Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 45 - Waters
§ 45-1301 - Ratification of Lake Mead contract

45-1301. Ratification of Lake Mead contract
There is hereby unconditionally ratified, approved and confirmed, that certain contract for the storage and delivery of water from Lake Mead executed on behalf of the United States by the honorable Harold L. Ickes, secretary of the interior, and on behalf of the state of Arizona by its Colorado river commission, bearing date the 9th day of February, 1944, as follows:
Bureau of Reclamation
This contract made this 9th day of February, 1944, pursuant to the Act of Congress approved June 17, 1902 (32 Stat. 388), and acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, all of which acts are commonly known and referred to as the Reclamation Law, and particularly pursuant to the Act of Congress approved December 21, 1928 (45 Stat. 1057), designated the Boulder Canyon project act, and acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, between the United States of America, hereinafter referred to as " United States, " acting for this purpose by Harold L. Ickes, secretary of the interior, hereinafter referred to as the " secretary, " and the state of Arizona, hereinafter referred to as " Arizona, " acting for this purpose by the Colorado river commission of Arizona, pursuant to chapter 46 of the 1939 session laws of Arizona,
2. WHEREAS, for the purpose of controlling floods, improving navigation, regulating the flow of the Colorado River, providing for storage and for the delivery of stored waters for the reclamation of public lands and other beneficial uses exclusively within the United States, the Secretary acting under and in pursuance of the provisions of the Colorado River Compact and Boulder Canyon Project Act, and acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, has constructed and is now operating and maintaining in the main stream of the Colorado River at Black Canyon that certain structure known as and designated Boulder Dam and incidental works, creating thereby a reservoir designated Lake Mead of a capacity of about thirty-two million (32, 000, 000) acre-feet, and
3. WHEREAS, said Boulder Canyon Project Act provides that the Secretary under such general rules and regulations, as he may prescribe, may contract for the storage of water in the reservoir created by Boulder Dam, and for the delivery of such water at such points on the river as may be agreed upon, for irrigation and domestic uses, and provides further that no person shall have or be entitled to have the use for any purpose of the water stored, as aforesaid, except by contract made as stated in said Act, and
4. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the parties to this contract to contract for the storage of water and the delivery thereof for irrigation of lands and domestic uses within Arizona, and
5. WHEREAS, nothing in this contract shall be construed as affecting the obligations of the United States to Indian tribes,
6. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows, to wit: DELIVERY OF WATER
7. (a) Subject to the availability thereof for use in Arizona under the provisions of the Colorado River Compact and the Boulder Canyon Project Act, the United States shall deliver and Arizona, or agencies or water users therein, will accept under this contract each calendar year from storage in Lake Mead, at a point or points of diversion on the Colorado River approved by the Secretary, so much water as may be necessary for the beneficial consumptive use for irrigation and domestic uses in Arizona of a maximum of 2, 800, 000 acre-feet.
(b) The United States also shall deliver from storage in Lake Mead for use in Arizona, at a point or points of diversion on the Colorado River approved by the Secretary, for the uses set forth in subdivision (a) of this Article, one-half of any excess or surplus waters unapportioned by the Colorado River Compact to the extent such water is available for use in Arizona under said compact and said act, less such excess or surplus water unapportioned by said compact as may be used in Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah in accordance with the rights of said states as stated in subdivisions (f) and (g) of this Article.
(c) This contract is subject to the condition that Boulder Dam and Lake Mead shall be used: First, for river regulation, improvement of navigation, and flood control; second, for irrigation and domestic uses and satisfaction of perfected rights in pursuance of Article VIII of the Colorado River Compact; and third, for power. This contract is made upon the express condition and with the express covenant that the United States and Arizona, and agencies and water users therein, shall observe and be subject to and controlled by said Colorado River Compact and the Boulder Canyon Project Act in the construction, management, and operation of Boulder Dam, Lake Mead, canals and other works, and the storage, diversion, delivery and use of water for the generation of power, irrigation and other uses.
(d) The obligation to deliver water at or below Boulder Dam shall be diminished to the extent that consumptive uses now or hereafter existing in Arizona above Lake Mead diminish the flow into Lake Mead, and such obligation shall be subject to such reduction on account of evaporation, reservoir and river losses, as may be required to render this contract in conformity with said compact and said act.
(e) This contract is for permanent service, subject to the conditions stated in subdivision (c) of this Article, but as to the one-half of the waters of the Colorado River system unapportioned by paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of Article III of the Colorado River Compact, such water is subject to further equitable apportionment at any time after October 1, 1963, as provided in Article III (f) and Article III (g) of the Colorado River Compact.
(f) Arizona recognizes the right of the United States and the State of Nevada to contract for the delivery from storage in Lake Mead for annual beneficial consumptive use within Nevada for agricultural and domestic uses of 300, 000 acre-feet of the water apportioned to the Lower Basin by the Colorado River Compact, and in addition thereto to make contract for like use of 1/25 (one twenty-fifth) of any excess or surplus waters available in the Lower Basin and unapportioned by the Colorado River Compact, which waters are subject to further equitable apportionment after October 1, 1963 as provided in Article III (f) and Article III (g) of the Colorado River Compact.
(g) Arizona recognizes the rights of New Mexico and Utah to equitable shares of the water apportioned by the Colorado River Compact to the Lower Basin and also water unapportioned by such compact, and nothing contained in this contract shall prejudice such rights.
(h) Arizona recognizes the right of the United States and agencies of the State of California to contract for storage and delivery of water from Lake Mead for beneficial consumptive use in California, provided that the aggregate of all such deliveries and uses in California from the Colorado River shall not exceed the limitation of such uses in that State required by the provisions of the Boulder Canyon Project Act and agreed to by the State of California by an act of its Legislature (Chapter 16, Statutes of California of 1929) upon which limitation the State of Arizona expressly relies.
(i) Nothing in this contract shall preclude the parties hereto from contracting for storage and delivery above Lake Mead of water herein contracted for, when and if authorized by law.
(j) As far as reasonable diligence will permit, the water provided for in this contract shall be delivered as ordered and as reasonably required for domestic and irrigation uses within Arizona. The United States reserves the right to discontinue or temporarily reduce the amount of water to be delivered, for the purpose of investigation and inspection, maintenance, repairs, replacements or installation of equipment or machinery at Boulder Dam, or other dams heretofore or hereafter to be constructed, but so far as feasible will give reasonable notice in advance of such temporary discontinuance or reduction.
