Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 3 - Agriculture
§ 3-3437 - Aversive or bittering agent in engine coolant and antifreeze; liability limitation; exceptions; violation; classification

3-3437. Aversive or bittering agent in engine coolant and antifreeze; liability limitation; exceptions; violation; classification
A. Engine coolant or antifreeze that is sold in this state on or after January 1, 2008, that is manufactured on or after September 1, 2007 and that contains more than ten percent ethylene glycol shall include denatonium benzoate at a minimum of thirty parts per million and a maximum of fifty parts per million as an aversive or bittering agent in the product to render it unpalatable. A manufacturer or packager of engine coolant or antifreeze that is subject to this section shall maintain a record of the trade name, scientific name and active ingredients of the aversive or bittering agent used pursuant to this section. A manufacturer or packager of engine coolant or antifreeze shall furnish information and documentation maintained pursuant to this section to a member of the public on request.
B. This section applies only to manufacturers, packagers, distributors, recyclers or sellers of engine coolant or antifreeze. For the purposes of this section, selling does not include the installation of engine coolant or antifreeze for compensation.
C. A manufacturer, packager, distributor, recycler or seller of engine coolant or antifreeze that is required to contain an aversive or bittering agent pursuant to this section is not liable to any person for personal injury, death, property damage, damage to the environment or natural resources or economic loss that results from the inclusion of denatonium benzoate in engine coolant or antifreeze.
D. The limitation on liability provided in subsection C of this section applies only if denatonium benzoate is included in engine coolant or antifreeze in the concentrations required by this section. The limitation on liability provided in subsection C of this section does not apply to a particular liability to the extent that the cause of that liability is unrelated to the inclusion of denatonium benzoate in engine coolant or antifreeze.
E. A political subdivision of this state shall not establish or continue in effect a prohibition, limitation, standard or other requirement relating to the inclusion of an aversive or bittering agent in engine coolant or antifreeze, with respect to retail containers containing less than fifty-five gallons of engine coolant or antifreeze, that is different from, or in addition to, this section.
F. This section does not apply to either:
1. The sale of a motor vehicle that contains engine coolant or antifreeze.
2. Wholesale containers of engine coolant or antifreeze containing fifty-five gallons or more of engine coolant or antifreeze.
G. The division may inspect, investigate, analyze and take appropriate actions to administer and enforce this section.
H. A person who violates this section is guilty of a class 3 misdemeanor.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 3 - Agriculture

§ 3-101 - Definitions

§ 3-102 - Department organization

§ 3-103 - Director; search committee; qualifications; deputy director and associate and assistant directors; legal counsel

§ 3-104 - Advisory council

§ 3-105 - Division councils

§ 3-106 - Advisory committees

§ 3-107 - Organizational and administrative powers and duties of the director

§ 3-108 - Administrative support fund; use; exemption

§ 3-109 - Unlawful influence; classification

§ 3-109.01 - Agricultural consulting and training program

§ 3-109.02 - Office of commodity development and promotion; fees; commodity promotion fund; definition

§ 3-109.03 - Livestock operator fire and flood assistance grant program; requirements; fund; exemption; definition

§ 3-111 - Definitions

§ 3-112 - Agricultural operations; nuisance liability: damages; state preemption

§ 3-113 - Action for false claims against perishable agricultural food product; limitation; definitions

§ 3-114 - Liability for unauthorized destruction of field crop product; damages; definition

§ 3-121 - Smith-Lever act accepted; authority of board of regents

§ 3-122 - Expenditure from university appropriation to match federal grant

§ 3-123 - Agricultural extension work

§ 3-124 - County agricultural extension board; members; appointment; term; qualifications; office space

§ 3-125 - Plan of extension work; annual report

§ 3-126 - Annual county agricultural extension budget; tax levy; collection; expenditures

§ 3-127 - Agricultural workforce development program; rules; apprentices; costs; annual report; definitions

§ 3-128 - Expenditures of university of Arizona funds

§ 3-141 - Definitions

§ 3-142 - State agricultural laboratory

§ 3-143 - Assistant director; powers and duties

§ 3-144 - State agricultural laboratory; maintenance and purpose; fees

§ 3-145 - Mandatory and voluntary certification; sampling procedures; application; expiration; renewal

