Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 3 - Agriculture
§ 3-3623 - Civil penalties; suspension

3-3623. Civil penalties; suspension
A. The director may suspend a license, certification or registration without a hearing if the licensee fails within thirty calendar days to pay civil penalties imposed under this chapter or rules adopted pursuant to this chapter.
B. A licensee whose license is suspended under subsection A of this section must apply to the director for reinstatement.
C. A license, certification or registration suspended under subsection A of this section shall be revoked without a hearing after one year of suspension. Revocations under this subsection are not subject to section 3-3603, subsection A, paragraph 7.
D. The division shall not renew a license, certification or registration or broaden a certification until the person suspended under subsection A of this section is reinstated.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 3 - Agriculture

§ 3-101 - Definitions

§ 3-102 - Department organization

§ 3-103 - Director; search committee; qualifications; deputy director and associate and assistant directors; legal counsel

§ 3-104 - Advisory council

§ 3-105 - Division councils

§ 3-106 - Advisory committees

§ 3-107 - Organizational and administrative powers and duties of the director

§ 3-108 - Administrative support fund; use; exemption

§ 3-109 - Unlawful influence; classification

§ 3-109.01 - Agricultural consulting and training program

§ 3-109.02 - Office of commodity development and promotion; fees; commodity promotion fund; definition

§ 3-109.03 - Livestock operator fire and flood assistance grant program; requirements; fund; exemption; definition

§ 3-111 - Definitions

§ 3-112 - Agricultural operations; nuisance liability: damages; state preemption

§ 3-113 - Action for false claims against perishable agricultural food product; limitation; definitions

§ 3-114 - Liability for unauthorized destruction of field crop product; damages; definition

§ 3-121 - Smith-Lever act accepted; authority of board of regents

§ 3-122 - Expenditure from university appropriation to match federal grant

§ 3-123 - Agricultural extension work

§ 3-124 - County agricultural extension board; members; appointment; term; qualifications; office space

§ 3-125 - Plan of extension work; annual report

§ 3-126 - Annual county agricultural extension budget; tax levy; collection; expenditures

§ 3-127 - Agricultural workforce development program; rules; apprentices; costs; annual report; definitions

§ 3-128 - Expenditures of university of Arizona funds

§ 3-141 - Definitions

§ 3-142 - State agricultural laboratory

§ 3-143 - Assistant director; powers and duties

§ 3-144 - State agricultural laboratory; maintenance and purpose; fees

§ 3-145 - Mandatory and voluntary certification; sampling procedures; application; expiration; renewal

§ 3-146 - Certificate fees

§ 3-147 - Rules; advisory committee

§ 3-148 - Grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of a certificate; review and appeal

§ 3-149 - Evidentiary effect of test results certified by the assistant director

§ 3-161 - Definitions

§ 3-162 - Arizona register of heritage agriculture; qualifying criteria; definition

§ 3-163 - Application

§ 3-164 - Listing property on register

§ 3-165 - Restricted use of designation; violation; classification

§ 3-201 - Definitions

§ 3-201.01 - Associate director; powers and duties

§ 3-202 - Infested or infected plants as public nuisances

§ 3-203 - Quarantine of infected and diseased plants; notice; hearing

§ 3-204 - Summary abatement of imminently dangerous nuisance; procedure; expense; lien; public sale; reimbursement costs and penalties to state for certain abatements; civil penalty

§ 3-204.01 - Council plow-up request; civil penalty

§ 3-205 - Abatement of nuisance not imminently dangerous; procedure; lien; foreclosure; release of lien; reimbursement costs and penalties to state for certain abatements; civil penalty

§ 3-205.01 - Summary abatement of noxious weeds, crop pests or diseases under preapproved programs

§ 3-205.02 - Regulating production of colored cotton; civil penalties

§ 3-206 - Destruction of noninfected crops on abatement of nuisance; procedure; hearing; evidence

§ 3-207 - Crop pest or disease menacing state; notice of hearing; publication

§ 3-208 - Hearing on plant menace; evidence; quarantine zones; violation

§ 3-209 - Quarantines; notice to common carriers; duty to hold for inspection; certificate of release; inspection

§ 3-210 - Destruction of infected shipments

§ 3-211 - Imported nursery stock; labeling; certificate of inspection

§ 3-212 - Infested plants; sale or transportation prohibited; disposition of infested or wormy apples and pears

§ 3-213 - Concealment of plants or agricultural products

§ 3-214 - Failure to stop at inspection station

§ 3-214.01 - Dangerous plants, pests and diseases trust fund

§ 3-215 - Violations; classification

§ 3-215.01 - Violation; civil penalty

§ 3-216 - Enforcement powers of deputy, inspector or agent; cooperation

§ 3-217 - Nursery or nursery stock certification; fee; denial, revocation or suspension; hearing

§ 3-218 - Citrus budwood certification; fee

§ 3-221 - Agreements for joint exercise of powers; review by attorney general; continuing obligation

§ 3-222 - Employees assigned to adjoining state

§ 3-223 - Interdivision livestock inspection

§ 3-231 - Definitions

§ 3-232 - Enforcement of article

§ 3-233 - Powers and duties; fees; penalty

§ 3-234 - Seed law trust fund

§ 3-235 - Seed dealer and labeler licenses; fee; exception

§ 3-236 - Retention of invoices and records

§ 3-237 - Label requirements; rules

§ 3-238 - Cease and desist order; appeal

§ 3-239 - Seizure and disposition of noncomplying seed

§ 3-240 - Prosecutions; classification; publication of results; injunction

§ 3-241 - Exemptions; exceptions

§ 3-242 - Violations; civil penalties

§ 3-243 - Seed labeling regulation; state preemption

§ 3-261 - Applicability of article

§ 3-262 - Definitions

§ 3-263 - Fertilizer labeling regulation; state preemption

§ 3-264 - Enforcement and administrative powers

§ 3-265 - Rules; advisory committee

§ 3-266 - Annual reports and publications; membership in professional organizations

