Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 41 - State Government
§ 41-5604 - Consultation with applicable agencies; admission authority

41-5604. Consultation with applicable agencies; admission authority
A. The attorney general must consult with an applicable agency before admitting a person into the regulatory sandbox. This consultation may include seeking information about:
1. Whether the applicable agency previously has either:
(a) Issued a license or other authorization to the applicant.
(b) Investigated, sanctioned or pursued legal action against the applicant.
2. Whether the applicant could obtain a license or other authorization from an applicable agency after exiting the regulatory sandbox.
B. Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, the attorney general has sole authority to make the final decision whether to admit a person into the regulatory sandbox.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 41 - State Government

§ 41-101 - Powers and duties; attestation of acts of governor; salary

§ 41-101; Version 2 - Powers and duties; attestation of acts of governor; salary

§ 41-101.01 - Authority to accept and expend certain funds

§ 41-101.02 - Authority to enter reciprocal aid agreements

§ 41-101.03 - State employee travel reduction program; designated state agency; fund

§ 41-102 - Record required

§ 41-103 - Receipt of military supplies

§ 41-104 - Offer of reward for information leading to apprehension of convict or arrest and conviction of felon; authorization for payment

§ 41-105 - Exchange of offenders under treaty; consent by governor

§ 41-106 - Advisory board; reimbursement of expenses

§ 41-107 - Office of Sonora

§ 41-108 - Foster youth education success program; fund; report

§ 41-109 - Prevention of child abuse fund; definitions

§ 41-110 - Crisis contingency and safety net fund; exemption; use of monies

§ 41-114 - Human trafficking victim assistance fund; definition

§ 41-115 - Alcohol, tobacco and drug education; definition

§ 41-121 - Duties

§ 41-121.01 - Salary

§ 41-121.02 - Department of state

§ 41-122 - Assistant secretary of state

§ 41-124 - Receipt and record of documents received

§ 41-125 - Membership in national organizations; attending conventions

§ 41-126 - Fees; expedited services

§ 41-128 - Standing political committee administrative fund; purpose

§ 41-129 - Election systems improvement fund; purpose

§ 41-130 - Use of state seal restricted; violation; classification

§ 41-131 - Certified copies; fee

§ 41-133 - Officeholder expenses; account; reporting; limitations; civil penalty; definition

§ 41-151 - Definitions

§ 41-151.01 - Arizona state library, archives and public records

§ 41-151.02 - Electronic records repository fund; exemption

§ 41-151.03 - Director of the state library; qualifications

§ 41-151.04 - Compensation of director

§ 41-151.05 - Powers and duties of director

§ 41-151.06 - State library administrative agency; state library fund

§ 41-151.07 - Library development services

§ 41-151.08 - Archives and history services; recovery of costs

§ 41-151.09 - Depository of official archives

§ 41-151.10 - Historical records

§ 41-151.11 - Access to public records

§ 41-151.12 - Records; records management; powers and duties of director; fees; records services fund

§ 41-151.13 - Records management officer; duties

§ 41-151.14 - State and local public records management; violation; classification; definition

§ 41-151.15 - Preservation of public records

§ 41-151.16 - Production and reproduction of records by agencies of the state and political subdivisions; admissibility; violation; classification

§ 41-151.17 - Duties relating to historical value

§ 41-151.18 - Arizona uniform laws commission; membership; duties

§ 41-151.19 - Determination of value; disposition

§ 41-151.20 - Historical advisory commission; membership; terms; expenses; duties; historic sites review committee

§ 41-151.21 - Review and transfer of certain historic property; exemption; definition

§ 41-151.22 - Privacy of user records; violation; classification; definition

§ 41-151.23 - Arizona historical records advisory board

§ 41-161 - Definitions

§ 41-162 - Address confidentiality; duties of secretary of state; application assistant

§ 41-163 - Filing and certification of applications; authorization cards

§ 41-164 - Change of name, address or telephone number; cancellation of certification

§ 41-165 - Disclosure of actual address prohibited; violation; classification

§ 41-166 - Address use by state or local government entities

§ 41-167 - Request for disclosure

§ 41-168 - Nondisclosure of address in court proceedings

§ 41-169 - Address confidentiality program fund

§ 41-171 - Office; absence from state; salary; seal

§ 41-172 - Powers and duties; administering oaths; appointment of deputy state treasurer

§ 41-173 - Special olympics tax refund fund

§ 41-174 - Access to public records and state offices

§ 41-175 - State treasurer's financial literacy fund

§ 41-176 - Navajo-Hopi land dispute county settlement fund; investment; distribution; exemption

§ 41-177 - Arizona health innovation trust fund; purpose; annual report

§ 41-178 - Distribution of notary bond fees

§ 41-179 - AZ529, Arizona's education savings plan advisory committee; membership; duties

§ 41-180 - Law enforcement crime victim notification fund; software; vendor requirement; reimbursement

§ 41-191 - Attorney general; qualifications; salary; assistants; fees; exceptions; outside counsel

§ 41-191.01 - Procedure upon recovery of money for antitrust violations

§ 41-191.02 - Antitrust enforcement revolving fund; receipts and disbursements; exemption; report; data collection

§ 41-191.03 - Collection enforcement revolving fund; disposition of monies

§ 41-191.04 - Collection of debts owed the state; reports; remedies

§ 41-191.05 - Colorado river land claims revolving fund; use; accounting; audit; disposition of monies

§ 41-191.06 - Victims' rights program

§ 41-191.07 - Street gang enforcement revolving fund; use; exemption from lapsing

§ 41-191.08 - Victims' rights fund; use; reporting requirements; exemption from lapsing

§ 41-191.09 - Attorney general legal services cost allocation fund; contributions; exemptions

§ 41-191.10 - Misrepresentations by employment agents; definition

§ 41-191.11 - Child and family advocacy center fund; report

§ 41-191.12 - Unreported in-kind political contributions task force fund; joint task force on unreported in-kind political contributions; exemption

§ 41-192 - Powers and duties of attorney general; restrictions on state agencies as to legal counsel; exceptions; compromise and settlement monies

§ 41-192.01 - Authorizing Arizona power authority to employ legal counsel for certain purposes

§ 41-192.02 - Legal counsel in certain civil actions; counsel to fire districts

§ 41-193 - Department of law; composition; powers and duties

§ 41-194 - Opinions; annual report; distribution

§ 41-194.01 - Violations of state law by counties, cities and towns; attorney general investigation; report; withholding of state shared revenues; notice of violation

§ 41-195 - Violation; classification

§ 41-196 - Witness protection

§ 41-198 - Fatal or near fatal domestic violence review teams; duties; membership; report; confidentiality; violation; classification; definitions

§ 41-199 - Internet crimes against children enforcement fund; use; reporting

§ 41-251 - Definitions

§ 41-252 - Authority to perform notarial acts

§ 41-253 - Requirements for certain notarial acts

§ 41-254 - Personal appearance required

§ 41-255 - Identification of individual

§ 41-256 - Authority to refuse to perform notarial acts

§ 41-257 - Signature if individual unable to sign

§ 41-258 - Notarial act in this state

§ 41-259 - Notarial act in another state

§ 41-260 - Notarial act under authority of federally recognized Indian tribes

§ 41-261 - Notarial act under federal authority

§ 41-262 - Foreign notarial act; definition

§ 41-263 - Notarial act performed for remotely located individual; definitions

§ 41-264 - Certificate of notarial act

§ 41-265 - Short form certificates

§ 41-266 - Official stamp

§ 41-267 - Stamping device; violation; classification

§ 41-268 - Notification regarding performance of notarial act on electronic record; selection of technology; acceptance of tangible copy of electronic record

§ 41-269 - Commission as notary public; confidential information; qualifications; assurance; no immunity or benefit

§ 41-270 - Examination of notary public; fee

§ 41-271 - Grounds to deny, refuse to renew, revoke, suspend or condition commission of notary public

§ 41-272 - Database of notaries public

§ 41-273 - Prohibited acts; civil penalty; violation; classification

§ 41-274 - Validity of notarial acts

§ 41-275 - Rules

§ 41-276 - Notary public commission in effect; authorization to perform electronic and remote online notarizations in effect

§ 41-277 - Relation to electronic signatures in global and national commerce act

§ 41-314 - Notary bond fund; purpose; exemption

§ 41-316 - Fees

§ 41-317 - Resignation; delivering notary seal, notarial journal and records; failure to comply; storing records; certified copies

§ 41-318 - Wilful destruction of records; penalty

§ 41-319 - Journal

§ 41-320 - Competency of bank and corporation notaries

§ 41-323 - Change of address; lost, stolen or compromised journal or seal; civil penalty; presumption; exception

§ 41-324 - Court reporters; notarial acts

§ 41-325 - Evidence of authenticity of a notarial act performed in this state

§ 41-326 - Apostille

§ 41-327 - Surname change; notification; continuation of commission

§ 41-331 - Complaints; investigations

§ 41-332 - Notary education fund

§ 41-333 - Impersonation of notary public

§ 41-401 - Constitutional defense council; members; powers; revolving fund; definitions

§ 41-451 - Adoption of compact; text of compact

§ 41-501 - Definitions

§ 41-502 - Arizona state parks heritage fund; exemption

§ 41-503 - Expenditures from fund; purpose; amounts

§ 41-504 - Performance audit

§ 41-511 - Arizona state parks board; membership; appointment; terms

§ 41-511.01 - Compensation and organization of board

§ 41-511.02 - Director; qualifications; state historic preservation officer

§ 41-511.03 - Purposes; objectives

§ 41-511.04 - Duties; board; partnership fund; state historic preservation officer; definition

§ 41-511.05 - Powers; compensation

§ 41-511.06 - Eminent domain

§ 41-511.07 - Parks and monuments on state lands

§ 41-511.08 - Judicial review

§ 41-511.09 - Park ranger law enforcement officers; training

§ 41-511.10 - Rejection of gifts

§ 41-511.11 - Disposition of gifts; state parks donations fund

§ 41-511.12 - Annual report

§ 41-511.13 - Violations; classification

§ 41-511.14 - Transfer of authority

§ 41-511.15 - Arizona trail; fund; definition

§ 41-511.16 - Rock climbing state park; fees, gifts and donations; disposition

§ 41-511.17 - Sustainable state parks and roads fund

§ 41-511.18 - Spur Cross Ranch state park

§ 41-511.19 - Catalina state park

§ 41-511.20 - Authorized emergency use of water from Lake Patagonia by city of Nogales

§ 41-511.21 - State parks revenue fund; purpose; exemption

§ 41-511.22 - Trail systems plan; deposit of monies; definition

§ 41-511.23 - Conservation acquisition board; land conservation fund; conservation donation and public conservation accounts; livestock and crop conservation fund

§ 41-511.24 - Arizona state parks store fund

§ 41-511.25 - Arizona outdoor recreation coordinating commission; members; powers and duties

§ 41-511.26 - Authorization for participation in federal land and water conservation fund

