Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 41 - State Government
§ 41-151.17 - Duties relating to historical value

41-151.17. Duties relating to historical value
A. The state library shall:
1. Determine whether public records presented to it are of historical value.
2. Dispose of records determined to be of no historical value.
3. Accept those records deemed by a public officer having custody of the records to be unnecessary for transacting the business of the public officer's office and deemed to be of historical value.
B. The state library shall check all public records of any public office, on the termination of the existence and functions of the office, and either dispose of or transfer the records to the custody of the state library, in accordance with this article. If a public office is terminated or reduced by the transfer of its powers and duties to another office or to other offices, its appropriate public records shall pass with the powers and duties transferred.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 41 - State Government

§ 41-101 - Powers and duties; attestation of acts of governor; salary

§ 41-101; Version 2 - Powers and duties; attestation of acts of governor; salary

§ 41-101.01 - Authority to accept and expend certain funds

§ 41-101.02 - Authority to enter reciprocal aid agreements

§ 41-101.03 - State employee travel reduction program; designated state agency; fund

§ 41-102 - Record required

§ 41-103 - Receipt of military supplies

§ 41-104 - Offer of reward for information leading to apprehension of convict or arrest and conviction of felon; authorization for payment

§ 41-105 - Exchange of offenders under treaty; consent by governor

§ 41-106 - Advisory board; reimbursement of expenses

§ 41-107 - Office of Sonora

§ 41-108 - Foster youth education success program; fund; report

§ 41-109 - Prevention of child abuse fund; definitions

§ 41-110 - Crisis contingency and safety net fund; exemption; use of monies

§ 41-114 - Human trafficking victim assistance fund; definition

§ 41-115 - Alcohol, tobacco and drug education; definition

§ 41-121 - Duties

§ 41-121.01 - Salary

§ 41-121.02 - Department of state

§ 41-122 - Assistant secretary of state

§ 41-124 - Receipt and record of documents received

§ 41-125 - Membership in national organizations; attending conventions

§ 41-126 - Fees; expedited services

§ 41-128 - Standing political committee administrative fund; purpose

§ 41-129 - Election systems improvement fund; purpose

§ 41-130 - Use of state seal restricted; violation; classification

§ 41-131 - Certified copies; fee

§ 41-133 - Officeholder expenses; account; reporting; limitations; civil penalty; definition

§ 41-151 - Definitions

§ 41-151.01 - Arizona state library, archives and public records

§ 41-151.02 - Electronic records repository fund; exemption

§ 41-151.03 - Director of the state library; qualifications

§ 41-151.04 - Compensation of director

§ 41-151.05 - Powers and duties of director

§ 41-151.06 - State library administrative agency; state library fund

§ 41-151.07 - Library development services

§ 41-151.08 - Archives and history services; recovery of costs

§ 41-151.09 - Depository of official archives

§ 41-151.10 - Historical records

§ 41-151.11 - Access to public records

§ 41-151.12 - Records; records management; powers and duties of director; fees; records services fund

§ 41-151.13 - Records management officer; duties

§ 41-151.14 - State and local public records management; violation; classification; definition

§ 41-151.15 - Preservation of public records

§ 41-151.16 - Production and reproduction of records by agencies of the state and political subdivisions; admissibility; violation; classification

§ 41-151.17 - Duties relating to historical value

§ 41-151.18 - Arizona uniform laws commission; membership; duties

§ 41-151.19 - Determination of value; disposition

§ 41-151.20 - Historical advisory commission; membership; terms; expenses; duties; historic sites review committee

§ 41-151.21 - Review and transfer of certain historic property; exemption; definition

§ 41-151.22 - Privacy of user records; violation; classification; definition

§ 41-151.23 - Arizona historical records advisory board

§ 41-161 - Definitions

§ 41-162 - Address confidentiality; duties of secretary of state; application assistant

§ 41-163 - Filing and certification of applications; authorization cards

§ 41-164 - Change of name, address or telephone number; cancellation of certification

§ 41-165 - Disclosure of actual address prohibited; violation; classification

§ 41-166 - Address use by state or local government entities

§ 41-167 - Request for disclosure

§ 41-168 - Nondisclosure of address in court proceedings

§ 41-169 - Address confidentiality program fund

§ 41-171 - Office; absence from state; salary; seal

§ 41-172 - Powers and duties; administering oaths; appointment of deputy state treasurer

§ 41-173 - Special olympics tax refund fund

§ 41-174 - Access to public records and state offices

§ 41-175 - State treasurer's financial literacy fund

§ 41-176 - Navajo-Hopi land dispute county settlement fund; investment; distribution; exemption

§ 41-177 - Arizona health innovation trust fund; purpose; annual report

§ 41-178 - Distribution of notary bond fees

§ 41-179 - AZ529, Arizona's education savings plan advisory committee; membership; duties

§ 41-180 - Law enforcement crime victim notification fund; software; vendor requirement; reimbursement

§ 41-191 - Attorney general; qualifications; salary; assistants; fees; exceptions; outside counsel

§ 41-191.01 - Procedure upon recovery of money for antitrust violations

§ 41-191.02 - Antitrust enforcement revolving fund; receipts and disbursements; exemption; report; data collection

§ 41-191.03 - Collection enforcement revolving fund; disposition of monies

§ 41-191.04 - Collection of debts owed the state; reports; remedies

§ 41-191.05 - Colorado river land claims revolving fund; use; accounting; audit; disposition of monies

§ 41-191.06 - Victims' rights program

§ 41-191.07 - Street gang enforcement revolving fund; use; exemption from lapsing

§ 41-191.08 - Victims' rights fund; use; reporting requirements; exemption from lapsing

§ 41-191.09 - Attorney general legal services cost allocation fund; contributions; exemptions

§ 41-191.10 - Misrepresentations by employment agents; definition

§ 41-191.11 - Child and family advocacy center fund; report

§ 41-191.12 - Unreported in-kind political contributions task force fund; joint task force on unreported in-kind political contributions; exemption

§ 41-192 - Powers and duties of attorney general; restrictions on state agencies as to legal counsel; exceptions; compromise and settlement monies

§ 41-192.01 - Authorizing Arizona power authority to employ legal counsel for certain purposes

§ 41-192.02 - Legal counsel in certain civil actions; counsel to fire districts

§ 41-193 - Department of law; composition; powers and duties

§ 41-194 - Opinions; annual report; distribution

§ 41-194.01 - Violations of state law by counties, cities and towns; attorney general investigation; report; withholding of state shared revenues; notice of violation

§ 41-195 - Violation; classification

§ 41-196 - Witness protection

§ 41-198 - Fatal or near fatal domestic violence review teams; duties; membership; report; confidentiality; violation; classification; definitions

§ 41-199 - Internet crimes against children enforcement fund; use; reporting

§ 41-251 - Definitions

§ 41-252 - Authority to perform notarial acts

§ 41-253 - Requirements for certain notarial acts

§ 41-254 - Personal appearance required

§ 41-255 - Identification of individual

§ 41-256 - Authority to refuse to perform notarial acts

§ 41-257 - Signature if individual unable to sign

§ 41-258 - Notarial act in this state

§ 41-259 - Notarial act in another state

§ 41-260 - Notarial act under authority of federally recognized Indian tribes

§ 41-261 - Notarial act under federal authority

§ 41-262 - Foreign notarial act; definition

§ 41-263 - Notarial act performed for remotely located individual; definitions

§ 41-264 - Certificate of notarial act

§ 41-265 - Short form certificates

§ 41-266 - Official stamp

§ 41-267 - Stamping device; violation; classification

§ 41-268 - Notification regarding performance of notarial act on electronic record; selection of technology; acceptance of tangible copy of electronic record

§ 41-269 - Commission as notary public; confidential information; qualifications; assurance; no immunity or benefit

§ 41-270 - Examination of notary public; fee

§ 41-271 - Grounds to deny, refuse to renew, revoke, suspend or condition commission of notary public

§ 41-272 - Database of notaries public

§ 41-273 - Prohibited acts; civil penalty; violation; classification

§ 41-274 - Validity of notarial acts

§ 41-275 - Rules

§ 41-276 - Notary public commission in effect; authorization to perform electronic and remote online notarizations in effect

§ 41-277 - Relation to electronic signatures in global and national commerce act

§ 41-314 - Notary bond fund; purpose; exemption

§ 41-316 - Fees

§ 41-317 - Resignation; delivering notary seal, notarial journal and records; failure to comply; storing records; certified copies

§ 41-318 - Wilful destruction of records; penalty

§ 41-319 - Journal

§ 41-320 - Competency of bank and corporation notaries

§ 41-323 - Change of address; lost, stolen or compromised journal or seal; civil penalty; presumption; exception

§ 41-324 - Court reporters; notarial acts

§ 41-325 - Evidence of authenticity of a notarial act performed in this state

§ 41-326 - Apostille

§ 41-327 - Surname change; notification; continuation of commission

§ 41-331 - Complaints; investigations

§ 41-332 - Notary education fund

§ 41-333 - Impersonation of notary public

§ 41-401 - Constitutional defense council; members; powers; revolving fund; definitions

§ 41-451 - Adoption of compact; text of compact

§ 41-501 - Definitions

§ 41-502 - Arizona state parks heritage fund; exemption

§ 41-503 - Expenditures from fund; purpose; amounts

§ 41-504 - Performance audit

§ 41-511 - Arizona state parks board; membership; appointment; terms

§ 41-511.01 - Compensation and organization of board

§ 41-511.02 - Director; qualifications; state historic preservation officer

§ 41-511.03 - Purposes; objectives

§ 41-511.04 - Duties; board; partnership fund; state historic preservation officer; definition

§ 41-511.05 - Powers; compensation

§ 41-511.06 - Eminent domain

§ 41-511.07 - Parks and monuments on state lands

§ 41-511.08 - Judicial review

§ 41-511.09 - Park ranger law enforcement officers; training

§ 41-511.10 - Rejection of gifts

§ 41-511.11 - Disposition of gifts; state parks donations fund

§ 41-511.12 - Annual report

§ 41-511.13 - Violations; classification

§ 41-511.14 - Transfer of authority

§ 41-511.15 - Arizona trail; fund; definition

§ 41-511.16 - Rock climbing state park; fees, gifts and donations; disposition

§ 41-511.17 - Sustainable state parks and roads fund

§ 41-511.18 - Spur Cross Ranch state park

§ 41-511.19 - Catalina state park

§ 41-511.20 - Authorized emergency use of water from Lake Patagonia by city of Nogales

§ 41-511.21 - State parks revenue fund; purpose; exemption

§ 41-511.22 - Trail systems plan; deposit of monies; definition

§ 41-511.23 - Conservation acquisition board; land conservation fund; conservation donation and public conservation accounts; livestock and crop conservation fund

§ 41-511.24 - Arizona state parks store fund

§ 41-511.25 - Arizona outdoor recreation coordinating commission; members; powers and duties