(k) The United States, its officers, agents and employees shall not be liable for damages when for any reason whatsoever suspensions or reductions in the delivery of water occur.
(l) Deliveries of water hereunder shall be made for use within Arizona to such individuals, irrigation districts, corporations or political subdivisions therein of Arizona as may contract therefor with the Secretary, and as may qualify under the Reclamation Law or other federal statutes or to lands of the United States within Arizona. All consumptive uses of water by users in Arizona, of water diverted from Lake Mead or from the main stream of the Colorado River below Boulder Dam, whether made under this contract or not, shall be deemed, when made, a discharge pro tanto of the obligation of this contract. Present perfected rights to the beneficial use of waters of the Colorado River system are unimpaired by this contract.
(m) Rights-of-way across public lands necessary or convenient for canals to facilitate the full utilization in Arizona of the water herein agreed to be delivered will be granted by the Secretary subject to applicable federal statutes.
8. The water to be delivered under this contract shall be measured at the points of diversion, or elsewhere as the Secretary may designate (with suitable adjustment for losses between said points of diversion and measurement), by measuring and controlling devices or automatic gauges approved by the secretary, which devices, however, shall be furnished, installed, and maintained by Arizona, or the users of water therein in a manner satisfactory to the Secretary; said measuring and controlling devices or automatic gauges shall be subject to the inspection of the United States, whose authorized representatives may at all times have access to them, and any deficiencies found shall be promptly corrected by the users thereof. The United States shall be under obligation to deliver water only at diversion points where measuring and controlling devices or automatic gauges are maintained, in accordance with this contract, but in the event diversions are made at points where such devices are not maintained, the secretary shall estimate the quantity of such diversions and his determination thereof shall be final.
9. No charge shall be made for the storage or delivery of water at diversion points as herein provided necessary to supply present perfected rights in Arizona. A charge of 50 per acre-foot shall be made for all water actually diverted directly from Lake Mead during the Boulder Dam cost repayment period, which said charge shall be paid by the users of such water, subject to reduction by the Secretary in the amount of the charge if it is concluded by him at any time during said cost-repayment period that such charge is too high. After expiration of the cost-repayment period, charges shall be on such basis as may hereafter be prescribed by Congress. Charges for the storage or delivery of water diverted at a point or points below Boulder Dam, for users, other than those specified above, shall be as agreed upon between the Secretary and such users at the time of execution of contracts therefor, and shall be paid by such users; provided such charges shall, in no event, exceed 25 per acre-foot.
10. Neither Article 7, nor any other provision of this contract, shall impair the right of Arizona and other states and the users of water therein to maintain, prosecute or defend any action respecting, and is without prejudice to, any of the respective contentions of said states and water users as to (1) the intent, effect, meaning and interpretation of said compact and said act; (2) what part, if any, of the water used or contracted for by any of them falls within Article III (a) of the Colorado River Compact; (3) what part, if any, is within Article III (b) thereof; (4) what part, if any, is excess or surplus waters unapportioned by said Compact; and (5) what limitations on use, rights of use and relative priorities exist as to the waters of the Colorado River system; provided, however, that by these reservations there is no intent to disturb the apportionment made by Article III (a) of the Colorado River Compact between the Upper Basin and the Lower Basin.
11. Whenever a controversy arises out of this contract, and if the parties hereto then agree to submit the matter to arbitration, Arizona shall name one arbitrator and the Secretary shall name one arbitrator and the two arbitrators thus chosen shall meet within ten days after their selection and shall elect one other arbitrator within fifteen days after their first meeting, but in the event of their failure to name the third arbitrator within thirty days after their first meeting, such arbitrator not so selected shall be named by the Senior Judge of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. The decision of any two of the three arbitrators thus chosen shall be a valid and binding award.
12. The Secretary may prescribe and enforce rules and regulations governing the delivery and diversion of waters hereunder, but such rules and regulations shall be promulgated, modified, revised or extended from time to time only after notice to the State of Arizona and opportunity is given to it to be heard. Arizona agrees for itself, its agencies and water users that in the operation and maintenance of the works for diversion and use of the water to be delivered hereunder, all such rules and regulations will be fully adhered to.
13. This contract is made upon the express condition and with the express covenant that all rights of Arizona, its agencies and water users, to waters of the Colorado River and its tributaries, and the use of the same, shall be subject to and controlled by the Colorado River Compact signed at Santa Fe, New Mexico, November 24, 1922, pursuant to the Act of Congress approved August 19, 1921 (42 Stat. 171), as approved by the Boulder Canyon Project Act.
14. This contract shall be of no effect unless it is unconditionally ratified by an Act of the Legislature of Arizona, within three years from the date hereof, and further, unless within three years from the date hereof the Colorado River Compact is unconditionally ratified by Arizona. When both ratifications are effective, this contract shall be effective.
15. No interest in or under this contract, except as provided by Article 7(l), shall be transferable by either party without the written consent of the other.
16. The performance of this contract by the United States is contingent upon Congress making the necessary appropriations for expenditures for the completion and the operation and maintenance of any dams, power plants or other works necessary to the carrying out of this contract, or upon the necessary allotments being made therefor by any authorized federal agency. No liability shall accrue against the United States, its officers, agents or employees by reason of the failure of Congress to make any such appropriations or of any federal agency to make such allotments.
17. No Member of or Delegate to Congress or Resident Commissioner shall be admitted to any share or part of this contract or to any benefit that may arise herefrom, but this restriction shall not be construed to extend to this contract if made with a corporation or company for its general benefit. DEFINITIONS
18. Wherever terms used herein are defined in Article II of the Colorado River Compact or in Section 12 of the Boulder Canyon Project Act, such definitions shall apply in construing this contract.
19. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed the day and year first above written.
By (s) Harold L. Ickes
Secretary of the Interior
STATE OF ARIZONA, acting by and through its
By (s) Henry S. Wright, Chairman
By (s) Nellie T. Bush, Secretary
Approved this 11th day of Feb., 1944
(s) Sidney P. Osborn
Governor of the State of Arizona

