Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 43 - Taxation of Income
§ 43-103 - Effective date

43-103. Effective date
The provisions of this act shall apply only to taxable years beginning after December 31, 1978.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 43 - Taxation of Income

§ 43-101 - Title

§ 43-102 - Declaration of intent

§ 43-103 - Effective date

§ 43-104 - Definitions

§ 43-105 - Internal revenue code; definition; application

§ 43-107 - Nonconformity in application of internal revenue code; abatement of penalties and interest; definitions

§ 43-108 - Subtraction from gross income; ordinary and necessary expenses; marijuana establishments and marijuana testing facilities; definitions

§ 43-201 - Preemption by state of income taxation

§ 43-202 - Object of tax

§ 43-203 - Severability

§ 43-204 - Repeal; savings clause

§ 43-206 - Urban revenue sharing fund; allocation; distribution; withholding

§ 43-207 - Illegal income; duty of law enforcement or prosecuting agency; distribution of revenue; definitions

§ 43-208 - Administration and enforcement

§ 43-209 - Collection of tax on income of professional athletes earned in this state; separate accounting for tax revenue from professional football; definition

§ 43-210 - Premium tax credit; health insurance; certification of qualified persons; violation; classification; definitions

§ 43-211 - I didn't pay enough fund

§ 43-212 - Individual income tax model; fiscal impact requests; staff access

§ 43-221 - Joint legislative income tax credit review committee; report

§ 43-222 - Income tax credit review schedule

§ 43-223 - Requirements for new income tax credits established by the legislature

§ 43-224 - Individual and corporate income tax credits; annual report; termination of unused credits

§ 43-225 - Affordable housing tax credit review committee; reports

§ 43-241 - Time for performance of acts; definition

§ 43-242 - Change of taxpayer organization; nontaxable event

§ 43-243 - State general fund revenue notification; tax rate adjustment

§ 43-244 - State general fund revenue notification; tax rate adjustment

§ 43-301 - Individual returns; definition

§ 43-302 - Arizona small business income tax return; election; revocation

§ 43-303 - Returns by agent or guardian

§ 43-304 - Fiduciary returns

§ 43-305 - Fiduciary returns; two or more fiduciaries

§ 43-306 - Partnership returns

§ 43-307 - Corporation returns

§ 43-308 - Gross income defined for purposes of determination to file

§ 43-309 - Joint returns of husband and wife

§ 43-310 - Separate returns after filing joint returns

§ 43-311 - Joint return after filing separate return

§ 43-312 - Information return of sales; nonresident real estate transactions; escrow agents; reports

§ 43-321 - Information required in returns

§ 43-322 - Signature presumed to be taxpayer's

§ 43-323 - Place and form of filing returns

§ 43-324 - Rounding to the nearest dollar

§ 43-325 - Time for filing returns

§ 43-327 - Recomputation of tax or amended return due after federal adjustment; definition

§ 43-328 - Returns filed by persons outside the United States

§ 43-381 - Confidentiality of information if returns prepared by person other than taxpayer; violation; classification

§ 43-382 - Solicitation of return preparation prohibited; classification

§ 43-401 - Withholding tax; rates; election by employee

§ 43-402 - Definition of "employer"

§ 43-403 - Employment excluded from withholding

§ 43-404 - Extension of withholding to military retirement pensions and to other annuities; definition

§ 43-405 - Extension of withholding to gambling winnings

§ 43-406 - Extension of withholding to premature withdrawals of state and local government retirement contributions

§ 43-407 - Extension of withholding to unemployment compensation payments

§ 43-408 - Voluntary withholding on out-of-state wages

§ 43-409 - Job creation withholdings clearing account

§ 43-411 - Employer entitled to address of employee

§ 43-412 - Returns of withholding to be filed with department

§ 43-413 - Statement of withholding to employees

§ 43-414 - Liability for failure to withhold

§ 43-415 - Withholdings as trust fund for state

§ 43-416 - Failure to remit withholding; classification

§ 43-417 - Withholding without resort to legal action

§ 43-418 - Payroll service company; registration; definitions

§ 43-419 - Electronic remittance and filing required by payroll service company; penalty; definitions

