditions for issuance; duration of permit

§ 45-516 - Poor quality groundwater withdrawal permit; conditions for issuance; duration of permit

§ 45-517 - Temporary permit for electrical energy generation; conditions for issuance

§ 45-518 - Temporary dewatering permit; extensions; emergency temporary dewatering permit; conditions for issuance

§ 45-519 - Drainage water withdrawal permit; conditions for issuance

§ 45-519.01 - Hydrologic testing permits; conditions for issuance

§ 45-520 - Point of withdrawal; location of use; conveyance

§ 45-521 - Permit application form; filing; contents

§ 45-522 - Correction of application

§ 45-523 - Notice; objections; hearing

§ 45-524 - Approval or rejection of permit application

§ 45-525 - Registry of permits; reporting

§ 45-526 - Appeals

§ 45-527 - Modification of permit

§ 45-528 - Revocation of permits

§ 45-541 - Transportation within a sub-basin

§ 45-542 - Transportation between sub-basins or away from an active management area; irrigation grandfathered right; type 1 non-irrigation grandfathered right

§ 45-543 - Transportation between sub-basins or away from an active management area; damages; non-irrigation grandfathered right not associated with retired irrigated land; service area withdrawals; permit; exempt well

§ 45-544 - Transportation in areas not subject to active management; damages; upper San Pedro water district; Little Colorado river plateau, Parker and Coconino plateau groundwater basins; definitions

§ 45-545 - Damage rules applicable to all transportations of groundwater

§ 45-546 - Weed and dust control

§ 45-547 - Transportation of groundwater withdrawn in the Yuma basin; permit

§ 45-551 - Application of article; limitation on transportation to active management areas; definition

§ 45-552 - Transportation of groundwater withdrawn in McMullen valley basin to an active management area; definitions

§ 45-553 - Transportation of groundwater withdrawn in Butler Valley groundwater basin to an initial active management area

§ 45-554 - Transportation of groundwater withdrawn in Harquahala irrigation non-expansion area to an initial active management area

§ 45-555 - Transportation of groundwater withdrawn in Big Chino sub-basin of the Verde River groundwater basin to initial active management area; exception

§ 45-556 - Transportation fee; annual adjustment; credits; enforcement

§ 45-557 - Requirements for transporting groundwater to an initial active management area; exception

§ 45-558 - Weeds and dust

§ 45-559 - Well spacing requirements for withdrawing groundwater for transportation to an active management area

§ 45-561 - Definitions

§ 45-562 - Management goals for active management areas

§ 45-563 - Management plans in active management areas; management periods; general provisions

§ 45-563.01 - Water conservation report; per capita use; non-per capita conservation programs

§ 45-563.02 - Exemption from irrigation water duties; small irrigation grandfathered rights; criteria; conservation requirement; exception

§ 45-564 - Management plan for first management period; guidelines

§ 45-565 - Management plan for second management period; guidelines

§ 45-565.01 - Non-per capita conservation program for municipal providers; second management period

§ 45-566 - Management plan for third management period; guidelines

§ 45-566.01 - Non-per capita conservation program for municipal providers; third management period

§ 45-566.02 - Alternative conservation programs for agriculture; third management period

§ 45-567 - Management plan for fourth management period; guidelines

§ 45-567.01 - Non-per capita conservation program for municipal providers; fourth management period

§ 45-567.02 - Alternative conservation programs for agriculture; fourth management period

§ 45-568 - Management plan for fifth management period; guidelines

§ 45-568.01 - Non-per capita conservation program for municipal providers; fifth management period

§ 45-568.02 - Alternative conservation programs for agriculture; fifth management period

§ 45-569 - Management goals and management plans for subsequent active management areas

§ 45-570 - Hearing on management plans; notice; procedures

§ 45-571 - Findings upon hearing; order for adoption of management plan; publication

§ 45-571.01 - Notification to persons filing late applications for certificates of grandfathered rights and to persons with new groundwater rights or uses; compliance; variance; review

§ 45-571.02 - Municipal conservation requirements; compliance

§ 45-572 - Modification of conservation program; notice

§ 45-573 - Water quality considerations; consultation with department of environmental quality

§ 45-574 - Variances; application; notice; hearing; issuance

§ 45-575 - Administrative review of irrigation water duty and conservation requirements

§ 45-576 - Certificate of assured water supply; designated cities, towns and private water companies; exemptions; definition

§ 45-576.01 - Determining consistency with management goal in a replenishment district, conservation district and water district

§ 45-576.02 - Replenishment district plans, conservation district plans and water district plans