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 45 - Waters

§ 45-101 - Definitions

§ 45-102 - Department of water resources; director; appointment; qualifications; compensation

§ 45-103 - Scope of authority and responsibility of department and director

§ 45-104 - Department organization; deputy directors; employees; legal counsel; branch offices; consultants

§ 45-105 - Powers and duties of director

§ 45-106 - Limitation of powers

§ 45-107 - Cooperation with the secretary of the interior of the United States

§ 45-107.01 - Waiver of rights to return flow credits

§ 45-108 - Evaluation of subdivision water supply; definition

§ 45-108.01 - Application for water report or designation of adequate water supply; notice; objections; hearing; appeals

§ 45-108.02 - Exemption from adequate water supply requirements for city, town or county based on substantial capital investment; application; criteria; expiration

§ 45-108.03 - Exemption from adequate water supply requirements for city, town or county based on an adequate water supply within twenty years; criteria; application

§ 45-108.04 - Definition of adequate water supply; upper San Pedro water district

§ 45-108.05 - Water supply definitions

§ 45-108.06 - Water provider water supply information; definitions

§ 45-109 - Division of state into water districts; district water superintendent

§ 45-110 - Duties of superintendent; injunctive relief of injured water user

§ 45-111 - Annual report by director

§ 45-112 - Violations; classification; enforcement

§ 45-113 - Fees; refunds

§ 45-114 - Administrative proceedings; rehearing or review; judicial review

§ 45-115 - Production and copying fund; use; account; nonreversion

§ 45-116 - Publication and mailing fund; use; account; nonreversion

§ 45-117 - Water resources fund; purpose; monies held in trust

§ 45-118 - Arizona system conservation fund; purpose; report

§ 45-131 - Definitions

§ 45-132 - Filling large bodies of water for landscape, scenic or recreational purposes prohibited; exceptions; preemption

§ 45-133 - Permit for interim water use; application; fee; surcharge on use of groundwater

§ 45-134 - Temporary emergency permit for use of surface water or groundwater in body of water

§ 45-135 - Inspections; investigations

§ 45-136 - Cease and desist order; temporary cease and desist order; hearings; injunctive relief

§ 45-137 - Civil penalties

§ 45-138 - Burden of proof

§ 45-139 - Violation; classification

§ 45-139.01 - Notice of source of water used to fill or refill body of water

§ 45-139.02 - Effect on legal status of effluent

§ 45-141 - Public nature of waters of the state; beneficial use; reversion to state; actions not constituting abandonment or forfeiture

§ 45-151 - Right of appropriation; permitted uses; water rights in stockponds

§ 45-152 - Application for permit to appropriate water

§ 45-152.01 - Instream flow applications; process; definition

§ 45-153 - Criteria for approval or rejection of applications; restrictions on approval

§ 45-154 - Correction of defective application

§ 45-155 - Requiring additional information on application

§ 45-156 - Legislative authorization for appropriation of water to generate power

§ 45-157 - Relative value of uses

§ 45-158 - Effect of approval or rejection of application

§ 45-159 - Conditions of acceptance of permit

§ 45-160 - Limitation on time of completion of construction; exception

§ 45-161 - Applications for reservoir permits; secondary permits for water

§ 45-162 - Certificate of water right; time limitation on use of water for power purposes

§ 45-163 - Assignments

§ 45-164 - Registry; reporting

§ 45-165 - Application for interstate operations

§ 45-166 - Approval for appropriation of waters for generating electric energy

§ 45-171 - Effect of chapter on vested water rights

§ 45-172 - Transfer of water rights; application; limitations; required consent

§ 45-172.01 - Flood damaged acres; substitution of acres; definitions

§ 45-172.02 - Impediments to efficient irrigation; substitution of acres; definitions

§ 45-173 - Use of natural waterway to carry water of another or for other water projects; dispute over division of waters

§ 45-174 - Using bed of stream as carrier of reservoir waters

§ 45-175 - Chronological preference to water in times of scarcity

§ 45-181 - Definitions

§ 45-182 - Claim of right to withdraw, divert or use public waters; exception; administration by director of water resources

§ 45-183 - Contents of statement of claim; filing procedure; fee

§ 45-184 - Waiver and relinquishment of water right

§ 45-185 - Filing of claim not deemed adjudication of right; presumption; exemption

§ 45-186 - Water rights claims registry

§ 45-187 - No rights acquired by adverse use or adverse possession

§ 45-188 - Future rights acquired through appropriation; rights within service area of agricultural or municipal provider

§ 45-189 - Reversion of rights due to nonuse; notice; hearing; order; exception

§ 45-189.01 - Water conservation plan notice; filing; exemption; duration

§ 45-190 - Overstating claim; classification

§ 45-201 - Construction of canals; eminent domain

§ 45-202 - Opening fence without consent of owner; damages

§ 45-203 - Head gates; measuring devices required on canals and reservoirs

§ 45-204 - Prohibition on canal owner to contract to carry water in excess of capacity of canal

§ 45-205 - Failure of owner to clean canals and make repairs; lien for work done; release of lien; liability

§ 45-206 - Widening and extending lateral ditches; definition

§ 45-251 - Definitions

§ 45-252 - General adjudication; representation; superior court; assignment to judge; personnel funding; petition

§ 45-253 - Service of summons; statement of claimant form; record

§ 45-254 - Statement of claimant; filing; information to be included; verification; failure to file; fees

§ 45-255 - Appointment of master; compensation

§ 45-256 - Technical assistance of director; report

§ 45-257 - Hearings; report of master; final judgment by court; administration and enforcement of decree

§ 45-259 - Rules governing general adjudications

§ 45-260 - General adjudication fund

§ 45-261 - Presumption in favor of prior filings and decrees

§ 45-263 - State law applicable

§ 45-264 - Joint legislative adjudication monitoring committee

§ 45-271 - Definition of stockpond

§ 45-272 - Water rights in stockponds; priority

§ 45-273 - Claim of water right; penalty; fee

§ 45-274 - Notice of claims; protest; grounds; contents

§ 45-275 - Investigation, hearing and certification of claims

§ 45-276 - Statement of continuing use; revocation of certification

§ 45-291 - Definition of person

§ 45-292 - Approval required to transport water out of state; application; fee; criteria; hearing