§ 41-519 - Yarnell Hill memorial

§ 41-519.02 - Yarnell Hill memorial fund; exemption

§ 41-525.01 - Division of Colorado river boundary markers

§ 41-525.02 - Colorado river boundary marker commissioner

§ 41-525.03 - Duties of commissioner

§ 41-531 - Arizona commission of African-American affairs

§ 41-532 - Powers and duties; information; report

§ 41-533 - Arizona commission of African-American affairs fund

§ 41-534 - African-American legislative day

§ 41-561 - Economic estimates commission; members; vacancies; limitation

§ 41-562 - Powers and duties of the commission; definition

§ 41-563 - Expenditure limitations; determination by the commission; definitions

§ 41-563.01 - Notification of vote by governing board

§ 41-563.02 - Elections for expenditures in excess of expenditure limitation

§ 41-563.03 - Proposals for permanent adjustment of expenditure limitation and alternative expenditure limitations; review by auditor general; form of ballot

§ 41-563.04 - Treatment of non-lapsing appropriations

§ 41-563.05 - Alternative population estimate; border counties

§ 41-601 - Definitions

§ 41-602 - Arizona veterans' service advisory commission; terms; qualifications; compensation

§ 41-603 - Powers and duties

§ 41-603.01 - Veterans' homes; department procurement exemptions

§ 41-604 - Director of veterans' services; compensation

§ 41-605 - Service of department as guardian or conservator

§ 41-606 - Action as executor, administrator, guardian or conservator; bond; method of payment

§ 41-607 - Violation; classification

§ 41-608 - Veterans' donations fund; grants

§ 41-608.01 - State homes for veterans trust fund; purpose

§ 41-608.02 - State veterans' cemetery fund

§ 41-608.03 - Arizona state veterans' cemetery trust fund; donations; purpose

§ 41-608.04 - Military family relief fund; subaccounts; advisory committees; definitions

§ 41-608.05 - Arizona gold star military medal

§ 41-609 - Arizona veteran supportive campuses; department list; reports; definition

§ 41-610 - Capital projects; federal monies; annual report

§ 41-610.01 - Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for military veterans fund; exemption; advisory committee; annual report

§ 41-611 - Veterans' deferment of tuition payment, required books and materials; period; promissory note

§ 41-612 - Post-9/11 veteran education relief fund; advisory committee; definitions

§ 41-617.01 - Arizona drug and gang prevention resource center; report

§ 41-619.51 - Definitions

§ 41-619.52 - Board of fingerprinting; organization; meetings

§ 41-619.53 - Board of fingerprinting; powers and duties; personnel; liability

§ 41-619.54 - Confidentiality of criminal record and central registry information; exception; reporting

§ 41-619.55 - Good cause exceptions; expedited review; hearing; revocation

§ 41-619.56 - Board of fingerprinting fund

§ 41-619.57 - Central registry exceptions; expedited review; hearing

§ 41-621 - Purchase of insurance; coverage; limitations; exclusions; definitions

§ 41-621.01 - Contractors or subcontractors; pooling of property, liability and workers' compensation coverage; exemptions; board of trustees; contract; termination; audit; insolvency

§ 41-622 - Risk management revolving fund; construction insurance fund; cyber risk insurance fund; self-insured losses and administrative costs; budget requests

§ 41-622.01 - Revolving fund for joint insurance purchase retention pools

§ 41-622.02 - Consumer loss recovery fund

§ 41-623 - Risk management and loss control

§ 41-624 - Definitions; commissions on sales of insurance to the state; violation; classification

§ 41-625 - Environmental risk management; purpose; administration

§ 41-626 - Mobile food vendors; insurance requirement prohibited; definition

§ 41-701 - Department of administration; director; appointment

§ 41-701.01 - Definitions

§ 41-702 - Deputy director; department organization; assistant directors; compensation of officers

§ 41-703 - Duties of director

§ 41-703.01 - Competitive grant program; technology solution; patient continuity of care; hospital interconnectivity; annual report; definitions

§ 41-704 - Emergency telecommunication services; administration; annual report; revolving fund

§ 41-705 - Racing investigation fund; distributions; refund

§ 41-706 - State employee living donor leave; definitions

§ 41-707 - Investment yield restriction report

§ 41-708 - Annual report; state employee salaries; full-time equivalent positions; definitions

§ 41-709 - Gifts and donations for employee recognition

§ 41-710 - Information technology personnel; criminal history records; definitions

§ 41-710.01 - Reimbursement of transportation and telecommuting costs; definition

§ 41-711 - Establishment of automation operation center; fund; report

§ 41-712 - Telecommunications program office; state contractor; cost of operation; employees; report; exception

§ 41-713 - Telecommunications fund; report

§ 41-714 - Automation projects fund; subaccounts; exemption; annual report; purpose; joint legislative budget committee review

§ 41-722 - Powers and duties relating to finance

§ 41-723 - Governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting; duties

§ 41-724 - Exemptions

§ 41-725 - Comprehensive database of receipts and expenditures of state monies; local reporting; definition

§ 41-726 - Debt; annual report; definition

§ 41-732 - Duties relating to general accounting activities

§ 41-733 - Examination of witnesses

§ 41-734 - Preservation of accounts; copies; fees

§ 41-735 - Internal audit; authority to examine records; divulgence of restricted information; violation; classification; public records exception

§ 41-736 - Forest reserve monies

§ 41-737 - Forms for reports by county assessors and treasurers

§ 41-738 - Membership in national organizations; attending conventions

§ 41-739 - Drawing illegal warrant; classification

§ 41-740 - Nonperformance of duty; classification

§ 41-740.01 - Arizona financial information system collections fund; purpose; transaction fee; joint legislative budget committee; annual report

§ 41-741 - Definitions

§ 41-742 - State personnel system; covered and uncovered employees; application; exemptions

§ 41-743 - Powers and duties of the director

§ 41-744 - Nonconformity with federal regulations granting federal monies

§ 41-745 - Covered and uncovered service

§ 41-746 - Refusal of consideration for employment; verification of education and work history

§ 41-747 - Employment procedures; violation

§ 41-748 - Transfer of accumulated annual leave; definitions

§ 41-749 - Administrative leave; reporting

§ 41-750 - Contribution of pro rata share for personnel division fund

§ 41-751 - Annual report and recommendations

§ 41-752 - Protections of civil or political liberties; prohibitions; civil penalty; violation; classification

§ 41-753 - Unlawful acts; violation; classification

§ 41-754 - Required reduction in hours

§ 41-771 - Powers and duties of director relating to employees in covered service

§ 41-772 - Reduction in force procedure in covered service

§ 41-773 - Causes for dismissal or discipline for employee in covered service

§ 41-781 - State personnel board; members; appointment; term; meetings; compensation

§ 41-782 - Powers and duties of the state personnel board

§ 41-783 - Appeals to the state personnel board for covered employees; notice of charges; hearings

§ 41-790 - Definitions

§ 41-790.01 - Exemptions; exception

§ 41-791 - Powers and duties relating to public buildings maintenance; compensation of personnel

§ 41-791.01 - Powers and duties relating to facilities planning and construction; exemption

§ 41-791.02 - Powers and duties relating to acquiring property; lease purchase agreements; eminent domain; JLBC approval

§ 41-791.04 - Lease purchase financing; eligible municipal convention center projects; eligible projects lease purchase fund

§ 41-792 - Lease cost review board; members; duties; square footage lease costs

§ 41-792.01 - Capital outlay stabilization fund; authorization for collection of rental; basis of payment; report; distribution of monies collected; transfer of payment; lease-purchase building operating and maintenance fund; definition

§ 41-792.02 - Capitol mall consolidation fund; use; review

§ 41-793 - Building systems; capital improvement plans

§ 41-793.01 - Formula for building renewal monies; legislative appropriations

§ 41-793.02 - Renovation or replacement of state buildings; building life extension study; definition

§ 41-794 - State agencies; capital projects; reports; exception

§ 41-796 - Regulation of traffic and parking; monetary penalties; hearing; state traffic and parking control fund; definition

§ 41-796.01 - Adjusted work hours

§ 41-797 - Department of corrections building renewal fund

§ 41-805 - Off duty peace officers; lease or rental of law enforcement equipment

§ 41-806 - Use of renewable energy; department of administration facilities; definitions

§ 41-821 - Arizona historical society; powers; officers; duties of board of directors

§ 41-822 - Historical collections; annual report

§ 41-823 - Purposes of society; housing of society collection; financial provisions

§ 41-824 - Journal of Arizona history

§ 41-825 - Permanent Arizona historical society preservation and restoration revolving fund

§ 41-826 - Permanent Arizona historical society revolving fund

§ 41-831 - Prescott historical society of Arizona; organization; officers; election by membership; property held in trust; expenditure of legislative appropriations

§ 41-832 - Meetings of society; nominations; bylaws of society; election of officers; meetings; rules and regulations; employment of director and other personnel

§ 41-833 - Powers and duties of society

§ 41-834 - Fees

§ 41-835 - Perpetuation of historical names

§ 41-835.01 - Definitions

§ 41-835.02 - State board on geographic and historic names; membership; expenses; quorum; staff support; chairperson

§ 41-835.03 - Powers and duties

§ 41-835.04 - Changes in or additions of geographic features or places of historical significance; submission of proposal; consideration; action; notice

§ 41-835.05 - Use of names chosen

§ 41-835.06 - Advertising or publishing a name without approval

§ 41-836 - Restriction on changing historical name

§ 41-837 - Hoover dam

§ 41-837.01 - Mogollon Rim

§ 41-838 - Violation; classification

§ 41-841 - Archaeological and vertebrate paleontological discoveries

§ 41-842 - Permits to explore

§ 41-843 - Prohibiting unnecessary defacing of site or object

§ 41-844 - Duty to report discoveries; disposition of discoveries; definitions

§ 41-845 - Unlawful reproduction of original archaeological specimen

§ 41-846 - Violation; classification

§ 41-851 - State colors; state flag

§ 41-852 - Display of state flag; death of incumbent elective state officer; display of United States flag and Constitution and the Bill of Rights

§ 41-853 - State fossil

§ 41-854 - State bird

§ 41-855 - State flower

§ 41-856 - State tree

§ 41-857 - State neckwear

§ 41-858 - State gemstone

§ 41-859 - State animals

§ 41-860 - State butterfly

§ 41-860.01 - State nickname

§ 41-860.02 - State firearm

§ 41-860.03 - State metal

§ 41-860.04 - State mineral

§ 41-860.05 - State dinosaur

§ 41-860.06 - State drink

§ 41-860.07 - Sierra Vista; hummingbird capital

§ 41-861 - Agency responsibilities

§ 41-862 - Program

§ 41-863 - Records

§ 41-864 - Review of agency plans

§ 41-865 - Disturbing human remains or funerary objects; rules; violation; classification; definitions