§ 41-511.26 - Authorization for participation in federal land and water conservation fund

§ 41-519 - Yarnell Hill memorial

§ 41-519.02 - Yarnell Hill memorial fund; exemption

§ 41-525.01 - Division of Colorado river boundary markers

§ 41-525.02 - Colorado river boundary marker commissioner

§ 41-525.03 - Duties of commissioner

§ 41-531 - Arizona commission of African-American affairs

§ 41-532 - Powers and duties; information; report

§ 41-533 - Arizona commission of African-American affairs fund

§ 41-534 - African-American legislative day

§ 41-561 - Economic estimates commission; members; vacancies; limitation

§ 41-562 - Powers and duties of the commission; definition

§ 41-563 - Expenditure limitations; determination by the commission; definitions

§ 41-563.01 - Notification of vote by governing board

§ 41-563.02 - Elections for expenditures in excess of expenditure limitation

§ 41-563.03 - Proposals for permanent adjustment of expenditure limitation and alternative expenditure limitations; review by auditor general; form of ballot

§ 41-563.04 - Treatment of non-lapsing appropriations

§ 41-563.05 - Alternative population estimate; border counties

§ 41-601 - Definitions

§ 41-602 - Arizona veterans' service advisory commission; terms; qualifications; compensation

§ 41-603 - Powers and duties

§ 41-603.01 - Veterans' homes; department procurement exemptions

§ 41-604 - Director of veterans' services; compensation

§ 41-605 - Service of department as guardian or conservator

§ 41-606 - Action as executor, administrator, guardian or conservator; bond; method of payment

§ 41-607 - Violation; classification

§ 41-608 - Veterans' donations fund; grants

§ 41-608.01 - State homes for veterans trust fund; purpose

§ 41-608.02 - State veterans' cemetery fund

§ 41-608.03 - Arizona state veterans' cemetery trust fund; donations; purpose

§ 41-608.04 - Military family relief fund; subaccounts; advisory committees; definitions

§ 41-608.05 - Arizona gold star military medal

§ 41-609 - Arizona veteran supportive campuses; department list; reports; definition

§ 41-610 - Capital projects; federal monies; annual report

§ 41-610.01 - Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for military veterans fund; exemption; advisory committee; annual report

§ 41-611 - Veterans' deferment of tuition payment, required books and materials; period; promissory note

§ 41-612 - Post-9/11 veteran education relief fund; advisory committee; definitions

§ 41-617.01 - Arizona drug and gang prevention resource center; report

§ 41-619.51 - Definitions

§ 41-619.52 - Board of fingerprinting; organization; meetings

§ 41-619.53 - Board of fingerprinting; powers and duties; personnel; liability

§ 41-619.54 - Confidentiality of criminal record and central registry information; exception; reporting

§ 41-619.55 - Good cause exceptions; expedited review; hearing; revocation

§ 41-619.56 - Board of fingerprinting fund

§ 41-619.57 - Central registry exceptions; expedited review; hearing

§ 41-621 - Purchase of insurance; coverage; limitations; exclusions; definitions

§ 41-621.01 - Contractors or subcontractors; pooling of property, liability and workers' compensation coverage; exemptions; board of trustees; contract; termination; audit; insolvency

§ 41-622 - Risk management revolving fund; construction insurance fund; cyber risk insurance fund; self-insured losses and administrative costs; budget requests

§ 41-622.01 - Revolving fund for joint insurance purchase retention pools

§ 41-622.02 - Consumer loss recovery fund

§ 41-623 - Risk management and loss control

§ 41-624 - Definitions; commissions on sales of insurance to the state; violation; classification

§ 41-625 - Environmental risk management; purpose; administration

§ 41-626 - Mobile food vendors; insurance requirement prohibited; definition

§ 41-701 - Department of administration; director; appointment

§ 41-701.01 - Definitions

§ 41-702 - Deputy director; department organization; assistant directors; compensation of officers

§ 41-703 - Duties of director

§ 41-703.01 - Competitive grant program; technology solution; patient continuity of care; hospital interconnectivity; annual report; definitions

§ 41-704 - Emergency telecommunication services; administration; annual report; revolving fund

§ 41-705 - Racing investigation fund; distributions; refund

§ 41-706 - State employee living donor leave; definitions

§ 41-707 - Investment yield restriction report

§ 41-708 - Annual report; state employee salaries; full-time equivalent positions; definitions

§ 41-709 - Gifts and donations for employee recognition

§ 41-710 - Information technology personnel; criminal history records; definitions

§ 41-710.01 - Reimbursement of transportation and telecommuting costs; definition

§ 41-711 - Establishment of automation operation center; fund; report

§ 41-712 - Telecommunications program office; state contractor; cost of operation; employees; report; exception

§ 41-713 - Telecommunications fund; report

§ 41-714 - Automation projects fund; subaccounts; exemption; annual report; purpose; joint legislative budget committee review

§ 41-722 - Powers and duties relating to finance

§ 41-723 - Governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting; duties

§ 41-724 - Exemptions

§ 41-725 - Comprehensive database of receipts and expenditures of state monies; local reporting; definition

§ 41-726 - Debt; annual report; definition

§ 41-732 - Duties relating to general accounting activities

§ 41-733 - Examination of witnesses

§ 41-734 - Preservation of accounts; copies; fees

§ 41-735 - Internal audit; authority to examine records; divulgence of restricted information; violation; classification; public records exception

§ 41-736 - Forest reserve monies

§ 41-737 - Forms for reports by county assessors and treasurers

§ 41-738 - Membership in national organizations; attending conventions

§ 41-739 - Drawing illegal warrant; classification

§ 41-740 - Nonperformance of duty; classification

§ 41-740.01 - Arizona financial information system collections fund; purpose; transaction fee; joint legislative budget committee; annual report

§ 41-741 - Definitions

§ 41-742 - State personnel system; covered and uncovered employees; application; exemptions

§ 41-743 - Powers and duties of the director

§ 41-744 - Nonconformity with federal regulations granting federal monies

§ 41-745 - Covered and uncovered service

§ 41-746 - Refusal of consideration for employment; verification of education and work history

§ 41-747 - Employment procedures; violation

§ 41-748 - Transfer of accumulated annual leave; definitions

§ 41-749 - Administrative leave; reporting

§ 41-750 - Contribution of pro rata share for personnel division fund

§ 41-751 - Annual report and recommendations

§ 41-752 - Protections of civil or political liberties; prohibitions; civil penalty; violation; classification

§ 41-753 - Unlawful acts; violation; classification

§ 41-754 - Required reduction in hours

§ 41-771 - Powers and duties of director relating to employees in covered service

§ 41-772 - Reduction in force procedure in covered service

§ 41-773 - Causes for dismissal or discipline for employee in covered service

§ 41-781 - State personnel board; members; appointment; term; meetings; compensation

§ 41-782 - Powers and duties of the state personnel board

§ 41-783 - Appeals to the state personnel board for covered employees; notice of charges; hearings

§ 41-790 - Definitions

§ 41-790.01 - Exemptions; exception

§ 41-791 - Powers and duties relating to public buildings maintenance; compensation of personnel

§ 41-791.01 - Powers and duties relating to facilities planning and construction; exemption

§ 41-791.02 - Powers and duties relating to acquiring property; lease purchase agreements; eminent domain; JLBC approval

§ 41-791.04 - Lease purchase financing; eligible municipal convention center projects; eligible projects lease purchase fund

§ 41-792 - Lease cost review board; members; duties; square footage lease costs

§ 41-792.01 - Capital outlay stabilization fund; authorization for collection of rental; basis of payment; report; distribution of monies collected; transfer of payment; lease-purchase building operating and maintenance fund; definition

§ 41-792.02 - Capitol mall consolidation fund; use; review

§ 41-793 - Building systems; capital improvement plans

§ 41-793.01 - Formula for building renewal monies; legislative appropriations

§ 41-793.02 - Renovation or replacement of state buildings; building life extension study; definition

§ 41-794 - State agencies; capital projects; reports; exception

§ 41-796 - Regulation of traffic and parking; monetary penalties; hearing; state traffic and parking control fund; definition

§ 41-796.01 - Adjusted work hours

§ 41-797 - Department of corrections building renewal fund

§ 41-805 - Off duty peace officers; lease or rental of law enforcement equipment

§ 41-806 - Use of renewable energy; department of administration facilities; definitions

§ 41-821 - Arizona historical society; powers; officers; duties of board of directors

§ 41-822 - Historical collections; annual report

§ 41-823 - Purposes of society; housing of society collection; financial provisions

§ 41-824 - Journal of Arizona history

§ 41-825 - Permanent Arizona historical society preservation and restoration revolving fund

§ 41-826 - Permanent Arizona historical society revolving fund

§ 41-831 - Prescott historical society of Arizona; organization; officers; election by membership; property held in trust; expenditure of legislative appropriations

§ 41-832 - Meetings of society; nominations; bylaws of society; election of officers; meetings; rules and regulations; employment of director and other personnel

§ 41-833 - Powers and duties of society

§ 41-834 - Fees

§ 41-835 - Perpetuation of historical names

§ 41-835.01 - Definitions

§ 41-835.02 - State board on geographic and historic names; membership; expenses; quorum; staff support; chairperson

§ 41-835.03 - Powers and duties

§ 41-835.04 - Changes in or additions of geographic features or places of historical significance; submission of proposal; consideration; action; notice

§ 41-835.05 - Use of names chosen

§ 41-835.06 - Advertising or publishing a name without approval

§ 41-836 - Restriction on changing historical name

§ 41-837 - Hoover dam

§ 41-837.01 - Mogollon Rim

§ 41-838 - Violation; classification

§ 41-841 - Archaeological and vertebrate paleontological discoveries

§ 41-842 - Permits to explore

§ 41-843 - Prohibiting unnecessary defacing of site or object

§ 41-844 - Duty to report discoveries; disposition of discoveries; definitions

§ 41-845 - Unlawful reproduction of original archaeological specimen

§ 41-846 - Violation; classification

§ 41-851 - State colors; state flag

§ 41-852 - Display of state flag; death of incumbent elective state officer; display of United States flag and Constitution and the Bill of Rights

§ 41-853 - State fossil

§ 41-854 - State bird

§ 41-855 - State flower

§ 41-856 - State tree

§ 41-857 - State neckwear

§ 41-858 - State gemstone

§ 41-859 - State animals

§ 41-860 - State butterfly

§ 41-860.01 - State nickname

§ 41-860.02 - State firearm

§ 41-860.03 - State metal

§ 41-860.04 - State mineral

§ 41-860.05 - State dinosaur

§ 41-860.06 - State drink

§ 41-860.07 - Sierra Vista; hummingbird capital

§ 41-861 - Agency responsibilities

§ 41-862 - Program

§ 41-863 - Records

§ 41-864 - Review of agency plans

§ 41-865 - Disturbing human remains or funerary objects; rules; violation; classification; definitions