§ 45-293 - Compliance monitoring, reports and notices; jurisdiction

§ 45-294 - Limited nonapplicability

§ 45-311 - Definitions

§ 45-312 - Prohibited plumbing fixtures; residential construction

§ 45-313 - Prohibited plumbing fixtures; commercial, industrial and public construction

§ 45-313.01 - Water free urinals; state buildings

§ 45-314 - Labeling fixtures; violation

§ 45-315 - Waiver of requirements; unavailability; health or safety requirements

§ 45-316 - Violation; civil penalties

§ 45-317 - Inspections

§ 45-318 - Cease and desist order; hearing; injunctive relief

§ 45-319 - Exception; preemption

§ 45-320 - Rules

§ 45-331 - Definitions

§ 45-332 - Cooperation in lower Colorado river multispecies conservation program

§ 45-333 - Colorado river water use fee; purpose

§ 45-334 - Setting Colorado River water use fee

§ 45-335 - Payment of fee; penalty for delinquency

§ 45-341 - Definitions

§ 45-342 - System water plan; components; exceptions

§ 45-343 - Records and annual report of water use; penalty

§ 45-351 - Watershed improvement program; purpose; projects; funding

§ 45-352 - Program administration; rules; project criteria; report

§ 45-401 - Declaration of policy

§ 45-402 - Definitions

§ 45-403 - Designation of groundwater basins and sub-basins; hearing

§ 45-404 - Findings on hearing; maps; order for boundaries of groundwater basin; review and modification of boundaries

§ 45-405 - Judicial review of decisions of the director; assignment of actions for judicial review

§ 45-406 - Designation of judges; publication of designated judges

§ 45-407 - Stay of director's decision; precedence of actions for judicial review; review by the court of appeals

§ 45-411 - Initial active management areas; maps

§ 45-411.01 - Exemptions from irrigation water duties, conservation requirements for distribution of groundwater and portions of groundwater withdrawal fee for portions of Phoenix active management area; fee; review

§ 45-411.02 - Modification of boundaries of Tucson active management area; map

§ 45-411.03 - Santa Cruz active management area; map

§ 45-411.04 - Declaration of policy and intent; Santa Cruz active management area

§ 45-412 - Subsequent active management areas; criteria; review of groundwater basins not subject to active management

§ 45-413 - Hearing on designation of subsequent active management areas and boundaries; notice; procedures

§ 45-414 - Findings upon hearing; order for active management area; publication

§ 45-415 - Local initiation for active management area; procedures

§ 45-416 - Limitation on number of irrigated acres

§ 45-417 - Review and modification of boundaries of subsequent active management area

§ 45-418 - Area director; appointment; qualifications; compensation

§ 45-419 - Duties of area director

§ 45-420 - Groundwater users advisory councils; appointment; representation of water users; term; compensation

§ 45-421 - Administrative duties of the groundwater users advisory councils

§ 45-431 - Initial irrigation non-expansion areas

§ 45-432 - Subsequent irrigation non-expansion areas; designation; review

§ 45-433 - Local initiation for designation; procedures

§ 45-434 - Limitation on number of irrigated acres

§ 45-435 - Hearing on designation of subsequent irrigation non-expansion areas and boundaries; notice; procedures

§ 45-436 - Findings upon hearing; order for irrigation non-expansion area; publication

§ 45-437 - Irrigated acreage; water measuring device; annual report of groundwater pumping; penalty; transportation; exemption

§ 45-437.01 - Substitution of irrigated acreage in an irrigation district; central Arizona project water

§ 45-437.02 - Flood damaged acres; substitution of acres; definitions

§ 45-437.03 - Impediments to efficient irrigation; substitution of acres; definitions

§ 45-438 - Review and modification of boundaries of irrigation non-expansion areas

§ 45-439 - Conversion from irrigation non-expansion area to active management area; director; local initiation; procedures

§ 45-440 - Subsequent irrigation non-expansion area; limitation on use of groundwater

§ 45-451 - Groundwater rights and uses in active management areas

§ 45-452 - No new irrigated acreage in active management areas; central Arizona project water; exemption

§ 45-453 - Groundwater rights and uses in areas outside active management areas; amounts; transportation; irrigation non-expansion areas

§ 45-454 - Exemption of small non-irrigation wells; definitions

§ 45-454.01 - Exemption of superfund remedial action activities; use requirements; definition

§ 45-455 - Application to state lands

§ 45-461 - Definitions

§ 45-462 - Grandfathered groundwater rights; persons included; certificate of exemption amount is legal use

§ 45-463 - Type 1 non-irrigation grandfathered right associated with retired irrigated land; appurtenancy; ownership

§ 45-464 - Type 2 non-irrigation grandfathered right not associated with retired irrigated land; determination of amount; definition; ownership

§ 45-465 - Irrigation grandfathered right; determination of acres entitled to and amount; appurtenancy

§ 45-465.01 - Flood damaged acres; substitution of acres; definition

§ 45-465.02 - Impediments to efficient irrigation; substitution of acres; definitions

§ 45-465.03 - Right to use groundwater for domestic and stockwatering purposes incidental to irrigation grandfathered right; definitions

§ 45-465.04 - Use of groundwater to water plants in containers as non-irrigation use; right to use groundwater withdrawn pursuant to irrigation grandfathered right to water plants in containers; definition

§ 45-466 - Limitations on use of irrigation water duty; deliveries of water in excess of irrigation water duty

§ 45-467 - Withdrawals in excess of irrigation grandfathered right; withdrawals less than irrigation grandfathered right; flexibility account; conveyances; variance; exemption

§ 45-468 - Accounting of water by persons delivering a combination of surface water and groundwater for irrigation uses

§ 45-469 - Right to retire irrigation grandfathered right for non-irrigation use; development plan approval; amendment of plan; approval of plan prior to retirement; amount withdrawn; service area determined; restoration of retired irrigation grandfa...