§ 41-866 - Acquisition and preservation fund

§ 41-867 - Arizona dude ranch heritage trail program; Arizona heritage ranch designation; plaque; Arizona heritage trail

§ 41-881 - Historic property rehabilitation program; administration; purposes; special projects; state contribution; standards; protective covenant; report

§ 41-901 - Governor's authority

§ 41-902 - Fiscal controls on institutions

§ 41-903 - Officers and employees; employment

§ 41-904 - Inspection of institutions; repairs and improvements

§ 41-905 - Credit transfers for intra-institutional sales

§ 41-906 - Return of alien and nonresident public charges

§ 41-921 - Arizona pioneers' home; establishment; location

§ 41-922 - Superintendent of home for pioneers; appointment; compensation

§ 41-923 - Admission to home; qualifications required; payment of costs; neglect or refusal to reimburse state

§ 41-924 - Duties of superintendent; approval of claims; disposition of monies collected

§ 41-925 - Voluntary deposit of private funds by resident with superintendent

§ 41-926 - Arizona pioneers' home fund; collections; disbursements

§ 41-927 - Arizona pioneers' home cemetery; management; exemption

§ 41-941 - Location; superintendent; claims

§ 41-942 - Qualifications for admission to hospital; definitions

§ 41-951 - Qualification for pension; adjustment

§ 41-952 - Application

§ 41-953 - Certificate of eligibility

§ 41-954 - Pension roll warrants

§ 41-955 - Pension not subject to process

§ 41-956 - Surviving spouse's rights

§ 41-981 - Establishment of commission; members; terms

§ 41-982 - Powers and duties

§ 41-983 - Acceptance of gifts; special fund; official agency

§ 41-983.01 - Arizona arts trust fund

§ 41-983.02 - Arizona arts program

§ 41-984 - Annual report

§ 41-986 - Arizona arts endowment fund

§ 41-987 - State poet laureate; appointment; term; duties; nomination committee

§ 41-988 - State poet laureate fund

§ 41-1001 - Definitions

§ 41-1001.01 - Regulatory bill of rights; small businesses

§ 41-1001.02 - Clarification of interpretation or application; exemption

§ 41-1002 - Applicability and relation to other law; preapplication authorization; definitions

§ 41-1002.01 - Educational programs; enrollment limit prohibited; definition

§ 41-1003 - Required rule making

§ 41-1004 - Waiver

§ 41-1005 - Exemptions

§ 41-1006 - Employees providing agency assistance; identification and publication

§ 41-1007 - Award of costs and fees against a department in administrative hearings; exceptions; definitions

§ 41-1008 - Fees; specific statutory authority

§ 41-1009 - Inspections and audits; applicability; exceptions

§ 41-1010 - Complaints; public record

§ 41-1011 - Preparation and publication of code and register

§ 41-1012 - Code; publication of rules; notification

§ 41-1013 - Register

§ 41-1014 - Department of child safety; final rules

§ 41-1021 - Public rule making docket; notice

§ 41-1021.01 - Permissive examples

§ 41-1021.02 - State agencies; annual regulatory agenda

§ 41-1022 - Notice of proposed rulemaking; contents of notice

§ 41-1023 - Public participation; written statements; oral proceedings

§ 41-1024 - Time and manner of rule making

§ 41-1025 - Variance between rule and published notice of proposed rule

§ 41-1026 - Emergency rulemaking

§ 41-1026.01 - Emergency adoption, amendment or termination of delegation agreements; definition

§ 41-1027 - Expedited rulemaking

§ 41-1028 - Incorporation by reference

§ 41-1029 - Agency rule making record

§ 41-1030 - Invalidity of rules not made according to this chapter; prohibited agency action; prohibited acts by state employees; enforcement; notice

§ 41-1031 - Filing rules and preamble with secretary of state; permanent record

§ 41-1032 - Effective date of rules

§ 41-1033 - Petition for a rule or review of an agency practice, substantive policy statement, final rule or unduly burdensome licensing requirement; notice

§ 41-1034 - Declaratory judgment

§ 41-1035 - Rules affecting small businesses; reduction of rule impact

§ 41-1036 - Preamble; justifications for rule making

§ 41-1037 - General permits; issuance of traditional permit

§ 41-1038 - Rules; restrictions; affirmative defense; exceptions; definition

§ 41-1039 - State agency rulemaking; governor approval; submission; definition

§ 41-1044 - Attorney general review of certain exempt rules

§ 41-1046 - Administrative rules oversight committee; membership; appointment; staffing; meetings

§ 41-1047 - Committee review of rules; practices alleged to constitute rules; substantive policy statements

§ 41-1048 - Committee review of duplicative or onerous statutes, rules, practices alleged to constitute rules and substantive policy statements

§ 41-1051 - Governor's regulatory review council; membership; terms; compensation; powers

§ 41-1052 - Council review and approval; rule expiration

§ 41-1053 - Council review of expedited rules

§ 41-1055 - Economic, small business and consumer impact statement

§ 41-1056 - Review by agency

§ 41-1056.01 - Impact statements; appeals

§ 41-1057 - Exemptions

§ 41-1061 - Contested cases; notice; hearing; records

§ 41-1062 - Hearings; evidence; official notice; power to require testimony and records; rehearing

§ 41-1063 - Decisions and orders

§ 41-1064 - Licenses; renewal; revocation; suspension; annulment; withdrawal

§ 41-1065 - Hearing on denial of license or permit

§ 41-1066 - Compulsory testimony; privilege against self-incrimination

§ 41-1067 - Applicability of article

§ 41-1071 - Military relief from administrative procedures; process

§ 41-1072 - Definitions

§ 41-1073 - Time frames; exception

§ 41-1074 - Compliance with administrative completeness review time frame

§ 41-1075 - Compliance with substantive review time frame

§ 41-1076 - Compliance with overall time frame

§ 41-1077 - Consequence for agency failure to comply with overall time frame; refund; penalty

§ 41-1079 - Information required to be provided

§ 41-1080 - Licensing eligibility; authorized presence; documentation; applicability; definitions

§ 41-1080.01 - Licensing fees; waiver; annual report; definitions

§ 41-1081 - Standards for delegation

§ 41-1082 - Existing delegation agreements

§ 41-1083 - No presumption of funding authority

§ 41-1084 - Prohibition on subdelegation

§ 41-1091 - Substantive policy statements; directory

§ 41-1091.01 - Posting substantive policy statement and rules

§ 41-1092 - Definitions

§ 41-1092.01 - Office of administrative hearings; director; powers and duties; fund

§ 41-1092.02 - Appealable agency actions; application of procedural rules; exemption from article

§ 41-1092.03 - Notice of appealable agency action or contested case; hearing; informal settlement conference; applicability

§ 41-1092.04 - Service of documents

§ 41-1092.05 - Scheduling of hearings; prehearing conferences

§ 41-1092.06 - Appeals of agency actions and contested cases; informal settlement conferences; applicability

§ 41-1092.07 - Hearings

§ 41-1092.08 - Final administrative decisions; review; exception

§ 41-1092.09 - Rehearing or review

§ 41-1092.10 - Compulsory testimony; privilege against self-incrimination

§ 41-1092.11 - Licenses; renewal; revocation; suspension; annulment; withdrawal

§ 41-1092.12 - Private right of action; recovery of costs and fees; definitions

§ 41-1093 - Definitions

§ 41-1093.01 - Occupational regulations; limitations

§ 41-1093.02 - Administrative proceedings

§ 41-1093.03 - Enforcement; fees and costs

§ 41-1093.04 - Occupational license, permit or certificate or other state recognition rights; petition for review of criminal record; annual report

§ 41-1093.05 - License applicants; notice

§ 41-1093.06 - Occupational licenses; drug offense conviction; eligibility; exceptions; definition

§ 41-1093.07 - Private employers; effect of article

§ 41-1095 - Review by agency; definitions

§ 41-1097 - Definitions

§ 41-1097.01 - Filing and publication of exempt rules

§ 41-1101 - Time of assembly; organization; oaths

§ 41-1102 - Officers and employees; appointment

§ 41-1103 - Compensation; reimbursement of expenditures

§ 41-1104 - Travel reimbursement and subsistence for members of legislature; claim required

§ 41-1105 - Monies for promotion of state interests and public service; procedures; uses

§ 41-1106 - Records; debate and testimony; definition

§ 41-1107 - Legislative intent clauses

§ 41-1131 - Appointment

§ 41-1132 - Interim committee meetings; attendance at conferences; report

§ 41-1133 - Powers of committees at interim meetings

§ 41-1151 - Issuance and service of legislative subpoena

§ 41-1152 - Immunity of witnesses

§ 41-1153 - Disobedience of subpoena as legislative contempt

§ 41-1154 - Disobedience of legislative subpoena or refusal to give testimony or produce papers; classification

§ 41-1155 - Offenses punishable by legislature; limitation on imprisonment

§ 41-1171 - Legislative printing

§ 41-1176.01 - Sale of publications by legislature and legislative council

§ 41-1177 - Distribution of statutes and session laws to legislators

§ 41-1177.01 - Preparation of legislative journals; costs

§ 41-1177.03 - Distribution and sale of legislative journals and session laws

§ 41-1178 - Reports; audits; submission

§ 41-1181 - Endorsement and approval of bills

§ 41-1182 - Effect of failure of governor to approve or veto bill within certain time; certification of bill as law

§ 41-1201 - Definition of vacancy

§ 41-1202 - Vacancy in legislature; precinct committeemen; appointment; definition

§ 41-1221 - Preventing meeting of or disturbing legislature; classification

§ 41-1224 - Altering or illegally removing enrolled copy of bill or resolution; classification; exception

§ 41-1225 - Forfeiture of office of legislator

§ 41-1231 - Definitions

§ 41-1232 - Registration of principals; fee

§ 41-1232.01 - Registration by public bodies; fee

§ 41-1232.02 - Expenditure reporting; principals and lobbyists; gifts

§ 41-1232.03 - Expenditure reporting; public bodies and public lobbyists; gifts

§ 41-1232.04 - Registration; exceptions

§ 41-1232.05 - Lobbyist registration; handbook; requirement

§ 41-1232.06 - Exemption; unpaid volunteers

§ 41-1232.07 - Electronic filings

§ 41-1232.08 - Entertainment ban; state and political subdivisions; exceptions

§ 41-1233 - Prohibited acts

§ 41-1233.01 - Disclosure

§ 41-1234 - Publicly funded contract lobbyists; prohibition; definition

§ 41-1234.01 - Contributions prohibited during session; exceptions

§ 41-1235 - Spurious communications; classification

§ 41-1236 - Reports and statements under penalty of perjury

§ 41-1237 - Violation; classification

§ 41-1237.01 - Compliance orders; injunctive relief; civil penalties

§ 41-1238 - Limitations

§ 41-1239 - Duties of secretary of state

§ 41-1251 - Joint committee on capital review; members; chairperson; meetings

§ 41-1252 - Powers and duties; staffing

§ 41-1253 - Public and private gifts and grants

§ 41-1271 - Joint legislative budget committee; members; chairman; meetings

§ 41-1272 - Powers and duties; finances

§ 41-1273 - Budget analyst; employees; duties; reports

§ 41-1274 - Authority to accept and expend in the name of the legislature public and private gifts and grants

