Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 43 - Taxation of Income
§ 43-1165 - Credit for motion picture production costs; qualifications; data maintenance; rules; definitions

43-1165. Credit for motion picture production costs; qualifications; data maintenance; rules; definitions

(Rpld. 1/1/44)
A. For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2022, a tax credit is allowed against production costs paid by a motion picture production company in this state that are subject to taxation by this state and that are directly attributable to a motion picture production. The amount of the credit shall be determined as follows:
1. An amount equal to a percentage of the total amount of the qualified production costs as approved by the Arizona commerce authority pursuant to section 41-1517 as follows:
(a) For a motion picture production company that spends up to $10, 000, 000, fifteen percent.
(b) For a motion picture production company that spends more than $10, 000, 000 but less than $35, 000, 000, seventeen and one-half percent.
(c) For a motion picture production company that spends more than $35, 000, 000, twenty percent.
2. An additional two and one-half percent of the motion picture production company's production labor costs related to positions held by residents of this state as approved by the Arizona commerce authority pursuant to section 41-1517.
3. If the motion picture production company either:
(a) Uses a qualified production facility in this state to produce the motion picture production, an additional two and one-half percent of the total amount of qualified production costs as approved by the Arizona commerce authority pursuant to section 41-1517.
(b) Films primarily at a practical location, produces and films the motion picture production primarily in this state and performs all preproduction, postproduction and editing at a qualified production facility in this state, an additional two and one-half percent of the total qualified production costs as approved by the Arizona commerce authority pursuant to section 41-1517.
4. An additional two and one-half percent of the total amount of qualified production costs as approved by the Arizona commerce authority pursuant to section 41-1517 if the motion picture production is produced and filmed in association with a long-term tenant of a qualified production facility.
B. Tax credits under this section may not exceed the amount provided in the postapproval issued by the Arizona commerce authority pursuant to section 41-1517, subsection H. The taxpayer must include a copy of the postapproval with the taxpayer's income tax return for the taxable year in which the Arizona commerce authority issued the postapproval.
C. The department may not allow a tax credit under this section to a taxpayer that has a delinquent tax balance owed to the department under this title.
D. To qualify for a tax credit under this section, the motion picture production company must:
1. Do either of the following:
(a) Use a qualified production facility in this state to produce the motion picture production.
(b) If the motion picture production is filmed primarily at a practical location, produce and film the motion picture production primarily in this state and perform all preproduction, postproduction and editing at an industry standard facility, if such a facility for those functions is available.
2. Maintain the motion picture production company's production labor positions in this state.
3. Include in the credits for each motion picture production an acknowledgment that the production was filmed in Arizona.
4. Receive preapproval and postapproval from the Arizona commerce authority pursuant to section 41-1517.
5. Claim the tax credit by using the form prescribed by the department and include the form with the motion picture production company's income tax return for the taxable year in which the Arizona commerce authority issued the postapproval.
E. Co-owners of a motion picture production company, including corporate partners in a partnership, may each claim the pro rata share of the tax credit allowed under this section based on ownership interest. The total of the tax credits allowed all such owners may not exceed the amount that would have been allowed a sole owner.
F. If the allowable tax credit for a taxable year exceeds the income taxes otherwise due on the claimant's income, or if there are no state income taxes due on the claimant's income, the amount of the claim not used as an offset against income taxes shall be paid to the taxpayer in the same manner as a refund under section 42-1118. Refunds made pursuant to this subsection are subject to setoff under section 42-1122. If the department determines that a refund is incorrect or invalid, the excess refund may be treated as a tax deficiency pursuant to section 42-1108.
G. The department shall maintain annual data on the total amount of monies credited pursuant to this section and shall provide the data to the Arizona commerce authority on request.
H. The department shall adopt fees and rules and publish and prescribe forms and procedures as necessary to administer this section and provide administrative support services.
I. The tax credit allowed by this section is in lieu of any allowance for state tax purposes of a deduction of those expenses allowed by the internal revenue code.
J. For the purposes of this section:
1. " Long-term tenant" means a person that enters into a lease of at least five years for the use of a qualified production facility.
2. " Motion picture production" has the same meaning prescribed in section 41-1517.
3. " Motion picture production company" has the same meaning prescribed in section 41-1517.
4. " Practical location" has the same meaning prescribed in section 41-1517.
5. " Production costs" has the same meaning prescribed in section 41-1517.
6. " Production labor" has the same meaning prescribed in section 41-1517.
7. " Qualified production facility" has the same meaning prescribed in section 41-1517.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 43 - Taxation of Income