§ 3-146 - Certificate fees

§ 3-147 - Rules; advisory committee

§ 3-148 - Grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of a certificate; review and appeal

§ 3-149 - Evidentiary effect of test results certified by the assistant director

§ 3-161 - Definitions

§ 3-162 - Arizona register of heritage agriculture; qualifying criteria; definition

§ 3-163 - Application

§ 3-164 - Listing property on register

§ 3-165 - Restricted use of designation; violation; classification

§ 3-201 - Definitions

§ 3-201.01 - Associate director; powers and duties

§ 3-202 - Infested or infected plants as public nuisances

§ 3-203 - Quarantine of infected and diseased plants; notice; hearing

§ 3-204 - Summary abatement of imminently dangerous nuisance; procedure; expense; lien; public sale; reimbursement costs and penalties to state for certain abatements; civil penalty

§ 3-204.01 - Council plow-up request; civil penalty

§ 3-205 - Abatement of nuisance not imminently dangerous; procedure; lien; foreclosure; release of lien; reimbursement costs and penalties to state for certain abatements; civil penalty

§ 3-205.01 - Summary abatement of noxious weeds, crop pests or diseases under preapproved programs

§ 3-205.02 - Regulating production of colored cotton; civil penalties

§ 3-206 - Destruction of noninfected crops on abatement of nuisance; procedure; hearing; evidence

§ 3-207 - Crop pest or disease menacing state; notice of hearing; publication

§ 3-208 - Hearing on plant menace; evidence; quarantine zones; violation

§ 3-209 - Quarantines; notice to common carriers; duty to hold for inspection; certificate of release; inspection

§ 3-210 - Destruction of infected shipments

§ 3-211 - Imported nursery stock; labeling; certificate of inspection

§ 3-212 - Infested plants; sale or transportation prohibited; disposition of infested or wormy apples and pears

§ 3-213 - Concealment of plants or agricultural products

§ 3-214 - Failure to stop at inspection station

§ 3-214.01 - Dangerous plants, pests and diseases trust fund

§ 3-215 - Violations; classification

§ 3-215.01 - Violation; civil penalty

§ 3-216 - Enforcement powers of deputy, inspector or agent; cooperation

§ 3-217 - Nursery or nursery stock certification; fee; denial, revocation or suspension; hearing

§ 3-218 - Citrus budwood certification; fee

§ 3-221 - Agreements for joint exercise of powers; review by attorney general; continuing obligation

§ 3-222 - Employees assigned to adjoining state

§ 3-223 - Interdivision livestock inspection

§ 3-231 - Definitions

§ 3-232 - Enforcement of article

§ 3-233 - Powers and duties; fees; penalty

§ 3-234 - Seed law trust fund

§ 3-235 - Seed dealer and labeler licenses; fee; exception

§ 3-236 - Retention of invoices and records

§ 3-237 - Label requirements; rules

§ 3-238 - Cease and desist order; appeal

§ 3-239 - Seizure and disposition of noncomplying seed

§ 3-240 - Prosecutions; classification; publication of results; injunction

§ 3-241 - Exemptions; exceptions

§ 3-242 - Violations; civil penalties

§ 3-243 - Seed labeling regulation; state preemption

§ 3-261 - Applicability of article

§ 3-262 - Definitions

§ 3-263 - Fertilizer labeling regulation; state preemption

§ 3-264 - Enforcement and administrative powers

§ 3-265 - Rules; advisory committee

§ 3-266 - Annual reports and publications; membership in professional organizations

§ 3-267 - Inspections; official samples; analysis; report

§ 3-268 - Inspection fees and reports; violations; classification

§ 3-269 - Fertilizer materials trust fund

§ 3-271 - Restrictions upon enforcing officers

§ 3-272 - Commercial fertilizer license; specialty fertilizers

§ 3-273 - Labeling

§ 3-274 - Label as warranty

§ 3-275 - Guaranteed analysis required in licensing and labeling

§ 3-276 - Deficiencies in guaranteed analysis; penalties payable to consumer

§ 3-278 - Materials containing unavailable plant food and undesirable substances

§ 3-279 - Cease and desist order

§ 3-280 - Seizure, condemnation and sale of noncomplying materials

§ 3-281 - False or misleading statements

§ 3-282 - Short weight

§ 3-283 - Violations; notice; criminal classification; injunctive relief

§ 3-284 - Exchanges between manufacturers

§ 3-301 - Developing and adopting the program; advisory committee

§ 3-311 - Definitions

§ 3-312 - Legislative findings; purpose; authorization

§ 3-313 - Rulemaking; fees; intent

§ 3-314 - Industrial hemp licenses; applications; fees; fingerprinting requirements; renewal; revocation