§ 45-576.03 - Director's review of plans

§ 45-576.04 - Report and review of plans by groundwater replenishment district

§ 45-576.05 - Alternative method for determining consistency with the management goal in a groundwater replenishment district; terminating designation

§ 45-576.06 - Termination of designation for members of conservation district or members of water district; moratorium on adding new member lands and member service areas

§ 45-576.07 - Determining water sufficiency and availability; water availability status capability plans

§ 45-576.08 - Pinal active management area; assured water supply; physical availability; definitions

§ 45-576.09 - Active management areas; director's authority to change assured water supply rules

§ 45-577 - Application; hydrological study; review of application

§ 45-578 - Notice; objections; hearing; issuance of certificate; appeals

§ 45-579 - Assignment of certificate of assured water supply; definition

§ 45-579.01 - Certificate of assured water supply; material change; plat

§ 45-580 - Assured and adequate water supply administration fund; purpose

§ 45-591 - Definitions

§ 45-591.01 - Oil, gas, helium and geothermal wells; exemption

§ 45-592 - Wells in general

§ 45-593 - Registration of existing wells; permanent record of all wells; reporting open wells

§ 45-594 - Well construction standards; remedial measures

§ 45-595 - Well construction requirements; licensing of well drillers

§ 45-596 - Notice of intention to drill; fee

§ 45-596.01 - Additional information required with notice of intention to drill well to pump Colorado river water; exception

§ 45-597 - Deepening and replacement of wells in active management areas; filing of notice

§ 45-598 - New wells and replacement wells in new locations in active management areas; rules; permit required

§ 45-599 - Permit application; contents; correction of defective application; issuance of permit; fee

§ 45-600 - Filing of report by driller; filing of completion report

§ 45-601 - Operating rules for multiple wells

§ 45-602 - Capping of wells; waste

§ 45-603 - Criteria for rules and regulations

§ 45-604 - Water measuring devices

§ 45-605 - Well inspections; cross-contamination; remedial measures; definition

§ 45-606 - Well administration and enforcement fund; purpose

§ 45-611 - Groundwater withdrawal fee; amounts and purposes of fee; exception

§ 45-612 - Administration and enforcement withdrawal fee; exemption from lapsing; disposition of excess monies

§ 45-613 - Use of withdrawal fees collected for augmentation and conservation and purchase and retirement of grandfathered rights, Arizona water banking purposes and groundwater and irrigation efficiency projects

§ 45-614 - Setting groundwater withdrawal fee; statement entered in record; statement transmitted to state treasurer; notice; payment; penalty

§ 45-615 - Deposits; divisions of collections into funds

§ 45-615.01 - Temporary groundwater and irrigation efficiency projects fund; purpose; report; definition

§ 45-616 - Water quality assurance fee; disposition of revenue

§ 45-617 - Augmentation and conservation assistance fund grants

§ 45-618 - Arizona water quality fund

§ 45-631 - Definition

§ 45-632 - Records and annual report of groundwater pumping, transportation and use; penalty

§ 45-633 - Inspections, investigations and audits

§ 45-634 - Cease and desist order; temporary cease and desist order; hearing; injunctive relief

§ 45-635 - Violation; civil penalties

§ 45-636 - Violation; classification

§ 45-701 - Definitions

§ 45-702 - Certificate of groundwater oversupply

§ 45-703 - Application for certificate of groundwater oversupply; fee

§ 45-704 - Notice of application; objections; hearing; approval or rejection

§ 45-801.01 - Declaration of policy

§ 45-802.01 - Definitions

§ 45-802.01; Version 2 - Definitions

§ 45-803.01 - Effect on vested water rights; effect in other proceedings

§ 45-811.01 - Underground storage facility permit

§ 45-812.01 - Groundwater savings facility permit

§ 45-813.01 - Land use ordinances

§ 45-814.01 - Contents of storage facility permit

§ 45-815.01 - Facilities not qualifying as storage facilities

§ 45-831.01 - Water storage permits

§ 45-832.01 - Use of stored water

§ 45-833.01 - Designation of nonrecoverable water

§ 45-834.01 - Recovery of stored water; recovery well permit; emergency temporary recovery well permit; well construction

§ 45-835.01 - Simultaneous applications

§ 45-836.01 - Effect of storage facilities, water storage and recovery on service areas

§ 45-841.01 - Accrual of long-term storage credits; Indian water rights settlements

§ 45-851.01 - Recovery of stored water on an annual basis

§ 45-852.01 - Long-term storage accounts

§ 45-853.01 - Restricted uses of long-term storage credits

§ 45-854.01 - Assignability of long-term storage credits

§ 45-855.01 - Effect of long-term storage credits on assured water supply and adequate water supply