§ 3-267 - Inspections; official samples; analysis; report

§ 3-268 - Inspection fees and reports; violations; classification

§ 3-269 - Fertilizer materials trust fund

§ 3-271 - Restrictions upon enforcing officers

§ 3-272 - Commercial fertilizer license; specialty fertilizers

§ 3-273 - Labeling

§ 3-274 - Label as warranty

§ 3-275 - Guaranteed analysis required in licensing and labeling

§ 3-276 - Deficiencies in guaranteed analysis; penalties payable to consumer

§ 3-278 - Materials containing unavailable plant food and undesirable substances

§ 3-279 - Cease and desist order

§ 3-280 - Seizure, condemnation and sale of noncomplying materials

§ 3-281 - False or misleading statements

§ 3-282 - Short weight

§ 3-283 - Violations; notice; criminal classification; injunctive relief

§ 3-284 - Exchanges between manufacturers

§ 3-301 - Developing and adopting the program; advisory committee

§ 3-311 - Definitions

§ 3-312 - Legislative findings; purpose; authorization

§ 3-313 - Rulemaking; fees; intent

§ 3-314 - Industrial hemp licenses; applications; fees; fingerprinting requirements; renewal; revocation

§ 3-315 - Industrial hemp trust fund

§ 3-316 - Recordkeeping, inspection, transportation and distribution requirements

§ 3-317 - Corrective actions; hearing

§ 3-318 - Industrial hemp advisory council; members; duties

§ 3-319 - Violations; classification; civil penalties

§ 3-320 - Affirmative defense

§ 3-341 - Definitions

§ 3-343 - Enforcement and administrative powers

§ 3-344 - Advisory committee; membership; appointment; duties; uniformity of labeling and standards of pesticides

§ 3-345 - Publications; membership in professional organizations

§ 3-346 - Agreements with other agencies and states

§ 3-347 - Delegation of duties

§ 3-349 - Restrictions upon enforcing officers

§ 3-350 - Pesticide trust fund

§ 3-350.01 - Experimental use permits

§ 3-351 - Registration; fee; confidential information

§ 3-352 - Prohibited acts

§ 3-353 - Exemptions

§ 3-354 - Cease and desist orders; condemnation and destruction or sale of noncomplying pesticides or devices

§ 3-355 - Enforcement procedures

§ 3-356 - Violations; criminal classification; injunctive relief

§ 3-361 - Definitions

§ 3-362 - Powers and duties

§ 3-363 - Rules

§ 3-363.01 - Reporting requirements; interagency agreement

§ 3-364 - Inspection powers; notice

§ 3-365 - Buffer zones

§ 3-366 - Pesticide management areas

§ 3-367 - Private right of action

§ 3-367.01 - Report of loss, damage or nonperformance; effect of failure to file

§ 3-367.02 - Notification by beekeepers of bees located in a commercial agricultural area

§ 3-368 - Enforcement; consultation with attorney general; citations and notices of violation

§ 3-370 - Civil penalty; criminal violation; classification

§ 3-371 - Cease and desist order

§ 3-372 - Emergency use of pesticides

§ 3-373 - Annual pesticide report

§ 3-374 - Availability of information to the public

§ 3-375 - Preservation of rights

§ 3-376 - Discrimination prohibited

§ 3-377 - Local regulation

§ 3-381 - Integrated pest management program

§ 3-382 - Program structure; responsibilities

§ 3-383 - Powers

§ 3-401 - Definitions

§ 3-402 - Policy or purpose

§ 3-403 - Exemptions

§ 3-404 - Marketing order and marketing agreement programs

§ 3-405 - Contents of a marketing order

§ 3-406 - Initiation of the marketing order process

§ 3-407 - Official department list

§ 3-408 - Public meeting; notice

§ 3-409 - Findings

§ 3-410 - Election procedures

§ 3-411 - Adoption of a marketing order

§ 3-412 - Terminating a marketing order

§ 3-413 - Marketing commission; appointment; term

§ 3-414 - Powers and duties of a marketing commission or marketing committee

§ 3-415 - Administrative services; interagency agreements; reimbursement

§ 3-416 - Indemnification of marketing commission or marketing committee members

§ 3-417 - Assessments; collection; budget

§ 3-418 - Failure to pay assessment; penalty; hearing; violation; classification

§ 3-419 - Deposit of assessments; use on termination

§ 3-420 - Inspection and enforcement

§ 3-421 - Violations; civil penalties; hearing; court action

§ 3-422 - Records and reports

§ 3-423 - Payment of costs of hearing on a marketing order

§ 3-424 - Initiation of the marketing agreement process; contents

§ 3-425 - Public meeting; notice; findings

§ 3-426 - Marketing committee

§ 3-427 - Application of marketing order provisions to marketing agreements

§ 3-428 - Approval of a marketing agreement; amendments; term

§ 3-429 - Application of administrative procedures act

§ 3-430 - Transfer of property on termination

§ 3-441 - Definitions

§ 3-442 - Purpose and scope of article

§ 3-443 - Associate director; inspectors

§ 3-444 - Inspectors; powers and enforcement procedures; warning notice; disposal notice; civil penalty

§ 3-445 - Rulemaking; definition

§ 3-446 - Adopting new or revised standards; exception

§ 3-447 - Citrus, fruit and vegetable trust fund; administration

§ 3-448 - Assessments; procedures; failure to pay; penalty and interest; hearing; definition

