33-1808. Flag display; political signs; caution signs; for sale, rent or lease signs; political and community activities; definitions
A. Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, an association shall not prohibit the outdoor front yard or backyard display of any of the following:
1. The American flag or an official or replica of a flag of the uniformed services of the United States by an association member on that member's property if the American flag or a uniformed services flag is displayed in a manner consistent with the federal flag code (P.L. 94-344; 90 Stat. 810; 4 United States Code sections 4 through 10).
2. The POW/MIA flag.
3. The Arizona state flag.
4. An Arizona Indian nations flag.
5. The Gadsden flag.
6. A first responder flag. A first responder flag may incorporate the design of one or two other first responder flags to form a combined flag.
7. A blue star service flag or a gold star service flag.
B. The association shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations regarding the placement and manner of display of the flags prescribed by subsection A of this section. The association rules may regulate the location and size of flagpoles, may limit the member to displaying not more than two flags at once and may limit the height of the flagpole to not more than the height of the rooftop of the member's home but shall not prohibit installing a flagpole in the front yard or backyard of the member's property.
C. Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, an association shall not prohibit the indoor or outdoor display of a political sign by an association member on that member's property, except that an association may prohibit the display of political signs as follows:
1. Earlier than seventy-one days before the day of a primary election.
2. Later than fifteen days after the day of the general election.
3. For a sign for a candidate in a primary election who does not advance to the general election, later than fifteen days after the primary election.
D. An association may regulate the size and number of political signs that may be placed on a member's property if the association's regulation is not more restrictive than any applicable city, town or county ordinance that regulates the size and number of political signs on residential property. If the city, town or county in which the property is located does not regulate the size and number of political signs on residential property, the association shall not limit the number of political signs, except that the maximum aggregate total dimensions of all political signs on a member's property shall not exceed nine square feet.
E. Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, an association shall not prohibit using cautionary signs regarding children if the signs are used and displayed as follows:
1. The signs are displayed in residential areas only.
2. The signs are removed within one hour of children ceasing to play.
3. The signs are displayed only when children are actually present within fifty feet of the sign.
4. The temporary signs are not taller than three feet in height.
5. The signs are professionally manufactured or produced.
F. Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, an association shall not prohibit children who reside in the planned community from engaging in recreational activity on residential roadways that are under the jurisdiction of the association and on which the posted speed limit is twenty-five miles per hour or less.
G. Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, an association shall not prohibit or charge a fee for the use of, the placement of or the indoor or outdoor display of a for sale, for rent or for lease sign and a sign rider by an association member on that member's property in any combination, including a sign that indicates the member is offering the property for sale by owner. The size of a sign offering a property for sale, for rent or for lease shall be in conformance with the industry standard size sign, which shall not exceed eighteen by twenty-four inches, and the industry standard size sign rider, which shall not exceed six by twenty-four inches. This subsection applies only to a commercially produced sign, and an association may prohibit using signs that are not commercially produced. With respect to real estate for sale, for rent or for lease in the planned community, an association shall not prohibit in any way other than as is specifically authorized by this section or otherwise regulate any of the following:
1. Temporary open house signs or a member's for sale sign. The association shall not require the use of particular signs indicating an open house or real property for sale and may not further regulate the use of temporary open house or for sale signs that are industry standard size and that are owned or used by the seller or the seller's agent.
2. Open house hours. The association may not limit the hours for an open house for real estate that is for sale in the planned community, except that the association may prohibit an open house being held before 8:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. and may prohibit open house signs on the common areas of the planned community.
3. An owner's or an owner's agent's for rent or for lease sign unless an association's documents prohibit or restrict leasing of a member's property. An association shall not further regulate a for rent or for lease sign or require the use of a particular for rent or for lease sign other than the for rent or for lease sign shall not be any larger than the industry standard size sign of eighteen by twenty-four inches on or in the member's property. If rental or leasing of a member's property is not prohibited or restricted, the association may prohibit an open house for rental or leasing being held before 8:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m.
H. Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, an association shall not prohibit door-to-door political activity, including solicitations of support or opposition regarding candidates or ballot issues, and shall not prohibit circulating political petitions, including candidate nomination petitions or petitions in support of or opposition to an initiative, referendum or recall or other political issue on property normally open to visitors within the association, except that an association may do the following:
1. Restrict or prohibit the door-to-door political activity from sunset to sunrise.
2. Require the prominent display of an identification tag for each person engaged in the activity, along with the prominent identification of the candidate or ballot issue that is the subject of the support or opposition.
I. A planned community shall not make any regulations regarding the number of candidates supported, the number of public officers supported or opposed in a recall or the number of propositions supported or opposed on a political sign.
J. A planned community shall not require political signs to be commercially produced or professionally manufactured or prohibit the utilization of both sides of a political sign.
K. Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, an association may not prohibit or unreasonably restrict the indoor or outdoor display of an association-specific political sign by a member by placement of a sign on that member's property. An association may adopt reasonable rules regarding the placement, location and manner of display of association-specific political signs, except an association shall not do any of the following:
1. Prohibit the display of association-specific political signs between the date that the association provides written or absentee ballots to members and three days after the planned community election.
2. Limit the number of association-specific signs, except that the association may limit the aggregate total dimensions of all association-specific signs on a member's property to not more than nine square feet.
3. Require association-specific political signs to be commercially produced or professionally manufactured or prohibit using both sides of the sign.
4. Regulate the number of candidates supported or opposed or the number of board members supported or opposed in a recall or the number of ballot measures supported or opposed on an association-specific political sign.
5. Make any other regulations regarding the content of an association-specific political sign except that the association may prohibit using profanity and discriminatory text, images or content based on race, color, religion, sex, familial status or national origin as prescribed by federal or state fair housing laws.
L. A planned community is not required to comply with subsection H of this section if the planned community restricts vehicular or pedestrian access to the planned community. This section does not require a planned community to make its common elements other than roadways and sidewalks that are normally open to visitors available for the circulation of political petitions to anyone who is not an owner or resident of the community.
M. Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, an association may not prohibit or unreasonably restrict a member's ability to peacefully assemble and use common areas of the planned community if done in compliance with reasonable restrictions for the use of that property adopted by the board of directors. An individual member or group of members may assemble to discuss matters related to the planned community, including board elections or recalls, potential or actual ballot issues or revisions to the community documents, property maintenance or safety issues or any other planned community matters. A member may invite one political candidate or one non-member guest to speak to an assembly of members about matters related to the community. The association shall not prohibit a member from posting notices regarding those assemblies of members on bulletin boards located on the common areas or within common area facilities. An assembly of members prescribed by this subsection does not constitute an official members' meeting unless the meeting is noticed and convened as prescribed in the community documents and this chapter.
N. An association or managing agent that violates subsection G of this section forfeits and extinguishes the lien rights authorized under section 33-1807 against that member's property for a period of six consecutive months after the date of the violation.
O. For the purposes of this section:
1. " Association-specific political sign" means a sign that supports or opposes a candidate for the board of directors or the recall of a board member or a planned community ballot measure that requires a vote of the association members.
2. " First responder flag" means a flag that recognizes and honors the services of any of the following:
(a) Law enforcement and that is limited to the colors blue, black and white, the words " law enforcement" , " police" , " officers" , " first responder" , " honor our" , " support our" and " department" and the symbol of a generic police shield in a crest or star shape.
(b) Fire department and that is limited to the colors red, gold, black and white, the words " fire" , " fighters" , " F" , " D" , " FD" , " first responder" , " department" , " honor our" and " support our" and the symbol of a generic maltese cross.
(c) Paramedics or emergency medical technicians and that is limited to the colors blue, black and white, the words " first responder" , " paramedic" , " emergency medical" , " service" , " technician" , " honor our" and " support our" and the symbol of a generic star of life.
3. " Political sign" means a sign that attempts to influence the outcome of an election, including supporting or opposing the recall of a public officer or supporting or opposing the circulation of a petition for a ballot measure, question or proposition or the recall of a public officer.