§ 41-866 - Acquisition and preservation fund

§ 41-867 - Arizona dude ranch heritage trail program; Arizona heritage ranch designation; plaque; Arizona heritage trail

§ 41-881 - Historic property rehabilitation program; administration; purposes; special projects; state contribution; standards; protective covenant; report

§ 41-901 - Governor's authority

§ 41-902 - Fiscal controls on institutions

§ 41-903 - Officers and employees; employment

§ 41-904 - Inspection of institutions; repairs and improvements

§ 41-905 - Credit transfers for intra-institutional sales

§ 41-906 - Return of alien and nonresident public charges

§ 41-921 - Arizona pioneers' home; establishment; location

§ 41-922 - Superintendent of home for pioneers; appointment; compensation

§ 41-923 - Admission to home; qualifications required; payment of costs; neglect or refusal to reimburse state

§ 41-924 - Duties of superintendent; approval of claims; disposition of monies collected

§ 41-925 - Voluntary deposit of private funds by resident with superintendent

§ 41-926 - Arizona pioneers' home fund; collections; disbursements

§ 41-927 - Arizona pioneers' home cemetery; management; exemption

§ 41-941 - Location; superintendent; claims

§ 41-942 - Qualifications for admission to hospital; definitions

§ 41-951 - Qualification for pension; adjustment

§ 41-952 - Application

§ 41-953 - Certificate of eligibility

§ 41-954 - Pension roll warrants

§ 41-955 - Pension not subject to process

§ 41-956 - Surviving spouse's rights

§ 41-981 - Establishment of commission; members; terms

§ 41-982 - Powers and duties

§ 41-983 - Acceptance of gifts; special fund; official agency

§ 41-983.01 - Arizona arts trust fund

§ 41-983.02 - Arizona arts program

§ 41-984 - Annual report

§ 41-986 - Arizona arts endowment fund

§ 41-987 - State poet laureate; appointment; term; duties; nomination committee

§ 41-988 - State poet laureate fund

§ 41-1001 - Definitions

§ 41-1001.01 - Regulatory bill of rights; small businesses

§ 41-1001.02 - Clarification of interpretation or application; exemption

§ 41-1002 - Applicability and relation to other law; preapplication authorization; definitions

§ 41-1002.01 - Educational programs; enrollment limit prohibited; definition

§ 41-1003 - Required rule making

§ 41-1004 - Waiver

§ 41-1005 - Exemptions

§ 41-1006 - Employees providing agency assistance; identification and publication

§ 41-1007 - Award of costs and fees against a department in administrative hearings; exceptions; definitions

§ 41-1008 - Fees; specific statutory authority

§ 41-1009 - Inspections and audits; applicability; exceptions

§ 41-1010 - Complaints; public record

§ 41-1011 - Preparation and publication of code and register

§ 41-1012 - Code; publication of rules; notification

§ 41-1013 - Register

§ 41-1014 - Department of child safety; final rules

§ 41-1021 - Public rule making docket; notice

§ 41-1021.01 - Permissive examples

§ 41-1021.02 - State agencies; annual regulatory agenda

§ 41-1022 - Notice of proposed rulemaking; contents of notice

§ 41-1023 - Public participation; written statements; oral proceedings

§ 41-1024 - Time and manner of rule making

§ 41-1025 - Variance between rule and published notice of proposed rule

§ 41-1026 - Emergency rulemaking

§ 41-1026.01 - Emergency adoption, amendment or termination of delegation agreements; definition

§ 41-1027 - Expedited rulemaking

§ 41-1028 - Incorporation by reference

§ 41-1029 - Agency rule making record

§ 41-1030 - Invalidity of rules not made according to this chapter; prohibited agency action; prohibited acts by state employees; enforcement; notice

§ 41-1031 - Filing rules and preamble with secretary of state; permanent record

§ 41-1032 - Effective date of rules

§ 41-1033 - Petition for a rule or review of an agency practice, substantive policy statement, final rule or unduly burdensome licensing requirement; notice

§ 41-1034 - Declaratory judgment

§ 41-1035 - Rules affecting small businesses; reduction of rule impact

§ 41-1036 - Preamble; justifications for rule making

§ 41-1037 - General permits; issuance of traditional permit

§ 41-1038 - Rules; restrictions; affirmative defense; exceptions; definition

§ 41-1039 - State agency rulemaking; governor approval; submission; definition

§ 41-1044 - Attorney general review of certain exempt rules

§ 41-1046 - Administrative rules oversight committee; membership; appointment; staffing; meetings

§ 41-1047 - Committee review of rules; practices alleged to constitute rules; substantive policy statements

§ 41-1048 - Committee review of duplicative or onerous statutes, rules, practices alleged to constitute rules and substantive policy statements

§ 41-1051 - Governor's regulatory review council; membership; terms; compensation; powers

§ 41-1052 - Council review and approval; rule expiration

§ 41-1053 - Council review of expedited rules

§ 41-1055 - Economic, small business and consumer impact statement

§ 41-1056 - Review by agency

§ 41-1056.01 - Impact statements; appeals

§ 41-1057 - Exemptions

§ 41-1061 - Contested cases; notice; hearing; records

§ 41-1062 - Hearings; evidence; official notice; power to require testimony and records; rehearing

§ 41-1063 - Decisions and orders

§ 41-1064 - Licenses; renewal; revocation; suspension; annulment; withdrawal

§ 41-1065 - Hearing on denial of license or permit

§ 41-1066 - Compulsory testimony; privilege against self-incrimination

§ 41-1067 - Applicability of article

§ 41-1071 - Military relief from administrative procedures; process

§ 41-1072 - Definitions

§ 41-1073 - Time frames; exception

§ 41-1074 - Compliance with administrative completeness review time frame

§ 41-1075 - Compliance with substantive review time frame

§ 41-1076 - Compliance with overall time frame

§ 41-1077 - Consequence for agency failure to comply with overall time frame; refund; penalty

§ 41-1079 - Information required to be provided

§ 41-1080 - Licensing eligibility; authorized presence; documentation; applicability; definitions

§ 41-1080.01 - Licensing fees; waiver; annual report; definitions

§ 41-1081 - Standards for delegation

§ 41-1082 - Existing delegation agreements

§ 41-1083 - No presumption of funding authority

§ 41-1084 - Prohibition on subdelegation

§ 41-1091 - Substantive policy statements; directory

§ 41-1091.01 - Posting substantive policy statement and rules

§ 41-1092 - Definitions

§ 41-1092.01 - Office of administrative hearings; director; powers and duties; fund

§ 41-1092.02 - Appealable agency actions; application of procedural rules; exemption from article

§ 41-1092.03 - Notice of appealable agency action or contested case; hearing; informal settlement conference; applicability

§ 41-1092.04 - Service of documents

§ 41-1092.05 - Scheduling of hearings; prehearing conferences

§ 41-1092.06 - Appeals of agency actions and contested cases; informal settlement conferences; applicability

§ 41-1092.07 - Hearings

§ 41-1092.08 - Final administrative decisions; review; exception

§ 41-1092.09 - Rehearing or review

§ 41-1092.10 - Compulsory testimony; privilege against self-incrimination

§ 41-1092.11 - Licenses; renewal; revocation; suspension; annulment; withdrawal

§ 41-1092.12 - Private right of action; recovery of costs and fees; definitions

§ 41-1093 - Definitions

§ 41-1093.01 - Occupational regulations; limitations

§ 41-1093.02 - Administrative proceedings

§ 41-1093.03 - Enforcement; fees and costs

§ 41-1093.04 - Occupational license, permit or certificate or other state recognition rights; petition for review of criminal record; annual report

§ 41-1093.05 - License applicants; notice

§ 41-1093.06 - Occupational licenses; drug offense conviction; eligibility; exceptions; definition

§ 41-1093.07 - Private employers; effect of article

§ 41-1095 - Review by agency; definitions

§ 41-1097 - Definitions

§ 41-1097.01 - Filing and publication of exempt rules

§ 41-1101 - Time of assembly; organization; oaths

§ 41-1102 - Officers and employees; appointment

§ 41-1103 - Compensation; reimbursement of expenditures

§ 41-1104 - Travel reimbursement and subsistence for members of legislature; claim required

§ 41-1105 - Monies for promotion of state interests and public service; procedures; uses

§ 41-1106 - Records; debate and testimony; definition

§ 41-1107 - Legislative intent clauses

§ 41-1131 - Appointment

§ 41-1132 - Interim committee meetings; attendance at conferences; report

§ 41-1133 - Powers of committees at interim meetings

§ 41-1151 - Issuance and service of legislative subpoena

§ 41-1152 - Immunity of witnesses

§ 41-1153 - Disobedience of subpoena as legislative contempt

§ 41-1154 - Disobedience of legislative subpoena or refusal to give testimony or produce papers; classification

§ 41-1155 - Offenses punishable by legislature; limitation on imprisonment

§ 41-1171 - Legislative printing

§ 41-1176.01 - Sale of publications by legislature and legislative council

§ 41-1177 - Distribution of statutes and session laws to legislators

§ 41-1177.01 - Preparation of legislative journals; costs

§ 41-1177.03 - Distribution and sale of legislative journals and session laws

§ 41-1178 - Reports; audits; submission

§ 41-1181 - Endorsement and approval of bills

§ 41-1182 - Effect of failure of governor to approve or veto bill within certain time; certification of bill as law

§ 41-1201 - Definition of vacancy

§ 41-1202 - Vacancy in legislature; precinct committeemen; appointment; definition

§ 41-1221 - Preventing meeting of or disturbing legislature; classification

§ 41-1224 - Altering or illegally removing enrolled copy of bill or resolution; classification; exception

§ 41-1225 - Forfeiture of office of legislator

§ 41-1231 - Definitions

§ 41-1232 - Registration of principals; fee

§ 41-1232.01 - Registration by public bodies; fee

§ 41-1232.02 - Expenditure reporting; principals and lobbyists; gifts

§ 41-1232.03 - Expenditure reporting; public bodies and public lobbyists; gifts

§ 41-1232.04 - Registration; exceptions

§ 41-1232.05 - Lobbyist registration; handbook; requirement

§ 41-1232.06 - Exemption; unpaid volunteers

§ 41-1232.07 - Electronic filings

§ 41-1232.08 - Entertainment ban; state and political subdivisions; exceptions

§ 41-1233 - Prohibited acts

§ 41-1233.01 - Disclosure

§ 41-1234 - Publicly funded contract lobbyists; prohibition; definition

§ 41-1234.01 - Contributions prohibited during session; exceptions

§ 41-1235 - Spurious communications; classification

§ 41-1236 - Reports and statements under penalty of perjury

§ 41-1237 - Violation; classification

§ 41-1237.01 - Compliance orders; injunctive relief; civil penalties

§ 41-1238 - Limitations

§ 41-1239 - Duties of secretary of state

§ 41-1251 - Joint committee on capital review; members; chairperson; meetings

§ 41-1252 - Powers and duties; staffing

§ 41-1253 - Public and private gifts and grants

§ 41-1271 - Joint legislative budget committee; members; chairman; meetings

§ 41-1272 - Powers and duties; finances

§ 41-1273 - Budget analyst; employees; duties; reports

§ 41-1274 - Authority to accept and expend in the name of the legislature public and private gifts and grants