§ 45-856.01 - Protection of the stored water

§ 45-857.01 - Groundwater replenishment district incidental replenishment factor; definitions

§ 45-858.01 - Master replenishment account; debits and credits

§ 45-859.01 - Conservation district account; replenishment reserve subaccount; debits and credits

§ 45-860.01 - Water district account; debits and credits

§ 45-871.01 - Permit application; fee; notice of application; objections; hearing; appeal

§ 45-872.01 - Water measuring devices

§ 45-873.01 - In lieu water reporting requirements; withdrawal fees

§ 45-874.01 - Long-term storage credit recovery fee; amount; notice; payment; penalty

§ 45-875.01 - Annual reports; penalty

§ 45-876.01 - Annual report; groundwater replenishment district and replenishment district members; penalties

§ 45-877.01 - Annual reports by conservation districts; penalties

§ 45-878.01 - Annual reports by water districts; penalties

§ 45-879.01 - Annual reports certification; records

§ 45-880.01 - Inspections, investigations and audits

§ 45-881.01 - Cease and desist order; temporary cease and desist order; hearing; injunctive relief

§ 45-882.01 - Violation; civil penalties

§ 45-891.01 - Purposes

§ 45-892.01 - Definitions

§ 45-893.01 - Application for project permits; application requirement; permit specifications

§ 45-894.01 - Use for replenishment purposes

§ 45-895.01 - Storage of water; availability and disposition of stored water

§ 45-896.01 - Assumption of responsibility for stored water

§ 45-897.01 - State water storage fund; disbursement of monies

§ 45-898.01 - Indemnification and insurance

§ 45-1001 - Definitions

§ 45-1002 - Water exchanges; conditions

§ 45-1003 - Use of water pursuant to a water exchange

§ 45-1004 - Annual report of water exchange; record keeping; penalties

§ 45-1005 - Registry of water exchanges

§ 45-1006 - Effect on water rights

§ 45-1021 - Enrollment of water exchange contracts; fee

§ 45-1022 - Effect of enrollment of a water exchange contract

§ 45-1041 - Water exchange permits; fee

§ 45-1042 - Application for water exchange permit; notice; objections; hearing

§ 45-1043 - Contents of permit

§ 45-1044 - Actions for judicial review

§ 45-1045 - Modification of water exchange permit

§ 45-1046 - Revocation of water exchange permits

§ 45-1051 - Notice of water exchange; contents forms; review by director

§ 45-1052 - Water exchanges pursuant to notice; conditions

§ 45-1061 - Inspections; investigations and audits

§ 45-1062 - Cease and desist order; temporary cease and desist order; hearings; injunctive relief

§ 45-1063 - Civil penalties

§ 45-1201 - Definitions

§ 45-1202 - Jurisdiction of director of water resources; records; rules; notice of exemption

§ 45-1203 - Approval by director of proposed dams or enlargements of existing dams; application for construction or enlargement

§ 45-1204 - Estimated cost of dam; application fees

§ 45-1205 - Charges against irrigation projects; disposition of proceeds

§ 45-1206 - Approval of repair, alteration or removal of dam

§ 45-1207 - Approval or disapproval of applications; commencing construction

§ 45-1208 - Inspections and investigations during construction; modifications; notice

§ 45-1209 - Notice of completion; license of final approval; removal of dam

§ 45-1210 - Petition for review

§ 45-1211 - Time for filing petition; board of review

§ 45-1212 - Supervision over maintenance and operation; remedial measures; lien

§ 45-1212.01 - Dam repair fund

§ 45-1213 - Inspection upon complaint

§ 45-1214 - Investigations for review of design and construction

§ 45-1215 - Liabilities of state and owners of dam in action for damages

§ 45-1216 - Violations; classification

§ 45-1217 - Action and procedures to restrain violations

§ 45-1218 - Dam repair loans

§ 45-1219 - Dam repair grants

§ 45-1220 - Deposit of monies; dam repair fund

§ 45-1221 - Cease and desist order; temporary cease and desist order; hearing; injunctive relief

§ 45-1222 - Violation; civil penalties

§ 45-1223 - Stay of director's decision; precedence of actions for judicial review

§ 45-1301 - Ratification of Lake Mead contract

§ 45-1311 - Ratification

§ 45-1321 - Ratification

§ 45-1331 - Allocation of federal payments made in lieu of taxes

§ 45-1401 - Authority to cooperate with federal government in flood control projects under flood control act of Congress of 1948

§ 45-1402 - Specific powers

§ 45-1403 - Power to cooperate in flood control projects under general acts of Congress