Structure Arizona Revised Statutes
§ 33-101 - Petition to establish landmarks
§ 33-102 - Minutes or field notes of survey; requirements; recording
§ 33-104 - Right of person making land survey to enter lands; damages for injury to lands
§ 33-105 - Recording of certain land surveys; contents
§ 33-106 - Corner record survey; filing; contents
§ 33-131 - Arizona coordinate system, 1983; zones; composition
§ 33-132 - Coordinates of system; zone definitions
§ 33-133 - Ground markings of system; accuracy specifications; horizontal control stations
§ 33-134 - Tract located in more than one zone; description
§ 33-135 - Reliance of purchaser or mortgagee not required
§ 33-136 - Public lands survey descriptions; conflicts; control
§ 33-137 - Recording, filing, publishing extensions and densifications of the ground marking system
§ 33-138 - Recording prerequisite
§ 33-201 - Duration of interest; fee tail prohibited
§ 33-202 - Estates as property interest; freeholds; chattels real; chattel interests
§ 33-203 - Right to possession of lands; estates in possession; estates in expectancy
§ 33-204 - Estates in expectancy; reversions; future estates; remainders
§ 33-205 - Vested future estates; contingent future estates
§ 33-221 - Estates in expectancy; alienability
§ 33-222 - Alternative future estates
§ 33-223 - Time of creation of estates in expectancy
§ 33-225 - Indefeasibility of expectant estates; exception
§ 33-226 - Defeasibility of expectant estate by terms of grant or devise
§ 33-227 - Contingent remainder as conditional limitation
§ 33-228 - Indestructibility of contingent remainders
§ 33-231 - Rule in Shelley's case abolished
§ 33-233 - Life estate in term of years
§ 33-234 - Time when remainder on life estate or term of years takes effect
§ 33-236 - "Heir" and "issue" as words of limitation
§ 33-237 - Effect of posthumous children upon limitations
§ 33-239 - Use of accumulations for support and education of children
§ 33-240 - Ownership of rents and profits arising during suspension of power of alienation
§ 33-261 - Rule against perpetuities
§ 33-272 - Creation, conveyance, acceptance and duration; impairment; recording; county assessor
§ 33-274 - Validity and assignment of conservation easements
§ 33-275 - Application of other laws
§ 33-301 - Posting of lien law and rates by innkeepers
§ 33-321 - Maintenance of premises
§ 33-322 - Damage to premises; classification
§ 33-323 - Liability of person in possession of land for rent due thereon
§ 33-324 - Denial of landlord's title by lessee in possession prohibited
§ 33-341 - Termination of tenancies
§ 33-342 - Effect of lessee holding over
§ 33-362 - Landlord's lien for rent
§ 33-402 - Forms for conveyances; quit claim; conveyance; warranty; mortgage
§ 33-403 - Easement description; validity
§ 33-404 - Disclosure of beneficiary; recording; failure to disclose
§ 33-405 - Beneficiary deeds; recording; definitions
§ 33-406 - Disclosure of transportation of water to property by motor vehicle or train; definition
§ 33-411.01 - Recording real estate documents; indemnification by transferor
§ 33-412 - Invalidity of unrecorded instruments as to bona fide purchaser or creditor
§ 33-413 - Invalidity of unrecorded marriage contract as to bona fide purchaser or creditor
§ 33-416 - Record of instrument duly recorded as notice
§ 33-420 - False documents; liability; special action; damages; violation; classification
§ 33-420.01 - Suspension of line of credit; payoff demand statement; definitions
§ 33-422 - Land divisions; recording; disclosure affidavit
§ 33-423 - Disclosure; reports; indemnity; applicability; violation; classification
§ 33-432 - Presumption of intention to convey fee
§ 33-434 - Covenants between purchaser and seller
§ 33-434.01 - Seller's duty to disclose; soil remediation; definition
§ 33-435 - Covenants implied from word "grant" or "convey"
§ 33-436 - Effect of insubstantial conditions in conveyance