§ 3-449 - Annual licensing; fees; application; penalty

§ 3-449.02 - Denial or revocation of license; hearing

§ 3-449.03 - Recordkeeping; confidentiality; inspection

§ 3-449.04 - Appeals from inspections; fee

§ 3-449.05 - Unlawful possession; inspection; proof of ownership; seizure; exceptions

§ 3-450 - Exemption from citrus fruit standardization; definitions

§ 3-458 - Interstate shipments; requirements; out-of-state inspection certificates; irregular containers

§ 3-459 - Rejection of shipment by carriers

§ 3-460 - Bulk transfers

§ 3-461 - Unlawful packing or sale of fruit

§ 3-462 - False pack or labeling; reuse of containers

§ 3-463 - Mixing of inferior fruit prohibited

§ 3-464 - Wrongful performance of duty; improper influence; classification

§ 3-465 - Venue of criminal actions

§ 3-466 - Civil penalties; hearing

§ 3-468 - Definitions

§ 3-468.01 - Arizona citrus research council; appointment; term

§ 3-468.02 - Powers and duties of the council

§ 3-468.03 - Administrative services; reimbursement

§ 3-468.04 - Fees; collection; budget

§ 3-468.05 - Failure to pay fee; penalty; hearing; violation; classification

§ 3-468.06 - Arizona citrus trust fund

§ 3-468.07 - Indemnification of council members

§ 3-468.08 - Termination of council

§ 3-481 - Definitions

§ 3-483 - Associate director; qualifications

§ 3-484 - Deputies and clerks; compensation; expenses

§ 3-485 - Relationship of standardization and marketing order programs

§ 3-486 - Inspectors; powers and enforcement procedures; warning notice; disposal notice; civil penalty

§ 3-487 - Rulemaking; definition

§ 3-488 - Confidentiality of records; inspection of records

§ 3-489 - Requests for inspection by unlicensed or unregistered persons; fees

§ 3-490 - Unlawful possession; inspection; proof of ownership; seizure; exceptions

§ 3-491 - Exemption from fruit or vegetable standardization; definitions

§ 3-492 - Licensing dealers and shippers; application; fees; penalty

§ 3-494 - Denial or revocation of license; hearing

§ 3-496 - List of licensees; display of license

§ 3-497 - Adopting new or revised standards; exception

§ 3-498 - Appeals from inspection; fee

§ 3-499 - Shipping point and terminal market inspections; fees; Arizona federal-state inspection fund

§ 3-518 - Exempt transactions

§ 3-519 - Rejection by carriers

§ 3-520 - Wrongful performance of duty by inspector; improper influence; classification

§ 3-521 - Civil penalties; hearing

§ 3-523 - Venue of criminal actions

§ 3-525 - Definitions

§ 3-525.01 - Produce safety rule; state administration; powers and duties; advisory council

§ 3-525.02 - Produce safety trust fund

§ 3-525.03 - Inventory of farms; covered farms; information requirements; qualified exemptions

§ 3-525.04 - Inspections and investigations; records; notice; report

§ 3-525.05 - Production and harvesting standards; violations; corrective actions; civil penalty; appeals

§ 3-525.06 - Access to public information; exceptions; disclosure

§ 3-525.07 - Violations; classification; injunctive relief

§ 3-525.08 - Rules

§ 3-526 - Definitions

§ 3-526.01 - Arizona iceberg lettuce research council; appointment; term

§ 3-526.02 - Powers and duties of the council

§ 3-526.03 - Administrative services; reimbursement

§ 3-526.04 - Fees; collection; budget

§ 3-526.05 - Failure to pay fee; penalty; hearing; violation; classification

§ 3-526.06 - Iceberg lettuce trust fund

§ 3-526.07 - Indemnification of council members

§ 3-526.08 - Termination of council

§ 3-527 - Definitions

§ 3-527.01 - Citrus, fruit and vegetable advisory council; membership; terms; vacancy; compensation; definition

§ 3-527.02 - Powers and duties of the council

§ 3-527.03 - Administrative services; reimbursement

§ 3-527.04 - Indemnification of council members

§ 3-561 - Definitions

§ 3-562 - Restrictions on sales by food producers prohibited

§ 3-563 - Tax, license or fee against producers and purchasers prohibited

§ 3-581 - Definitions

§ 3-582 - Arizona grain research and promotion council; appointment; term

§ 3-584 - Powers and duties of the council

§ 3-585 - Indemnification of council members

§ 3-586 - Records of the council

§ 3-587 - Budget and fees; report

§ 3-588 - Administrative services; reimbursement

§ 3-589 - Pledge or mortgage of grain; deduction of fee

§ 3-590 - Arizona grain research trust fund

§ 3-591 - Failure to make report

§ 3-592 - Refund of fees

§ 3-593 - Association of producers

§ 3-594 - Petition and election to terminate council

§ 3-601 - Definitions

§ 3-601.01 - Product standards; rules

§ 3-603 - Powers and duties; state dairy supervisor; qualifications; production of papers; formal requirements of complaints

§ 3-604 - Dairy inspectors; duties; powers; local officers

§ 3-605 - Federal milk ordinance; health and sanitation provisions; exemption

§ 3-606 - Sale of milk, milk products, raw milk and raw milk products; regulation

§ 3-607 - Annual licenses; inspections; revocation; fees; exceptions

§ 3-608 - Distributing and manufacturing plants; records

§ 3-609 - Financial condition of milk handlers; security; recovery on default; definition

§ 3-610 - Diseased handlers of dairy products prohibited; health examination

§ 3-611 - Tuberculin testing of dairy herds; veterinarian's certificate; other diseases; exclusion of animals from herds