§ 41-1276 - Truth in taxation levy for equalization assistance to school districts

§ 41-1277 - Joint legislative budget committee; annual report; state debt and obligations; definitions

§ 41-1278 - Definitions

§ 41-1279 - Joint legislative audit committee; composition; meetings; powers and duties

§ 41-1279.01 - Auditor general; qualifications; term; compensation

§ 41-1279.02 - Personnel; criminal history records

§ 41-1279.03 - Powers and duties

§ 41-1279.04 - Authority to examine records; violation; classification

§ 41-1279.05 - Confidential records of auditor general; exemptions; divulgence of restricted information; violation; classification

§ 41-1279.06 - Audit services revolving fund; use; exemption from lapsing

§ 41-1279.07 - Uniform expenditure reporting system; reports by counties, community college districts, cities and towns; certification and attestation; assistance by auditor general; attorney general investigation; violation; classification

§ 41-1279.21 - Powers and duties of auditor general relating to counties, school districts and community colleges

§ 41-1279.22 - Duty of local officers to make county, community college district and school district records available; failure to comply; classification; prosecution

§ 41-1281 - Definitions

§ 41-1292 - Joint legislative oversight committee on the department of child safety

§ 41-1301 - Legislative council; members; terms; meetings

§ 41-1303 - Minutes; reports

§ 41-1304 - Powers and duties

§ 41-1304.01 - Continuing code revision

§ 41-1304.02 - Preparing the statutes for publication; revisions

§ 41-1304.03 - Authority to blend sections amended or added more than once before publication

§ 41-1304.04 - Authority to accept and expend in the name of the legislature public and private gifts and grants

§ 41-1304.05 - Architect of the capitol; state capitol building areas and other facilities; jurisdiction; maintenance; definition

§ 41-1304.06 - Authorization for collection of rental; basis of payment; exception; definition

§ 41-1304.07 - Presidential executive orders; review; attorney general

§ 41-1305 - Publications

§ 41-1306 - State capitol museum; management

§ 41-1307 - Museum gift shop revolving fund; exemption

§ 41-1362 - Department of administration; powers and duties; governmental mall description; duty of city of Phoenix; general plan application

§ 41-1363 - Monuments and memorials within governmental mall; legislative authorization; approval; procedure

§ 41-1364 - Alteration or modification to monuments and memorials within governmental mall; procedures; approval

§ 41-1365 - State monument and memorial repair fund; purpose; annual report; exemption

§ 41-1371 - Definitions

§ 41-1372 - Exemptions

§ 41-1373 - Ombudsman-citizens aide selection committee

§ 41-1374 - Qualifications

§ 41-1375 - Ombudsman-citizens aide; term; compensation

§ 41-1376 - Powers and duties

§ 41-1376.01 - Additional powers and duties; definitions

§ 41-1377 - Scope of investigations

§ 41-1378 - Complaint; investigation; investigative authority; violation; classification

§ 41-1379 - Procedures after an investigation

§ 41-1380 - Ombudsman-citizens aide protections

§ 41-1381 - Ombudsman-citizens aide political activity

§ 41-1383 - Violation; classification

§ 41-1401 - Civil rights division; advisory board; terms; vacancies; organization; quorum; compensation; definitions

§ 41-1402 - Powers and duties of the division

§ 41-1403 - Right to examine and copy evidence; summoning witnesses and documents and taking testimony; right to counsel; court aid; process; service and return; fees of witnesses

§ 41-1404 - Claims of no disability

§ 41-1405 - Reasonable accommodation or reasonable modification not required under certain conditions

§ 41-1421 - Voting rights; definitions

§ 41-1441 - Definitions

§ 41-1442 - Discrimination in places of public accommodation; exceptions

§ 41-1443 - Breast-feeding; public place; public accommodation

§ 41-1444 - Changing stations; public buildings; definitions

§ 41-1461 - Definitions

§ 41-1462 - Exemption; nonresident aliens, religious institutions

§ 41-1463 - Discrimination; unlawful practices; definition

§ 41-1464 - Other unlawful employment practices; opposition to unlawful practices; filing of charges; participation in proceedings; notices and advertisements for employment

§ 41-1465 - Age discrimination; affected individuals

§ 41-1466 - Medical examinations and inquiries; exception

§ 41-1467 - Essential job functions

§ 41-1468 - Interpretation of disability and substantially limits; definitions

§ 41-1471 - Charge by person aggrieved; investigation; conciliation agreement; civil action; temporary relief

§ 41-1472 - Damages; preventive relief; civil penalties; attorney fees

§ 41-1481 - Filing charges; investigation; findings; conciliation; compliance proceedings; appeals; attorney fees; violation; classification

§ 41-1482 - Recordkeeping; preservation of records; reports to division; furnishing information to other governmental agencies; information confidential; classification

§ 41-1483 - Notices to be posted; violation; classification

§ 41-1484 - Rules and regulations; good faith compliance as defense in agency and court proceedings

§ 41-1491 - Definitions

§ 41-1491.01 - Discrimination due to familial status

§ 41-1491.02 - Exempt sales and rentals

§ 41-1491.03 - Religious organization and private club exemption

§ 41-1491.04 - Housing for older persons exempted; rules; liability; definition

§ 41-1491.05 - Appraisal exemption

§ 41-1491.06 - Effect on other law

§ 41-1491.07 - Administration by attorney general

§ 41-1491.08 - Rules

§ 41-1491.09 - Complaints

§ 41-1491.10 - Reports; studies

§ 41-1491.11 - Cooperation with other entities

§ 41-1491.12 - Subpoenas; discovery

§ 41-1491.13 - Referral to city or town

§ 41-1491.14 - Discrimination in sale or rental

§ 41-1491.15 - Publication of sales or rentals

§ 41-1491.16 - Inspection of dwelling

§ 41-1491.17 - Entry into neighborhood

§ 41-1491.18 - Prohibition of intimidation

§ 41-1491.19 - Discrimination due to disability; definitions

§ 41-1491.20 - Residential real estate related transaction; definition

§ 41-1491.21 - Brokerage services

§ 41-1491.22 - Complaints

§ 41-1491.23 - Answer to complaint

§ 41-1491.24 - Investigation

§ 41-1491.25 - Additional or substitute respondent

§ 41-1491.26 - Conciliation

§ 41-1491.27 - Temporary or preliminary relief

§ 41-1491.28 - Investigative reports

§ 41-1491.29 - Reasonable cause determination

§ 41-1491.30 - Dismissal of complaint

§ 41-1491.31 - Civil action

§ 41-1491.32 - Court appointed attorney

§ 41-1491.33 - Relief granted

§ 41-1491.34 - Civil action by attorney general

§ 41-1491.35 - Pattern or practice cases

§ 41-1491.36 - Prevailing party; fees and costs

§ 41-1491.37 - Superior court enforcement; local fair housing

§ 41-1492 - Definitions

§ 41-1492.01 - Prohibition of discrimination by public entities

§ 41-1492.02 - Prohibition of discrimination by public accommodations and commercial facilities

§ 41-1492.03 - Incorporation of standards in building codes

§ 41-1492.04 - New construction and alterations in public accommodations and commercial facilities

§ 41-1492.05 - Prohibition of discrimination in specified public transportation services provided by private entities

§ 41-1492.06 - Rules

§ 41-1492.07 - Exemptions; private clubs, religious organizations and websites

§ 41-1492.08 - Enforcement by an aggrieved person; notice; affidavit; prohibited demand for money; definition

§ 41-1492.09 - Enforcement by the attorney general; sanctions; use of sanction monies

§ 41-1492.10 - Prohibition against retaliation and coercion

§ 41-1492.11 - Examination and courses

§ 41-1492.12 - Interpretation of disability and substantially limits; definitions

§ 41-1493 - Definitions

§ 41-1493.01 - Free exercise of religion protected

§ 41-1493.02 - Applicability

§ 41-1493.03 - Free exercise of religion; land use regulation

§ 41-1493.04 - Free exercise of religion; professional or occupational license; certificate or registration; appointments to governmental offices; definition

§ 41-1494 - Training, orientation and therapy; blame and judgment; prohibition; annual report; definition

§ 41-1495 - Definitions

§ 41-1495.01 - Discriminatory action against religious organizations; prohibition

§ 41-1495.02 - Enforceability

§ 41-1495.03 - Rules of construction

§ 41-1495.04 - Applicability

§ 41-1501 - Definitions

§ 41-1502 - Arizona commerce authority; board of directors; conduct of office; audit

§ 41-1503 - Chief executive officer

§ 41-1504 - Powers and duties; e-verify requirement

§ 41-1505 - Rural business development advisory council

§ 41-1505.12 - Arizona commerce authority local communities fund

§ 41-1506 - Arizona commerce authority fund

§ 41-1506.01 - Arizona twenty-first century competitive initiative fund

§ 41-1506.02 - Major events fund; purpose; semiannual report

§ 41-1507 - Tax credit for increased research activity; qualification for refund

§ 41-1507.01 - Certification of basic research payments to a university

§ 41-1508 - Defense contractor restructuring assistance; definitions

§ 41-1509 - Career landscape information collection; distribution; posting; definitions

§ 41-1510 - Water infrastructure and commerce grant fund

§ 41-1510.01 - Solar energy tax incentives; qualification

§ 41-1511 - State broadband office; director; duties

§ 41-1512 - Qualified facility income tax credits; qualification; definitions

§ 41-1514.02 - Environmental technology assistance; definitions

§ 41-1516 - Healthy forest enterprise incentives; definitions

§ 41-1517 - Arizona motion picture production program; duties; preapproval; postapproval; fee; rulemaking; audit; report; definitions

§ 41-1518 - Capital investment incentives; evaluation; certification; definitions

§ 41-1519 - Computer data center tax relief; definitions

§ 41-1520 - International operations centers; utility relief; certification; revocation; definitions

§ 41-1525 - Arizona quality jobs incentives; tax credits for new employment; qualifications; definitions

§ 41-1526 - Authority review; applications; rural e-Connectivity pilot program

§ 41-1531 - Designating military reuse zone; term; renewal

§ 41-1532 - Tax incentives; conditions

§ 41-1533 - Duties of Arizona commerce authority

§ 41-1544 - Arizona job training fund; definitions

§ 41-1545 - Definitions

§ 41-1545.01 - Arizona competes fund

§ 41-1545.02 - Grants from the Arizona competes fund

§ 41-1545.03 - Annual report by grant recipient

§ 41-1545.04 - Report on use of monies in the Arizona competes fund

§ 41-1545.05 - Program termination

§ 41-1601 - Definitions

§ 41-1602 - State department of corrections; purpose

§ 41-1603 - Director; appointment; qualifications; compensation

§ 41-1604 - Duties and powers of director

§ 41-1604.01 - Authorization for care

§ 41-1604.02 - Inmate stores; establishment; privatization; prices; goods; inmate store proceeds fund