§ 43-431 - Amounts withheld considered part payment of tax

§ 43-432 - Refund for excess withholding

§ 43-433 - Remedies for withheld taxes

§ 43-434 - Exemption in case of nonresident employees

§ 43-435 - Failure to collect and pay over tax; personal liability

§ 43-501 - When taxes are payable

§ 43-504 - Tax payments made in advance

§ 43-505 - Tax payments made to department; order of crediting

§ 43-562 - Husband and wife, liability for tax

§ 43-563 - Recovery of erroneous refunds

§ 43-567 - Lien for tax on trust income

§ 43-581 - Payment of estimated tax; rules; penalty; forms

§ 43-582 - Payment of estimated tax by corporations; penalty; forms

§ 43-583 - Payment of estimated tax by small business taxpayers; penalty; forms

§ 43-611 - Protest of tax deemed claim for refund

§ 43-612 - Contribution of portion of income tax refund to political parties trust fund

§ 43-613 - Contribution to child abuse prevention fund

§ 43-614 - Contribution of portion of refund to special olympics

§ 43-615 - Contribution to game, nongame, fish and endangered species fund

§ 43-616 - Contribution to neighbors helping neighbors fund

§ 43-617 - Contribution for solutions teams assigned to schools

§ 43-618 - Contribution to domestic violence services fund

§ 43-619 - Contribution to the spaying and neutering of animals fund

§ 43-620 - Contribution to veterans' donations fund

§ 43-621 - Contribution to I didn't pay enough fund

§ 43-622 - Contribution to sustainable state parks and roads fund

§ 43-645 - Interest on related items or where related taxpayers exist

§ 43-721 - Immediate assessment upon bankruptcy or receivership

§ 43-722 - Notice of bankruptcy or receivership to department

§ 43-723 - Claim for tax in case of bankruptcy or receivership

§ 43-724 - Collection of tax in case of bankruptcy or receivership

§ 43-901 - Taxable income computation

§ 43-902 - Period in which deductions and credits to be taken

§ 43-921 - Computation of tax when law changed

§ 43-922 - Payment or refund of tax when law changed

§ 43-923 - Change in tax rates

§ 43-931 - Change of accounting period; computation of income; due date of return

§ 43-932 - Return for a taxpayer not in existence throughout a complete taxable year

§ 43-941 - Allocation in the case of affiliated taxpayers

§ 43-942 - Allocation in the case of controlled corporations

§ 43-943 - Allocation in the case of husband and wife

§ 43-944 - Disclosure by department of basis of allocation

§ 43-945 - Allocation of exemptions for blind persons and persons over sixty-five years of age

§ 43-946 - Transactions between corporations and affiliated taxpayers

§ 43-947 - Consolidated returns by an affiliated group of corporations; definitions

§ 43-951 - Assessment against transferee for tax

§ 43-952 - Liability of transferee of assets

§ 43-953 - Period of limitation relating to transferees

§ 43-961 - Items not deductible in computation of taxable income

§ 43-1001 - Definitions

§ 43-1002 - Married person; application of definition

§ 43-1011 - Taxes and tax rates

§ 43-1011; Version 2 - Taxes and tax rates

§ 43-1012 - Optional tax table

§ 43-1013 - Income tax surcharge for public education

§ 43-1014 - Entity-level tax election; partnerships; S corporations; rules

§ 43-1711 - Taxes and tax rate

§ 43-1021 - Addition to Arizona gross income

§ 43-1022 - Subtractions from Arizona gross income

§ 43-1023 - Exemptions for blind persons and persons sixty-five years of age or older

§ 43-1024 - Americans with disabilities act access expenditures

§ 43-1025 - Agricultural crops contributed to charitable organizations; definitions

§ 43-1026 - Additions and subtractions; Arizona small business income tax returns

§ 43-1027 - Subtraction for wood stoves, wood fireplace or gas fired fireplaces; definitions

§ 43-1028 - Sale of virtual currency or non-fungible tokens; calculation of gain or loss; gas fees; subtraction; definitions

§ 43-1029 - Restoration of a substantial amount held under claim of right; computation of tax

