Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 35 - Public Finances
§ 35-901 - Definitions

35-901. Definitions
In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. " Authority" means the Arizona finance authority established by title 41, chapter 53, article 2.
2. " Board" means the board of directors of the authority.
3. " Bond" means any obligation that is subject to the provisions of section 146 of the code, excluding obligations that received a carry-forward allocation in a prior year.
4. " Business day" means between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., mountain standard time, any day of the week other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a legal holiday or a day on which the authority is authorized or obligated by law or executive order to close.
5. " Carry-forward project" means any project receiving a carry-forward allocation pursuant to section 35-907.
6. " Certificate of closing" means the certificate of closing adopted for use by and to be filed with the authority declaring that bonds were issued or that a qualified mortgage credit certificate program has been established.
7. " Code" means the United States internal revenue code of 1986, as amended, and its applicable regulations.
8. " Confirmation" means the allocation confirmation that confirms an allocation to a project in the form adopted for use by the authority.
9. " Director" means the director of the authority.
10. " Issued" means, with respect to a bond or bonds, either of the following:
(a) The bond or bonds have been delivered and paid for in full.
(b) For bonds issued pursuant to a draw-down loan for which a bond purchaser has agreed to receive and pay for the bonds of the issue in increments from time to time, all of the bonds are treated as issued on the first date on which the aggregate principal amount of such bonds delivered and paid for exceeds the lesser of fifty thousand dollars or five percent of the aggregate issue price of the issue.
11. " Issuer" means an entity or person issuing bonds.
12. " Manufacturing project" means a project as described in section 35-701, paragraph 7, subdivision (a), item (vii) or (xiii).
13. " Mortgage credit certificate" means a certificate as described in section 25(c)(1) of the code.
14. " Nonurban area" means all areas of this state not within the boundaries of the urban cities.
15. " Notice of intent" means the notice of intent to be filed with the authority in the form adopted for use by the authority.
16. " Project" means a qualified mortgage credit certificate program or any construction, acquisition, planned expenditure or other activity, including all phases of a multiphased project that requests allocations in the same year and including costs of issuance, capitalized interest and discounts, financed with bonds and located in this state or directly benefiting residents of this state. All qualified mortgage credit certificate programs and qualified mortgage revenue bonds, or combinations of such programs and bonds, of a single issuer or group of issuers acting together, constitute a single project for the purposes of this paragraph.
17. " Qualified mortgage credit certificate program" means a qualified mortgage credit certificate program as described in section 25(c)(2) of the code.
18. " Qualified mortgage revenue bonds" means an issue of bonds as described in section 143(a) of the code.
19. " Qualified student loan project" means an issue of bonds as described in section 144(b) of the code.
20. " Request" means the request for allocation to be filed with the authority in the form adopted for use by the authority.
21. " Security deposit" means cash, a bank cashier's check, a surety bond, a letter of credit or any other form of security approved by the director in favor of the authority that is received by the authority from an issuer or user to secure or extend an allocation.
22. " State ceiling" means the dollar limit of the aggregate amount of private activity bonds that may be issued in this state pursuant to section 146 of the code for each calendar year, beginning in 1988.
23. " Tax reform act of 1986" means P.L. 99-514 enacted by the ninety-ninth Congress, second session in 1986.
24. " Urban city" means a city having a population of not less than one hundred thousand persons according to the most recent United States decennial or special census. The area of each urban city is the boundary of the city as of January 1 of the current calendar year.
25. " Year" means the calendar year.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 35 - Public Finances

§ 35-101 - Definitions

§ 35-101.01 - Definition of substitute check

§ 35-102 - Fiscal year

§ 35-103 - Annual financial reports; notification; payments

§ 35-111 - Executive budget

§ 35-112 - Forms for budget unit estimates; date of transmittal

§ 35-113 - Submission of budget estimates

§ 35-113.01 - Request for federal funds

§ 35-114 - Continuous financial planning; submission of tentative budget report; appropriations estimate report

§ 35-115 - Contents of budget report

§ 35-116 - Supervisory powers of governor relating to budget report; exceptions

§ 35-117 - Participation of governor-elect in budget hearings

§ 35-118 - Transmission of budget report to legislature

§ 35-119 - Assistance to appropriation committees

§ 35-120 - Additional powers of governor

§ 35-121 - Format of appropriations

§ 35-121.01 - Local minimum wage; reimbursement of state costs; collection; withholding