§ 33-437 - Defective conveyance as contract to convey
§ 33-438 - Sale of property subject to certain liens and encumbrances
§ 33-439 - Restrictions on installation or use of solar energy devices invalid; exception
§ 33-440 - Enforceability of private covenants; amendment of declaration; definitions
§ 33-441 - For sale signs; restrictions unenforceable
§ 33-442 - Prohibition on transfer fees; exceptions; definitions
§ 33-451 - Conveyance of separate property
§ 33-452 - Conveyance of community property
§ 33-453 - Conveyance of homestead
§ 33-455 - Conveyance of absolute title by judicial sale; effect upon rights of persons not parties
§ 33-456 - Passage of title to real or personal property by judgment
§ 33-457 - Fraudulent representation by married person of ability to convey realty; classification
§ 33-458 - Resale of realty with intent to defraud; classification
§ 33-511 - Acknowledgment within the state
§ 33-512 - Acknowledgment by a married woman
§ 33-513 - Action to correct certificate of acknowledgment
§ 33-701 - Interests which may be mortgaged; formal requirements; recording
§ 33-702 - Mortgage defined; admissibility of proof that transfer is a mortgage
§ 33-705 - Purchase money mortgage or deed of trust; priority
§ 33-706 - Assignment of mortgage; recording as notice
§ 33-707 - Acknowledgment of satisfaction; recording
§ 33-708 - Release by attorney in fact
§ 33-710 - Release by foreign personal representative, administrator, guardian or conservator
§ 33-711 - Release by heir or legatee
§ 33-712 - Liability for failure to acknowledge satisfaction
§ 33-713 - Discharge by order of court; proof required; effect
§ 33-714 - Expiration of mortgage and deed of trust; applicability
§ 33-715 - Payoff demands; definitions
§ 33-721 - Foreclosure of mortgage by court action
§ 33-722 - Election between action on debt or to foreclose
§ 33-723 - Right of junior lien holder upon foreclosure action by senior lien holder
§ 33-724 - State as party to foreclosure actions
§ 33-725 - Judgment of foreclosure; contents; sale of property; resale
§ 33-727 - Sale under execution; deficiency; order of liens; writ of possession
§ 33-728 - Recording upon record that mortgage is foreclosed and judgment satisfied; effect
§ 33-729 - Purchase money mortgage; limitation on liability
§ 33-742 - Forfeiture of interest of purchaser in default under contract
§ 33-743 - Notice of election to forfeit and reinstatement of purchaser's interest
§ 33-744 - Completion of forfeiture by judicial process
§ 33-745 - Completion of forfeiture by notice
§ 33-746 - Request for copy of notice of election to forfeit
§ 33-747 - Appointment of successor account servicing agent
§ 33-748 - Seller's right to foreclose
§ 33-750 - Conveyance by seller; payment in full; payoff deed
§ 33-802 - Description of trust property; mailing address of trustor and trustee
§ 33-803 - Trustee of trust deed; qualifications
§ 33-803.01 - Trustee of trust deed; delegation of duties
§ 33-804 - Appointment of successor trustee by beneficiary
§ 33-805 - Deed of trust as security
§ 33-806 - Transfers in trust of real property; uses
§ 33-806.01 - Trustor's right to transfer; transfer fee limit; interest rate increase limit
§ 33-807 - Sale of trust property; power of trustee; foreclosure of trust deed
§ 33-808 - Notice of trustee's sale
§ 33-810 - Sale by public auction; postponement of sale
§ 33-811 - Payment of bid; trustee's deed
§ 33-812 - Disposition of proceeds of sale
§ 33-814 - Action to recover balance after sale or foreclosure on property under trust deed
§ 33-816 - Limitation on action or sale of trust property
§ 33-817 - Transfer of secured contract
§ 33-818 - Notice from instruments recorded; assignment of a beneficial interest
§ 33-819 - Exempt transactions
§ 33-820 - Trustee's right to rely; attorney's right to act for trustee and beneficiary
§ 33-821 - Exemption from definition
§ 33-901 - Lien for furnishing labor or machinery upon agricultural land