§ 41-1276 - Truth in taxation levy for equalization assistance to school districts

§ 41-1277 - Joint legislative budget committee; annual report; state debt and obligations; definitions

§ 41-1278 - Definitions

§ 41-1279 - Joint legislative audit committee; composition; meetings; powers and duties

§ 41-1279.01 - Auditor general; qualifications; term; compensation

§ 41-1279.02 - Personnel; criminal history records

§ 41-1279.03 - Powers and duties

§ 41-1279.04 - Authority to examine records; violation; classification

§ 41-1279.05 - Confidential records of auditor general; exemptions; divulgence of restricted information; violation; classification

§ 41-1279.06 - Audit services revolving fund; use; exemption from lapsing

§ 41-1279.07 - Uniform expenditure reporting system; reports by counties, community college districts, cities and towns; certification and attestation; assistance by auditor general; attorney general investigation; violation; classification

§ 41-1279.21 - Powers and duties of auditor general relating to counties, school districts and community colleges

§ 41-1279.22 - Duty of local officers to make county, community college district and school district records available; failure to comply; classification; prosecution

§ 41-1281 - Definitions

§ 41-1292 - Joint legislative oversight committee on the department of child safety

§ 41-1301 - Legislative council; members; terms; meetings

§ 41-1303 - Minutes; reports

§ 41-1304 - Powers and duties

§ 41-1304.01 - Continuing code revision

§ 41-1304.02 - Preparing the statutes for publication; revisions

§ 41-1304.03 - Authority to blend sections amended or added more than once before publication

§ 41-1304.04 - Authority to accept and expend in the name of the legislature public and private gifts and grants

§ 41-1304.05 - Architect of the capitol; state capitol building areas and other facilities; jurisdiction; maintenance; definition

§ 41-1304.06 - Authorization for collection of rental; basis of payment; exception; definition

§ 41-1304.07 - Presidential executive orders; review; attorney general

§ 41-1305 - Publications

§ 41-1306 - State capitol museum; management

§ 41-1307 - Museum gift shop revolving fund; exemption

§ 41-1362 - Department of administration; powers and duties; governmental mall description; duty of city of Phoenix; general plan application

§ 41-1363 - Monuments and memorials within governmental mall; legislative authorization; approval; procedure

§ 41-1364 - Alteration or modification to monuments and memorials within governmental mall; procedures; approval

§ 41-1365 - State monument and memorial repair fund; purpose; annual report; exemption

§ 41-1371 - Definitions

§ 41-1372 - Exemptions

§ 41-1373 - Ombudsman-citizens aide selection committee

§ 41-1374 - Qualifications

§ 41-1375 - Ombudsman-citizens aide; term; compensation

§ 41-1376 - Powers and duties

§ 41-1376.01 - Additional powers and duties; definitions

§ 41-1377 - Scope of investigations

§ 41-1378 - Complaint; investigation; investigative authority; violation; classification

§ 41-1379 - Procedures after an investigation

§ 41-1380 - Ombudsman-citizens aide protections

§ 41-1381 - Ombudsman-citizens aide political activity

§ 41-1383 - Violation; classification

§ 41-1401 - Civil rights division; advisory board; terms; vacancies; organization; quorum; compensation; definitions

§ 41-1402 - Powers and duties of the division

§ 41-1403 - Right to examine and copy evidence; summoning witnesses and documents and taking testimony; right to counsel; court aid; process; service and return; fees of witnesses

§ 41-1404 - Claims of no disability

§ 41-1405 - Reasonable accommodation or reasonable modification not required under certain conditions

§ 41-1421 - Voting rights; definitions

§ 41-1441 - Definitions

§ 41-1442 - Discrimination in places of public accommodation; exceptions

§ 41-1443 - Breast-feeding; public place; public accommodation

§ 41-1444 - Changing stations; public buildings; definitions

§ 41-1461 - Definitions

§ 41-1462 - Exemption; nonresident aliens, religious institutions

§ 41-1463 - Discrimination; unlawful practices; definition

§ 41-1464 - Other unlawful employment practices; opposition to unlawful practices; filing of charges; participation in proceedings; notices and advertisements for employment

§ 41-1465 - Age discrimination; affected individuals

§ 41-1466 - Medical examinations and inquiries; exception

§ 41-1467 - Essential job functions

§ 41-1468 - Interpretation of disability and substantially limits; definitions

§ 41-1471 - Charge by person aggrieved; investigation; conciliation agreement; civil action; temporary relief

§ 41-1472 - Damages; preventive relief; civil penalties; attorney fees

§ 41-1481 - Filing charges; investigation; findings; conciliation; compliance proceedings; appeals; attorney fees; violation; classification

§ 41-1482 - Recordkeeping; preservation of records; reports to division; furnishing information to other governmental agencies; information confidential; classification

§ 41-1483 - Notices to be posted; violation; classification

§ 41-1484 - Rules and regulations; good faith compliance as defense in agency and court proceedings

§ 41-1491 - Definitions

§ 41-1491.01 - Discrimination due to familial status

§ 41-1491.02 - Exempt sales and rentals

§ 41-1491.03 - Religious organization and private club exemption

§ 41-1491.04 - Housing for older persons exempted; rules; liability; definition

§ 41-1491.05 - Appraisal exemption

§ 41-1491.06 - Effect on other law

§ 41-1491.07 - Administration by attorney general

§ 41-1491.08 - Rules

§ 41-1491.09 - Complaints

§ 41-1491.10 - Reports; studies

§ 41-1491.11 - Cooperation with other entities

§ 41-1491.12 - Subpoenas; discovery

§ 41-1491.13 - Referral to city or town

§ 41-1491.14 - Discrimination in sale or rental

§ 41-1491.15 - Publication of sales or rentals

§ 41-1491.16 - Inspection of dwelling

§ 41-1491.17 - Entry into neighborhood

§ 41-1491.18 - Prohibition of intimidation

§ 41-1491.19 - Discrimination due to disability; definitions

§ 41-1491.20 - Residential real estate related transaction; definition

§ 41-1491.21 - Brokerage services

§ 41-1491.22 - Complaints

§ 41-1491.23 - Answer to complaint

§ 41-1491.24 - Investigation

§ 41-1491.25 - Additional or substitute respondent

§ 41-1491.26 - Conciliation

§ 41-1491.27 - Temporary or preliminary relief

§ 41-1491.28 - Investigative reports

§ 41-1491.29 - Reasonable cause determination

§ 41-1491.30 - Dismissal of complaint

§ 41-1491.31 - Civil action

§ 41-1491.32 - Court appointed attorney

§ 41-1491.33 - Relief granted

§ 41-1491.34 - Civil action by attorney general

§ 41-1491.35 - Pattern or practice cases

§ 41-1491.36 - Prevailing party; fees and costs

§ 41-1491.37 - Superior court enforcement; local fair housing

§ 41-1492 - Definitions

§ 41-1492.01 - Prohibition of discrimination by public entities

§ 41-1492.02 - Prohibition of discrimination by public accommodations and commercial facilities

§ 41-1492.03 - Incorporation of standards in building codes

§ 41-1492.04 - New construction and alterations in public accommodations and commercial facilities

§ 41-1492.05 - Prohibition of discrimination in specified public transportation services provided by private entities

§ 41-1492.06 - Rules

§ 41-1492.07 - Exemptions; private clubs, religious organizations and websites

§ 41-1492.08 - Enforcement by an aggrieved person; notice; affidavit; prohibited demand for money; definition

§ 41-1492.09 - Enforcement by the attorney general; sanctions; use of sanction monies

§ 41-1492.10 - Prohibition against retaliation and coercion

§ 41-1492.11 - Examination and courses

§ 41-1492.12 - Interpretation of disability and substantially limits; definitions

§ 41-1493 - Definitions

§ 41-1493.01 - Free exercise of religion protected

§ 41-1493.02 - Applicability

§ 41-1493.03 - Free exercise of religion; land use regulation

§ 41-1493.04 - Free exercise of religion; professional or occupational license; certificate or registration; appointments to governmental offices; definition

§ 41-1494 - Training, orientation and therapy; blame and judgment; prohibition; annual report; definition

§ 41-1495 - Definitions

§ 41-1495.01 - Discriminatory action against religious organizations; prohibition

§ 41-1495.02 - Enforceability

§ 41-1495.03 - Rules of construction

§ 41-1495.04 - Applicability

§ 41-1501 - Definitions

§ 41-1502 - Arizona commerce authority; board of directors; conduct of office; audit

§ 41-1503 - Chief executive officer

§ 41-1504 - Powers and duties; e-verify requirement

§ 41-1505 - Rural business development advisory council

§ 41-1505.12 - Arizona commerce authority local communities fund

§ 41-1506 - Arizona commerce authority fund

§ 41-1506.01 - Arizona twenty-first century competitive initiative fund

§ 41-1506.02 - Major events fund; purpose; semiannual report

§ 41-1507 - Tax credit for increased research activity; qualification for refund

§ 41-1507.01 - Certification of basic research payments to a university

§ 41-1508 - Defense contractor restructuring assistance; definitions

§ 41-1509 - Career landscape information collection; distribution; posting; definitions

§ 41-1510 - Water infrastructure and commerce grant fund

§ 41-1510.01 - Solar energy tax incentives; qualification

§ 41-1511 - State broadband office; director; duties

§ 41-1512 - Qualified facility income tax credits; qualification; definitions

§ 41-1514.02 - Environmental technology assistance; definitions

§ 41-1516 - Healthy forest enterprise incentives; definitions

§ 41-1517 - Arizona motion picture production program; duties; preapproval; postapproval; fee; rulemaking; audit; report; definitions

§ 41-1518 - Capital investment incentives; evaluation; certification; definitions

§ 41-1519 - Computer data center tax relief; definitions

§ 41-1520 - International operations centers; utility relief; certification; revocation; definitions

§ 41-1525 - Arizona quality jobs incentives; tax credits for new employment; qualifications; definitions

§ 41-1526 - Authority review; applications; rural e-Connectivity pilot program

§ 41-1531 - Designating military reuse zone; term; renewal

§ 41-1532 - Tax incentives; conditions

§ 41-1533 - Duties of Arizona commerce authority

§ 41-1544 - Arizona job training fund; definitions

§ 41-1545 - Definitions

§ 41-1545.01 - Arizona competes fund

§ 41-1545.02 - Grants from the Arizona competes fund

§ 41-1545.03 - Annual report by grant recipient

§ 41-1545.04 - Report on use of monies in the Arizona competes fund

§ 41-1545.05 - Program termination

§ 41-1601 - Definitions

§ 41-1602 - State department of corrections; purpose

§ 41-1603 - Director; appointment; qualifications; compensation

§ 41-1604 - Duties and powers of director

§ 41-1604.01 - Authorization for care

§ 41-1604.02 - Inmate stores; establishment; privatization; prices; goods; inmate store proceeds fund