§ 41-1604.03 - Special services fund; uses; report

§ 41-1604.04 - Investment of special service fund monies; approval; deposit of proceeds

§ 41-1604.05 - Investment of offenders' funds; deposit of proceeds; commingling permitted

§ 41-1604.06 - Earned release credit eligibility certification; classifications; appeal

§ 41-1604.07 - Earned release credits; forfeiture; restoration; released prisoner health care; annual report

§ 41-1604.08 - Global position system monitoring: daily fee; deposit

§ 41-1604.09 - Parole eligibility certification; classifications; appeal; recertification; applicability; definition

§ 41-1604.10 - Earned release credits; forfeiture; restoration; applicability

§ 41-1604.11 - Order for removal; purposes; duration; work furlough; notice; failure to return; classification; applicability; definition

§ 41-1604.12 - Community correctional centers; powers and duties; allocation of compensation; absence without leave; classification; notice; applicability

§ 41-1604.13 - Home arrest; eligibility; victim notification; conditions; applicability; definitions

§ 41-1604.14 - Drug and alcohol treatment programs; annual report

§ 41-1604.15 - Probation or other release noneligibility; violent crime; under the influence of marijuana, a dangerous drug or a narcotic drug

§ 41-1604.16 - Parole or community supervision eligibility for persons previously convicted of possession or use of marijuana, a dangerous drug or a narcotic drug

§ 41-1604.17 - Arizona parents commission on drug education and prevention

§ 41-1604.18 - Community reentry work program; eligibility; victim notification; compensation; violation; classification

§ 41-1604.19 - Correctional facilities; notice; exception; definitions

§ 41-1604.20 - Graduated intervention policy; guidelines; annual report

§ 41-1605 - Power to accept and expend gifts

§ 41-1606 - Access to prisoner medical history information

§ 41-1607 - Correctional facilities for minors; programs

§ 41-1608 - Inmate medical services; rate structure

§ 41-1609 - Agreements with federal or private agencies and institutions; contract review; emergency contracts

§ 41-1609.01 - Adult incarceration contracts; criteria

§ 41-1609.02 - Establishment of private prison facilities; notice

§ 41-1609.03 - Adult incarceration private contractors; liability for services

§ 41-1609.04 - Reimbursing county for expense of prosecution; private prison

§ 41-1610 - Hazardous duty designation

§ 41-1610.01 - Authorization to maintain and retake custody of New Mexico prisoners

§ 41-1610.02 - Auditor general review; annual report

§ 41-1611 - Number of divisions or units

§ 41-1612 - Community treatment program for imprisoned women; rules; eligibility; requirements

§ 41-1613 - Community correctional centers; powers and duties; allocation of compensation; absence without leave; classification; notice

§ 41-1621 - Definitions

§ 41-1622 - Arizona correctional industries; establishment; purpose

§ 41-1623 - Powers and duties of director

§ 41-1624 - Arizona correctional industries revolving fund; definitions

§ 41-1624.01 - Contracts; services to state agencies and others; lease of real property

§ 41-1625 - Arizona correctional industries; prisoner workplace injuries; evidence; medical and health services

§ 41-1627 - Fixing prices

§ 41-1628 - Catalogues of articles and products; distribution; estimates of needs by departments

§ 41-1629 - Order of distribution of articles, services and products; sale of surplus products

§ 41-1630 - Violation; classification

§ 41-1641 - Corrections fund; uses; prior approval; exemption; transfer

§ 41-1651 - Prison construction and operations fund

§ 41-1661 - Definitions

§ 41-1662 - General training powers and duties of the director; fund

§ 41-1664 - Tuition and fees; reimbursement

§ 41-1671 - Agreements with private employers; leases

§ 41-1672 - Voluntary employment

§ 41-1673 - Application of other laws

§ 41-1674 - Compensation of employed prisoners; payment and disposition

§ 41-1681 - Definition

§ 41-1682 - Private prisons; prohibitions; liability for services; financial responsibility

§ 41-1683 - Private prison; prisoner identification; notice

§ 41-1684 - Release of prisoner; return to state of origin

§ 41-1701 - Definitions

§ 41-1711 - Department of public safety; purpose; location; qualifications of director; responsibilities

§ 41-1712 - Organization of department; divisions

§ 41-1712; Version 2 - Organization of department; divisions

§ 41-1713 - Powers and duties of director; authentication of records

§ 41-1713.01 - Deputy director; powers and duties; compensation

§ 41-1714 - Merit system for department employees

§ 41-1715 - Department of public safety reserve

§ 41-1716 - Powers of reserve

§ 41-1717 - Reserve; badge of authority

§ 41-1718 - Eligibility for workers' compensation benefits

§ 41-1719 - Sex offender community notification coordinator; duties

§ 41-1720 - Parity compensation fund; exemption

§ 41-1721 - Families of fallen police officers special plate fund

§ 41-1722 - Concealed weapons permit fund

§ 41-1723 - Public safety equipment fund; distribution

§ 41-1724 - Gang and immigration intelligence team enforcement mission fund; subaccount; use of monies; reporting requirements

§ 41-1725 - Capitol police administrative towing fund

§ 41-1726 - Blue alert notification system; requirements

§ 41-1727 - Victims' rights enforcement fund; use; reporting

§ 41-1728 - Silver alert notification system; requirements; definition

§ 41-1729 - Law enforcement agencies; access to criminal justice information

§ 41-1730 - Department of public safety forensics fund; purposes; distributions; annual adjustment

§ 41-1731 - Peace officer training equipment fund; exemptions

§ 41-1732 - Peace officer training equipment fund advisory commission; membership; duties; recommendations

§ 41-1733 - School safety interoperability fund; school safety program; annual report

§ 41-1734 - Video recordings; release; consent; redactions; request requirements; fee

§ 41-1741 - Arizona highway patrol; employees; authority; compensation

§ 41-1742 - Powers of the division

§ 41-1743 - Duties of highway patrol

§ 41-1743.01 - Use in emergencies when ordered by governor; assistance to cities and counties

§ 41-1749 - Communications section; duties

§ 41-1750 - Central state repository; department of public safety; duties; funds; accounts; definitions

§ 41-1750.01 - National crime prevention and privacy compact

§ 41-1751 - Reporting court dispositions to department of public safety

§ 41-1752 - Arizona highway patrol fund

§ 41-1753 - Limitation on number of highway patrol officers

§ 41-1754 - Impersonation of highway patrol or department of public safety officer; classification

§ 41-1755 - Protection for governor

§ 41-1756 - Unauthorized access to criminal history; classification; definitions

§ 41-1758 - Definitions

§ 41-1758.01 - Fingerprinting division; powers and duties

§ 41-1758.02 - Fingerprint checks; registration

§ 41-1758.03 - Fingerprint clearance cards; issuance; immunity

§ 41-1758.04 - Denial, suspension or revocation of fingerprint clearance card; driving restricted notation

§ 41-1758.05 - Violation; classification

§ 41-1758.06 - Fingerprint clearance card fund; exemption

§ 41-1758.07 - Level I fingerprint clearance cards; definitions

§ 41-1758.08 - Fingerprint clearance card; use of expired card

§ 41-1761 - Division of narcotics enforcement and criminal intelligence; agents; qualifications

§ 41-1762 - Major incident division; superintendent; qualifications; powers; jurisdiction; definition

§ 41-1771 - Crime laboratory; branch crime detection laboratories; equipment and operation

§ 41-1772 - Rapid DNA testing; definitions

§ 41-1781 - Training and education

§ 41-1794 - Additional responsibilities of director; alcohol-related offenses; annual report

§ 41-1801 - Definitions

§ 41-1802 - Department of public safety; critical infrastructure information program

§ 41-1803 - Statewide critical infrastructure information system; disclosure; definition

§ 41-1804 - Guidelines committee; duties

§ 41-1805 - Violation; classification

§ 41-1821 - Arizona peace officer standards and training board; membership; appointment; term; vacancies; meetings; compensation; acceptance of grants

§ 41-1822 - Powers and duties of board; definition

§ 41-1823 - Adoption of minimum qualifications; certification required

§ 41-1824 - Training expenditures

§ 41-1825 - Peace officers' training fund

§ 41-1826 - Arizona law enforcement training academy; former property; title transfer

§ 41-1827 - Application for grants

§ 41-1828 - Allocation of monies

§ 41-1828.01 - Required law enforcement agency reporting

§ 41-1829 - Arizona peace officers memorial board

§ 41-1829.01 - Arizona peace officers memorial board; duties

§ 41-1829.02 - Arizona peace officers memorial fund

§ 41-1830 - Council; membership; staff

§ 41-1830.01 - Powers and duties

§ 41-1830.02 - Expenditure of funds for training prosecuting attorneys

§ 41-1830.03 - Prosecuting attorneys' advisory council training fund

§ 41-1830.05 - Costs

§ 41-1830.11 - Law enforcement merit system council; composition

§ 41-1830.12 - Law enforcement merit system council; duties; authority; rules; business manager; definitions

§ 41-1830.13 - Review of council decision by agency director; appeal; reinstatement

§ 41-1830.15 - Causes for dismissal or discipline; definitions

§ 41-1830.16 - Law enforcement merit system council duties; authority; appeals of covered full authority peace officers employed by agencies in the state personnel system; definitions

§ 41-1830.31 - Private prison escapee fund; monies; uses; lapsing; definitions

§ 41-1830.51 - Vehicle towing; rules; contractual agreement for towing services; definition

§ 41-1830.52 - Department of public safety contractual agreements; towing; maximum allowable rates

§ 41-1830.53 - Heavy-duty rotator recovery vehicle classification; rates and guidelines; definition

§ 41-1831 - Definitions

§ 41-1832 - Exemption from regulation

§ 41-1833 - Powers and duties of the director

§ 41-1834 - Authority for operation of air and other ambulance service; contract for aircraft service; precluded uses

§ 41-1835 - Implementation and coordination of an emergency medical services communication system

§ 41-1837 - Financial responsibility for emergency medical services rendered to indigents

§ 41-1841 - Standards for ambulances

§ 41-1842 - Violation; classification

§ 41-1843 - Construction of article; authority of corporation commission

§ 41-1848 - First responder course

§ 41-1861 - Arizona fallen firefighter memorial committee; membership

§ 41-1862 - Arizona fallen firefighter memorial committee; powers and duties; subcommittee