§ 3-612 - Dairy cows suspected of disease; quarantine; examination

§ 3-613 - Importation of diseased animals

§ 3-614 - Sale of products from diseased cow; classification

§ 3-615 - Milk holding tanks; structural requirements; measuring device

§ 3-616 - Milk holding tanks; tolerances of measuring devices

§ 3-617 - Fat content; determination; fee; inspection of records and equipment

§ 3-618 - Sampling by purchaser; preservation; records

§ 3-619 - Qualification of sampler; license; certificate of proficiency; revocation

§ 3-620 - Bacterial count; method; inspection of equipment

§ 3-621 - Butterfat content; disagreement; procedure

§ 3-622 - Regulation of manufactured milk products

§ 3-623 - Manufacturing milk or cream; operating requirements; sanitation; sediment test tolerance; pasteurization

§ 3-624 - Cheese; ingredients; pasteurized cheese; part-skim cheese; labeling; cottage cheese excepted

§ 3-625 - Frozen desserts; coloring matter; weight; butterfat content; ices and sherbets

§ 3-627 - Brands for butter; labeling of dairy products; restrictions on use

§ 3-628 - Misbranding

§ 3-629 - Oleomargarine; sale; representation as butter or milk product prohibited

§ 3-630 - Adulterated products prohibited; exception; containers for poultry or stock feed; labeling

§ 3-631 - Restraint of competition prohibited; discrimination against localities prohibited; allowances

§ 3-632 - Unlawful acts

§ 3-633 - Enforcement duties of attorney general and county attorneys

§ 3-634 - Violation; classification; injunctive relief; evidence of violation

§ 3-661 - Definitions

§ 3-662 - Manufacture or sale not prohibited

§ 3-663 - Labeling and advertising

§ 3-665 - Plant licensing

§ 3-667 - Rules and orders; delegation of duties; regulation of interstate products

§ 3-669 - Deposit of monies; appropriation

§ 3-670 - Violation; classification; injunctive relief and penalty for contempt

§ 3-671 - Conformity

§ 3-701 - Definitions

§ 3-703 - Definitions of inedible eggs

§ 3-704 - Descriptive terms in general

§ 3-705 - Standards of quality

§ 3-706 - Grade tolerances

§ 3-707 - Allowances of tolerances

§ 3-708 - Standards of size; determination by weight

§ 3-709 - Supervisor of egg inspection; egg inspectors

§ 3-710 - Powers and duties; state preemption; egg promotion program

§ 3-712 - Sampling; methods; sample as evidence

§ 3-713 - Presumption of sale from possession

§ 3-714 - Annual licensing; application; fee; display; exceptions

§ 3-715 - Sales of nest run eggs; unlawful designations

§ 3-716 - Inspection fees; report and payment by dealers; exception; penalty; collection

§ 3-717 - State egg inspection trust fund

§ 3-718 - Sale of eggs; invoice; deterioration of eggs below grade; exceptions

§ 3-719 - Reuse of standard cases and other containers; identification of eggs; expiration date markings; exceptions

§ 3-720 - Containers not requiring markings; department of agriculture grades

§ 3-721 - Trade-mark; filing; reuse

§ 3-722 - Bulk lots; prohibition

§ 3-723 - Price advertisements; designation of size and grade of eggs

§ 3-724 - Misrepresentation of quality

§ 3-725 - Egg products; rules; out-of-state products; sanitary certificate

§ 3-726 - Imported egg products; permit; inspection; certificate; containers; fee

§ 3-727 - Refrigeration of eggs and egg products

§ 3-728 - Nonconforming eggs; refusal of carrier to ship; reservation in bill of lading

§ 3-729 - Violation by transporting agency

§ 3-730 - Nonconforming eggs as nuisance; procedure for handling and abatement

§ 3-731 - Injunction

§ 3-732 - Eggs bearing warning tag or notice; removal of tag or movement of containers prohibited

§ 3-733 - Unlawful acts and conduct

§ 3-734 - Prosecutions by attorney general or county attorneys

§ 3-735 - Arrests; appearance before magistrate; notice; written promise to appear; bail

§ 3-736 - Venue; evidence

§ 3-737 - Violations; classification

§ 3-738 - Appeal inspections

§ 3-739 - Violations; civil penalties; exception

§ 3-901 - Definitions

§ 3-902 - Administration and enforcement

§ 3-903 - Protected group of plants; botanical names govern; categories of protected plants; power to add or remove plants; annual hearing

§ 3-904 - Destruction of protected plants by private landowners; notice; exception

§ 3-905 - Destruction of protected plants by state

§ 3-906 - Collection and salvage of protected plants; procedures, permits, tags and seals; duration; exception

§ 3-907 - Cutting or removal of harvest restricted plants for their by-products, fiber or wood; procedures; exceptions

§ 3-908 - Prohibited acts; use of permits, tags, seals and receipts

§ 3-909 - Shipment of plants; exhibition of permit and certificate of inspection to carrier; sale of highly safeguarded plants

§ 3-910 - Compiling information; reports; native plant surveys; investigations; technical advisory board

§ 3-911 - Conservation and public education

§ 3-912 - Rules; additional notice requirements

§ 3-913 - Fiscal provisions; fees; Arizona protected native plant trust fund

§ 3-914 - Board of supervisors; power to preserve plants

§ 3-915 - Exemptions

§ 3-916 - Salvage of native plants by homeowners' association or other nonprofit organization; definition

§ 3-931 - Enforcement powers and procedures

§ 3-932 - Violation; classification; penalties

§ 3-933 - Violation; civil penalty

§ 3-934 - Injunction; violation; civil penalty

§ 3-1001 - Arizona exposition and state fair board; members; appointment; terms; vacancy; removal; oath; bond; meetings; report