§ 41-1604.03 - Special services fund; uses; report

§ 41-1604.04 - Investment of special service fund monies; approval; deposit of proceeds

§ 41-1604.05 - Investment of offenders' funds; deposit of proceeds; commingling permitted

§ 41-1604.06 - Earned release credit eligibility certification; classifications; appeal

§ 41-1604.07 - Earned release credits; forfeiture; restoration; released prisoner health care; annual report

§ 41-1604.08 - Global position system monitoring: daily fee; deposit

§ 41-1604.09 - Parole eligibility certification; classifications; appeal; recertification; applicability; definition

§ 41-1604.10 - Earned release credits; forfeiture; restoration; applicability

§ 41-1604.11 - Order for removal; purposes; duration; work furlough; notice; failure to return; classification; applicability; definition

§ 41-1604.12 - Community correctional centers; powers and duties; allocation of compensation; absence without leave; classification; notice; applicability

§ 41-1604.13 - Home arrest; eligibility; victim notification; conditions; applicability; definitions

§ 41-1604.14 - Drug and alcohol treatment programs; annual report

§ 41-1604.15 - Probation or other release noneligibility; violent crime; under the influence of marijuana, a dangerous drug or a narcotic drug

§ 41-1604.16 - Parole or community supervision eligibility for persons previously convicted of possession or use of marijuana, a dangerous drug or a narcotic drug

§ 41-1604.17 - Arizona parents commission on drug education and prevention

§ 41-1604.18 - Community reentry work program; eligibility; victim notification; compensation; violation; classification

§ 41-1604.19 - Correctional facilities; notice; exception; definitions

§ 41-1604.20 - Graduated intervention policy; guidelines; annual report

§ 41-1605 - Power to accept and expend gifts

§ 41-1606 - Access to prisoner medical history information

§ 41-1607 - Correctional facilities for minors; programs

§ 41-1608 - Inmate medical services; rate structure

§ 41-1609 - Agreements with federal or private agencies and institutions; contract review; emergency contracts

§ 41-1609.01 - Adult incarceration contracts; criteria

§ 41-1609.02 - Establishment of private prison facilities; notice

§ 41-1609.03 - Adult incarceration private contractors; liability for services

§ 41-1609.04 - Reimbursing county for expense of prosecution; private prison

§ 41-1610 - Hazardous duty designation

§ 41-1610.01 - Authorization to maintain and retake custody of New Mexico prisoners

§ 41-1610.02 - Auditor general review; annual report

§ 41-1611 - Number of divisions or units

§ 41-1612 - Community treatment program for imprisoned women; rules; eligibility; requirements

§ 41-1613 - Community correctional centers; powers and duties; allocation of compensation; absence without leave; classification; notice

§ 41-1621 - Definitions

§ 41-1622 - Arizona correctional industries; establishment; purpose

§ 41-1623 - Powers and duties of director

§ 41-1624 - Arizona correctional industries revolving fund; definitions

§ 41-1624.01 - Contracts; services to state agencies and others; lease of real property

§ 41-1625 - Arizona correctional industries; prisoner workplace injuries; evidence; medical and health services

§ 41-1627 - Fixing prices

§ 41-1628 - Catalogues of articles and products; distribution; estimates of needs by departments

§ 41-1629 - Order of distribution of articles, services and products; sale of surplus products

§ 41-1630 - Violation; classification

§ 41-1641 - Corrections fund; uses; prior approval; exemption; transfer

§ 41-1651 - Prison construction and operations fund

§ 41-1661 - Definitions

§ 41-1662 - General training powers and duties of the director; fund

§ 41-1664 - Tuition and fees; reimbursement

§ 41-1671 - Agreements with private employers; leases

§ 41-1672 - Voluntary employment

§ 41-1673 - Application of other laws

§ 41-1674 - Compensation of employed prisoners; payment and disposition

§ 41-1681 - Definition

§ 41-1682 - Private prisons; prohibitions; liability for services; financial responsibility

§ 41-1683 - Private prison; prisoner identification; notice

§ 41-1684 - Release of prisoner; return to state of origin

§ 41-1701 - Definitions

§ 41-1711 - Department of public safety; purpose; location; qualifications of director; responsibilities

§ 41-1712 - Organization of department; divisions

§ 41-1712; Version 2 - Organization of department; divisions

§ 41-1713 - Powers and duties of director; authentication of records

§ 41-1713.01 - Deputy director; powers and duties; compensation

§ 41-1714 - Merit system for department employees

§ 41-1715 - Department of public safety reserve

§ 41-1716 - Powers of reserve

§ 41-1717 - Reserve; badge of authority

§ 41-1718 - Eligibility for workers' compensation benefits

§ 41-1719 - Sex offender community notification coordinator; duties

§ 41-1720 - Parity compensation fund; exemption

§ 41-1721 - Families of fallen police officers special plate fund

§ 41-1722 - Concealed weapons permit fund

§ 41-1723 - Public safety equipment fund; distribution

§ 41-1724 - Gang and immigration intelligence team enforcement mission fund; subaccount; use of monies; reporting requirements

§ 41-1725 - Capitol police administrative towing fund

§ 41-1726 - Blue alert notification system; requirements

§ 41-1727 - Victims' rights enforcement fund; use; reporting

§ 41-1728 - Silver alert notification system; requirements; definition

§ 41-1729 - Law enforcement agencies; access to criminal justice information

§ 41-1730 - Department of public safety forensics fund; purposes; distributions; annual adjustment

§ 41-1731 - Peace officer training equipment fund; exemptions

§ 41-1732 - Peace officer training equipment fund advisory commission; membership; duties; recommendations

§ 41-1733 - School safety interoperability fund; school safety program; annual report

§ 41-1734 - Video recordings; release; consent; redactions; request requirements; fee

§ 41-1741 - Arizona highway patrol; employees; authority; compensation

§ 41-1742 - Powers of the division

§ 41-1743 - Duties of highway patrol

§ 41-1743.01 - Use in emergencies when ordered by governor; assistance to cities and counties

§ 41-1749 - Communications section; duties

§ 41-1750 - Central state repository; department of public safety; duties; funds; accounts; definitions

§ 41-1750.01 - National crime prevention and privacy compact

§ 41-1751 - Reporting court dispositions to department of public safety

§ 41-1752 - Arizona highway patrol fund

§ 41-1753 - Limitation on number of highway patrol officers

§ 41-1754 - Impersonation of highway patrol or department of public safety officer; classification

§ 41-1755 - Protection for governor

§ 41-1756 - Unauthorized access to criminal history; classification; definitions

§ 41-1758 - Definitions

§ 41-1758.01 - Fingerprinting division; powers and duties

§ 41-1758.02 - Fingerprint checks; registration

§ 41-1758.03 - Fingerprint clearance cards; issuance; immunity

§ 41-1758.04 - Denial, suspension or revocation of fingerprint clearance card; driving restricted notation

§ 41-1758.05 - Violation; classification

§ 41-1758.06 - Fingerprint clearance card fund; exemption

§ 41-1758.07 - Level I fingerprint clearance cards; definitions

§ 41-1758.08 - Fingerprint clearance card; use of expired card

§ 41-1761 - Division of narcotics enforcement and criminal intelligence; agents; qualifications

§ 41-1762 - Major incident division; superintendent; qualifications; powers; jurisdiction; definition

§ 41-1771 - Crime laboratory; branch crime detection laboratories; equipment and operation

§ 41-1772 - Rapid DNA testing; definitions

§ 41-1781 - Training and education

§ 41-1794 - Additional responsibilities of director; alcohol-related offenses; annual report

§ 41-1801 - Definitions

§ 41-1802 - Department of public safety; critical infrastructure information program

§ 41-1803 - Statewide critical infrastructure information system; disclosure; definition

§ 41-1804 - Guidelines committee; duties

§ 41-1805 - Violation; classification

§ 41-1821 - Arizona peace officer standards and training board; membership; appointment; term; vacancies; meetings; compensation; acceptance of grants

§ 41-1822 - Powers and duties of board; definition

§ 41-1823 - Adoption of minimum qualifications; certification required

§ 41-1824 - Training expenditures

§ 41-1825 - Peace officers' training fund

§ 41-1826 - Arizona law enforcement training academy; former property; title transfer

§ 41-1827 - Application for grants

§ 41-1828 - Allocation of monies

§ 41-1828.01 - Required law enforcement agency reporting

§ 41-1829 - Arizona peace officers memorial board

§ 41-1829.01 - Arizona peace officers memorial board; duties

§ 41-1829.02 - Arizona peace officers memorial fund

§ 41-1830 - Council; membership; staff

§ 41-1830.01 - Powers and duties

§ 41-1830.02 - Expenditure of funds for training prosecuting attorneys

§ 41-1830.03 - Prosecuting attorneys' advisory council training fund

§ 41-1830.05 - Costs

§ 41-1830.11 - Law enforcement merit system council; composition

§ 41-1830.12 - Law enforcement merit system council; duties; authority; rules; business manager; definitions

§ 41-1830.13 - Review of council decision by agency director; appeal; reinstatement

§ 41-1830.15 - Causes for dismissal or discipline; definitions

§ 41-1830.16 - Law enforcement merit system council duties; authority; appeals of covered full authority peace officers employed by agencies in the state personnel system; definitions

§ 41-1830.31 - Private prison escapee fund; monies; uses; lapsing; definitions

§ 41-1830.51 - Vehicle towing; rules; contractual agreement for towing services; definition

§ 41-1830.52 - Department of public safety contractual agreements; towing; maximum allowable rates

§ 41-1830.53 - Heavy-duty rotator recovery vehicle classification; rates and guidelines; definition

§ 41-1831 - Definitions

§ 41-1832 - Exemption from regulation

§ 41-1833 - Powers and duties of the director

§ 41-1834 - Authority for operation of air and other ambulance service; contract for aircraft service; precluded uses

§ 41-1835 - Implementation and coordination of an emergency medical services communication system

§ 41-1837 - Financial responsibility for emergency medical services rendered to indigents

§ 41-1841 - Standards for ambulances

§ 41-1842 - Violation; classification

§ 41-1843 - Construction of article; authority of corporation commission

§ 41-1848 - First responder course

§ 41-1861 - Arizona fallen firefighter memorial committee; membership

§ 41-1862 - Arizona fallen firefighter memorial committee; powers and duties; subcommittee

§ 41-1863 - Arizona fallen firefighter memorial fund

§ 41-1901 - Establishment of commission

§ 41-1902 - Membership; terms; vacancies; compensation

§ 41-1903 - Function

§ 41-1904 - Recommendations

§ 41-1951 - Definitions

§ 41-1952 - Department of economic security; director; appointment; compensation

§ 41-1953 - Department organization; deputy director; assistant directors

§ 41-1954 - Powers and duties

§ 41-1954.01 - Electronic communication by department; applicability

§ 41-1955 - Duty of department concerning employment stabilization, ex-offender rehabilitation, income maintenance and manpower development; research studies