§ 45-470 - Use of type 1 non-irrigation grandfathered right by original owner; definition

§ 45-471 - Use of type 2 non-irrigation grandfathered right by owner

§ 45-472 - Conveyance of irrigation grandfathered right; within service area; outside service area; change to non-irrigation grandfathered right; forfeiture of right to convey to non-irrigation use; definition

§ 45-473 - Conveyance of type 1 non-irrigation grandfathered right; use by new owner; appurtenancy; within service area; outside service area; definition

§ 45-473.01 - Conditions on using groundwater withdrawn pursuant to rights acquired under sections 45-472 and 45-473

§ 45-474 - Conveyance of type 2 non-irrigation grandfathered right; amount

§ 45-475 - Determination of exterior boundaries of service area for purposes of conveyances

§ 45-476 - Application for certificate of grandfathered right

§ 45-476.01 - Late applications for certificates of grandfathered rights; definition

§ 45-477 - Right to withdraw, receive or use groundwater in an initial active management area

§ 45-477.01 - Waiver and relinquishment of grandfathered rights in a subsequent active management area

§ 45-478 - Notice of requirement to apply for certificate of grandfathered right

§ 45-479 - Registry of applications; written objections; request for hearing

§ 45-480 - Review of applications; investigations; hearings; final determination; judicial review

§ 45-481 - Issuance of certificates; contents; recordation

§ 45-482 - Registry of certificates of grandfathered right; reporting; definition

§ 45-483 - Designation of protected farmland; notice; revocation of designation; irrigation water duty; assured water supply credit for extinguishment of irrigation grandfathered right prohibited

§ 45-491 - Scope of article

§ 45-492 - Withdrawals by cities, towns and private water companies within service areas; contract to supply groundwater

§ 45-493 - Limitations on extensions of service areas; prohibition on formation of private water company for irrigation purpose; prohibition on service without payment of tax

§ 45-494 - Withdrawals by irrigation districts in initial active management areas

§ 45-494.01 - Addition and exclusion of area by irrigation districts in initial active management areas

§ 45-495 - Withdrawals and transportations by irrigation districts within subsequent active management areas

§ 45-496 - Applicability of general transportation provisions and conservation requirements

§ 45-497 - Withdrawal of groundwater by irrigation districts for municipal or industrial purposes

§ 45-498 - Maps of service areas

§ 45-511 - Definitions

§ 45-512 - Categories of groundwater withdrawal permits

§ 45-513 - Dewatering permit; definition; priorities for use of groundwater; conditions on director; duration of permit

§ 45-514 - Mineral extraction and metallurgical processing permit; conditions for issuance; duration of permit

§ 45-515 - General industrial use permits; conditions for issuance; duration of permit

§ 45-516 - Poor quality groundwater withdrawal permit; conditions for issuance; duration of permit

§ 45-517 - Temporary permit for electrical energy generation; conditions for issuance

§ 45-518 - Temporary dewatering permit; extensions; emergency temporary dewatering permit; conditions for issuance

§ 45-519 - Drainage water withdrawal permit; conditions for issuance

§ 45-519.01 - Hydrologic testing permits; conditions for issuance

§ 45-520 - Point of withdrawal; location of use; conveyance

§ 45-521 - Permit application form; filing; contents

§ 45-522 - Correction of application

§ 45-523 - Notice; objections; hearing

§ 45-524 - Approval or rejection of permit application

§ 45-525 - Registry of permits; reporting

§ 45-526 - Appeals

§ 45-527 - Modification of permit

§ 45-528 - Revocation of permits

§ 45-541 - Transportation within a sub-basin

§ 45-542 - Transportation between sub-basins or away from an active management area; irrigation grandfathered right; type 1 non-irrigation grandfathered right

§ 45-543 - Transportation between sub-basins or away from an active management area; damages; non-irrigation grandfathered right not associated with retired irrigated land; service area withdrawals; permit; exempt well

§ 45-544 - Transportation in areas not subject to active management; damages; upper San Pedro water district; Little Colorado river plateau, Parker and Coconino plateau groundwater basins; definitions

§ 45-545 - Damage rules applicable to all transportations of groundwater

§ 45-546 - Weed and dust control

§ 45-547 - Transportation of groundwater withdrawn in the Yuma basin; permit

§ 45-551 - Application of article; limitation on transportation to active management areas; definition

§ 45-552 - Transportation of groundwater withdrawn in McMullen valley basin to an active management area; definitions

§ 45-553 - Transportation of groundwater withdrawn in Butler Valley groundwater basin to an initial active management area

§ 45-554 - Transportation of groundwater withdrawn in Harquahala irrigation non-expansion area to an initial active management area

§ 45-555 - Transportation of groundwater withdrawn in Big Chino sub-basin of the Verde River groundwater basin to initial active management area; exception

§ 45-556 - Transportation fee; annual adjustment; credits; enforcement

§ 45-557 - Requirements for transporting groundwater to an initial active management area; exception

§ 45-558 - Weeds and dust

§ 45-559 - Well spacing requirements for withdrawing groundwater for transportation to an active management area

§ 45-561 - Definitions

§ 45-562 - Management goals for active management areas

§ 45-563 - Management plans in active management areas; management periods; general provisions

§ 45-563.01 - Water conservation report; per capita use; non-per capita conservation programs

§ 45-563.02 - Exemption from irrigation water duties; small irrigation grandfathered rights; criteria; conservation requirement; exception

§ 45-564 - Management plan for first management period; guidelines

§ 45-565 - Management plan for second management period; guidelines

§ 45-565.01 - Non-per capita conservation program for municipal providers; second management period

§ 45-566 - Management plan for third management period; guidelines

§ 45-566.01 - Non-per capita conservation program for municipal providers; third management period

§ 45-566.02 - Alternative conservation programs for agriculture; third management period

§ 45-567 - Management plan for fourth management period; guidelines

§ 45-567.01 - Non-per capita conservation program for municipal providers; fourth management period

§ 45-567.02 - Alternative conservation programs for agriculture; fourth management period

§ 45-568 - Management plan for fifth management period; guidelines

§ 45-568.01 - Non-per capita conservation program for municipal providers; fifth management period

§ 45-568.02 - Alternative conservation programs for agriculture; fifth management period

§ 45-569 - Management goals and management plans for subsequent active management areas

§ 45-570 - Hearing on management plans; notice; procedures

§ 45-571 - Findings upon hearing; order for adoption of management plan; publication

§ 45-571.01 - Notification to persons filing late applications for certificates of grandfathered rights and to persons with new groundwater rights or uses; compliance; variance; review