§ 33-902 - Procedure to claim lien; foreclosure
§ 33-905 - Demand by lien holder for enforcement of lien against whole or part of property covered
§ 33-906 - Joinder of actions; costs
§ 33-907 - Enforcement of judgment
§ 33-908 - Additional remedies
§ 33-909 - Release of farm services lien
§ 33-932 - Perfecting lien; statement of claim; recording; effect
§ 33-933 - Recording and indexing lien claim
§ 33-934 - Release of claim by injured person ineffective as to lienholder; action to enforce lien
§ 33-935 - Workers' compensation cases exempted
§ 33-936 - Release of hospital lien; liability
§ 33-937 - Limitation of lien or assignment; compromise; cause of action; attorney fees
§ 33-951 - Lien on baggage and property of guests
§ 33-952 - Sale of property; notice
§ 33-962 - Procedure for filing judgment of justice or municipal court; recording; lien
§ 33-963 - Procedure for recording judgment of federal court; lien
§ 33-965 - Entry of reversal or remittitur upon judgment docket; affidavit
§ 33-966 - Superiority of lien for personal injury judgment against person operating railway
§ 33-968 - Erroneously identified property owner; lien; release
§ 33-983 - Lien for improvements to city lots or other land
§ 33-984 - Lien for labor or materials furnished mill, factory or hoisting works
§ 33-985 - Lien for labor or materials furnished domestic vessel
§ 33-986 - Lien for labor in cutting wood, logs or ties
§ 33-987 - Lien for labor or materials furnished on waterways, highways, excavations or land
§ 33-988 - Lien for labor or materials furnished railroad
§ 33-989 - Lien for labor or material furnished mines and mining claims; priority
§ 33-990 - Posting of "no lien" notice by owner not operating mine; violation; classification
§ 33-991 - Lands to which liens extend; rural lands; city lots; subdivision lots; mining claims
§ 33-992 - Preference of liens over subsequent encumbrances; professional services liens
§ 33-992.02 - Proof of mailing of preliminary twenty day notice; receipt; affidavit
§ 33-993 - Procedure to perfect lien; notice and claim of lien; service; recording; definitions
§ 33-996 - Joinder of persons claiming liens; claimant as party defendant; intervention
§ 33-997 - Sale of property to satisfy lien
§ 33-998 - Limitation of action to foreclose lien; attorney fees
§ 33-1001 - Priority of claims for current wages owed by owner of property under levy
§ 33-1002 - Definitions; inapplicability of certain liens to owner-occupied dwelling; waiver void
§ 33-1003 - Payment bond in lieu of lien right; bond purposes and conditions; recording
§ 33-1005 - Payments made in trust
§ 33-1006 - Release of mechanic's and materialman's liens; liability
§ 33-1007 - Definition of professional services
§ 33-1021 - Lien for labor or materials furnished on personal property; right to possess property
§ 33-1021.01 - Dry cleaners' and launderers' lien; foreclosure
§ 33-1022.01 - Fabrication work; lien
§ 33-1023 - Sale of property; disposal of proceeds
§ 33-1032 - Place of filing or recording
§ 33-1033 - Execution of notices and certificates
§ 33-1034 - Filing or recording officer; duties
§ 33-1052 - Stop notice; defect in form
§ 33-1054 - Persons authorized; notice to owner; failure to serve notice after demand
§ 33-1057 - Withholding of money by owner; payment bond
§ 33-1058 - Withholding monies by construction lenders; payment bond
§ 33-1059 - Assignment of monies; effect
§ 33-1060 - Pro rata distribution of monies
§ 33-1062 - Release of stop notice or bonded stop notice; surety bond
§ 33-1063 - Commencement of actions; limitations
§ 33-1064 - Dismissal or judgment
§ 33-1065 - Consolidation of actions
§ 33-1071 - Commercial real estate broker lien; definition
§ 33-1072 - Lien attachment; notice of commercial real estate broker lien; notice to owner
§ 33-1073 - Contents of notice of lien; verification
§ 33-1074 - Foreclosure; limitation of action; attorney fees
§ 33-1075 - Satisfaction of lien; damages