§ 35-122 - Budget unit program lists; strategic plans; operating plans; compilation and publishing of master list

§ 35-123 - Nonappropriated monies; report

§ 35-124 - Performance pay component; identification

§ 35-125 - Revenue and expenditure estimates; three-year plan; public hearing

§ 35-131 - Accounting system; reports; notice of deficiency; forms

§ 35-141 - General fund; payment of salaries and expenses

§ 35-142 - Monies kept in funds separate from state general fund; receipt and withdrawal

§ 35-142.01 - Reimbursement of appropriated funds; receipt and deposit; prohibition; inmate health care services; notice

§ 35-143 - Collection through budget units; time for collection; failure to collect; liability

§ 35-143.01 - Special funds; appropriation; reversion; use

§ 35-144 - Budget stabilization fund; definitions

§ 35-145 - Control of taxes receivable from counties; statements from county treasurer; violation; penalty

§ 35-146 - Deposit of receipts by budget units

§ 35-147 - Treasurer's deposits; preparation and disposition

§ 35-148 - Payment for interagency services as credit to account of agency; transfer of miscellaneous state monies to general fund; exceptions

§ 35-149 - Disposition of private monies; contributions and suspense funds; exception

§ 35-150 - Current record of revenues; enforcement powers

§ 35-151 - Encumbrance documents; issuance and disposition; exception

§ 35-152 - Special masters; payment of fees and expenses

§ 35-154 - Unauthorized obligations; effect; liability

§ 35-155 - Cash deposit as an alternative to a surety bond

§ 35-171 - Bookkeeping procedures for treasurer

§ 35-172 - Authorized expenditures classed as appropriated

§ 35-173 - Definition of allotment schedule; appropriations; requirements; limits; exceptions

§ 35-174 - Vacancy savings; definition; personal services and employee related expenditures; reversion

§ 35-181.01 - Presentation, approval and payment of claims and payrolls; amended claims

§ 35-181.02 - Audit, adjustment and settlement of claims; procedures for rejection

§ 35-181.03 - Audit of nonprofit corporations receiving state monies; definition

§ 35-182 - Certification of claims

§ 35-183 - Countersigning of warrants, checks and electronic funds transfer vouchers

§ 35-184 - Numbering of warrants, checks and electronic funds transfer vouchers

§ 35-185 - Disbursements of monies

§ 35-185.01 - Treasurer's warrant notes; form; redemption; exception

§ 35-185.02 - Treasurer's warrant note redemption fund; receipt; appropriation

§ 35-186 - Duplicate warrants or checks; notice; bond; form and effect

§ 35-187 - Warrants, checks and substitute checks; limit on payment

§ 35-188 - Allowance of set-off against state; audit of claim

§ 35-189 - Issuance of certificate for claim for which no appropriation made

§ 35-190 - Incurring obligations after close of fiscal year; lapsing appropriations; exceptions

§ 35-191 - Administrative adjustment; refunds; presentation and disposition of claims; report; exemption

§ 35-192 - Authorization for declaration of disaster; authorization for liabilities and expenses; priorities and limitations; review and report of expenditures

§ 35-192.01 - Reimbursement procedures

§ 35-192.02 - Travel advances; administration; reimbursement

§ 35-193 - Revolving funds

§ 35-193.02 - Special services revolving fund; contents; administration; annual excess reversion

§ 35-196 - Illegal withholding or expenditure of state monies; civil liability

§ 35-196.01 - Expenditure of state monies for certain purposes; report

§ 35-196.02 - Use of public funds or insurance for abortion prohibited; exception

§ 35-196.03 - Refunds for invalid tax laws; appropriation required

§ 35-196.04 - Use of public monies prohibited; human cloning research involving fetal remains from abortion; other prohibited research; definition

§ 35-196.05 - Public funding; family planning services; contracting with certain facilities; prohibition; enforcement; definitions

§ 35-197 - Violations; classification

§ 35-211 - Approval, allowance or payment of unauthorized claim; liability of parties; penalty

§ 35-212 - Injunctive and civil remedies; time limit; definition

§ 35-213 - Failure of attorney general to bring action; action by taxpayer; bond; amount of recovery and attorney fees