§ 43-101 - Title

§ 43-102 - Declaration of intent

§ 43-103 - Effective date

§ 43-104 - Definitions

§ 43-105 - Internal revenue code; definition; application

§ 43-107 - Nonconformity in application of internal revenue code; abatement of penalties and interest; definitions

§ 43-108 - Subtraction from gross income; ordinary and necessary expenses; marijuana establishments and marijuana testing facilities; definitions

§ 43-201 - Preemption by state of income taxation

§ 43-202 - Object of tax

§ 43-203 - Severability

§ 43-204 - Repeal; savings clause

§ 43-206 - Urban revenue sharing fund; allocation; distribution; withholding

§ 43-207 - Illegal income; duty of law enforcement or prosecuting agency; distribution of revenue; definitions

§ 43-208 - Administration and enforcement

§ 43-209 - Collection of tax on income of professional athletes earned in this state; separate accounting for tax revenue from professional football; definition

§ 43-210 - Premium tax credit; health insurance; certification of qualified persons; violation; classification; definitions

§ 43-211 - I didn't pay enough fund

§ 43-212 - Individual income tax model; fiscal impact requests; staff access

§ 43-221 - Joint legislative income tax credit review committee; report

§ 43-222 - Income tax credit review schedule

§ 43-223 - Requirements for new income tax credits established by the legislature

§ 43-224 - Individual and corporate income tax credits; annual report; termination of unused credits

§ 43-225 - Affordable housing tax credit review committee; reports

§ 43-241 - Time for performance of acts; definition

§ 43-242 - Change of taxpayer organization; nontaxable event

§ 43-243 - State general fund revenue notification; tax rate adjustment

§ 43-244 - State general fund revenue notification; tax rate adjustment

§ 43-301 - Individual returns; definition

§ 43-302 - Arizona small business income tax return; election; revocation

§ 43-303 - Returns by agent or guardian

§ 43-304 - Fiduciary returns

§ 43-305 - Fiduciary returns; two or more fiduciaries

§ 43-306 - Partnership returns

§ 43-307 - Corporation returns

§ 43-308 - Gross income defined for purposes of determination to file

§ 43-309 - Joint returns of husband and wife

§ 43-310 - Separate returns after filing joint returns

§ 43-311 - Joint return after filing separate return

§ 43-312 - Information return of sales; nonresident real estate transactions; escrow agents; reports

§ 43-321 - Information required in returns

§ 43-322 - Signature presumed to be taxpayer's

§ 43-323 - Place and form of filing returns

§ 43-324 - Rounding to the nearest dollar

§ 43-325 - Time for filing returns

§ 43-327 - Recomputation of tax or amended return due after federal adjustment; definition

§ 43-328 - Returns filed by persons outside the United States

§ 43-381 - Confidentiality of information if returns prepared by person other than taxpayer; violation; classification

§ 43-382 - Solicitation of return preparation prohibited; classification

§ 43-401 - Withholding tax; rates; election by employee

§ 43-402 - Definition of "employer"

§ 43-403 - Employment excluded from withholding

§ 43-404 - Extension of withholding to military retirement pensions and to other annuities; definition

§ 43-405 - Extension of withholding to gambling winnings

§ 43-406 - Extension of withholding to premature withdrawals of state and local government retirement contributions

§ 43-407 - Extension of withholding to unemployment compensation payments

§ 43-408 - Voluntary withholding on out-of-state wages

§ 43-409 - Job creation withholdings clearing account

§ 43-411 - Employer entitled to address of employee

§ 43-412 - Returns of withholding to be filed with department

§ 43-413 - Statement of withholding to employees

§ 43-414 - Liability for failure to withhold

§ 43-415 - Withholdings as trust fund for state

§ 43-416 - Failure to remit withholding; classification

§ 43-417 - Withholding without resort to legal action

§ 43-418 - Payroll service company; registration; definitions

§ 43-419 - Electronic remittance and filing required by payroll service company; penalty; definitions