§ 45-571.02 - Municipal conservation requirements; compliance

§ 45-572 - Modification of conservation program; notice

§ 45-573 - Water quality considerations; consultation with department of environmental quality

§ 45-574 - Variances; application; notice; hearing; issuance

§ 45-575 - Administrative review of irrigation water duty and conservation requirements

§ 45-576 - Certificate of assured water supply; designated cities, towns and private water companies; exemptions; definition

§ 45-576.01 - Determining consistency with management goal in a replenishment district, conservation district and water district

§ 45-576.02 - Replenishment district plans, conservation district plans and water district plans

§ 45-576.03 - Director's review of plans

§ 45-576.04 - Report and review of plans by groundwater replenishment district

§ 45-576.05 - Alternative method for determining consistency with the management goal in a groundwater replenishment district; terminating designation

§ 45-576.06 - Termination of designation for members of conservation district or members of water district; moratorium on adding new member lands and member service areas

§ 45-576.07 - Determining water sufficiency and availability; water availability status capability plans

§ 45-576.08 - Pinal active management area; assured water supply; physical availability; definitions

§ 45-576.09 - Active management areas; director's authority to change assured water supply rules

§ 45-577 - Application; hydrological study; review of application

§ 45-578 - Notice; objections; hearing; issuance of certificate; appeals

§ 45-579 - Assignment of certificate of assured water supply; definition

§ 45-579.01 - Certificate of assured water supply; material change; plat

§ 45-580 - Assured and adequate water supply administration fund; purpose

§ 45-591 - Definitions

§ 45-591.01 - Oil, gas, helium and geothermal wells; exemption

§ 45-592 - Wells in general

§ 45-593 - Registration of existing wells; permanent record of all wells; reporting open wells

§ 45-594 - Well construction standards; remedial measures

§ 45-595 - Well construction requirements; licensing of well drillers

§ 45-596 - Notice of intention to drill; fee

§ 45-596.01 - Additional information required with notice of intention to drill well to pump Colorado river water; exception

§ 45-597 - Deepening and replacement of wells in active management areas; filing of notice

§ 45-598 - New wells and replacement wells in new locations in active management areas; rules; permit required

§ 45-599 - Permit application; contents; correction of defective application; issuance of permit; fee

§ 45-600 - Filing of report by driller; filing of completion report

§ 45-601 - Operating rules for multiple wells

§ 45-602 - Capping of wells; waste

§ 45-603 - Criteria for rules and regulations

§ 45-604 - Water measuring devices

§ 45-605 - Well inspections; cross-contamination; remedial measures; definition

§ 45-606 - Well administration and enforcement fund; purpose

§ 45-611 - Groundwater withdrawal fee; amounts and purposes of fee; exception

§ 45-612 - Administration and enforcement withdrawal fee; exemption from lapsing; disposition of excess monies

§ 45-613 - Use of withdrawal fees collected for augmentation and conservation and purchase and retirement of grandfathered rights, Arizona water banking purposes and groundwater and irrigation efficiency projects

§ 45-614 - Setting groundwater withdrawal fee; statement entered in record; statement transmitted to state treasurer; notice; payment; penalty

§ 45-615 - Deposits; divisions of collections into funds

§ 45-615.01 - Temporary groundwater and irrigation efficiency projects fund; purpose; report; definition

§ 45-616 - Water quality assurance fee; disposition of revenue

§ 45-617 - Augmentation and conservation assistance fund grants

§ 45-618 - Arizona water quality fund

§ 45-631 - Definition

§ 45-632 - Records and annual report of groundwater pumping, transportation and use; penalty

§ 45-633 - Inspections, investigations and audits

§ 45-634 - Cease and desist order; temporary cease and desist order; hearing; injunctive relief

§ 45-635 - Violation; civil penalties

§ 45-636 - Violation; classification

§ 45-701 - Definitions

§ 45-702 - Certificate of groundwater oversupply

§ 45-703 - Application for certificate of groundwater oversupply; fee

§ 45-704 - Notice of application; objections; hearing; approval or rejection

§ 45-801.01 - Declaration of policy

§ 45-802.01 - Definitions

§ 45-802.01; Version 2 - Definitions

§ 45-803.01 - Effect on vested water rights; effect in other proceedings

§ 45-811.01 - Underground storage facility permit

§ 45-812.01 - Groundwater savings facility permit

§ 45-813.01 - Land use ordinances

§ 45-814.01 - Contents of storage facility permit

§ 45-815.01 - Facilities not qualifying as storage facilities

§ 45-831.01 - Water storage permits

§ 45-832.01 - Use of stored water

§ 45-833.01 - Designation of nonrecoverable water

§ 45-834.01 - Recovery of stored water; recovery well permit; emergency temporary recovery well permit; well construction

§ 45-835.01 - Simultaneous applications

§ 45-836.01 - Effect of storage facilities, water storage and recovery on service areas

§ 45-841.01 - Accrual of long-term storage credits; Indian water rights settlements

§ 45-851.01 - Recovery of stored water on an annual basis

§ 45-852.01 - Long-term storage accounts

§ 45-853.01 - Restricted uses of long-term storage credits

§ 45-854.01 - Assignability of long-term storage credits

§ 45-855.01 - Effect of long-term storage credits on assured water supply and adequate water supply

§ 45-856.01 - Protection of the stored water

§ 45-857.01 - Groundwater replenishment district incidental replenishment factor; definitions

§ 45-858.01 - Master replenishment account; debits and credits

§ 45-859.01 - Conservation district account; replenishment reserve subaccount; debits and credits

§ 45-860.01 - Water district account; debits and credits

§ 45-871.01 - Permit application; fee; notice of application; objections; hearing; appeal

§ 45-872.01 - Water measuring devices

§ 45-873.01 - In lieu water reporting requirements; withdrawal fees

§ 45-874.01 - Long-term storage credit recovery fee; amount; notice; payment; penalty

§ 45-875.01 - Annual reports; penalty

§ 45-876.01 - Annual report; groundwater replenishment district and replenishment district members; penalties

§ 45-877.01 - Annual reports by conservation districts; penalties

§ 45-878.01 - Annual reports by water districts; penalties

§ 45-879.01 - Annual reports certification; records

§ 45-880.01 - Inspections, investigations and audits

§ 45-881.01 - Cease and desist order; temporary cease and desist order; hearing; injunctive relief