§ 35-214 - Inspection and audit of contract provisions

§ 35-215 - Influencing, obstructing or impairing audit; classification

§ 35-301 - Duties and liabilities of custodian of public monies; violations; classification

§ 35-302 - Public money defined

§ 35-310 - Definitions

§ 35-311 - State board of investment; membership; powers and duties

§ 35-312 - Eligible depositories; collateral

§ 35-313 - Investment of trust and treasury monies; loan of securities

§ 35-314 - Equity investment of trust and treasury monies; definition

§ 35-314.01 - Permanent state land fund monies; investment

§ 35-314.02 - Budget stabilization fund monies; investment

§ 35-314.03 - State, tribal and political subdivision endowment funds; state investment authority

§ 35-314.04 - Pension prefunding plan investment accounts; state treasurer; investment authority; definitions

§ 35-315 - Servicing banks; qualifications; proposals; definitions

§ 35-316 - Investment pools; deduction; state treasurer's operating fund

§ 35-317 - State treasurer; duties; safekeeping of securities; interest; exemptions; responsibilities

§ 35-318 - Investment managers and advisors; treasury monies; investment services account

§ 35-319 - Permanent state trust land fund monies; state board of investment; state treasurer; duties; distributions; mandamus action

§ 35-321 - Definitions

§ 35-323 - Investment of public monies; bidding; security and other requirements

§ 35-323.01 - Investment of government monies in deposits; conditions; definition

§ 35-324 - Investment of trust funds

§ 35-325 - Servicing bank of public monies

§ 35-326 - Local government investment pool: definition

§ 35-326.01 - Long-term local government investment pools; management fees; deposit

§ 35-327 - Treasurer; duties; safekeeping of securities; warrants of financial officers; earnings; exemptions; responsibilities

§ 35-328 - Investment of sinking funds

§ 35-329 - Funds of charter cities

§ 35-341 - Definitions

§ 35-342 - Payment of agency accounts; delinquency; interest

§ 35-381 - Acceptance of warrants in payment of debts; exception

§ 35-382 - Effect of acceptance of warrants by county treasurer

§ 35-383 - Charging warrant to respective funds

§ 35-391 - Credit card payments by governmental entities; disclosure; definitions

§ 35-392 - State treasurer and retirement system divestments; policy notices

§ 35-393 - Definitions

§ 35-393.01 - Contracting; procurement; investment; prohibitions

§ 35-393.02 - Investment; restricted companies list; notice; immunity; exception

§ 35-393.03 - Applicability; severability

§ 35-394 - Contracting; procurement; prohibition; written certification; remedy; termination; exception; definitions

§ 35-401 - Definitions

§ 35-402 - Issuance of bonds

§ 35-403 - Form and contents of bonds

§ 35-404 - Amount of bonds; limitation

§ 35-405 - Resolution for issuance

§ 35-406 - Sale of bonds; use of proceeds

§ 35-407 - Payment of bonds and interest

§ 35-408 - Rights of holder of bond

§ 35-421 - State loan commissioners; issuance of bonds; exemption of bonds from taxes

§ 35-422 - Denominations and terms of bonds

§ 35-423 - Interest coupons

§ 35-424 - Sale of bonds; notice, publication and bids

§ 35-425 - Delivery of bonds

§ 35-426 - Application of proceeds to redemption of indebtedness; notice to redeem

§ 35-427 - Tax levy for amortization of bonds; determination of tax rate; additional levy; application of monies; violation; penalty

§ 35-428 - Redemption of bonds; notice; record of bonds redeemed

§ 35-429 - Issuance of state bonds for county, municipal or school district indebtedness

§ 35-430 - Cancellation of redeemed bonds; record of redemption; transmittal of abstract of record; payment of interest

§ 35-431 - Registration of bond; effect; entry of registration

§ 35-451 - Local debt limit; increase in limitation; authority to issue bonds; definitions

§ 35-451.01 - Power to use outstanding bond authorizations of common or high school districts

§ 35-452 - Election to authorize indebtedness; costs

§ 35-453 - Order for election

§ 35-454 - Informational pamphlet for bond election; review; ballot; election; return; canvass of votes; certificate of election