§ 43-431 - Amounts withheld considered part payment of tax

§ 43-432 - Refund for excess withholding

§ 43-433 - Remedies for withheld taxes

§ 43-434 - Exemption in case of nonresident employees

§ 43-435 - Failure to collect and pay over tax; personal liability

§ 43-501 - When taxes are payable

§ 43-504 - Tax payments made in advance

§ 43-505 - Tax payments made to department; order of crediting

§ 43-562 - Husband and wife, liability for tax

§ 43-563 - Recovery of erroneous refunds

§ 43-567 - Lien for tax on trust income

§ 43-581 - Payment of estimated tax; rules; penalty; forms

§ 43-582 - Payment of estimated tax by corporations; penalty; forms

§ 43-583 - Payment of estimated tax by small business taxpayers; penalty; forms

§ 43-611 - Protest of tax deemed claim for refund

§ 43-612 - Contribution of portion of income tax refund to political parties trust fund

§ 43-613 - Contribution to child abuse prevention fund

§ 43-614 - Contribution of portion of refund to special olympics

§ 43-615 - Contribution to game, nongame, fish and endangered species fund

§ 43-616 - Contribution to neighbors helping neighbors fund

§ 43-617 - Contribution for solutions teams assigned to schools

§ 43-618 - Contribution to domestic violence services fund

§ 43-619 - Contribution to the spaying and neutering of animals fund

§ 43-620 - Contribution to veterans' donations fund

§ 43-621 - Contribution to I didn't pay enough fund

§ 43-622 - Contribution to sustainable state parks and roads fund

§ 43-645 - Interest on related items or where related taxpayers exist

§ 43-721 - Immediate assessment upon bankruptcy or receivership

§ 43-722 - Notice of bankruptcy or receivership to department

§ 43-723 - Claim for tax in case of bankruptcy or receivership

§ 43-724 - Collection of tax in case of bankruptcy or receivership

§ 43-901 - Taxable income computation

§ 43-902 - Period in which deductions and credits to be taken

§ 43-921 - Computation of tax when law changed

§ 43-922 - Payment or refund of tax when law changed

§ 43-923 - Change in tax rates

§ 43-931 - Change of accounting period; computation of income; due date of return

§ 43-932 - Return for a taxpayer not in existence throughout a complete taxable year

§ 43-941 - Allocation in the case of affiliated taxpayers

§ 43-942 - Allocation in the case of controlled corporations

§ 43-943 - Allocation in the case of husband and wife

§ 43-944 - Disclosure by department of basis of allocation

§ 43-945 - Allocation of exemptions for blind persons and persons over sixty-five years of age

§ 43-946 - Transactions between corporations and affiliated taxpayers

§ 43-947 - Consolidated returns by an affiliated group of corporations; definitions

§ 43-951 - Assessment against transferee for tax

§ 43-952 - Liability of transferee of assets

§ 43-953 - Period of limitation relating to transferees

§ 43-961 - Items not deductible in computation of taxable income

§ 43-1001 - Definitions

§ 43-1002 - Married person; application of definition

§ 43-1011 - Taxes and tax rates

§ 43-1011; Version 2 - Taxes and tax rates

§ 43-1012 - Optional tax table

§ 43-1013 - Income tax surcharge for public education

§ 43-1014 - Entity-level tax election; partnerships; S corporations; rules

§ 43-1711 - Taxes and tax rate

§ 43-1021 - Addition to Arizona gross income

§ 43-1022 - Subtractions from Arizona gross income

§ 43-1023 - Exemptions for blind persons and persons sixty-five years of age or older

§ 43-1024 - Americans with disabilities act access expenditures

§ 43-1025 - Agricultural crops contributed to charitable organizations; definitions

§ 43-1026 - Additions and subtractions; Arizona small business income tax returns

§ 43-1027 - Subtraction for wood stoves, wood fireplace or gas fired fireplaces; definitions

§ 43-1028 - Sale of virtual currency or non-fungible tokens; calculation of gain or loss; gas fees; subtraction; definitions