§ 45-882.01 - Violation; civil penalties

§ 45-891.01 - Purposes

§ 45-892.01 - Definitions

§ 45-893.01 - Application for project permits; application requirement; permit specifications

§ 45-894.01 - Use for replenishment purposes

§ 45-895.01 - Storage of water; availability and disposition of stored water

§ 45-896.01 - Assumption of responsibility for stored water

§ 45-897.01 - State water storage fund; disbursement of monies

§ 45-898.01 - Indemnification and insurance

§ 45-1001 - Definitions

§ 45-1002 - Water exchanges; conditions

§ 45-1003 - Use of water pursuant to a water exchange

§ 45-1004 - Annual report of water exchange; record keeping; penalties

§ 45-1005 - Registry of water exchanges

§ 45-1006 - Effect on water rights

§ 45-1021 - Enrollment of water exchange contracts; fee

§ 45-1022 - Effect of enrollment of a water exchange contract

§ 45-1041 - Water exchange permits; fee

§ 45-1042 - Application for water exchange permit; notice; objections; hearing

§ 45-1043 - Contents of permit

§ 45-1044 - Actions for judicial review

§ 45-1045 - Modification of water exchange permit

§ 45-1046 - Revocation of water exchange permits

§ 45-1051 - Notice of water exchange; contents forms; review by director

§ 45-1052 - Water exchanges pursuant to notice; conditions

§ 45-1061 - Inspections; investigations and audits

§ 45-1062 - Cease and desist order; temporary cease and desist order; hearings; injunctive relief

§ 45-1063 - Civil penalties

§ 45-1201 - Definitions

§ 45-1202 - Jurisdiction of director of water resources; records; rules; notice of exemption

§ 45-1203 - Approval by director of proposed dams or enlargements of existing dams; application for construction or enlargement

§ 45-1204 - Estimated cost of dam; application fees

§ 45-1205 - Charges against irrigation projects; disposition of proceeds

§ 45-1206 - Approval of repair, alteration or removal of dam

§ 45-1207 - Approval or disapproval of applications; commencing construction

§ 45-1208 - Inspections and investigations during construction; modifications; notice

§ 45-1209 - Notice of completion; license of final approval; removal of dam

§ 45-1210 - Petition for review

§ 45-1211 - Time for filing petition; board of review

§ 45-1212 - Supervision over maintenance and operation; remedial measures; lien

§ 45-1212.01 - Dam repair fund

§ 45-1213 - Inspection upon complaint

§ 45-1214 - Investigations for review of design and construction

§ 45-1215 - Liabilities of state and owners of dam in action for damages

§ 45-1216 - Violations; classification

§ 45-1217 - Action and procedures to restrain violations

§ 45-1218 - Dam repair loans

§ 45-1219 - Dam repair grants

§ 45-1220 - Deposit of monies; dam repair fund

§ 45-1221 - Cease and desist order; temporary cease and desist order; hearing; injunctive relief

§ 45-1222 - Violation; civil penalties

§ 45-1223 - Stay of director's decision; precedence of actions for judicial review

§ 45-1301 - Ratification of Lake Mead contract

§ 45-1311 - Ratification

§ 45-1321 - Ratification

§ 45-1331 - Allocation of federal payments made in lieu of taxes

§ 45-1401 - Authority to cooperate with federal government in flood control projects under flood control act of Congress of 1948

§ 45-1402 - Specific powers

§ 45-1403 - Power to cooperate in flood control projects under general acts of Congress

§ 45-1421 - Power of town of Holbrook to cooperate with federal government in flood control project

§ 45-1422 - Power of Mohave and Yuma counties to cooperate with federal government in flood control project

§ 45-1423 - Power of Maricopa and Yuma counties to cooperate with federal government in flood control projects

§ 45-1424 - Power of Maricopa and Pinal counties to cooperate with federal government in flood control projects

§ 45-1425 - Power of Pinal county to cooperate with and receive assistance from the United States in flood control projects

§ 45-1426 - Limitations on powers

§ 45-1427 - Power of Cochise, Graham and Gila counties and the towns of Safford and Thatcher and the city of Douglas to cooperate with the United States in flood control projects

§ 45-1428 - Limitations on powers

§ 45-1429 - Power of Santa Cruz county to cooperate with and receive assistance from the United States in flood control projects

§ 45-1441 - Definitions

§ 45-1442 - Investigation and certification by director of water resources

§ 45-1443 - Limitation on expenditure of funds

§ 45-1444 - Floodplain regulations; effect of failure to adopt

§ 45-1445 - Flood control assistance fund; limit of financial assistance

§ 45-1446 - Time for determining costs; change of determination

§ 45-1447 - State and United States held harmless; nonliability

§ 45-1448 - Disbursement to public agencies

§ 45-1449 - Report to legislature

§ 45-1450 - Consideration of water uses in studying flood control projects

§ 45-1451 - Powers and duties of director

§ 45-1471 - Alternative flood control assistance to flood control districts

§ 45-1473 - Prohibition on assistance for failure to adopt floodplain regulations

§ 45-1491 - Flood control loans

§ 45-1501 - Definitions

§ 45-1502 - Powers

§ 45-1503 - Flood warning system fund

§ 45-1504 - Flood warning system grants

§ 45-1505 - Operation and maintenance of flood warning system

§ 45-1506 - Immunity of state from liability for losses

§ 45-1601 - License required

§ 45-1602 - Application for license

§ 45-1603 - Application fee; statement accompanying application

§ 45-1604 - Reports required from licensees; failure to file; revocation of license

§ 45-1605 - Equipment license; fee; application; reports required; revocation of license

§ 45-1606 - Exception

§ 45-1607 - Violations; classification

§ 45-1701 - Declaration of purpose and policy

§ 45-1702 - Definitions

§ 45-1703 - State water and power plan

§ 45-1704 - Construction, acquisition and operation

§ 45-1705 - Construction of works across public or private property

§ 45-1706 - Right of eminent domain

§ 45-1707 - Issuance of bonds and notes

§ 45-1708 - Contracts

§ 45-1709 - General powers

§ 45-1710 - Powers of municipalities, districts and other public bodies and officers