§ 3-315 - Industrial hemp trust fund

§ 3-316 - Recordkeeping, inspection, transportation and distribution requirements

§ 3-317 - Corrective actions; hearing

§ 3-318 - Industrial hemp advisory council; members; duties

§ 3-319 - Violations; classification; civil penalties

§ 3-320 - Affirmative defense

§ 3-341 - Definitions

§ 3-343 - Enforcement and administrative powers

§ 3-344 - Advisory committee; membership; appointment; duties; uniformity of labeling and standards of pesticides

§ 3-345 - Publications; membership in professional organizations

§ 3-346 - Agreements with other agencies and states

§ 3-347 - Delegation of duties

§ 3-349 - Restrictions upon enforcing officers

§ 3-350 - Pesticide trust fund

§ 3-350.01 - Experimental use permits

§ 3-351 - Registration; fee; confidential information

§ 3-352 - Prohibited acts

§ 3-353 - Exemptions

§ 3-354 - Cease and desist orders; condemnation and destruction or sale of noncomplying pesticides or devices

§ 3-355 - Enforcement procedures

§ 3-356 - Violations; criminal classification; injunctive relief

§ 3-361 - Definitions

§ 3-362 - Powers and duties

§ 3-363 - Rules

§ 3-363.01 - Reporting requirements; interagency agreement

§ 3-364 - Inspection powers; notice

§ 3-365 - Buffer zones

§ 3-366 - Pesticide management areas

§ 3-367 - Private right of action

§ 3-367.01 - Report of loss, damage or nonperformance; effect of failure to file

§ 3-367.02 - Notification by beekeepers of bees located in a commercial agricultural area

§ 3-368 - Enforcement; consultation with attorney general; citations and notices of violation

§ 3-370 - Civil penalty; criminal violation; classification

§ 3-371 - Cease and desist order

§ 3-372 - Emergency use of pesticides

§ 3-373 - Annual pesticide report

§ 3-374 - Availability of information to the public

§ 3-375 - Preservation of rights

§ 3-376 - Discrimination prohibited

§ 3-377 - Local regulation

§ 3-381 - Integrated pest management program

§ 3-382 - Program structure; responsibilities

§ 3-383 - Powers

§ 3-401 - Definitions

§ 3-402 - Policy or purpose

§ 3-403 - Exemptions

§ 3-404 - Marketing order and marketing agreement programs

§ 3-405 - Contents of a marketing order

§ 3-406 - Initiation of the marketing order process

§ 3-407 - Official department list

§ 3-408 - Public meeting; notice

§ 3-409 - Findings

§ 3-410 - Election procedures

§ 3-411 - Adoption of a marketing order

§ 3-412 - Terminating a marketing order

§ 3-413 - Marketing commission; appointment; term

§ 3-414 - Powers and duties of a marketing commission or marketing committee

§ 3-415 - Administrative services; interagency agreements; reimbursement

§ 3-416 - Indemnification of marketing commission or marketing committee members

§ 3-417 - Assessments; collection; budget

§ 3-418 - Failure to pay assessment; penalty; hearing; violation; classification

§ 3-419 - Deposit of assessments; use on termination

§ 3-420 - Inspection and enforcement

§ 3-421 - Violations; civil penalties; hearing; court action

§ 3-422 - Records and reports

§ 3-423 - Payment of costs of hearing on a marketing order

§ 3-424 - Initiation of the marketing agreement process; contents

§ 3-425 - Public meeting; notice; findings

§ 3-426 - Marketing committee

§ 3-427 - Application of marketing order provisions to marketing agreements

§ 3-428 - Approval of a marketing agreement; amendments; term

§ 3-429 - Application of administrative procedures act

§ 3-430 - Transfer of property on termination

§ 3-441 - Definitions

§ 3-442 - Purpose and scope of article

§ 3-443 - Associate director; inspectors

§ 3-444 - Inspectors; powers and enforcement procedures; warning notice; disposal notice; civil penalty