§ 3-1002 - Compensation of members; personal interest in contracts prohibited; classification

§ 3-1003 - Arizona exposition and state fair board; powers and duties; compensation of employees

§ 3-1003.01 - Qualifications of executive director, coliseum manager, and comptroller

§ 3-1003.02 - Duties of the executive director and comptroller

§ 3-1004 - Contracts with federal agencies

§ 3-1005 - Arizona exposition and state fair fund

§ 3-1006 - Change of name; body corporate

§ 3-1007 - Additional powers

§ 3-1007.01 - Naming of coliseum or auditorium in honor of war veterans

§ 3-1008 - Issuance of revenue bonds; provisions of bonds; sale

§ 3-1009 - Power to secure bonds

§ 3-1010 - Provision of bond resolution; covenants

§ 3-1011 - Validity of bonds

§ 3-1012 - Prior lien of bonds

§ 3-1081 - Definition

§ 3-1082 - Cotton research and protection council; membership; terms; vacancy; compensation

§ 3-1083 - Council powers and duties

§ 3-1084 - Council staff; administrative services

§ 3-1085 - Cotton research and protection council fund; use by director

§ 3-1086 - Fees; collection; plow-up enforcement; budget; civil penalty

§ 3-1086.01 - Colored cotton fee

§ 3-1086.02 - Pink bollworm eradication program; fee; registration; civil penalties

§ 3-1087 - Deposit of fees; rebates; use of monies on termination

§ 3-1088 - Failure to pay fee; penalty; hearing; violation; classification

§ 3-1090 - Recommendation for termination of council; election

§ 3-1201 - Definitions

§ 3-1202 - Division council; members

§ 3-1203 - General powers and duties; civil penalties

§ 3-1204 - Powers and duties relating to the sheep and goat industries

§ 3-1205 - Control of animal diseases; violation; classification

§ 3-1206 - Suspension, revocation or termination of licenses and agreements; hearing

§ 3-1207 - Cooperation with the United States; limitations

§ 3-1208 - Officers and inspectors; conditions of employment

§ 3-1209 - Counterfeiting

§ 3-1210 - Disposition of monies

§ 3-1211 - State veterinarian; qualifications

§ 3-1212 - Private practice prohibited

§ 3-1213 - Acquisition and use of sodium pentobarbital or sodium pentobarbital derivative by county and local pounds

§ 3-1214 - National animal identification system voluntary participation

§ 3-1231 - Definitions

§ 3-1232 - Arizona beef council; appointment; term

§ 3-1233 - Powers and duties of council

§ 3-1234 - Acceptance of grants and gifts

§ 3-1235 - Payments to organizations

§ 3-1236 - Collection of additional amounts at time of brand inspection; disbursement

§ 3-1237 - Failure to pay; violation; classification

§ 3-1238 - Exemptions

§ 3-1239 - Termination of council

§ 3-1261 - Adoption and recording of brand and earmark; brand as property right; sale or transfer

§ 3-1262 - Recording brand and earmark; lease of brand for transient livestock

§ 3-1263 - Systems for recording or rerecording

§ 3-1264 - Schedule for rerecording brands and earmarks

§ 3-1265 - Failure to rerecord as abandonment

§ 3-1266 - Fees for recording, rerecording and leasing

§ 3-1267 - Certified copy of brand entries as evidence; brand on animals as evidence of ownership

§ 3-1268 - Issuance of brand books; charge and expenses

§ 3-1269 - Use of unrecorded brand prohibited; violation; classification; exception

§ 3-1291 - Bill of sale required in transfer of livestock

§ 3-1292 - Sale of livestock without lawful brand, bill of sale or power of attorney; classification; defenses

§ 3-1293 - Procedure for owner to authorize another person to deal with animals; violation

§ 3-1294 - Improperly maintaining a stallion or jack; classification; seizure and sale; expenses for care

§ 3-1295 - Lien for feed, pasturage and other services

§ 3-1296 - Ranging of unbranded range livestock prohibited; classification

§ 3-1297 - Concealment of livestock killed or injured by railroad or motor vehicle; classification

§ 3-1298 - Herding sheep or goats on land or water of another without consent; classification

§ 3-1299 - Herding, grazing or pasturing sheep or goats on cattle range; classification; priority of right to use of range; exceptions

§ 3-1300 - Overstocking land; classification; definition

§ 3-1301 - Gathering cattle for tournament or contest without consent of owner; classification

§ 3-1302 - Taking animal without consent of owner; classification

§ 3-1303 - Driving livestock from range without consent of owner; classification

§ 3-1304 - Branding or altering brand of animal of another; classification

§ 3-1305 - Obliterating or changing brand or mark; classification

§ 3-1306 - Prima facie guilt of owner of brand to which another brand is altered

§ 3-1307 - Unlawfully killing, selling or purchasing livestock of another; classification; civil penalty; exception

§ 3-1308 - Evidence of illegal possession of livestock

§ 3-1309 - Proof of branding with brand of accused as tending to show conversion by accused

§ 3-1310 - Abandonment of animal at boarding facility or veterinarian facility

§ 3-1311 - Dogs killing or chasing livestock; liability of owner; classification

§ 3-1312 - Transporting equine in a cruel manner; violation; classification; definitions

§ 3-1331 - Inspection required; powers and duties of livestock officers

§ 3-1332 - Method, place and time of inspecting livestock

§ 3-1333 - Record of inspection

§ 3-1334 - Inspection as to ownership of livestock

§ 3-1335 - Certificate of inspection; delivery

§ 3-1336 - Inspection of livestock to be slaughtered, sold or transported; fee; violation; classification