§ 33-1101 - Homestead exemptions; persons entitled to hold homesteads; equity
§ 33-1103 - Homestead exemption; extent of exemption; exceptions
§ 33-1104 - Abandonment of homestead; encumbrance of homestead
§ 33-1105 - Sale by judgment creditor of property subject to homestead exemption
§ 33-1121.01 - Availability of exemptions
§ 33-1122 - Debtor's property not exempt from process
§ 33-1123 - Household furniture, furnishings and appliances
§ 33-1124 - Food, fuel and provisions
§ 33-1126 - Money benefits or proceeds; exception
§ 33-1128 - Fire fighting equipment
§ 33-1129 - Public property or property of a public character
§ 33-1130 - Tools and equipment used in a commercial activity, trade, business or profession
§ 33-1131 - Definition; wages; salary; compensation
§ 33-1132 - Waiver of exemption rights void
§ 33-1133 - Other exemption laws
§ 33-1151 - Exemption from execution
§ 33-1153 - Abandonment of exemption; maintenance of residency
§ 33-1204 - Separate titles and taxation
§ 33-1205 - Applicability of local ordinances, rules and building codes
§ 33-1211 - Creation of condominium
§ 33-1213 - Construction and validity of declaration and bylaws
§ 33-1214 - Description of units
§ 33-1215 - Contents of declaration
§ 33-1216 - Leasehold condominiums
§ 33-1217 - Allocation of common element interests, votes and common expense liabilities
§ 33-1218 - Limited common elements
§ 33-1220 - Exercise of development rights
§ 33-1221 - Alterations of units
§ 33-1222 - Relocation of boundaries between adjoining units
§ 33-1223 - Subdivision of units
§ 33-1224 - Easement for encroachments
§ 33-1225 - Use for sale purposes
§ 33-1226 - Easement to facilitate exercise of special declarant rights
§ 33-1227 - Amendment of declaration
§ 33-1228 - Termination of condominium
§ 33-1229 - Rights of secured lenders
§ 33-1230 - Merger or consolidation of condominiums
§ 33-1241 - Organization of unit owners' association
§ 33-1242 - Powers of unit owners' association; notice to unit owner of violation
§ 33-1244 - Transfer of special declarant rights
§ 33-1245 - Termination of contracts and leases of declarant; applicability
§ 33-1247 - Upkeep of the condominium
§ 33-1248 - Open meetings; exceptions
§ 33-1249 - Quorums; applicability
§ 33-1250 - Voting; proxies; absentee ballots; applicability; definition
§ 33-1251 - Tort and contract liability
§ 33-1252 - Conveyance or encumbrance of common elements
§ 33-1252.01 - Conveyance of certain real property
§ 33-1255 - Assessments for common expenses; applicability
§ 33-1257 - Other liens affecting the condominium
§ 33-1258 - Association financial and other records; applicability
§ 33-1259 - Association as trustee
§ 33-1260 - Resale of units; information required; fees; civil penalty; applicability; definition
§ 33-1260.01 - Rental property; unit owner and agent information; fee; disclosure
§ 33-1270 - Department of real estate; enforcement
§ 33-1303 - Supplementary principles of law applicable
§ 33-1304 - Applicability of chapter
§ 33-1305 - Administration of remedies; enforcement; notice and pleading requirements
§ 33-1306 - Settlement of disputed claim or right
§ 33-1307 - Territorial application
§ 33-1308 - Exclusions from application of chapter
§ 33-1310 - General definitions
§ 33-1311 - Obligation of good faith
§ 33-1314 - Terms and conditions of rental agreement; contact information; property; pets
§ 33-1315 - Prohibited provisions in rental agreements
§ 33-1316 - Separation of rents and obligations to maintain property forbidden
§ 33-1318.01 - Early release termination for law enforcement officers; definition
§ 33-1319 - Bedbug control; landlord and tenant obligations; definitions
§ 33-1322 - Disclosure and tender of written rental agreement
§ 33-1323 - Landlord to supply possession of dwelling unit
§ 33-1324 - Landlord to maintain fit premises
§ 33-1325 - Limitation of liability
§ 33-1329 - Regulation of rents; authority