§ 35-455 - Issuance and sale of bonds; call for election

§ 35-456 - Amount, denomination and form of bonds

§ 35-456.01 - Bonds; manual affixing of signatures

§ 35-457 - Sale of bonds; bids; forfeiture of deposit; definitions

§ 35-458 - Levy of tax for payment of bonds; security

§ 35-458.01 - Commercial paper; variable rate bonds; compound interest bonds; bonds subject to tender

§ 35-459 - Redemption of bonds and coupons

§ 35-460 - Erection of buildings

§ 35-461 - Payment of expenses of bond issues

§ 35-462 - Bonds; change of purpose; election; informational pamphlet; ballot

§ 35-465 - Definitions

§ 35-465.01 - Tax anticipation notes

§ 35-465.02 - Form of notes

§ 35-465.03 - Limitations on issuance of notes

§ 35-465.04 - Application of taxes; payment of notes

§ 35-465.05 - Investment of tax anticipation note proceeds; period of investment covenants

§ 35-465.06 - Use of proceeds

§ 35-465.07 - Rights of holders

§ 35-466 - Definitions

§ 35-466.01 - Grant anticipation notes

§ 35-466.02 - Form of notes

§ 35-466.03 - Limitations on issuance of notes

§ 35-466.04 - Application of grant revenues; principal and interest redemption fund; payment of notes

§ 35-466.05 - Investment of note proceeds; period of investment covenants

§ 35-466.06 - Use of proceeds

§ 35-466.07 - Rights of holders

§ 35-466.08 - Prohibition against obligating state or political subdivisions; payment from grant revenues

§ 35-467 - Definitions

§ 35-467.01 - Revenue anticipation notes

§ 35-467.02 - Form of notes; definition

§ 35-467.03 - Limitations on issuance of notes

§ 35-467.04 - Application of revenues, principal and interest redemption fund; payment of notes

§ 35-467.05 - Investment of note proceeds; period of investment covenants

§ 35-467.06 - Use of proceeds

§ 35-467.07 - Rights of holders

§ 35-467.08 - Prohibition against obligating state or political subdivisions; payment from revenues

§ 35-468 - Definitions

§ 35-468.01 - Bonds secured by water transportation revenues

§ 35-468.02 - Issuance of bonds

§ 35-468.03 - Supplemental tax levy; interest fund; redemption fund

§ 35-468.04 - Pledge of revenues to secure debt instruments

§ 35-468.05 - Agreement of state

§ 35-468.06 - Bonds as obligation of political subdivision

§ 35-468.07 - Supplemental law

§ 35-471 - Refunding bonds; resolution authorizing issuance; definition

§ 35-472 - Form and contents of bonds; payment of principal and interest

§ 35-473 - Limitation on issuance of refunding bonds

§ 35-473.01 - Refunding bonds issued in advance of maturity of the bonds to be refunded; definition

§ 35-474 - Levy of tax for payment of bonds; security

§ 35-475 - Exchange or sale of bonds; record of bonds paid or retired

§ 35-481 - Applicability

§ 35-482 - Summary sale of delinquent property

§ 35-483 - Option to accelerate upon delinquency

§ 35-491 - Registration of bonds; payment of principal and interest; paying agent; security for deposits; record date; definition

§ 35-492 - Reregistration or cancellation of registry of bond

§ 35-493 - Collection and payment of bond through bank or trust company; effect

§ 35-494 - Contracts as long-term obligations

§ 35-495 - Supplemental nature of article

§ 35-501 - Records of bond issues; debt-level analysis and report; definitions

§ 35-502 - Reports; omission or refusal to comply; violation; classification

§ 35-503 - Calculation of debt limits

§ 35-504 - Debt oversight commission; membership; compensation; duties

§ 35-505 - Exemption; industrial development

§ 35-511 - Definitions

§ 35-512 - Authority to comply with federal income tax laws

§ 35-513 - Rebate set-aside; authorization

§ 35-514 - Construction; right to contest; supplemental nature of article

§ 35-515 - Rebate reporting; state agencies

§ 35-601 - Definitions

§ 35-602 - Exercise of powers

§ 35-603 - Filing petition; payment of expenses

§ 35-604 - Resolution authorizing filing of petition and representation of district by attorney