§ 41-1863 - Arizona fallen firefighter memorial fund

§ 41-1901 - Establishment of commission

§ 41-1902 - Membership; terms; vacancies; compensation

§ 41-1903 - Function

§ 41-1904 - Recommendations

§ 41-1951 - Definitions

§ 41-1952 - Department of economic security; director; appointment; compensation

§ 41-1953 - Department organization; deputy director; assistant directors

§ 41-1954 - Powers and duties

§ 41-1954.01 - Electronic communication by department; applicability

§ 41-1955 - Duty of department concerning employment stabilization, ex-offender rehabilitation, income maintenance and manpower development; research studies

§ 41-1956 - State comprehensive plan

§ 41-1957 - State-federal cooperation

§ 41-1958 - Acquisition of lands and buildings; lease-purchase agreements; lease or sublease of lands or buildings

§ 41-1959 - Confidential information; permissible disclosure; rules; violation; classification

§ 41-1960 - Annual report

§ 41-1960.01 - Enforcement of child support; report

§ 41-1961 - District offices; location; representatives

§ 41-1962 - Conflict with federal law

§ 41-1963 - Prosecution authority

§ 41-1964 - Day care homes; child care personnel; fingerprints; definition

§ 41-1965 - Eligibility of lottery prize winner to receive assistance; determination

§ 41-1966 - Auditor general; duties

§ 41-1966.01 - Summer youth program; allocation

§ 41-1966.02 - Project intervention program

§ 41-1967 - Child care resource and referral system; immunity

§ 41-1967.01 - Child care home provider; registration; fingerprints; definition

§ 41-1968 - DES employees; fingerprint requirement; definition

§ 41-1969 - Information technology personnel and DCS employees and contractors with access to federal tax information; fingerprint clearance card; definition

§ 41-1981 - Economic security council; special purpose councils

§ 41-1991 - Appeals; procedures

§ 41-1992 - Hearing officers; powers and duties

§ 41-1993 - Judicial review

§ 41-1994 - Appeal from superior court

§ 41-1995 - Service of documents by electronic means

§ 41-2011 - Definitions

§ 41-2012 - Resource development

§ 41-2021 - Definitions

§ 41-2022 - Infants and toddlers with developmental delays; lead agency; interagency agreements

§ 41-2051 - Governor's office on tribal relations; director; responsibilities of state agencies; report

§ 41-2052 - Governor's office on tribal relations; state and local public officers and employees; powers; report

§ 41-2053 - Indian nations and tribes legislative day

§ 41-2054 - Indian town hall fund

§ 41-2101 - Definitions

§ 41-2102 - State permitting director

§ 41-2103 - Participating projects; notice; agency designation

§ 41-2104 - Permitting dashboard; permitting timetable

§ 41-2105 - State and local government coordination

§ 41-2106 - Dispute resolution; governor's regulatory review council; rules

§ 41-2201 - Definitions

§ 41-2204 - System manager; powers and duties

§ 41-2205 - Central state repository

§ 41-2206 - Disciplinary action; system participants

§ 41-2251 - Definitions

§ 41-2252 - Greater Arizona development authority

§ 41-2253 - Powers and duties of authority

§ 41-2254 - Greater Arizona development authority revolving fund

§ 41-2255 - Project application and prioritization

§ 41-2256 - Technical assistance; repayment agreements

§ 41-2257 - Financial assistance

§ 41-2258 - Greater Arizona development authority bonds

§ 41-2259 - Bond obligations of the authority

§ 41-2260 - Agreement of state

§ 41-2261 - Certifications of bonds by attorney general

§ 41-2262 - Bonds as legal investments

§ 41-2263 - Annual audit and reporting

§ 41-2301 - Office of tourism

§ 41-2302 - Director; compensation; duties; appointment

§ 41-2303 - Assistant director of tourism

§ 41-2304 - Advisory council; representation; duties

§ 41-2305 - Powers and duties

§ 41-2306 - Tourism fund

§ 41-2307 - Tourism development fund

§ 41-2308 - Special sporting events; promotion and marketing; report; appropriation; definitions

§ 41-2401 - Criminal justice enhancement fund

§ 41-2402 - Drug and gang enforcement fund; resource center fund; uses

§ 41-2403 - Designated state administering agency for federal Edward Byrne memorial justice assistance grants; report

§ 41-2404 - Arizona criminal justice commission; members; compensation; terms; meetings

§ 41-2405 - Arizona criminal justice commission; powers and duties; staff

§ 41-2406 - Sexual assault records; reports

§ 41-2407 - Victim compensation and assistance fund; subrogation; prohibited debt collection activity; definition

§ 41-2408 - Criminal justice data collection; reporting requirements; definition

§ 41-2409 - State aid; administration; report

§ 41-2410 - State aid for juvenile dependency proceedings fund; exemption

§ 41-2411 - Arizona automated fingerprint identification system; development and implementation

§ 41-2412 - Arizona automated fingerprint identification system advisory board; duties

§ 41-2413 - Arizona automated fingerprint identification system manager; powers and duties; master plan; annual report

§ 41-2416 - Chemical abuse and related gang activity survey

§ 41-2417 - State aid to detention fund; definition

§ 41-2418 - Arizona deoxyribonucleic acid identification system

§ 41-2420 - County jail juvenile improvement fund

§ 41-2421 - Enhanced collections; allocation of monies; criminal justice entities

§ 41-2501 - Applicability

§ 41-2502 - Determinations

§ 41-2503 - Definitions

§ 41-2504 - Supplementary general principles of law applicable

§ 41-2511 - Authority of the director

§ 41-2512 - Delegation of authority or functions by the director

§ 41-2513 - Authority to contract for certain services

§ 41-2514 - State procurement rules

§ 41-2515 - Collection of data concerning public procurement

§ 41-2516 - Procurement advisory groups or evaluation committees

§ 41-2517 - Procurement officers and procurement employees; violation; classification; exception

§ 41-2531 - Definitions

§ 41-2532 - Methods of source selection

§ 41-2533 - Competitive sealed bidding

§ 41-2534 - Competitive sealed proposals

§ 41-2535 - Procurements not exceeding a prescribed amount; small businesses; simplified construction procurement program

§ 41-2536 - Sole source procurement

§ 41-2537 - Emergency procurements

§ 41-2538 - Competitive selection procedures for certain professional services

§ 41-2539 - Cancellation of invitation for bids or requests for proposals

§ 41-2540 - Responsibility of bidders and offerors

§ 41-2541 - Prequalification of contractors

§ 41-2542 - Bid and contract security

§ 41-2543 - Cost or pricing data

§ 41-2544 - Types of contracts

§ 41-2546 - Multiterm contracts

§ 41-2547 - Right to inspect plant

§ 41-2548 - Right to audit records

§ 41-2549 - Reporting of anticompetitive practices

§ 41-2550 - Retention of procurement records

§ 41-2551 - Record of procurement actions

§ 41-2552 - Change order

§ 41-2554 - Procurement of earth moving, material handling, road maintenance and construction equipment; definitions

§ 41-2555 - Request for information

§ 41-2556 - Demonstration projects

§ 41-2557 - Unsolicited proposals

§ 41-2558 - General services administration contracts

§ 41-2559 - Public-private partnership contracts

§ 41-2561 - Definition

§ 41-2562 - Duties of the director

§ 41-2563 - Exempted services

§ 41-2564 - Relationship with using agencies

§ 41-2565 - Maximum practicable competition

§ 41-2566 - Specifications prepared by architects and engineers

§ 41-2567 - Specifications for energy consumptive material

§ 41-2568 - Specifications for recycled materials

§ 41-2571 - Definitions

§ 41-2572 - Construction by state employees; construction by inmates of public institution

§ 41-2573 - Bid security

§ 41-2574 - Contract performance and payment bonds

§ 41-2576 - Contract payment retention; partial payment

§ 41-2577 - Progress payments; changed or additional work; attorney fees; definitions

§ 41-2578 - Procurement of specified professional and construction services; definition

§ 41-2579 - Procurement of multiple contacts for certain job-order-contracting construction services and certain professional services; definition

§ 41-2580 - Requirements applicable to construction services and professional services and to contracts for construction services and professional services; definition

§ 41-2581 - Procurement of certain professional services

§ 41-2582 - Project delivery methods for design and construction services

§ 41-2583 - Construction contracts; design professional service contracts; void provisions

§ 41-2585 - Contract clauses

§ 41-2586 - State preemption; indemnity agreements in construction and design professional services contracts void; definitions

§ 41-2591 - Cost principles rules

§ 41-2601 - Definitions

§ 41-2602 - Material management rules

§ 41-2603 - Surplus material program

§ 41-2604 - Authority for transfer of material

§ 41-2605 - Fees and charges

§ 41-2606 - Surplus materials revolving funds

§ 41-2607 - Allocation of proceeds from sales, transfers or disposal of surplus materials

§ 41-2611 - Rules of procedure

§ 41-2612 - Subject of rules

§ 41-2613 - Debarment and suspension of contractors

§ 41-2614 - Judicial review

§ 41-2615 - Exclusive remedy

§ 41-2616 - Violation; classification; liability; civil penalty; enforcement authority

§ 41-2617 - Contracts for procurement of construction; delay; recovery of damages by contractor

§ 41-2631 - Definitions

§ 41-2632 - Cooperative purchasing authorized; definitions

§ 41-2633 - Use of payments received by a supplying public procurement unit

§ 41-2634 - Public procurement units in compliance with chapter requirements

§ 41-2635 - Contract controversies

§ 41-2636 - Procurement from certified nonprofit agencies that serve individuals with disabilities and Arizona correctional industries; definitions

§ 41-2637 - Compliance with federal requirements

§ 41-2661 - State agency office paper recycling

§ 41-2671 - Definitions

§ 41-2672 - On-line bidding

§ 41-2673 - State electronic commerce fund

§ 41-2701 - Definitions

§ 41-2702 - Solicitation and award of grant applications

§ 41-2703 - Waiver of solicitation and award procedures

§ 41-2704 - Remedies

§ 41-2705 - Violation; classification; liability; enforcement authority

§ 41-2706 - Applicability of chapter

§ 41-2751 - Definitions

§ 41-2752 - State competition with private enterprise prohibited; exceptions; definition

§ 41-2753 - Competition with private enterprise by community colleges and universities; limitations; rules; complaints

§ 41-2771 - Definitions

§ 41-2772 - Arizona state competitive government program

§ 41-2773 - Powers and duties of the office of management and budget relating to competitive government

§ 41-2801 - Definitions

§ 41-2802 - Department of juvenile corrections

§ 41-2803 - Director; appointment; qualifications; compensation

§ 41-2804 - Duties and powers of director

§ 41-2804.01 - Religious services advisory committee; appointment; duties; religious programs

§ 41-2805 - Health care

§ 41-2806 - Committed youth canteen; establishment; prices; goods; insurance

§ 41-2807 - Medical services; rate structure

§ 41-2809 - Investment of committed youths' monies; deposit of proceeds; commingling permitted

§ 41-2810 - Power to accept and expend gifts; department of juvenile corrections fund

§ 41-2811 - Number of divisions or units

§ 41-2812 - Collection of maintenance for committed youth

§ 41-2813 - Agreements with federal or private agencies and institutions; contract review