§ 33-1330 - Transfer of records on sale
§ 33-1331 - Notice of foreclosure; effect on lease; damages
§ 33-1432 - Disclosure of written rental agreement
§ 33-1433 - Landlord to deliver possession of mobile home space
§ 33-1434 - Landlord to maintain fit premises
§ 33-1435 - Limitation of liability
§ 33-1436 - Statement of policy; amendment; contents; new statements
§ 33-1438 - Transfer of records; sale of park
§ 33-2123 - Landlord to maintain fit premises
§ 33-1341 - Tenant to maintain dwelling unit
§ 33-1342 - Rules and regulations
§ 33-1344 - Tenant to use and occupy as a dwelling unit
§ 33-1452 - Rules and regulations
§ 33-1454 - Tenant to occupy as a dwelling unit; authority to sublet
§ 33-2131 - Tenant to maintain recreational vehicle space
§ 33-1361 - Noncompliance by the landlord
§ 33-1362 - Failure to deliver possession
§ 33-1363 - Self-help for minor defects
§ 33-1365 - Landlord's noncompliance as defense to action for possession or rent; definition
§ 33-1366 - Fire or casualty damage
§ 33-1367 - Tenant's remedies for landlord's unlawful ouster, exclusion or diminution of services
§ 33-1369 - Failure to maintain
§ 33-1370 - Abandonment; notice; remedies; personal property; definition
§ 33-1371 - Acceptance of partial payments; waiver of right to terminate; exception
§ 33-1372 - Landlord liens; distraint for rent
§ 33-1373 - Remedy after termination
§ 33-1374 - Recovery of possession limited
§ 33-1375 - Periodic tenancy; hold-over remedies
§ 33-1376 - Landlord and tenant remedies for abuse of access
§ 33-1377 - Special detainer actions; service; trial postponement
§ 33-1379 - Eviction action; dismissal; sealed records
§ 33-1471 - Noncompliance by the landlord
§ 33-1472 - Failure to deliver possession
§ 33-1473 - Self-help for minor defects
§ 33-1474 - Wrongful failure to supply essential services
§ 33-1475 - Tenant's remedies for landlord's unlawful ouster, exclusion or diminution of services
§ 33-1476.02 - Mobile home relocation fund; investment of monies
§ 33-1476.03 - Assessments for mobile home relocation fund; waiver
§ 33-1476.04 - Relocations due to rent increase; mobile home relocation fund; applicability
§ 33-1477 - Failure to maintain by tenant
§ 33-1478 - Remedies for abandonment; required registration
§ 33-1480 - Landlord liens; distraint for rent abolished
§ 33-1481 - Remedy after termination
§ 33-1482 - Recovery of possession limited
§ 33-1483 - Periodic tenancy; holdover remedies
§ 33-1484 - Landlord and tenant remedies for abuse of access
§ 33-1485 - Special detainer actions; service; trial postponement
§ 33-1485.01 - Removal of mobile home from mobile home park; violation; joint and several liability
§ 33-2141 - Noncompliance by the landlord
§ 33-2142 - Tenant's remedies for landlord's unlawful ouster, exclusion or diminution of services
§ 33-2145 - Remedy after termination
§ 33-2146 - Failure to maintain by tenant
§ 33-2147 - Periodic tenancy; holdover remedies
§ 33-2148 - Retaliatory conduct prohibited; eviction
§ 33-2151 - Assessments for mobile home relocation fund; waiver
§ 33-1381 - Retaliatory conduct prohibited
§ 33-1491 - Retaliatory conduct prohibited; eviction
§ 33-1403 - Supplementary principles of law applicable
§ 33-1404 - Administration of remedies; enforcement; notice and pleading requirements
§ 33-1405 - Settlement of disputed claim or right
§ 33-1406 - Territorial application
§ 33-1407 - Exclusions from application of chapter
§ 33-1408 - Jurisdiction and service of process; recovery of attorney fees; treble damages
§ 33-1410 - Obligation of good faith
§ 33-1413 - Terms and conditions of rental agreement
§ 33-1413.01 - Utility charges; waste, garbage and rubbish removal charges
§ 33-1414 - Prohibited provisions in rental agreements; late payment penalty
§ 33-1415 - Separation of rents and obligations to maintain property forbidden
§ 33-1416 - Preemption by state; regulation of rents; exception