§ 41-1956 - State comprehensive plan

§ 41-1957 - State-federal cooperation

§ 41-1958 - Acquisition of lands and buildings; lease-purchase agreements; lease or sublease of lands or buildings

§ 41-1959 - Confidential information; permissible disclosure; rules; violation; classification

§ 41-1960 - Annual report

§ 41-1960.01 - Enforcement of child support; report

§ 41-1961 - District offices; location; representatives

§ 41-1962 - Conflict with federal law

§ 41-1963 - Prosecution authority

§ 41-1964 - Day care homes; child care personnel; fingerprints; definition

§ 41-1965 - Eligibility of lottery prize winner to receive assistance; determination

§ 41-1966 - Auditor general; duties

§ 41-1966.01 - Summer youth program; allocation

§ 41-1966.02 - Project intervention program

§ 41-1967 - Child care resource and referral system; immunity

§ 41-1967.01 - Child care home provider; registration; fingerprints; definition

§ 41-1968 - DES employees; fingerprint requirement; definition

§ 41-1969 - Information technology personnel and DCS employees and contractors with access to federal tax information; fingerprint clearance card; definition

§ 41-1981 - Economic security council; special purpose councils

§ 41-1991 - Appeals; procedures

§ 41-1992 - Hearing officers; powers and duties

§ 41-1993 - Judicial review

§ 41-1994 - Appeal from superior court

§ 41-1995 - Service of documents by electronic means

§ 41-2011 - Definitions

§ 41-2012 - Resource development

§ 41-2021 - Definitions

§ 41-2022 - Infants and toddlers with developmental delays; lead agency; interagency agreements

§ 41-2051 - Governor's office on tribal relations; director; responsibilities of state agencies; report

§ 41-2052 - Governor's office on tribal relations; state and local public officers and employees; powers; report

§ 41-2053 - Indian nations and tribes legislative day

§ 41-2054 - Indian town hall fund

§ 41-2101 - Definitions

§ 41-2102 - State permitting director

§ 41-2103 - Participating projects; notice; agency designation

§ 41-2104 - Permitting dashboard; permitting timetable

§ 41-2105 - State and local government coordination

§ 41-2106 - Dispute resolution; governor's regulatory review council; rules

§ 41-2201 - Definitions

§ 41-2204 - System manager; powers and duties

§ 41-2205 - Central state repository

§ 41-2206 - Disciplinary action; system participants

§ 41-2251 - Definitions

§ 41-2252 - Greater Arizona development authority

§ 41-2253 - Powers and duties of authority

§ 41-2254 - Greater Arizona development authority revolving fund

§ 41-2255 - Project application and prioritization

§ 41-2256 - Technical assistance; repayment agreements

§ 41-2257 - Financial assistance

§ 41-2258 - Greater Arizona development authority bonds

§ 41-2259 - Bond obligations of the authority

§ 41-2260 - Agreement of state

§ 41-2261 - Certifications of bonds by attorney general

§ 41-2262 - Bonds as legal investments

§ 41-2263 - Annual audit and reporting

§ 41-2301 - Office of tourism

§ 41-2302 - Director; compensation; duties; appointment

§ 41-2303 - Assistant director of tourism

§ 41-2304 - Advisory council; representation; duties

§ 41-2305 - Powers and duties

§ 41-2306 - Tourism fund

§ 41-2307 - Tourism development fund

§ 41-2308 - Special sporting events; promotion and marketing; report; appropriation; definitions

§ 41-2401 - Criminal justice enhancement fund

§ 41-2402 - Drug and gang enforcement fund; resource center fund; uses

§ 41-2403 - Designated state administering agency for federal Edward Byrne memorial justice assistance grants; report

§ 41-2404 - Arizona criminal justice commission; members; compensation; terms; meetings

§ 41-2405 - Arizona criminal justice commission; powers and duties; staff

§ 41-2406 - Sexual assault records; reports

§ 41-2407 - Victim compensation and assistance fund; subrogation; prohibited debt collection activity; definition

§ 41-2408 - Criminal justice data collection; reporting requirements; definition

§ 41-2409 - State aid; administration; report

§ 41-2410 - State aid for juvenile dependency proceedings fund; exemption

§ 41-2411 - Arizona automated fingerprint identification system; development and implementation

§ 41-2412 - Arizona automated fingerprint identification system advisory board; duties

§ 41-2413 - Arizona automated fingerprint identification system manager; powers and duties; master plan; annual report

§ 41-2416 - Chemical abuse and related gang activity survey

§ 41-2417 - State aid to detention fund; definition

§ 41-2418 - Arizona deoxyribonucleic acid identification system

§ 41-2420 - County jail juvenile improvement fund

§ 41-2421 - Enhanced collections; allocation of monies; criminal justice entities

§ 41-2501 - Applicability

§ 41-2502 - Determinations

§ 41-2503 - Definitions

§ 41-2504 - Supplementary general principles of law applicable

§ 41-2511 - Authority of the director

§ 41-2512 - Delegation of authority or functions by the director

§ 41-2513 - Authority to contract for certain services

§ 41-2514 - State procurement rules

§ 41-2515 - Collection of data concerning public procurement

§ 41-2516 - Procurement advisory groups or evaluation committees

§ 41-2517 - Procurement officers and procurement employees; violation; classification; exception

§ 41-2531 - Definitions

§ 41-2532 - Methods of source selection

§ 41-2533 - Competitive sealed bidding

§ 41-2534 - Competitive sealed proposals

§ 41-2535 - Procurements not exceeding a prescribed amount; small businesses; simplified construction procurement program

§ 41-2536 - Sole source procurement

§ 41-2537 - Emergency procurements

§ 41-2538 - Competitive selection procedures for certain professional services

§ 41-2539 - Cancellation of invitation for bids or requests for proposals

§ 41-2540 - Responsibility of bidders and offerors

§ 41-2541 - Prequalification of contractors

§ 41-2542 - Bid and contract security

§ 41-2543 - Cost or pricing data

§ 41-2544 - Types of contracts

§ 41-2546 - Multiterm contracts

§ 41-2547 - Right to inspect plant

§ 41-2548 - Right to audit records

§ 41-2549 - Reporting of anticompetitive practices

§ 41-2550 - Retention of procurement records

§ 41-2551 - Record of procurement actions

§ 41-2552 - Change order

§ 41-2554 - Procurement of earth moving, material handling, road maintenance and construction equipment; definitions

§ 41-2555 - Request for information

§ 41-2556 - Demonstration projects

§ 41-2557 - Unsolicited proposals

§ 41-2558 - General services administration contracts

§ 41-2559 - Public-private partnership contracts

§ 41-2561 - Definition

§ 41-2562 - Duties of the director

§ 41-2563 - Exempted services

§ 41-2564 - Relationship with using agencies

§ 41-2565 - Maximum practicable competition

§ 41-2566 - Specifications prepared by architects and engineers

§ 41-2567 - Specifications for energy consumptive material

§ 41-2568 - Specifications for recycled materials

§ 41-2571 - Definitions

§ 41-2572 - Construction by state employees; construction by inmates of public institution

§ 41-2573 - Bid security

§ 41-2574 - Contract performance and payment bonds

§ 41-2576 - Contract payment retention; partial payment

§ 41-2577 - Progress payments; changed or additional work; attorney fees; definitions

§ 41-2578 - Procurement of specified professional and construction services; definition

§ 41-2579 - Procurement of multiple contacts for certain job-order-contracting construction services and certain professional services; definition

§ 41-2580 - Requirements applicable to construction services and professional services and to contracts for construction services and professional services; definition

§ 41-2581 - Procurement of certain professional services

§ 41-2582 - Project delivery methods for design and construction services

§ 41-2583 - Construction contracts; design professional service contracts; void provisions

§ 41-2585 - Contract clauses

§ 41-2586 - State preemption; indemnity agreements in construction and design professional services contracts void; definitions

§ 41-2591 - Cost principles rules

§ 41-2601 - Definitions

§ 41-2602 - Material management rules

§ 41-2603 - Surplus material program

§ 41-2604 - Authority for transfer of material

§ 41-2605 - Fees and charges

§ 41-2606 - Surplus materials revolving funds

§ 41-2607 - Allocation of proceeds from sales, transfers or disposal of surplus materials

§ 41-2611 - Rules of procedure

§ 41-2612 - Subject of rules

§ 41-2613 - Debarment and suspension of contractors

§ 41-2614 - Judicial review

§ 41-2615 - Exclusive remedy

§ 41-2616 - Violation; classification; liability; civil penalty; enforcement authority

§ 41-2617 - Contracts for procurement of construction; delay; recovery of damages by contractor

§ 41-2631 - Definitions

§ 41-2632 - Cooperative purchasing authorized; definitions

§ 41-2633 - Use of payments received by a supplying public procurement unit

§ 41-2634 - Public procurement units in compliance with chapter requirements

§ 41-2635 - Contract controversies

§ 41-2636 - Procurement from certified nonprofit agencies that serve individuals with disabilities and Arizona correctional industries; definitions

§ 41-2637 - Compliance with federal requirements

§ 41-2661 - State agency office paper recycling

§ 41-2671 - Definitions

§ 41-2672 - On-line bidding

§ 41-2673 - State electronic commerce fund

§ 41-2701 - Definitions

§ 41-2702 - Solicitation and award of grant applications

§ 41-2703 - Waiver of solicitation and award procedures

§ 41-2704 - Remedies

§ 41-2705 - Violation; classification; liability; enforcement authority

§ 41-2706 - Applicability of chapter

§ 41-2751 - Definitions

§ 41-2752 - State competition with private enterprise prohibited; exceptions; definition

§ 41-2753 - Competition with private enterprise by community colleges and universities; limitations; rules; complaints

§ 41-2771 - Definitions

§ 41-2772 - Arizona state competitive government program

§ 41-2773 - Powers and duties of the office of management and budget relating to competitive government

§ 41-2801 - Definitions

§ 41-2802 - Department of juvenile corrections

§ 41-2803 - Director; appointment; qualifications; compensation

§ 41-2804 - Duties and powers of director

§ 41-2804.01 - Religious services advisory committee; appointment; duties; religious programs

§ 41-2805 - Health care

§ 41-2806 - Committed youth canteen; establishment; prices; goods; insurance

§ 41-2807 - Medical services; rate structure

§ 41-2809 - Investment of committed youths' monies; deposit of proceeds; commingling permitted

§ 41-2810 - Power to accept and expend gifts; department of juvenile corrections fund

§ 41-2811 - Number of divisions or units

§ 41-2812 - Collection of maintenance for committed youth

§ 41-2813 - Agreements with federal or private agencies and institutions; contract review

§ 41-2814 - Fingerprinting personnel; exception; violation; classification; definition