§ 43-1121 - Additions to Arizona gross income; corporations

§ 43-1122 - Subtractions from Arizona gross income; corporations

§ 43-1123 - Net operating loss; definition

§ 43-1124 - Americans with disabilities act access expenditures

§ 43-1125 - Domestic international sales corporation

§ 43-1126 - Small business corporation; election as to taxable status; return; termination

§ 43-1127 - Deferred exploration expenses

§ 43-1129 - Amortization of expenses incurred in acquisition of pollution control devices; depreciation

§ 43-1130 - Amortization of the cost of child care facilities

§ 43-1130.01 - Restoration of a substantial amount held under claim of right; computation of tax

§ 43-1331 - Additions to Arizona gross income; estates and trusts

§ 43-1332 - Subtractions from Arizona gross income; estates and trusts

§ 43-1333 - Fiduciary adjustment; allocation of shares

§ 43-1041 - Optional standard deduction

§ 43-1042 - Itemized deductions

§ 43-1731 - Deductions

§ 43-1071 - Credit for income taxes paid to other states; definitions

§ 43-1072 - Earned credit for property taxes; residents sixty-five years of age or older; definitions

§ 43-1072.01 - Credit for increased excise taxes paid

§ 43-1072.02 - Credit for increased transaction privilege or excise tax paid for education

§ 43-1073 - Family income tax credit

§ 43-1073.01 - Dependent tax credit

§ 43-1074 - Credit for new employment

§ 43-1074.01 - Credit for increased research activities

§ 43-1074.02 - Credit for investment in qualified small businesses

§ 43-1075 - Affordable housing tax credit

§ 43-1076.01 - Healthy forest production tax credit; definitions

§ 43-1077 - Credit for entity-level income tax

§ 43-1078 - Credit for Arizona small business excess credit amount

§ 43-1079.01 - Credit for employing national guard members

§ 43-1081.01 - Credit for agricultural pollution control equipment

§ 43-1082 - Credit for motion picture production costs; qualifications; data maintenance; rules; definitions

§ 43-1083 - Credit for solar energy devices

§ 43-1083.02 - Renewable energy production tax credit; definitions

§ 43-1083.03 - Credit for qualified facilities

§ 43-1084 - Credit for agricultural water conservation system

§ 43-1085 - Credit for solar energy devices; commercial and industrial applications

§ 43-1086 - Credit for donation to the military family relief fund subaccounts

§ 43-1088 - Credit for contribution to qualifying charitable organizations; definitions

§ 43-1089 - Credit for contributions to school tuition organization

§ 43-1089.01 - Tax credit; public school fees and contributions; definitions

§ 43-1089.02 - Credit for donation of school site

§ 43-1089.03 - Credit for contributions to certified school tuition organization

§ 43-1089.04 - Pro rata credit for business contributions by S corporation school tuition organizations; definition

§ 43-1741 - Credit for income taxes paid to other states; definitions

§ 43-1742 - Individual income tax credits; applicability

§ 43-1091 - Gross income of a nonresident

§ 43-1092 - Intangible income of a nonresident

§ 43-1093 - Nonresident beneficiary of estate or trust income

§ 43-1094 - Adjusted gross income of a nonresident

§ 43-1095 - Apportionment of deductions

§ 43-1096 - Credit for income taxes paid by nonresident; definitions

§ 43-1097 - Change of residency status

§ 43-1098 - Apportionment of exemptions

§ 43-1099 - Applicability of article

§ 43-1751 - Nonresidents

§ 43-1101 - Definitions

§ 43-1111 - Tax rates for corporations

§ 43-1131 - Definitions

§ 43-1132 - Taxpayers liable; exceptions to allocation and apportionment; examination of evidence of income and expenses