§ 43-1029 - Restoration of a substantial amount held under claim of right; computation of tax

§ 43-1121 - Additions to Arizona gross income; corporations

§ 43-1122 - Subtractions from Arizona gross income; corporations

§ 43-1123 - Net operating loss; definition

§ 43-1124 - Americans with disabilities act access expenditures

§ 43-1125 - Domestic international sales corporation

§ 43-1126 - Small business corporation; election as to taxable status; return; termination

§ 43-1127 - Deferred exploration expenses

§ 43-1129 - Amortization of expenses incurred in acquisition of pollution control devices; depreciation

§ 43-1130 - Amortization of the cost of child care facilities

§ 43-1130.01 - Restoration of a substantial amount held under claim of right; computation of tax

§ 43-1331 - Additions to Arizona gross income; estates and trusts

§ 43-1332 - Subtractions from Arizona gross income; estates and trusts

§ 43-1333 - Fiduciary adjustment; allocation of shares

§ 43-1041 - Optional standard deduction

§ 43-1042 - Itemized deductions

§ 43-1731 - Deductions

§ 43-1071 - Credit for income taxes paid to other states; definitions

§ 43-1072 - Earned credit for property taxes; residents sixty-five years of age or older; definitions

§ 43-1072.01 - Credit for increased excise taxes paid

§ 43-1072.02 - Credit for increased transaction privilege or excise tax paid for education

§ 43-1073 - Family income tax credit

§ 43-1073.01 - Dependent tax credit

§ 43-1074 - Credit for new employment

§ 43-1074.01 - Credit for increased research activities

§ 43-1074.02 - Credit for investment in qualified small businesses

§ 43-1075 - Affordable housing tax credit

§ 43-1076.01 - Healthy forest production tax credit; definitions

§ 43-1077 - Credit for entity-level income tax

§ 43-1078 - Credit for Arizona small business excess credit amount

§ 43-1079.01 - Credit for employing national guard members

§ 43-1081.01 - Credit for agricultural pollution control equipment

§ 43-1082 - Credit for motion picture production costs; qualifications; data maintenance; rules; definitions

§ 43-1083 - Credit for solar energy devices

§ 43-1083.02 - Renewable energy production tax credit; definitions

§ 43-1083.03 - Credit for qualified facilities

§ 43-1084 - Credit for agricultural water conservation system

§ 43-1085 - Credit for solar energy devices; commercial and industrial applications

§ 43-1086 - Credit for donation to the military family relief fund subaccounts

§ 43-1088 - Credit for contribution to qualifying charitable organizations; definitions

§ 43-1089 - Credit for contributions to school tuition organization

§ 43-1089.01 - Tax credit; public school fees and contributions; definitions

§ 43-1089.02 - Credit for donation of school site

§ 43-1089.03 - Credit for contributions to certified school tuition organization

§ 43-1089.04 - Pro rata credit for business contributions by S corporation school tuition organizations; definition

§ 43-1741 - Credit for income taxes paid to other states; definitions

§ 43-1742 - Individual income tax credits; applicability

§ 43-1091 - Gross income of a nonresident

§ 43-1092 - Intangible income of a nonresident

§ 43-1093 - Nonresident beneficiary of estate or trust income

§ 43-1094 - Adjusted gross income of a nonresident

§ 43-1095 - Apportionment of deductions

§ 43-1096 - Credit for income taxes paid by nonresident; definitions

§ 43-1097 - Change of residency status

§ 43-1098 - Apportionment of exemptions

§ 43-1099 - Applicability of article

§ 43-1751 - Nonresidents

§ 43-1101 - Definitions

§ 43-1111 - Tax rates for corporations

§ 43-1131 - Definitions

§ 43-1132 - Taxpayers liable; exceptions to allocation and apportionment; examination of evidence of income and expenses