§ 41-2814 - Fingerprinting personnel; exception; violation; classification; definition

§ 41-2815 - Individual treatment plan; diagnostic assessment; placement

§ 41-2816 - Secure care facilities; rehabilitative services; length of stay guidelines

§ 41-2817 - Community based care

§ 41-2818 - Conditional liberty; notification; consent

§ 41-2819 - Revocation of conditional liberty; suspension

§ 41-2820 - Discharge

§ 41-2821 - Treatment of mentally ill youth and youth with developmental disabilities

§ 41-2822 - Committed youth work program

§ 41-2822.01 - Education requirement for committed youth

§ 41-2823 - Escape of youth committed to department; aiding in escape; violation; classification

§ 41-2824 - Training institute

§ 41-2825 - Community work program

§ 41-2826 - Department of juvenile corrections restitution fund

§ 41-2827 - Products produced by committed youths; materials; disaffirmance; contracts

§ 41-2831 - State educational system for committed youth; report

§ 41-2832 - County contributions for committed youth in secure care facilities; county payments; excluded costs

§ 41-2833 - Department of juvenile corrections local cost sharing fund; use

§ 41-2951 - Purpose

§ 41-2952 - Definitions

§ 41-2953 - Joint legislative audit committee sunset powers and duties; report by auditor general and committees of reference; sunset review reports; performance audits

§ 41-2954 - Committees of reference; performance review reports; hearings; recommendations; subpoena powers

§ 41-2955 - Termination of state agencies; continuation

§ 41-2956 - Termination period for agencies; funds; equipment; personnel; documents; bonds

§ 41-2957 - Claims

§ 41-2958 - Modified audits of certain agencies

§ 41-2992.04 - Polygraph examiners advisory board; termination July 1, 1992

§ 41-2992.08 - Watercraft advisory council; termination July 1, 1992

§ 41-2992.09 - Colorado river boundary commission; termination July 1, 1992

§ 41-2994.03 - Blind and visually impaired advisory committee; termination July 1, 1994

§ 41-2996.14 - Commission on the Arizona environment; termination July 1, 1996

§ 41-2997.05 - Advisory council on arthritis and musculoskeletal diseases; termination July 1, 1997

§ 41-2997.07 - Drug enforcement task force; termination July 1, 1997

§ 41-2997.12 - Developmental disabilities oversight committee; termination July 1, 1997

§ 41-2997.16 - Apprenticeship advisory council; termination July 1, 1997

§ 41-2998.18 - Juvenile sex offenders treatment protocol panel; termination July 1, 1998

§ 41-2999.04 - State board for vocational and technological education; termination July 1, 1999

§ 41-2999.13 - Water quality advisory council; termination July 1, 1999

§ 41-3000.02 - State educational system for committed youth board; termination July 1, 2000

§ 41-3000.25 - Communicable disease advisory council; termination July 1, 2000

§ 41-3002.16 - Arizona advisory council on environmental education; termination July 1, 2002

§ 41-3002.17 - Comprehensive school health policy council; termination July 1, 2002

§ 41-3004.18 - Arizona wine commission; termination July 1, 2004

§ 41-3004.20 - Arizona state hospital capital construction commission; termination July 1, 2004

§ 41-3005.07 - Arizona drug and gang policy council; termination July 1, 2005

§ 41-3007.02 - Grazing best management practices advisory committee; termination July 1, 2007

§ 41-3007.06 - Arizona uniform plumbing code commission; termination July 1, 2007

§ 41-3009.04 - Governor's council on developmental disabilities; termination July 1, 2009

§ 41-3010.08 - Arizona neighborhood preservation and investment commission; termination July 1, 2010

§ 41-3010.15 - Advocate for private property rights; termination July 1, 2010

§ 41-3011.06 - Interagency council on long-term care; termination July 1, 2011

§ 41-3011.12 - Developmental disabilities oversight committee; termination July 1, 2011

§ 41-3012.13 - Unexplained infant death advisory council; termination July 1, 2012

§ 41-3012.16 - Arizona state lottery commission; termination July 1, 2012

§ 41-3012.19 - State compensation fund; termination July 1, 2012

§ 41-3014.03 - Arizona state hospital advisory board; termination July 1, 2014

§ 41-3014.16 - Arizona public safety communications advisory commission; termination July 1, 2014

§ 41-3015.01 - Solar energy advisory council; termination July 1, 2015

§ 41-3015.10 - Constitutional commemoration committee; termination July 1, 2015

§ 41-3016.04 - Employment advisory council; termination July 1, 2016

§ 41-3016.20 - Election officer education, training and certification advisory committee; termination July 1, 2016

§ 41-3016.23 - Arizona e-learning task force; termination July 1, 2016

§ 41-3020.09 - Mining advisory council; termination July 1, 2020

§ 41-3023.01 - Arizona health care cost containment system; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.02 - Arizona state board of accountancy; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.03 - Arizona state schools for the deaf and the blind; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.04 - Arizona grain research and promotion council; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.05 - Naturopathic physicians medical board; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.06 - Arizona state parks board; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.07 - State board of dental examiners; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.08 - Optometry board; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.09 - Municipal tax code commission; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.10 - Board of massage therapy; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.11 - Law enforcement merit system council; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.12 - State board of tax appeals; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.13 - Department of emergency and military affairs; state emergency council; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.14 - Department of liquor licenses and control; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.15 - Office of economic opportunity; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.16 - Arizona outdoor recreation coordinating commission; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.17 - State board of funeral directors and embalmers; termination March 31, 2023

§ 41-3024.01 - Arizona resource advisory council; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.02 - Board of physical therapy; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.03 - Board of examiners of nursing care institution administrators and assisted living facility managers; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.04 - Registrar of contractors agency; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.06 - Department of child safety; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.07 - Cotton research and protection council; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.08 - Arizona historical society; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.09 - Prescott historical society of Arizona; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.10 - State personnel board; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.11 - Board of technical registration; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.12 - Arizona pioneers' home; state hospital for miners with disabilities; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.13 - State board of equalization; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.14 - Department of administration; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.15 - State board for charter schools; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.16 - Arizona power authority; conditional termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.17 - Occupational safety and health advisory committee; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.18 - Boiler advisory board; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.19 - Occupational safety and health review board; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.20 - Industrial commission of Arizona; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.21 - Arizona department of forestry and fire management; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.22 - Arizona department of homeland security; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.23 - Governor's office on tribal relations; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.24 - State board for private postsecondary education; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.25 - Department of transportation; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.26 - Arizona state retirement system; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.27 - Public safety personnel retirement system board of trustees; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.28 - Arizona racing commission; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.29 - Arizona health facilities authority; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.30 - State foster care review board; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.31 - Arizona commerce authority; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3025.01 - Arizona criminal justice commission; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3025.02 - Department of insurance and financial institutions; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3025.03 - Arizona exposition and state fair board; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3025.04 - Board of respiratory care examiners; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3025.05 - Governor's regulatory review council; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3025.06 - Arizona department of housing; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3025.07 - School facilities oversight board; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3025.08 - Property tax oversight commission; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3025.11 - Arizona board of osteopathic examiners in medicine and surgery; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3025.13 - Board of executive clemency; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3025.14 - Board of behavioral health examiners; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3026.01 - Credit enhancement eligibility board; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.02 - Arizona state veterinary medical examining board; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.03 - Arizona beef council; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.04 - Department of gaming; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.05 - State land department; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.06 - Barbering and cosmetology board; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.07 - Arizona state board of pharmacy; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.08 - Arizona state board of nursing; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.09 - Board of occupational therapy examiners; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.10 - Western interstate commission for higher education; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.11 - Arizona civil rights advisory board; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.12 - Arizona regulatory board of physician assistants; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.21 - Department of economic security; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.22 - Arizona state boxing and mixed martial arts commission; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3027.01 - Arizona fallen firefighter memorial committee; termination July 1, 2027

§ 41-3027.02 - Water infrastructure finance authority of Arizona; termination July 1, 2027

§ 41-3027.03 - Office of administrative hearings; termination July 1, 2027

§ 41-3027.04 - Arizona medical board; termination July 1, 2027

§ 41-3027.05 - Arizona board of regents; termination July 1, 2027

§ 41-3028.01 - Department of revenue; termination; July 1, 2028

§ 41-3028.02 - State board of psychologist examiners; termination July 1, 2028

§ 41-3028.03 - Department of health services; termination July 1, 2028

§ 41-3028.06 - Commission for the deaf and the hard of hearing; termination July 1, 2028

§ 41-3028.07 - Board of athletic training; termination July 1, 2028

§ 41-3028.09 - Residential utility consumer office; termination July 1, 2028

§ 41-3028.10 - Department of water resources; termination July 1, 2028

§ 41-3028.12 - Office of ombudsman-citizens aide; termination July 1, 2028

§ 41-3028.13 - State board of investment; termination July 1, 2028

§ 41-3028.14 - Board of homeopathic and integrated medicine examiners; termination July 1, 2028

§ 41-3029.01 - Arizona state library, archives and public records; termination July 1, 2029

§ 41-3029.02 - State board on geographic and historic names; termination July 1, 2029

§ 41-3029.03 - Board of library examiners; termination July 1, 2029

§ 41-3029.07 - Office of Sonora; termination July 1, 2029

§ 41-3029.08 - Developmental disabilities advisory council; termination July 1, 2029

§ 41-3029.09 - Arizona department of agriculture; termination July 1, 2029

§ 41-3029.10 - Board of medical student loans; termination July 1, 2029

§ 41-3029.11 - Agricultural employment relations board; termination July 1, 2029

§ 41-3029.12 - Board of fingerprinting; termination July 1, 2029

§ 41-3029.14 - State board of podiatry examiners; termination July 1, 2029

§ 41-3030.01 - Legislative council; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.02 - Joint legislative budget committee; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.03 - State auditor general; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.04 - Department of veterans' services; Arizona veterans' service advisory commission; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.05 - State real estate department; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.06 - State board of dispensing opticians; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.07 - Arizona game and fish department; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.08 - Water quality appeals board; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.09 - State board of chiropractic examiners; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.10 - Arizona commission on the arts; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.11 - Department of public safety; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.13 - Office of tourism; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.14 - Military affairs commission; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.15 - State department of corrections; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.20 - Department of environmental quality; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.21 - Department of juvenile corrections; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.25 - Acupuncture board of examiners; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3035.01 - Arizona state lottery commission; termination July 1, 2035

§ 41-3201 - Advisory council on spinal and head injuries; members; qualifications; appointment; terms; compensation; officers; meetings; staffing; definition

§ 41-3202 - Advisory council on spinal and head injuries; duties

§ 41-3203 - Spinal and head injuries trust fund; purpose

§ 41-3401 - Environmental education provided by state agencies; requirements; definition