§ 3-1337 - Service charge and inspection fee; self-inspection

§ 3-1339 - Mobile slaughtering units; custom slaughtering; brand inspections

§ 3-1340 - Unbranded livestock kept in close confinement; shipment, sale and inspection

§ 3-1341 - Transportation of livestock by person without certificate of inspection, validated auction invoice or bill of sale; violation; classification

§ 3-1342 - Alteration of certificate or record of inspection; classification

§ 3-1343 - Substitution of animals after issuance of certificate of inspection; classification

§ 3-1344 - Ownership and hauling certificates for equines; inspection; exemption; cancellation; fees

§ 3-1345 - Transfer or issuance of ownership and hauling certificates; fees

§ 3-1345.01 - Equine inspection fund

§ 3-1346 - Seasonal inspection for exhibition livestock; fee

§ 3-1347 - Violation; classification

§ 3-1348 - Equine trader permit

§ 3-1349 - Inventory and monthly report of equine traders

§ 3-1350 - Registry of equine rescue facilities; fees

§ 3-1371 - Seizure of livestock by a livestock officer

§ 3-1372 - Keeping livestock following seizure; expenses; use of livestock in criminal prosecution; sale of forfeited livestock; nonliability of state

§ 3-1373 - Report of seizure; filing and docketing

§ 3-1374 - Setting time for hearing on ownership of seized stock; issuance of summons

§ 3-1375 - Service on owner of seized livestock; forfeiture proceedings on failure to respond

§ 3-1376 - Hearing on claim; release or sale of seized livestock; appeals

§ 3-1377 - Sale of seized stock; disposition of proceeds; livestock custody trust fund

§ 3-1378 - Representation of livestock officer by county attorney

§ 3-1379 - Notification required on seizure by government agencies

§ 3-1401 - Definition of stray animal

§ 3-1402 - Holding and sale of stray animals; repossession before and after sale; nonliability of state

§ 3-1403 - Report by livestock officer or inspector; preliminary disposition of proceeds of sale

§ 3-1404 - Payment of proceeds of sale to owner of stray

§ 3-1421 - Formation

§ 3-1422 - Publication of order forming no-fence district

§ 3-1423 - Designation of stock driveway

§ 3-1424 - Civil and criminal liability of person allowing stock to run at large within no-fence district

§ 3-1425 - Dissolution of district

§ 3-1426 - Lawful fence defined

§ 3-1427 - Recovery for damage to unfenced lands; exception

§ 3-1428 - Action to recover for damage done by livestock which break through lawful fence

§ 3-1429 - Exemption of incorporated city or town from provisions of article

§ 3-1451 - Definitions

§ 3-1452 - Feed lot operator's license; applications; fees; exemption

§ 3-1453 - Disposition of fees

§ 3-1454 - Standards of operations for feed lots

§ 3-1455 - Powers and duties

§ 3-1456 - Suspension or revocation of licenses; hearing; appeal

§ 3-1457 - Unlawful acts; classification

§ 3-1481 - Rules to regulate and protect ratite production; fees

§ 3-1491 - Salt river horse herd; necessary interaction; written authorization; violation; classification; definition

§ 3-1492 - Unlawful release of a domesticated horse; violation; classification

§ 3-1701 - Report of killed or crippled livestock; inspection and removal; violation; classification; definition

§ 3-1702 - Stock crossings required in fences enclosing rights of way; violation; classification

§ 3-1703 - Liability for injury to livestock on unfenced railroad; contributory negligence

§ 3-1704 - Liability of railroad for negligent injury of certain animals; injury or death as prima facie evidence of negligence; liability of owner for intentional damage

§ 3-1721 - Petition of seizure; notice of seizure; lien for expenses; forced sale; disposition of proceeds; nonliability of state; neglect or cruel treatment of equine; civil penalty; legal representation

§ 3-1741 - Federal cooperation and agreements

§ 3-1742 - Entry upon premises to inspect animals; condemnation of diseased animals

§ 3-1771 - Definitions

§ 3-1772 - Raw milk; registering and testing herd of producer

§ 3-1773 - Brucellosis test and vaccinations

§ 3-1774 - Disposition of reactors

§ 3-1775 - Enforcement

§ 3-1776 - Violations; classification

§ 3-2001 - Definitions

§ 3-2002 - Application for license to slaughter

§ 3-2003 - Grant of licenses; fees; expiration date

§ 3-2004 - Place of slaughter

§ 3-2005 - Licensee's record of animals purchased or slaughtered; monthly copy for the department; violation; classification

§ 3-2006 - Preslaughter brand inspection of hides

§ 3-2007 - Purchase of uninspected hide; classification; exception

§ 3-2008 - Receiving uninspected hides for transportation; sale of uninspected hides; classification

§ 3-2009 - Transfer of license without fee

§ 3-2010 - Identification of animals with drug residue; violation; classification

§ 3-2011 - Slaughter of animals by producer or owner for own use; inspection of hides; violation; classification

§ 3-2012 - Secreting hide; defacement of mark or brand; classification

§ 3-2013 - Slaughter of animals for compensation without license; classification

§ 3-2014 - Limitation

§ 3-2015 - Cooperation with federal government

§ 3-2016 - Methods of slaughtering which are humane

§ 3-2017 - Exemption

§ 3-2041 - Chief veterinary meat inspector; appointment of inspectors; qualifications; bond

§ 3-2042 - Inspection stamps and establishment numbers

§ 3-2043 - Assignment of inspectors

§ 3-2044 - Antemortem and postmortem inspection

§ 3-2045 - Condemnation and appeal

§ 3-2046 - Meat inspection rules; violation; classification

§ 3-2047 - Application for state meat inspection service

§ 3-2048 - Inspection of slaughtering establishments without state meat inspection service