§ 43-1133 - Taxability in other state

§ 43-1134 - Allocation of nonbusiness income

§ 43-1135 - Net rents and royalties

§ 43-1136 - Capital gains and losses

§ 43-1137 - Interest and dividends

§ 43-1138 - Patent and copyright royalties

§ 43-1139 - Allocation of business income

§ 43-1140 - Property factor

§ 43-1141 - Valuation of property

§ 43-1142 - Average value of property

§ 43-1143 - Payroll factor

§ 43-1144 - Compensation paid in state

§ 43-1145 - Sales factor

§ 43-1146 - Situs of sales of tangible personal property

§ 43-1147 - Situs of sales of other than tangible personal property; definitions

§ 43-1148 - Apportionment by department

§ 43-1149 - Interpretation

§ 43-1150 - Short title

§ 43-1151 - Tax clearance upon cessation of corporate activities

§ 43-1152 - Powers of corporation suspended for nonpayment of tax

§ 43-1153 - Certificate of suspension of a corporation

§ 43-1154 - Penalty for exercising powers after suspension

§ 43-1155 - Voidable contracts by corporations

§ 43-1156 - Application for revival of corporate powers

§ 43-1157 - Clearance of revivor by corporation commission

§ 43-1158 - Treatment of installment obligations on cessation of corporate activities

§ 43-1161 - Credit for new employment

§ 43-1162 - Healthy forest production tax credit; definitions

§ 43-1163 - Affordable housing tax credit

§ 43-1164 - Credit for solar energy devices; commercial and industrial applications

§ 43-1164.03 - Renewable energy production tax credit; definitions

§ 43-1164.04 - Credit for qualified facilities

§ 43-1164.05 - Credit for renewable energy investment and production for self-consumption by international operations centers; definitions

§ 43-1165 - Credit for motion picture production costs; qualifications; data maintenance; rules; definitions

§ 43-1167.01 - Credit for employing national guard members

§ 43-1168 - Credit for increased research activity

§ 43-1170 - Credit for pollution control equipment

§ 43-1175 - Credit for employment of temporary assistance for needy families recipients

§ 43-1178 - Credit for taxes with respect to coal consumed in generating electrical power

§ 43-1181 - Credit for donation of school site

§ 43-1183 - Credit for contributions to school tuition organization

§ 43-1184 - Credit for contributions to school tuition organization; displaced students; students with disabilities

§ 43-1381 - Credit for taxes paid to other state or country

§ 43-1382 - Credit for entity-level income tax

§ 43-1201 - Organizations exempt from tax

§ 43-1202 - Feeder organizations not exempt from tax; definition

§ 43-1212 - Denial of exempt status due to prohibited transactions; restoration of exempt status

§ 43-1231 - Taxation of unrelated business income

§ 43-1241 - Returns of unrelated business income

§ 43-1242 - Information returns of tax-exempt organizations; definition

§ 43-1301 - Definitions; estates and trusts

§ 43-1311 - Tax imposed on estates and trusts; rates; annual adjustment

§ 43-1314 - Charge for estate or trust taxes upon estate or trust

§ 43-1315 - Liability of beneficiaries for trust taxes

§ 43-1361 - Certificate of payment of taxes

§ 43-1362 - Request for certificate

§ 43-1363 - Effect of certificate

§ 43-1364 - Liability of fiduciary for nonpayment of estate or trust taxes

§ 43-1365 - Request for prompt assessment

§ 43-1366 - Notice of fiduciary relationship

§ 43-1401 - Definitions

§ 43-1411 - Partnership, individual partnership liability

§ 43-1412 - Partner's distributive share

§ 43-1413 - Year in which partnership income is includible

§ 43-1414 - Federal assessment of imputed underpayment; definitions

§ 43-1501 - Definitions

§ 43-1502 - Certification as a school tuition organization

§ 43-1503 - Operational requirements for school tuition organizations

§ 43-1504 - Special provisions; corporate donations for low-income scholarships; rules

§ 43-1505 - Special provisions; corporate donations for displaced students and students with disabilities; definition

§ 43-1506 - Annual report; posting

§ 43-1507 - Audits and financial reviews

§ 43-1601 - Definitions

§ 43-1602 - Certification as a school tuition organization

§ 43-1603 - Operational requirements for school tuition organizations; notice; qualified schools

§ 43-1604 - Annual report; posting

§ 43-1605 - Audits and financial reviews

§ 43-1701 - Definitions

§ 43-1702 - Rules

§ 43-1721 - Additions and subtractions to Arizona small business gross income