§ 45-1421 - Power of town of Holbrook to cooperate with federal government in flood control project

§ 45-1422 - Power of Mohave and Yuma counties to cooperate with federal government in flood control project

§ 45-1423 - Power of Maricopa and Yuma counties to cooperate with federal government in flood control projects

§ 45-1424 - Power of Maricopa and Pinal counties to cooperate with federal government in flood control projects

§ 45-1425 - Power of Pinal county to cooperate with and receive assistance from the United States in flood control projects

§ 45-1426 - Limitations on powers

§ 45-1427 - Power of Cochise, Graham and Gila counties and the towns of Safford and Thatcher and the city of Douglas to cooperate with the United States in flood control projects

§ 45-1428 - Limitations on powers

§ 45-1429 - Power of Santa Cruz county to cooperate with and receive assistance from the United States in flood control projects

§ 45-1441 - Definitions

§ 45-1442 - Investigation and certification by director of water resources

§ 45-1443 - Limitation on expenditure of funds

§ 45-1444 - Floodplain regulations; effect of failure to adopt

§ 45-1445 - Flood control assistance fund; limit of financial assistance

§ 45-1446 - Time for determining costs; change of determination

§ 45-1447 - State and United States held harmless; nonliability

§ 45-1448 - Disbursement to public agencies

§ 45-1449 - Report to legislature

§ 45-1450 - Consideration of water uses in studying flood control projects

§ 45-1451 - Powers and duties of director

§ 45-1471 - Alternative flood control assistance to flood control districts

§ 45-1473 - Prohibition on assistance for failure to adopt floodplain regulations

§ 45-1491 - Flood control loans

§ 45-1501 - Definitions

§ 45-1502 - Powers

§ 45-1503 - Flood warning system fund

§ 45-1504 - Flood warning system grants

§ 45-1505 - Operation and maintenance of flood warning system

§ 45-1506 - Immunity of state from liability for losses

§ 45-1601 - License required

§ 45-1602 - Application for license

§ 45-1603 - Application fee; statement accompanying application

§ 45-1604 - Reports required from licensees; failure to file; revocation of license

§ 45-1605 - Equipment license; fee; application; reports required; revocation of license

§ 45-1606 - Exception

§ 45-1607 - Violations; classification

§ 45-1701 - Declaration of purpose and policy

§ 45-1702 - Definitions

§ 45-1703 - State water and power plan

§ 45-1704 - Construction, acquisition and operation

§ 45-1705 - Construction of works across public or private property

§ 45-1706 - Right of eminent domain

§ 45-1707 - Issuance of bonds and notes

§ 45-1708 - Contracts

§ 45-1709 - General powers

§ 45-1710 - Powers of municipalities, districts and other public bodies and officers

§ 45-1711 - State water and power development fund

§ 45-1712 - Agreement of state

§ 45-1713 - Exemption from taxation

§ 45-1714 - Remedies of bondholders and noteholders

§ 45-1715 - Certification of bonds by attorney general

§ 45-1716 - State not liable on bonds and notes

§ 45-1717 - Bonds and notes legal investments

§ 45-1718 - Water rights

§ 45-1719 - Reversion of projects to state

§ 45-1720 - No jurisdiction of Arizona corporation commission

§ 45-1721 - Joint ownership of power projects

§ 45-1722 - Exclusive law

§ 45-1901 - Definitions

§ 45-1902 - Formation

§ 45-1903 - Contest of formation; appeal

§ 45-1904 - Corporate existence

§ 45-1905 - Dissolution of authority

§ 45-1921 - Board of directors; qualification and organization; compensation

§ 45-1922 - Meetings; notice

§ 45-1923 - Administrative powers and duties; executive director; annual report

§ 45-2221 - Board of directors; organization; compensation

§ 45-2222 - Meetings; notice

§ 45-2223 - Administrative powers and duties; executive director

§ 45-1941 - Cooperation with governmental entities

§ 45-1942 - Limitation on powers

§ 45-1943 - Functional powers of board

§ 45-1944 - Planning

§ 45-1945 - Acquisition of water

§ 45-1946 - Acquisition of property; limited eminent domain authority; survey and inspection rights

§ 45-1947 - Construction work and purchases by bid only; exceptions; award of contract; bond

§ 45-2241 - Cooperation with governmental entities

§ 45-2242 - Functional powers of the board

§ 45-2243 - Limitation on powers

§ 45-2244 - Acquisition and disposition of initial quantity of water

§ 45-2245 - Acquisition and disposition of water in excess of initial quantity

§ 45-1971 - Administrative and operation budgets

§ 45-1972 - Groundwater augmentation and conservation assistance fee; transfer to authority