§ 3-2049 - Inspection fees

§ 3-2050 - Requirements for exempt processors

§ 3-2051 - Requirements for slaughtering establishments with state meat inspection service

§ 3-2052 - Construction and remodeling of slaughtering establishments

§ 3-2053 - Slaughtering and mixing prohibition

§ 3-2054 - Requirements for meat processors

§ 3-2055 - Cooperation with other public health authorities

§ 3-2056 - Inspection of meat; reentry inspection

§ 3-2057 - Transportation of meat

§ 3-2058 - Inspection of sanitation

§ 3-2081 - Licenses for sale or exchange of meat or poultry; fee; records kept by licensee; expiration of license; violation; classification

§ 3-2082 - Brand inspection of hides; violation; classification

§ 3-2083 - Authority of inspector to search for and seize unstamped meat

§ 3-2084 - Detention of product

§ 3-2085 - Condemnation of product

§ 3-2086 - Transfer of license without fee

§ 3-2087 - Sales to state institutions

§ 3-2088 - Requirements for processed, blended or prepared meat and meat food products; violation; classification

§ 3-2089 - Vehicles

§ 3-2090 - Exemptions

§ 3-2091 - Nonlimitation of sale

§ 3-2092 - Violation; classification

§ 3-2093 - Reporting violations

§ 3-2094 - Inspections

§ 3-2095 - Investigation of violations

§ 3-2096 - Disciplinary actions

§ 3-2097 - Prosecution of violations

§ 3-2098 - Suspension, revocation or wrongful closure; review or special action; compensation

§ 3-2121 - Definitions

§ 3-2122 - License to slaughter horses for human consumption; application; records required; appointment of inspectors

§ 3-2123 - Slaughterhouses and processing houses; separation from other meat handling; inspection; hearing; revocation of license; exemption of retailers

§ 3-2124 - Inspection of horses before and after slaughter; condemnation of unfit products

§ 3-2125 - Labeling of horsemeat; requirements

§ 3-2126 - Signs required for sale of horsemeat

§ 3-2127 - Segregation of horsemeat products sold at retail from other meat products

§ 3-2128 - Sale of horsemeat not for human consumption in hermetically sealed container or frozen package

§ 3-2129 - Sale of horsemeat to state institutions prohibited

§ 3-2130 - Unlawful use of horsemeat

§ 3-2131 - Violation; classification

§ 3-2132 - Labeling of equines other than horses

§ 3-2151 - Definitions

§ 3-2152 - State and federal cooperation

§ 3-2153 - Antemortem and postmortem inspection; reinspection and quarantine

§ 3-2154 - Sanitation, facilities and practices

§ 3-2155 - Labeling and containers; standards

§ 3-2156 - Prohibited acts

§ 3-2157 - Complete coverage of official establishments

§ 3-2158 - Articles not intended for human food; requirements for and regulation of intrastate commerce in dead, dying, disabled or diseased poultry; registration

§ 3-2159 - Violations; classification

§ 3-2160 - Reporting violations

§ 3-2161 - Rules

§ 3-2162 - Exemptions and exceptions

§ 3-2163 - Entry of materials into official establishment

§ 3-2164 - General provisions

§ 3-2165 - Detention of product

§ 3-2166 - Condemnation of product

§ 3-2167 - Jurisdiction

§ 3-2168 - Cost of inspection

§ 3-2169 - Limitation

§ 3-2401 - Control of destructive animals and noxious rodents; agreements and cooperation with federal agencies; exception

§ 3-2402 - Expenditures

§ 3-2403 - Disposition of furs, skins and specimens

§ 3-2404 - Purchase and disposition of rodent control supplies

§ 3-2405 - Powers of boards of supervisors

§ 3-2406 - Violation; classification

§ 3-2601 - Definitions

§ 3-2602 - Administration and enforcement

§ 3-2603 - Enforcement and administrative powers

§ 3-2604 - Publications; membership in professional organizations

§ 3-2605 - Inspection; official samples; analysis; report

§ 3-2606 - Inspection fees; quarterly statement by distributor; retention of records

§ 3-2607 - Commercial feed trust fund; exemption

§ 3-2608 - Restrictions upon enforcing officers

§ 3-2609 - Licensing

§ 3-2610 - Labeling

§ 3-2611 - Adulteration

§ 3-2611.01 - Maximum acceptable levels of aflatoxin; ammoniation of cottonseed and cottonseed products to reduce aflatoxin content

§ 3-2612 - Adulteration; penalties payable to customer; hearing; definitions

§ 3-2613 - Misbranding

§ 3-2614 - Cease and desist orders

§ 3-2615 - Seizure, condemnation and sale of noncomplying feed

§ 3-2616 - Violations; notice; criminal classification; injunctive relief; exceptions

§ 3-2641 - Marking and labeling egg mash containers; violation; classification

§ 3-2661 - Definitions

§ 3-2662 - Administration and enforcement

§ 3-2663 - Revocation or refusal of permit

§ 3-2664 - Permit to feed garbage to swine; exception

§ 3-2665 - Application for permit; fee

§ 3-2666 - Permit for removal of swine from premises

§ 3-2667 - Cooking or other treatment of garbage

§ 3-2668 - Inspection and investigation of garbage treatment; records

§ 3-2669 - Violation; classification

§ 3-2691 - Definitions

§ 3-2692 - Decharacterization of fresh meat to be used as animal food

§ 3-2693 - Inspection of establishments selling meat for animal food

§ 3-2694 - Violation; classification

§ 3-2695 - Collecting dead stock by tallow and rendering companies

§ 3-2901 - Definitions

§ 3-2902 - Supervisor of aquaculture

§ 3-2903 - Regulatory powers of the director

§ 3-2904 - Quality and disease control

§ 3-2905 - Inspections and certification of facilities

§ 3-2906 - Seizure and quarantine; hearing

§ 3-2907 - Licenses; fee; exemption

§ 3-2908 - Special licenses

§ 3-2909 - Protecting aquatic wildlife

§ 3-2910 - Unauthorized removal of aquatic animals or plants from aquaculture facility; classification