§ 45-1711 - State water and power development fund

§ 45-1712 - Agreement of state

§ 45-1713 - Exemption from taxation

§ 45-1714 - Remedies of bondholders and noteholders

§ 45-1715 - Certification of bonds by attorney general

§ 45-1716 - State not liable on bonds and notes

§ 45-1717 - Bonds and notes legal investments

§ 45-1718 - Water rights

§ 45-1719 - Reversion of projects to state

§ 45-1720 - No jurisdiction of Arizona corporation commission

§ 45-1721 - Joint ownership of power projects

§ 45-1722 - Exclusive law

§ 45-1901 - Definitions

§ 45-1902 - Formation

§ 45-1903 - Contest of formation; appeal

§ 45-1904 - Corporate existence

§ 45-1905 - Dissolution of authority

§ 45-1921 - Board of directors; qualification and organization; compensation

§ 45-1922 - Meetings; notice

§ 45-1923 - Administrative powers and duties; executive director; annual report

§ 45-2221 - Board of directors; organization; compensation

§ 45-2222 - Meetings; notice

§ 45-2223 - Administrative powers and duties; executive director

§ 45-1941 - Cooperation with governmental entities

§ 45-1942 - Limitation on powers

§ 45-1943 - Functional powers of board

§ 45-1944 - Planning

§ 45-1945 - Acquisition of water

§ 45-1946 - Acquisition of property; limited eminent domain authority; survey and inspection rights

§ 45-1947 - Construction work and purchases by bid only; exceptions; award of contract; bond

§ 45-2241 - Cooperation with governmental entities

§ 45-2242 - Functional powers of the board

§ 45-2243 - Limitation on powers

§ 45-2244 - Acquisition and disposition of initial quantity of water

§ 45-2245 - Acquisition and disposition of water in excess of initial quantity

§ 45-1971 - Administrative and operation budgets

§ 45-1972 - Groundwater augmentation and conservation assistance fee; transfer to authority

§ 45-1973 - Water supply fees

§ 45-1974 - Accounting classifications; bond funds; general fund

§ 45-1975 - Receipt of monies; disbursements; operation of accounting system

§ 45-1976 - Payment of interest coupons; investment of bond fund monies

§ 45-1977 - Annual financial statement and audit

§ 45-1991 - Authority to issue bonds

§ 45-1992 - Prerequisites to issuance

§ 45-1993 - Scope of resolution

§ 45-1994 - Hearing; findings

§ 45-1995 - Issuance of bonds

§ 45-1996 - Provisions of bonds; sale

§ 45-1997 - Certification of bonds by attorney general

§ 45-1998 - Validity of bonds

§ 45-1999 - Water augmentation authority bonds as legal investments

§ 45-2101 - Declaration of policy

§ 45-2102 - Definitions

§ 45-2103 - Arizona water protection fund commission

§ 45-2104 - Powers and duties; limitations

§ 45-2105 - Application guidelines

§ 45-2106 - Public involvement

§ 45-2107 - Reporting

§ 45-2111 - Arizona water protection fund

§ 45-2112 - Funding sources

§ 45-2113 - Fund grants; applications

§ 45-2114 - Administration

§ 45-2201 - Definitions

§ 45-2202 - Formation

§ 45-2203 - Contest of formation; appeal

§ 45-2204 - Corporate existence; exemption from regulation

§ 45-2205 - Dissolution of authority

§ 45-2261 - Construction work and purchases by bid only; exceptions; award of contract

§ 45-2281 - Establishment of funds; allocation of authority revenues; member dues

§ 45-2282 - Operating budget

§ 45-2283 - Investment of revenues

§ 45-2401 - Declaration of policy and purpose

§ 45-2402 - Definitions

§ 45-2421 - Arizona water banking authority

§ 45-2422 - Organization of commission; powers and duties; exemption

§ 45-2423 - Powers and duties of authority

§ 45-2424 - Administration

§ 45-2425 - Arizona water banking fund

§ 45-2426 - Annual report

§ 45-2427 - Limitation on powers

§ 45-2451 - First year banking program

§ 45-2452 - Storage facility inventory

§ 45-2453 - Plan for additional storage facilities

§ 45-2454 - Implementation of storage facilities plan

§ 45-2455 - Water storage agreements; groundwater savings facilities

§ 45-2456 - Annual plan of operation

§ 45-2457 - Accounting; rules of operation

§ 45-2457.01 - Exchange of long-term storage credits; limitations; fees

§ 45-2458 - Water banking services agreements

§ 45-2471 - Interstate water banking agreements

§ 45-2472 - Distribution of long-term storage credits

§ 45-2473 - Arizona water banking authority; interstate water banking; accounting

§ 45-2491 - State commitments to firm Indian settlement water

§ 45-2601 - Definitions

§ 45-2602 - Establishment of southside protection zones; reporting requirements

§ 45-2603 - Establishment of Gila river maintenance area and Gila river maintenance area impact zone; notice of intention to drill

§ 45-2604 - Conservation requirements for persons using groundwater in central protection zone no less restrictive than in third management plan

§ 45-2611 - Transportation of underground water and stored water away from an eastern protection zone or western protection zone prohibited; exceptions

§ 45-2621 - Definitions

§ 45-2622 - Annual southside replenishment obligations

§ 45-2623 - Satisfaction of southside replenishment obligations

§ 45-2624 - Southside replenishment bank; credits

§ 45-2625 - Replenishment related to transportation of underground water or stored water away from an eastern protection zone or a western protection zone for nonirrigation use

§ 45-2626 - Individual replenishment obligations of persons using underground water or stored water within an eastern protection zone or a western protection zone for industrial use; enforcement action; notice

§ 45-2631 - Construction or enlargement of new dams within maintenance area; prohibited; exceptions

§ 45-2641 - Irrigation of new lands in Gila river maintenance area with water withdrawn or diverted from Gila river maintenance area impact zone prohibited; exception

§ 45-2651 - Inspections, investigations and audits

§ 45-2652 - Cease and desist order; hearing; injunctive relief

§ 45-2653 - Violation; civil penalties

§ 45-2654 - Violation; classification

§ 45-2701 - Definitions

§ 45-2702 - Jurisdiction

§ 45-2711 - Applications to drill nonexempt wells in the Tucson active management area; well impact analysis; requirements; exception

§ 45-2712 - Notice of well applications to nation; objection; hearing; appeal