§ 43-1133 - Taxability in other state

§ 43-1134 - Allocation of nonbusiness income

§ 43-1135 - Net rents and royalties

§ 43-1136 - Capital gains and losses

§ 43-1137 - Interest and dividends

§ 43-1138 - Patent and copyright royalties

§ 43-1139 - Allocation of business income

§ 43-1140 - Property factor

§ 43-1141 - Valuation of property

§ 43-1142 - Average value of property

§ 43-1143 - Payroll factor

§ 43-1144 - Compensation paid in state

§ 43-1145 - Sales factor

§ 43-1146 - Situs of sales of tangible personal property

§ 43-1147 - Situs of sales of other than tangible personal property; definitions

§ 43-1148 - Apportionment by department

§ 43-1149 - Interpretation

§ 43-1150 - Short title

§ 43-1151 - Tax clearance upon cessation of corporate activities

§ 43-1152 - Powers of corporation suspended for nonpayment of tax

§ 43-1153 - Certificate of suspension of a corporation

§ 43-1154 - Penalty for exercising powers after suspension

§ 43-1155 - Voidable contracts by corporations

§ 43-1156 - Application for revival of corporate powers

§ 43-1157 - Clearance of revivor by corporation commission

§ 43-1158 - Treatment of installment obligations on cessation of corporate activities

§ 43-1161 - Credit for new employment

§ 43-1162 - Healthy forest production tax credit; definitions

§ 43-1163 - Affordable housing tax credit

§ 43-1164 - Credit for solar energy devices; commercial and industrial applications

§ 43-1164.03 - Renewable energy production tax credit; definitions

§ 43-1164.04 - Credit for qualified facilities

§ 43-1164.05 - Credit for renewable energy investment and production for self-consumption by international operations centers; definitions

§ 43-1165 - Credit for motion picture production costs; qualifications; data maintenance; rules; definitions

§ 43-1167.01 - Credit for employing national guard members

§ 43-1168 - Credit for increased research activity

§ 43-1170 - Credit for pollution control equipment

§ 43-1175 - Credit for employment of temporary assistance for needy families recipients

§ 43-1178 - Credit for taxes with respect to coal consumed in generating electrical power

§ 43-1181 - Credit for donation of school site

§ 43-1183 - Credit for contributions to school tuition organization

§ 43-1184 - Credit for contributions to school tuition organization; displaced students; students with disabilities

§ 43-1381 - Credit for taxes paid to other state or country

§ 43-1382 - Credit for entity-level income tax

§ 43-1201 - Organizations exempt from tax

§ 43-1202 - Feeder organizations not exempt from tax; definition

§ 43-1212 - Denial of exempt status due to prohibited transactions; restoration of exempt status

§ 43-1231 - Taxation of unrelated business income

§ 43-1241 - Returns of unrelated business income

§ 43-1242 - Information returns of tax-exempt organizations; definition

§ 43-1301 - Definitions; estates and trusts

§ 43-1311 - Tax imposed on estates and trusts; rates; annual adjustment

§ 43-1314 - Charge for estate or trust taxes upon estate or trust

§ 43-1315 - Liability of beneficiaries for trust taxes

§ 43-1361 - Certificate of payment of taxes

§ 43-1362 - Request for certificate

§ 43-1363 - Effect of certificate

§ 43-1364 - Liability of fiduciary for nonpayment of estate or trust taxes

§ 43-1365 - Request for prompt assessment

§ 43-1366 - Notice of fiduciary relationship

§ 43-1401 - Definitions

§ 43-1411 - Partnership, individual partnership liability

§ 43-1412 - Partner's distributive share

§ 43-1413 - Year in which partnership income is includible

§ 43-1414 - Federal assessment of imputed underpayment; definitions

§ 43-1501 - Definitions

§ 43-1502 - Certification as a school tuition organization

§ 43-1503 - Operational requirements for school tuition organizations

§ 43-1504 - Special provisions; corporate donations for low-income scholarships; rules

§ 43-1505 - Special provisions; corporate donations for displaced students and students with disabilities; definition

§ 43-1506 - Annual report; posting

§ 43-1507 - Audits and financial reviews

§ 43-1601 - Definitions

§ 43-1602 - Certification as a school tuition organization

§ 43-1603 - Operational requirements for school tuition organizations; notice; qualified schools

§ 43-1604 - Annual report; posting

§ 43-1605 - Audits and financial reviews

§ 43-1701 - Definitions

§ 43-1702 - Rules

§ 43-1721 - Additions and subtractions to Arizona small business gross income