§ 41-2815 - Individual treatment plan; diagnostic assessment; placement

§ 41-2816 - Secure care facilities; rehabilitative services; length of stay guidelines

§ 41-2817 - Community based care

§ 41-2818 - Conditional liberty; notification; consent

§ 41-2819 - Revocation of conditional liberty; suspension

§ 41-2820 - Discharge

§ 41-2821 - Treatment of mentally ill youth and youth with developmental disabilities

§ 41-2822 - Committed youth work program

§ 41-2822.01 - Education requirement for committed youth

§ 41-2823 - Escape of youth committed to department; aiding in escape; violation; classification

§ 41-2824 - Training institute

§ 41-2825 - Community work program

§ 41-2826 - Department of juvenile corrections restitution fund

§ 41-2827 - Products produced by committed youths; materials; disaffirmance; contracts

§ 41-2831 - State educational system for committed youth; report

§ 41-2832 - County contributions for committed youth in secure care facilities; county payments; excluded costs

§ 41-2833 - Department of juvenile corrections local cost sharing fund; use

§ 41-2951 - Purpose

§ 41-2952 - Definitions

§ 41-2953 - Joint legislative audit committee sunset powers and duties; report by auditor general and committees of reference; sunset review reports; performance audits

§ 41-2954 - Committees of reference; performance review reports; hearings; recommendations; subpoena powers

§ 41-2955 - Termination of state agencies; continuation

§ 41-2956 - Termination period for agencies; funds; equipment; personnel; documents; bonds

§ 41-2957 - Claims

§ 41-2958 - Modified audits of certain agencies

§ 41-2992.04 - Polygraph examiners advisory board; termination July 1, 1992

§ 41-2992.08 - Watercraft advisory council; termination July 1, 1992

§ 41-2992.09 - Colorado river boundary commission; termination July 1, 1992

§ 41-2994.03 - Blind and visually impaired advisory committee; termination July 1, 1994

§ 41-2996.14 - Commission on the Arizona environment; termination July 1, 1996

§ 41-2997.05 - Advisory council on arthritis and musculoskeletal diseases; termination July 1, 1997

§ 41-2997.07 - Drug enforcement task force; termination July 1, 1997

§ 41-2997.12 - Developmental disabilities oversight committee; termination July 1, 1997

§ 41-2997.16 - Apprenticeship advisory council; termination July 1, 1997

§ 41-2998.18 - Juvenile sex offenders treatment protocol panel; termination July 1, 1998

§ 41-2999.04 - State board for vocational and technological education; termination July 1, 1999

§ 41-2999.13 - Water quality advisory council; termination July 1, 1999

§ 41-3000.02 - State educational system for committed youth board; termination July 1, 2000

§ 41-3000.25 - Communicable disease advisory council; termination July 1, 2000

§ 41-3002.16 - Arizona advisory council on environmental education; termination July 1, 2002

§ 41-3002.17 - Comprehensive school health policy council; termination July 1, 2002

§ 41-3004.18 - Arizona wine commission; termination July 1, 2004

§ 41-3004.20 - Arizona state hospital capital construction commission; termination July 1, 2004

§ 41-3005.07 - Arizona drug and gang policy council; termination July 1, 2005

§ 41-3007.02 - Grazing best management practices advisory committee; termination July 1, 2007

§ 41-3007.06 - Arizona uniform plumbing code commission; termination July 1, 2007

§ 41-3009.04 - Governor's council on developmental disabilities; termination July 1, 2009

§ 41-3010.08 - Arizona neighborhood preservation and investment commission; termination July 1, 2010

§ 41-3010.15 - Advocate for private property rights; termination July 1, 2010

§ 41-3011.06 - Interagency council on long-term care; termination July 1, 2011

§ 41-3011.12 - Developmental disabilities oversight committee; termination July 1, 2011

§ 41-3012.13 - Unexplained infant death advisory council; termination July 1, 2012

§ 41-3012.16 - Arizona state lottery commission; termination July 1, 2012

§ 41-3012.19 - State compensation fund; termination July 1, 2012

§ 41-3014.03 - Arizona state hospital advisory board; termination July 1, 2014

§ 41-3014.16 - Arizona public safety communications advisory commission; termination July 1, 2014

§ 41-3015.01 - Solar energy advisory council; termination July 1, 2015

§ 41-3015.10 - Constitutional commemoration committee; termination July 1, 2015

§ 41-3016.04 - Employment advisory council; termination July 1, 2016

§ 41-3016.20 - Election officer education, training and certification advisory committee; termination July 1, 2016

§ 41-3016.23 - Arizona e-learning task force; termination July 1, 2016

§ 41-3020.09 - Mining advisory council; termination July 1, 2020

§ 41-3023.01 - Arizona health care cost containment system; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.02 - Arizona state board of accountancy; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.03 - Arizona state schools for the deaf and the blind; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.04 - Arizona grain research and promotion council; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.05 - Naturopathic physicians medical board; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.06 - Arizona state parks board; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.07 - State board of dental examiners; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.08 - Optometry board; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.09 - Municipal tax code commission; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.10 - Board of massage therapy; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.11 - Law enforcement merit system council; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.12 - State board of tax appeals; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.13 - Department of emergency and military affairs; state emergency council; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.14 - Department of liquor licenses and control; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.15 - Office of economic opportunity; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.16 - Arizona outdoor recreation coordinating commission; termination July 1, 2023

§ 41-3023.17 - State board of funeral directors and embalmers; termination March 31, 2023

§ 41-3024.01 - Arizona resource advisory council; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.02 - Board of physical therapy; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.03 - Board of examiners of nursing care institution administrators and assisted living facility managers; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.04 - Registrar of contractors agency; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.06 - Department of child safety; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.07 - Cotton research and protection council; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.08 - Arizona historical society; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.09 - Prescott historical society of Arizona; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.10 - State personnel board; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.11 - Board of technical registration; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.12 - Arizona pioneers' home; state hospital for miners with disabilities; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.13 - State board of equalization; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.14 - Department of administration; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.15 - State board for charter schools; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.16 - Arizona power authority; conditional termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.17 - Occupational safety and health advisory committee; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.18 - Boiler advisory board; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.19 - Occupational safety and health review board; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.20 - Industrial commission of Arizona; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.21 - Arizona department of forestry and fire management; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.22 - Arizona department of homeland security; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.23 - Governor's office on tribal relations; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.24 - State board for private postsecondary education; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.25 - Department of transportation; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.26 - Arizona state retirement system; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.27 - Public safety personnel retirement system board of trustees; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.28 - Arizona racing commission; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.29 - Arizona health facilities authority; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.30 - State foster care review board; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3024.31 - Arizona commerce authority; termination July 1, 2024

§ 41-3025.01 - Arizona criminal justice commission; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3025.02 - Department of insurance and financial institutions; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3025.03 - Arizona exposition and state fair board; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3025.04 - Board of respiratory care examiners; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3025.05 - Governor's regulatory review council; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3025.06 - Arizona department of housing; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3025.07 - School facilities oversight board; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3025.08 - Property tax oversight commission; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3025.11 - Arizona board of osteopathic examiners in medicine and surgery; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3025.13 - Board of executive clemency; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3025.14 - Board of behavioral health examiners; termination July 1, 2025

§ 41-3026.01 - Credit enhancement eligibility board; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.02 - Arizona state veterinary medical examining board; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.03 - Arizona beef council; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.04 - Department of gaming; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.05 - State land department; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.06 - Barbering and cosmetology board; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.07 - Arizona state board of pharmacy; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.08 - Arizona state board of nursing; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.09 - Board of occupational therapy examiners; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.10 - Western interstate commission for higher education; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.11 - Arizona civil rights advisory board; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.12 - Arizona regulatory board of physician assistants; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.21 - Department of economic security; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3026.22 - Arizona state boxing and mixed martial arts commission; termination July 1, 2026

§ 41-3027.01 - Arizona fallen firefighter memorial committee; termination July 1, 2027

§ 41-3027.02 - Water infrastructure finance authority of Arizona; termination July 1, 2027

§ 41-3027.03 - Office of administrative hearings; termination July 1, 2027

§ 41-3027.04 - Arizona medical board; termination July 1, 2027

§ 41-3027.05 - Arizona board of regents; termination July 1, 2027

§ 41-3028.01 - Department of revenue; termination; July 1, 2028

§ 41-3028.02 - State board of psychologist examiners; termination July 1, 2028

§ 41-3028.03 - Department of health services; termination July 1, 2028

§ 41-3028.06 - Commission for the deaf and the hard of hearing; termination July 1, 2028

§ 41-3028.07 - Board of athletic training; termination July 1, 2028

§ 41-3028.09 - Residential utility consumer office; termination July 1, 2028

§ 41-3028.10 - Department of water resources; termination July 1, 2028

§ 41-3028.12 - Office of ombudsman-citizens aide; termination July 1, 2028

§ 41-3028.13 - State board of investment; termination July 1, 2028

§ 41-3028.14 - Board of homeopathic and integrated medicine examiners; termination July 1, 2028

§ 41-3029.01 - Arizona state library, archives and public records; termination July 1, 2029

§ 41-3029.02 - State board on geographic and historic names; termination July 1, 2029

§ 41-3029.03 - Board of library examiners; termination July 1, 2029

§ 41-3029.07 - Office of Sonora; termination July 1, 2029

§ 41-3029.08 - Developmental disabilities advisory council; termination July 1, 2029

§ 41-3029.09 - Arizona department of agriculture; termination July 1, 2029

§ 41-3029.10 - Board of medical student loans; termination July 1, 2029

§ 41-3029.11 - Agricultural employment relations board; termination July 1, 2029

§ 41-3029.12 - Board of fingerprinting; termination July 1, 2029

§ 41-3029.14 - State board of podiatry examiners; termination July 1, 2029

§ 41-3030.01 - Legislative council; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.02 - Joint legislative budget committee; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.03 - State auditor general; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.04 - Department of veterans' services; Arizona veterans' service advisory commission; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.05 - State real estate department; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.06 - State board of dispensing opticians; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.07 - Arizona game and fish department; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.08 - Water quality appeals board; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.09 - State board of chiropractic examiners; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.10 - Arizona commission on the arts; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.11 - Department of public safety; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.13 - Office of tourism; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.14 - Military affairs commission; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.15 - State department of corrections; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.20 - Department of environmental quality; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.21 - Department of juvenile corrections; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3030.25 - Acupuncture board of examiners; termination July 1, 2030

§ 41-3035.01 - Arizona state lottery commission; termination July 1, 2035

§ 41-3201 - Advisory council on spinal and head injuries; members; qualifications; appointment; terms; compensation; officers; meetings; staffing; definition

§ 41-3202 - Advisory council on spinal and head injuries; duties

§ 41-3203 - Spinal and head injuries trust fund; purpose

§ 41-3401 - Environmental education provided by state agencies; requirements; definition