§ 33-1417 - Rebates and referrals prohibited; mobile homes and manufactured homes; damages
§ 33-1418 - Incorporated tenants' park purchase association
§ 33-1419 - Inheritance of mobile home; requirements
§ 33-1501 - Affidavit of affixture for mobile home in mobile home park
§ 33-1571 - Real property loans; exercise of due on sale clauses; prohibition
§ 33-1701 - Definitions; exception
§ 33-1702 - Residential use; prohibition
§ 33-1703 - Lien; rental agreement; contents; late fees
§ 33-1704 - Enforcement of lien
§ 33-1705 - Notice posted in the office
§ 33-1706 - Failure to comply; penalty
§ 33-1801 - Applicability; exemptions; voluntary election to be subjected to chapter
§ 33-1803 - Assessment limitation; penalties; notice to member of violation
§ 33-1804 - Open meetings; exceptions
§ 33-1805 - Association financial and other records
§ 33-1806 - Resale of units; information required; fees; civil penalty; definition
§ 33-1806.01 - Rental property; member and agent information; fee; disclosure
§ 33-1807 - Lien for assessments; priority; mechanics' and materialmen's liens; notice
§ 33-1809 - Parking; public service and public safety emergency vehicles; definition
§ 33-1810 - Board of directors; annual audit
§ 33-1811 - Board of directors; contracts; conflict
§ 33-1812 - Proxies; absentee ballots; definition
§ 33-1813 - Removal of board member; special meeting
§ 33-1814 - Slum property; professional management
§ 33-1815 - Association authority; commercial signage
§ 33-1816 - Solar energy devices; reasonable restrictions; fees and costs
§ 33-1817 - Declaration amendment; design, architectural committees; review
§ 33-1818 - Community authority over public roadways; applicability
§ 33-1819 - Artificial turf ban; prohibition; restrictions; attorney fees; applicability
§ 33-1903 - Appointment of temporary receiver; term; duties, accounting
§ 33-1905 - Slum property; appeal
§ 33-1906 - Licensed property management company; training program
§ 33-1907 - Registration with one-call notification center
§ 33-2002 - Homeowners' association dwelling actions; conditions
§ 33-2101 - Application; duration of stay; exclusions; notice and pleading requirements
§ 33-2103 - Obligation of good faith
§ 33-2105 - Terms and conditions of rental agreement; notice, removal
§ 33-2106 - Prohibited provisions in rental agreements
§ 33-2203 - Management of timeshare plan and timeshare property
§ 33-2206 - Duties of the managing entity
§ 33-2207 - Foreclosure of assessment liens
§ 33-2208 - Association open meetings; exceptions; notices
§ 33-2209 - Financial and other records
§ 33-2211 - Trustee's sale of timeshare estates; notice; cure; notice to prevent sale; definitions
§ 33-2301 - Commercial buildings; telecommunications service; notice; definition
§ 33-2302 - Applicability; commercial properties
§ 33-2401 - Access to private property
§ 33-2501 - Drop box; private property; required consent; exemptions; definitions
§ 33-2602 - Notice and opportunity for hearing; exceptions
§ 33-2605 - Appointment of receiver
§ 33-2606 - Disqualification from appointment as a receiver; exceptions; nomination
§ 33-2607 - Receiver's bond; alternative security
§ 33-2608 - Status of receiver as lien creditor
§ 33-2609 - Security agreement covering after-acquired property
§ 33-2610 - Collection and turnover of receivership property
§ 33-2611 - Powers and duties of receiver
§ 33-2614 - Engagement and compensation of professional
§ 33-2616 - Executory contract; definition
§ 33-2617 - Defenses and immunities of receiver
§ 33-2618 - Interim report of receiver
§ 33-2620 - Removal of receiver; replacement; termination of receivership
§ 33-2621 - Final report of receiver; discharge
§ 33-2622 - Receivership in another state; ancillary proceeding
§ 33-2623 - Effect of enforcement by mortgagee
§ 33-2624 - Court's authority under this chapter
§ 33-2625 - Uniformity of application and construction
§ 33-2626 - Relation to electronic signature in global and national commerce act