§ 35-605 - Powers of taxing district

§ 35-606 - Resolution of district assenting to plan as prerequisite of final decree of court becoming effective

§ 35-607 - Powers of district to consummate plan; issuance of refunding bonds; hearing upon resolution; notice

§ 35-608 - Purpose of article

§ 35-701 - Definitions

§ 35-702 - Proceedings to incorporate industrial development authority

§ 35-703 - Articles of incorporation of industrial development authority

§ 35-704 - Amendment to articles

§ 35-705 - Board of directors

§ 35-706 - Corporate powers

§ 35-707 - Assumption of mortgage loans

§ 35-708 - Financing certain owner-occupied single family dwellings; exception

§ 35-721 - Bonds of the corporation

§ 35-722 - Approval by elected official if required by federal law

§ 35-723 - Prohibition on state debt

§ 35-724 - Security for bonds

§ 35-725 - Bonds made legal investments

§ 35-726 - Approval of general plan before issuing bonds; fee; definition

§ 35-728 - Additional powers; allocating low-income housing tax credits; report; definition

§ 35-729 - Exemption from procurement code

§ 35-821 - Bonds of the corporation

§ 35-822 - Security for bonds

§ 35-823 - Bonds as legal investments

§ 35-741 - Exemption from taxation

§ 35-742 - Municipality or county not liable

§ 35-743 - Liability insurance

§ 35-751 - Earnings of the corporation and exemption from restrictions

§ 35-752 - Dissolution of corporation and vesting of title in municipality or county

§ 35-753 - Recordation of documents

§ 35-754 - Chapter cumulative; no notice required

§ 35-761 - Cooperation with public bodies

§ 35-762 - Reviewing entities; approval of developments; coordination; definitions

§ 35-771 - Definitions

§ 35-772 - Student loan bonds

§ 35-773 - State program; representative; plan approval; bond rating

§ 35-801 - Definitions

§ 35-802 - Proceedings to incorporate pollution control corporations

§ 35-803 - Articles of incorporation of pollution control corporations

§ 35-804 - Amendment to articles

§ 35-805 - Board of directors

§ 35-806 - Corporate powers

§ 35-807 - Earnings of the corporation

§ 35-808 - Dissolution of corporation

§ 35-809 - Recordation of documents

§ 35-810 - Chapter cumulative; no notice required

§ 35-831 - Exemption from taxation

§ 35-832 - Municipality or county not liable

§ 35-841 - Cooperation with governmental bodies

§ 35-901 - Definitions

§ 35-902 - Allocation

§ 35-903 - Arizona finance authority designated as state registry; fee

§ 35-904 - Obtaining and issuing confirmations

§ 35-905 - Restrictions on confirmations; definition

§ 35-906 - Allocations obtained after March 31 through 5:00 p.m. December 16

§ 35-907 - Allocations after 5:00 p.m. December 16

§ 35-908 - Principal amount of bonds issued less than confirmation; fee

§ 35-909 - Confirmation fees

§ 35-910 - Extension of confirmations

§ 35-911 - Powers of the authority; certifications

§ 35-912 - Limitation of liability

§ 35-913 - Special allocations for mortgage revenue bonds and mortgage credit certificates; definitions

§ 35-1001 - Definitions

§ 35-1002 - Swap agreements; provisions; purposes; credit enhancement

§ 35-1003 - Enforceability

§ 35-1004 - Treatment, calculation and payment of amounts due under swap agreements; exemptions from budget

§ 35-1005 - Limitation on effect of chapter

§ 35-1101 - Legislative consideration; funds; trust status; report; requirements

§ 35-1201 - Definitions

§ 35-1202 - Powers of the statewide collateral pool administrator

§ 35-1203 - Subrogation of administrator to depositor's rights; distribution of assets; payment

§ 35-1204 - Mandatory deposit of public funds in eligible depositories; notice; exemption

§ 35-1205 - Authority to make public deposits

§ 35-1206 - Public depositors; immunity

§ 35-1207 - Collateral for public deposits

§ 35-1208 - Qualified escrow agent; substitutions

§ 35-1209 - Reports of eligible depositories

§ 35-1210 - Procedure for payment of losses

§ 35-1211 - Civil penalties; hearing; noncompliance

§ 35-1212 - Fees; public deposit administration fund