§ 41-3451 - Automobile theft authority; powers and duties; fund; audit

§ 41-3452 - Personal or vehicle information confidentiality

§ 41-3453 - Failure to pay fee; definitions

§ 41-3501 - Definitions

§ 41-3502 - Regulating professions and occupations; criteria

§ 41-3503 - Applicant groups; nonhealth professions and occupations; written report

§ 41-3504 - Applicants for regulation; factors

§ 41-3505 - Board actions; records; website; legislative advocacy

§ 41-3751 - Contracts for goods and services; religious organizations; definitions

§ 41-3801 - Independent oversight committee on persons with developmental disabilities

§ 41-3802 - Independent oversight committee on children, youth and families

§ 41-3803 - Independent oversight committee on the mentally ill; membership; community forums; meetings; training plan; Arizona state hospital

§ 41-3804 - Independent oversight committees; membership; duties; client information; immunity; violation; classification

§ 41-3951 - Definitions

§ 41-3952 - Arizona department of housing; director

§ 41-3953 - Department powers and duties

§ 41-3954 - Affordable housing tax credit; limit; eligibility statement; rules; public hearings; annual report; definitions

§ 41-3955 - Housing trust fund; purpose; annual report

§ 41-3955.01 - Seriously mentally ill housing trust fund; purpose; report

§ 41-3955.02 - Military transitional housing fund; purpose; annual report; definition

§ 41-3957 - Arizona department of housing program fund; purpose

§ 41-4001 - Definitions

§ 41-4002 - Office of manufactured housing; purpose

§ 41-4004 - Powers and duties of department; work by unlicensed person; inspection agreement; permit

§ 41-4005 - Submission of construction, reconstruction or alteration plans by manufacturers; approval; revocation

§ 41-4006 - Preemption of local building codes; responsibility for maintenance of utility connections

§ 41-4007 - Notification and correction of defects by manufacturer; notice to purchaser

§ 41-4008 - Costs of complying with standards; reimbursement from relocation fund; definition

§ 41-4009 - Board of manufactured housing; members; meetings

§ 41-4010 - Powers and duties of board

§ 41-4023 - General powers and duties

§ 41-4025 - Qualifications and requirements for licensure

§ 41-4026 - Issuance of a license

§ 41-4027 - Renewal of licenses; license status

§ 41-4028 - Exemptions

§ 41-4029 - Bonds and cash deposits; requirements; fund

§ 41-4030 - Trust and escrow requirements for dealers that are not also owners of mobile home parks; rules; exemptions

§ 41-4030.01 - Trust and escrow requirements for dealers that are also owners of mobile home parks; rules

§ 41-4031 - Complaints; citation; failure to respond

§ 41-4032 - Cosmetic complaints; process; walk-through; definition

§ 41-4033 - Purchaser designation; cosmetic complaint date

§ 41-4034 - Drywall cracks; repair process; supplied paint

§ 41-4035 - Walk-through and complaint process

§ 41-4036 - Repairs; complaints

§ 41-4037 - Hearing; representation

§ 41-4038 - Rehearing

§ 41-4039 - Grounds for disciplinary action

§ 41-4040 - Reports by dealers to department of revenue and county assessor

§ 41-4041 - Consumer recovery fund

§ 41-4042 - Funding and assessments

§ 41-4043 - Recovery from fund; claim against licensee; subrogation; appeal; statute of limitations

§ 41-4044 - False statement; violation; classification

§ 41-4045 - Waiver of rights

§ 41-4046 - Enforcement powers of director; civil and administrative penalties

§ 41-4047 - Unlawful acts

§ 41-4048 - Violation; classification; penalty

§ 41-4061 - Administrative adjudication of complaints

§ 41-4062 - Hearing; rights and procedures; definitions

§ 41-4063 - Orders; penalties; disposition

§ 41-4064 - Scope of hearing

§ 41-4065 - Rehearing; appeal; definition

§ 41-4201 - Arizona rangers

§ 41-4251 - Definitions

§ 41-4252 - Arizona department of homeland security; director; deputy director; assistant directors; divisions

§ 41-4253 - Department employees

§ 41-4254 - Department duties

§ 41-4255 - Annual report

§ 41-4258 - Arizona department of homeland security regional advisory councils; appointment; terms; duties

§ 41-4271 - Definitions

§ 41-4272 - Protection of critical infrastructure; fuel facilities

§ 41-4273 - Reporting requirements; confidentiality

§ 41-4281 - Definitions

§ 41-4282 - Statewide information security and privacy office; duties; suspension of budget unit's information infrastructure

§ 41-4401 - Government procurement; e-verify requirement; definitions

§ 41-4801 - Definitions

§ 41-4802 - Written determination of necessity to enter into contingency fee contract; procurement

§ 41-4803 - Contingent fee limitation; requirements; notices; applicability

§ 41-4804 - Reports

§ 41-4805 - No expansion of authority

§ 41-4901 - Federal monies; prohibition; union labor preference

§ 41-5001 - Valid identification; consular identification cards; definition

§ 41-5201 - Persons with disabilities; usage

§ 41-5202 - Communications; accessibility; emergency response interpreters

§ 41-5301 - Definitions

§ 41-5302 - Office of economic opportunity; funds

§ 41-5303 - Powers and duties

§ 41-5351 - Definitions

§ 41-5352 - Arizona finance authority; fund

§ 41-5353 - Board; members; terms; meetings; compensation; prohibition

§ 41-5354 - Powers of board

§ 41-5355 - Assets; cost of operation and administration; taxation

§ 41-5356 - Duties of board; annual report

§ 41-5357 - Supplemental law

§ 41-5401 - Workforce Arizona council; duties; report

§ 41-5402 - Population estimates; labor market information; powers and duties; definition

§ 41-5403 - Workforce data stewardship

§ 41-5404 - Workforce data task force; membership; duties; report

§ 41-5501 - Short title

§ 41-5502 - Definitions

§ 41-5503 - Applicability

§ 41-5504 - Legal material in official electronic record

§ 41-5505 - Authentication of official electronic record

§ 41-5506 - Effect of authentication

§ 41-5507 - Preservation and security of legal materials in official electronic record

§ 41-5508 - Public access to legal material in official electronic record

§ 41-5509 - Standards

§ 41-5510 - Uniformity of application and construction

§ 41-5511 - Relation to electronic signatures in global and national commerce act

§ 41-5601 - Definitions

§ 41-5602 - Program purpose

§ 41-5603 - Application process and requirements; fee

§ 41-5604 - Consultation with applicable agencies; admission authority

§ 41-5605 - Scope

§ 41-5606 - Consumer protection

§ 41-5607 - Exit requirements

§ 41-5608 - Discretionary allowances

§ 41-5609 - Recordkeeping and reporting requirements

§ 41-5610 - Records; disclosure; evidentiary effect

§ 41-5611 - Reporting requirements; monitoring; enforcement; agreements

§ 41-5701 - Definitions

§ 41-5701.01 - Division of school facilities

§ 41-5701.02 - School facilities oversight board; members; conflict of interest; violation; classification; change orders; notification

§ 41-5702 - Powers and duties; staffing; reporting requirements

§ 41-5703 - School facilities oversight board lease-to-own; fund; expiration

§ 41-5704 - Local lease-to-own by school districts; expiration

§ 41-5705 - Lease-to-own amount; expiration

§ 41-5711 - Minimum school facility adequacy requirements; definition

§ 41-5721 - Emergency deficiencies correction fund; definition

§ 41-5731 - Building renewal grant fund; rules; annual report; definitions

§ 41-5741 - New school facilities fund; capital plan; reporting requirements

§ 41-5751 - Authorization of state school facilities revenue bonds

§ 41-5752 - Issuance and sale of revenue bonds

§ 41-5753 - School facilities revenue bond proceeds fund; use for new school facilities

§ 41-5754 - School facilities revenue bond debt service fund

§ 41-5755 - Securing principal and interest

§ 41-5756 - Lien of pledge

§ 41-5757 - Bond purchase; cancellation

§ 41-5758 - Payment of revenue bonds

§ 41-5759 - Investment of monies in school facilities revenue bond proceeds fund

§ 41-5760 - Investment of monies in school facilities revenue bond debt service fund

§ 41-5761 - Authorized investments of fund monies

§ 41-5762 - Characteristics of bonds; negotiable; exemption from taxation; obligation; legal investments

§ 41-5763 - Effect of changing circumstances on bonds; agreement of state

§ 41-5764 - Validity of bonds; certification by attorney general

§ 41-5781 - Authorization of state school improvement revenue bonds; expiration

§ 41-5782 - Issuance and sale of school improvement revenue bonds

§ 41-5783 - School improvement revenue bond proceeds fund; use for school improvements

§ 41-5784 - School improvement revenue bond debt service fund

§ 41-5785 - Securing principal and interest

§ 41-5786 - Lien of pledge

§ 41-5787 - Bond purchase; cancellation

§ 41-5788 - Payment of revenue bonds

§ 41-5789 - Investment of monies in school improvement revenue bond proceeds fund

§ 41-5790 - Investment of monies in school improvement revenue bond debt service fund

§ 41-5791 - Authorized investments of fund monies

§ 41-5792 - Characteristics of bonds; negotiable; exemption from taxation; obligation; legal investments

§ 41-5793 - Effect of changing circumstances on bonds; agreement of state

§ 41-5794 - Validity of bonds; certification by attorney general

§ 41-5801 - Definition

§ 41-5802 - Authorization of school district impact aid revenue bonds

§ 41-5803 - Issuance and sale of impact aid revenue bonds

§ 41-5804 - Impact aid revenue bond building and debt service funds

§ 41-5805 - Securing principal and interest

§ 41-5806 - Cancellation of unsold impact aid revenue bonds

§ 41-5807 - Payment of impact aid revenue bonds; use of surplus monies

§ 41-5808 - Investment of monies in impact aid revenue bond building fund

§ 41-5809 - Investment of monies in impact aid revenue bond debt service fund

§ 41-5810 - Authorized investments of fund monies

§ 41-5811 - Audit

§ 41-5812 - Lien of pledge

§ 41-5813 - Characteristics of bonds; negotiable; exemption from taxation; obligation; legal investments

§ 41-5814 - Effect of changing circumstances on bonds; agreement of state

§ 41-5815 - Validity of bonds; certification by attorney general

§ 41-5831 - Definitions

§ 41-5832 - Indoor air quality requirements

§ 41-5841 - Achievement district school application

§ 41-5851 - Definitions

§ 41-5852 - Credit enhancement eligibility board; members

§ 41-5853 - Powers and duties of the board

§ 41-5854 - Arizona public school credit enhancement fund; purposes; exemption

§ 41-5855 - Arizona public school credit enhancement program; eligibility; approval of financing; participation fee

§ 41-5856 - Payment of program guarantees; notification requirements; repayment

§ 41-5857 - Program funding obligations; immunity

§ 41-5858 - Quarterly reports

§ 41-5901 - State agencies; vaccination inquiries prohibited