§ 3-2911 - Cease and desist orders; hearing; subpoena; injunctions; revocation or suspension of license; probation

§ 3-2912 - Civil penalties

§ 3-2913 - Aquaculture trust fund

§ 3-3101 - Definitions

§ 3-3102 - Scope of chapter

§ 3-3103 - Assistant director for the office of agricultural safety

§ 3-3104 - Duties of employer and employee

§ 3-3105 - Powers and duties

§ 3-3106 - Pesticides

§ 3-3107 - Inspection of places and practices of employment; employee initiation of investigation; violation; injunction; classification

§ 3-3108 - Development of standards and rules

§ 3-3109 - Emergency temporary standards

§ 3-3110 - Citations

§ 3-3111 - De minimis violations

§ 3-3112 - Enforcement procedure

§ 3-3113 - Penalties; violation; classification

§ 3-3114 - Additional penalty for wilful or repeated violation causing employee permanent disability or death covered by workers' compensation; payment to employee; enforcement

§ 3-3115 - Imminent dangers

§ 3-3119 - Nonliability

§ 3-3120 - Employee discharge or discrimination

§ 3-3121 - Trade secrets; confidentiality

§ 3-3122 - Employer and employee representation

§ 3-3123 - Testimony of witnesses; compensation; order of superior court to appear

§ 3-3124 - Agricultural education and training program

§ 3-3125 - Trainer certification

§ 3-3401 - Definitions

§ 3-3411 - Standard weights and measures

§ 3-3412 - Physical standards

§ 3-3413 - Technical requirements for commercial devices

§ 3-3414 - Powers and duties; definition

§ 3-3415 - Enforcement powers of the associate director, agents and inspectors

§ 3-3416 - State metrology laboratory; operation; standards; testing

§ 3-3417 - Fees to state general fund

§ 3-3418 - Disposition of seized property

§ 3-3419 - Consultation and training program; inspection training program

§ 3-3431 - Sale of commodities

§ 3-3432 - Sale, delivery or consignment of motor fuel; temperature presumption

§ 3-3433 - Standards for motor fuel; exceptions

§ 3-3434 - Area C; standards for motor fuel; exceptions

§ 3-3435 - Heating of motor fuel prohibited

§ 3-3436 - Dispensing motor fuel; hold-open latches; grip guards; definition

§ 3-3437 - Aversive or bittering agent in engine coolant and antifreeze; liability limitation; exceptions; violation; classification

§ 3-3451 - Licensing devices used for commercial purposes; authorization to test devices used for all other purposes; fees; certification; issuance of license; violation; classification

§ 3-3452 - Licensing fees; proration; cancellation for nonpayment

§ 3-3453 - License as public weighmaster or deputy weighmaster required; application; fee; renewal; training; exemptions

§ 3-3454 - License required as registered service agency or registered service representative; qualifications; application; fees; renewal

§ 3-3471 - Registered service representative; powers; violation; classification

§ 3-3472 - Revocation or suspension of licenses; procedure; judicial review

§ 3-3473 - Violations; classification; jurisdiction

§ 3-3474 - Presumptive evidence of use

§ 3-3475 - Civil penalties; hearing

§ 3-3476 - Delinquent civil penalties and fees

§ 3-3491 - Standards for oxygenated fuel; volatility; exceptions

§ 3-3492 - Area A; sale of gasoline; oxygen content

§ 3-3493 - Area A; fuel reformulation; rules

§ 3-3493; Version 2 - Area A; fuel reformulation; rules

§ 3-3494 - Area C; fuel reformulation; rules

§ 3-3495 - Area B; sale of gasoline; oxygen content

§ 3-3496 - Use of gasoline purchased outside of area A or area B

§ 3-3497 - Exemption

§ 3-3498 - Inspections

§ 3-3511 - Definitions

§ 3-3512 - Stage I vapor recovery systems; stage II vapor recovery systems

§ 3-3513 - Compliance schedules

§ 3-3514 - Stage I rule effectiveness; enhanced enforcement

§ 3-3601 - Definitions

§ 3-3602 - Applicability of chapter; state preemption

§ 3-3603 - Powers and duties of director

§ 3-3604 - Pest management trust fund

§ 3-3605 - Pest management division council; members; duties

§ 3-3606 - Pesticide applications at schools and child care facilities; advance notification; exemptions

§ 3-3611 - License and registration exemptions

§ 3-3612 - Political subdivisions; exemptions; definition

§ 3-3613 - Landscapers; records; civil penalties

§ 3-3614 - Applicator certification; categories; criminal records check requirement

§ 3-3615 - Business license; financial security

§ 3-3616 - Qualifying party; registration

§ 3-3617 - Branch office; branch supervisor

§ 3-3618 - Fees

§ 3-3621 - Disciplinary action; grounds; procedure

§ 3-3622 - Joint responsibility; burden of proof

§ 3-3623 - Civil penalties; suspension

§ 3-3624 - Unlawful acts; violations; classification

§ 3-3625 - Business license; principals; definition

§ 3-3626 - Injunctive relief

§ 3-3631 - Termite action report form; exemption

§ 3-3632 - Wood-destroying organisms; treatment proposal; form; retention; exception

§ 3-3633 - Wood-destroying insect inspection reports