§ 41-3451 - Automobile theft authority; powers and duties; fund; audit

§ 41-3452 - Personal or vehicle information confidentiality

§ 41-3453 - Failure to pay fee; definitions

§ 41-3501 - Definitions

§ 41-3502 - Regulating professions and occupations; criteria

§ 41-3503 - Applicant groups; nonhealth professions and occupations; written report

§ 41-3504 - Applicants for regulation; factors

§ 41-3505 - Board actions; records; website; legislative advocacy

§ 41-3751 - Contracts for goods and services; religious organizations; definitions

§ 41-3801 - Independent oversight committee on persons with developmental disabilities

§ 41-3802 - Independent oversight committee on children, youth and families

§ 41-3803 - Independent oversight committee on the mentally ill; membership; community forums; meetings; training plan; Arizona state hospital

§ 41-3804 - Independent oversight committees; membership; duties; client information; immunity; violation; classification

§ 41-3951 - Definitions

§ 41-3952 - Arizona department of housing; director

§ 41-3953 - Department powers and duties

§ 41-3954 - Affordable housing tax credit; limit; eligibility statement; rules; public hearings; annual report; definitions

§ 41-3955 - Housing trust fund; purpose; annual report

§ 41-3955.01 - Seriously mentally ill housing trust fund; purpose; report

§ 41-3955.02 - Military transitional housing fund; purpose; annual report; definition

§ 41-3957 - Arizona department of housing program fund; purpose

§ 41-4001 - Definitions

§ 41-4002 - Office of manufactured housing; purpose

§ 41-4004 - Powers and duties of department; work by unlicensed person; inspection agreement; permit

§ 41-4005 - Submission of construction, reconstruction or alteration plans by manufacturers; approval; revocation

§ 41-4006 - Preemption of local building codes; responsibility for maintenance of utility connections

§ 41-4007 - Notification and correction of defects by manufacturer; notice to purchaser

§ 41-4008 - Costs of complying with standards; reimbursement from relocation fund; definition

§ 41-4009 - Board of manufactured housing; members; meetings

§ 41-4010 - Powers and duties of board

§ 41-4023 - General powers and duties

§ 41-4025 - Qualifications and requirements for licensure

§ 41-4026 - Issuance of a license

§ 41-4027 - Renewal of licenses; license status

§ 41-4028 - Exemptions

§ 41-4029 - Bonds and cash deposits; requirements; fund

§ 41-4030 - Trust and escrow requirements for dealers that are not also owners of mobile home parks; rules; exemptions

§ 41-4030.01 - Trust and escrow requirements for dealers that are also owners of mobile home parks; rules

§ 41-4031 - Complaints; citation; failure to respond

§ 41-4032 - Cosmetic complaints; process; walk-through; definition

§ 41-4033 - Purchaser designation; cosmetic complaint date

§ 41-4034 - Drywall cracks; repair process; supplied paint

§ 41-4035 - Walk-through and complaint process

§ 41-4036 - Repairs; complaints

§ 41-4037 - Hearing; representation

§ 41-4038 - Rehearing

§ 41-4039 - Grounds for disciplinary action

§ 41-4040 - Reports by dealers to department of revenue and county assessor

§ 41-4041 - Consumer recovery fund

§ 41-4042 - Funding and assessments

§ 41-4043 - Recovery from fund; claim against licensee; subrogation; appeal; statute of limitations

§ 41-4044 - False statement; violation; classification

§ 41-4045 - Waiver of rights

§ 41-4046 - Enforcement powers of director; civil and administrative penalties

§ 41-4047 - Unlawful acts

§ 41-4048 - Violation; classification; penalty

§ 41-4061 - Administrative adjudication of complaints

§ 41-4062 - Hearing; rights and procedures; definitions

§ 41-4063 - Orders; penalties; disposition

§ 41-4064 - Scope of hearing

§ 41-4065 - Rehearing; appeal; definition

§ 41-4201 - Arizona rangers

§ 41-4251 - Definitions

§ 41-4252 - Arizona department of homeland security; director; deputy director; assistant directors; divisions

§ 41-4253 - Department employees

§ 41-4254 - Department duties

§ 41-4255 - Annual report

§ 41-4258 - Arizona department of homeland security regional advisory councils; appointment; terms; duties

§ 41-4271 - Definitions

§ 41-4272 - Protection of critical infrastructure; fuel facilities

§ 41-4273 - Reporting requirements; confidentiality

§ 41-4281 - Definitions

§ 41-4282 - Statewide information security and privacy office; duties; suspension of budget unit's information infrastructure

§ 41-4401 - Government procurement; e-verify requirement; definitions

§ 41-4801 - Definitions

§ 41-4802 - Written determination of necessity to enter into contingency fee contract; procurement

§ 41-4803 - Contingent fee limitation; requirements; notices; applicability

§ 41-4804 - Reports

§ 41-4805 - No expansion of authority

§ 41-4901 - Federal monies; prohibition; union labor preference

§ 41-5001 - Valid identification; consular identification cards; definition

§ 41-5201 - Persons with disabilities; usage

§ 41-5202 - Communications; accessibility; emergency response interpreters

§ 41-5301 - Definitions

§ 41-5302 - Office of economic opportunity; funds

§ 41-5303 - Powers and duties

§ 41-5351 - Definitions

§ 41-5352 - Arizona finance authority; fund

§ 41-5353 - Board; members; terms; meetings; compensation; prohibition

§ 41-5354 - Powers of board

§ 41-5355 - Assets; cost of operation and administration; taxation

§ 41-5356 - Duties of board; annual report

§ 41-5357 - Supplemental law

§ 41-5401 - Workforce Arizona council; duties; report

§ 41-5402 - Population estimates; labor market information; powers and duties; definition

§ 41-5403 - Workforce data stewardship

§ 41-5404 - Workforce data task force; membership; duties; report

§ 41-5501 - Short title

§ 41-5502 - Definitions

§ 41-5503 - Applicability

§ 41-5504 - Legal material in official electronic record

§ 41-5505 - Authentication of official electronic record

§ 41-5506 - Effect of authentication

§ 41-5507 - Preservation and security of legal materials in official electronic record

§ 41-5508 - Public access to legal material in official electronic record

§ 41-5509 - Standards

§ 41-5510 - Uniformity of application and construction

§ 41-5511 - Relation to electronic signatures in global and national commerce act

§ 41-5601 - Definitions

§ 41-5602 - Program purpose

§ 41-5603 - Application process and requirements; fee

§ 41-5604 - Consultation with applicable agencies; admission authority

§ 41-5605 - Scope

§ 41-5606 - Consumer protection

§ 41-5607 - Exit requirements

§ 41-5608 - Discretionary allowances

§ 41-5609 - Recordkeeping and reporting requirements

§ 41-5610 - Records; disclosure; evidentiary effect

§ 41-5611 - Reporting requirements; monitoring; enforcement; agreements

§ 41-5701 - Definitions

§ 41-5701.01 - Division of school facilities

§ 41-5701.02 - School facilities oversight board; members; conflict of interest; violation; classification; change orders; notification

§ 41-5702 - Powers and duties; staffing; reporting requirements

§ 41-5703 - School facilities oversight board lease-to-own; fund; expiration

§ 41-5704 - Local lease-to-own by school districts; expiration

§ 41-5705 - Lease-to-own amount; expiration

§ 41-5711 - Minimum school facility adequacy requirements; definition

§ 41-5721 - Emergency deficiencies correction fund; definition

§ 41-5731 - Building renewal grant fund; rules; annual report; definitions

§ 41-5741 - New school facilities fund; capital plan; reporting requirements

§ 41-5751 - Authorization of state school facilities revenue bonds

§ 41-5752 - Issuance and sale of revenue bonds

§ 41-5753 - School facilities revenue bond proceeds fund; use for new school facilities

§ 41-5754 - School facilities revenue bond debt service fund

§ 41-5755 - Securing principal and interest

§ 41-5756 - Lien of pledge

§ 41-5757 - Bond purchase; cancellation

§ 41-5758 - Payment of revenue bonds

§ 41-5759 - Investment of monies in school facilities revenue bond proceeds fund

§ 41-5760 - Investment of monies in school facilities revenue bond debt service fund

§ 41-5761 - Authorized investments of fund monies

§ 41-5762 - Characteristics of bonds; negotiable; exemption from taxation; obligation; legal investments

§ 41-5763 - Effect of changing circumstances on bonds; agreement of state

§ 41-5764 - Validity of bonds; certification by attorney general

§ 41-5781 - Authorization of state school improvement revenue bonds; expiration

§ 41-5782 - Issuance and sale of school improvement revenue bonds

§ 41-5783 - School improvement revenue bond proceeds fund; use for school improvements

§ 41-5784 - School improvement revenue bond debt service fund

§ 41-5785 - Securing principal and interest

§ 41-5786 - Lien of pledge

§ 41-5787 - Bond purchase; cancellation

§ 41-5788 - Payment of revenue bonds

§ 41-5789 - Investment of monies in school improvement revenue bond proceeds fund

§ 41-5790 - Investment of monies in school improvement revenue bond debt service fund

§ 41-5791 - Authorized investments of fund monies

§ 41-5792 - Characteristics of bonds; negotiable; exemption from taxation; obligation; legal investments

§ 41-5793 - Effect of changing circumstances on bonds; agreement of state

§ 41-5794 - Validity of bonds; certification by attorney general

§ 41-5801 - Definition

§ 41-5802 - Authorization of school district impact aid revenue bonds

§ 41-5803 - Issuance and sale of impact aid revenue bonds

§ 41-5804 - Impact aid revenue bond building and debt service funds

§ 41-5805 - Securing principal and interest

§ 41-5806 - Cancellation of unsold impact aid revenue bonds

§ 41-5807 - Payment of impact aid revenue bonds; use of surplus monies

§ 41-5808 - Investment of monies in impact aid revenue bond building fund

§ 41-5809 - Investment of monies in impact aid revenue bond debt service fund

§ 41-5810 - Authorized investments of fund monies

§ 41-5811 - Audit

§ 41-5812 - Lien of pledge

§ 41-5813 - Characteristics of bonds; negotiable; exemption from taxation; obligation; legal investments

§ 41-5814 - Effect of changing circumstances on bonds; agreement of state

§ 41-5815 - Validity of bonds; certification by attorney general

§ 41-5831 - Definitions

§ 41-5832 - Indoor air quality requirements

§ 41-5841 - Achievement district school application

§ 41-5851 - Definitions

§ 41-5852 - Credit enhancement eligibility board; members

§ 41-5853 - Powers and duties of the board

§ 41-5854 - Arizona public school credit enhancement fund; purposes; exemption

§ 41-5855 - Arizona public school credit enhancement program; eligibility; approval of financing; participation fee

§ 41-5856 - Payment of program guarantees; notification requirements; repayment

§ 41-5857 - Program funding obligations; immunity

§ 41-5858 - Quarterly reports

§ 41-5901 - State agencies; vaccination inquiries prohibited