§ 45-1973 - Water supply fees

§ 45-1974 - Accounting classifications; bond funds; general fund

§ 45-1975 - Receipt of monies; disbursements; operation of accounting system

§ 45-1976 - Payment of interest coupons; investment of bond fund monies

§ 45-1977 - Annual financial statement and audit

§ 45-1991 - Authority to issue bonds

§ 45-1992 - Prerequisites to issuance

§ 45-1993 - Scope of resolution

§ 45-1994 - Hearing; findings

§ 45-1995 - Issuance of bonds

§ 45-1996 - Provisions of bonds; sale

§ 45-1997 - Certification of bonds by attorney general

§ 45-1998 - Validity of bonds

§ 45-1999 - Water augmentation authority bonds as legal investments

§ 45-2101 - Declaration of policy

§ 45-2102 - Definitions

§ 45-2103 - Arizona water protection fund commission

§ 45-2104 - Powers and duties; limitations

§ 45-2105 - Application guidelines

§ 45-2106 - Public involvement

§ 45-2107 - Reporting

§ 45-2111 - Arizona water protection fund

§ 45-2112 - Funding sources

§ 45-2113 - Fund grants; applications

§ 45-2114 - Administration

§ 45-2201 - Definitions

§ 45-2202 - Formation

§ 45-2203 - Contest of formation; appeal

§ 45-2204 - Corporate existence; exemption from regulation

§ 45-2205 - Dissolution of authority

§ 45-2261 - Construction work and purchases by bid only; exceptions; award of contract

§ 45-2281 - Establishment of funds; allocation of authority revenues; member dues

§ 45-2282 - Operating budget

§ 45-2283 - Investment of revenues

§ 45-2401 - Declaration of policy and purpose

§ 45-2402 - Definitions

§ 45-2421 - Arizona water banking authority

§ 45-2422 - Organization of commission; powers and duties; exemption

§ 45-2423 - Powers and duties of authority

§ 45-2424 - Administration

§ 45-2425 - Arizona water banking fund

§ 45-2426 - Annual report

§ 45-2427 - Limitation on powers

§ 45-2451 - First year banking program

§ 45-2452 - Storage facility inventory

§ 45-2453 - Plan for additional storage facilities

§ 45-2454 - Implementation of storage facilities plan

§ 45-2455 - Water storage agreements; groundwater savings facilities

§ 45-2456 - Annual plan of operation

§ 45-2457 - Accounting; rules of operation

§ 45-2457.01 - Exchange of long-term storage credits; limitations; fees

§ 45-2458 - Water banking services agreements

§ 45-2471 - Interstate water banking agreements

§ 45-2472 - Distribution of long-term storage credits

§ 45-2473 - Arizona water banking authority; interstate water banking; accounting

§ 45-2491 - State commitments to firm Indian settlement water

§ 45-2601 - Definitions

§ 45-2602 - Establishment of southside protection zones; reporting requirements

§ 45-2603 - Establishment of Gila river maintenance area and Gila river maintenance area impact zone; notice of intention to drill

§ 45-2604 - Conservation requirements for persons using groundwater in central protection zone no less restrictive than in third management plan

§ 45-2611 - Transportation of underground water and stored water away from an eastern protection zone or western protection zone prohibited; exceptions

§ 45-2621 - Definitions

§ 45-2622 - Annual southside replenishment obligations

§ 45-2623 - Satisfaction of southside replenishment obligations

§ 45-2624 - Southside replenishment bank; credits

§ 45-2625 - Replenishment related to transportation of underground water or stored water away from an eastern protection zone or a western protection zone for nonirrigation use

§ 45-2626 - Individual replenishment obligations of persons using underground water or stored water within an eastern protection zone or a western protection zone for industrial use; enforcement action; notice

§ 45-2631 - Construction or enlargement of new dams within maintenance area; prohibited; exceptions

§ 45-2641 - Irrigation of new lands in Gila river maintenance area with water withdrawn or diverted from Gila river maintenance area impact zone prohibited; exception

§ 45-2651 - Inspections, investigations and audits

§ 45-2652 - Cease and desist order; hearing; injunctive relief

§ 45-2653 - Violation; civil penalties

§ 45-2654 - Violation; classification

§ 45-2701 - Definitions

§ 45-2702 - Jurisdiction

§ 45-2711 - Applications to drill nonexempt wells in the Tucson active management area; well impact analysis; requirements; exception

§ 45-2712 - Notice of well applications to nation; objection; hearing; appeal