§ 3-445 - Rulemaking; definition

§ 3-446 - Adopting new or revised standards; exception

§ 3-447 - Citrus, fruit and vegetable trust fund; administration

§ 3-448 - Assessments; procedures; failure to pay; penalty and interest; hearing; definition

§ 3-449 - Annual licensing; fees; application; penalty

§ 3-449.02 - Denial or revocation of license; hearing

§ 3-449.03 - Recordkeeping; confidentiality; inspection

§ 3-449.04 - Appeals from inspections; fee

§ 3-449.05 - Unlawful possession; inspection; proof of ownership; seizure; exceptions

§ 3-450 - Exemption from citrus fruit standardization; definitions

§ 3-458 - Interstate shipments; requirements; out-of-state inspection certificates; irregular containers

§ 3-459 - Rejection of shipment by carriers

§ 3-460 - Bulk transfers

§ 3-461 - Unlawful packing or sale of fruit

§ 3-462 - False pack or labeling; reuse of containers

§ 3-463 - Mixing of inferior fruit prohibited

§ 3-464 - Wrongful performance of duty; improper influence; classification

§ 3-465 - Venue of criminal actions

§ 3-466 - Civil penalties; hearing

§ 3-468 - Definitions

§ 3-468.01 - Arizona citrus research council; appointment; term

§ 3-468.02 - Powers and duties of the council

§ 3-468.03 - Administrative services; reimbursement

§ 3-468.04 - Fees; collection; budget

§ 3-468.05 - Failure to pay fee; penalty; hearing; violation; classification

§ 3-468.06 - Arizona citrus trust fund

§ 3-468.07 - Indemnification of council members

§ 3-468.08 - Termination of council

§ 3-481 - Definitions

§ 3-483 - Associate director; qualifications

§ 3-484 - Deputies and clerks; compensation; expenses

§ 3-485 - Relationship of standardization and marketing order programs

§ 3-486 - Inspectors; powers and enforcement procedures; warning notice; disposal notice; civil penalty

§ 3-487 - Rulemaking; definition

§ 3-488 - Confidentiality of records; inspection of records

§ 3-489 - Requests for inspection by unlicensed or unregistered persons; fees

§ 3-490 - Unlawful possession; inspection; proof of ownership; seizure; exceptions

§ 3-491 - Exemption from fruit or vegetable standardization; definitions

§ 3-492 - Licensing dealers and shippers; application; fees; penalty

§ 3-494 - Denial or revocation of license; hearing

§ 3-496 - List of licensees; display of license

§ 3-497 - Adopting new or revised standards; exception

§ 3-498 - Appeals from inspection; fee

§ 3-499 - Shipping point and terminal market inspections; fees; Arizona federal-state inspection fund

§ 3-518 - Exempt transactions

§ 3-519 - Rejection by carriers

§ 3-520 - Wrongful performance of duty by inspector; improper influence; classification

§ 3-521 - Civil penalties; hearing

§ 3-523 - Venue of criminal actions

§ 3-525 - Definitions

§ 3-525.01 - Produce safety rule; state administration; powers and duties; advisory council

§ 3-525.02 - Produce safety trust fund

§ 3-525.03 - Inventory of farms; covered farms; information requirements; qualified exemptions

§ 3-525.04 - Inspections and investigations; records; notice; report

§ 3-525.05 - Production and harvesting standards; violations; corrective actions; civil penalty; appeals

§ 3-525.06 - Access to public information; exceptions; disclosure

§ 3-525.07 - Violations; classification; injunctive relief

§ 3-525.08 - Rules

§ 3-526 - Definitions

§ 3-526.01 - Arizona iceberg lettuce research council; appointment; term

§ 3-526.02 - Powers and duties of the council

§ 3-526.03 - Administrative services; reimbursement

§ 3-526.04 - Fees; collection; budget

§ 3-526.05 - Failure to pay fee; penalty; hearing; violation; classification

§ 3-526.06 - Iceberg lettuce trust fund

§ 3-526.07 - Indemnification of council members

§ 3-526.08 - Termination of council

§ 3-527 - Definitions

§ 3-527.01 - Citrus, fruit and vegetable advisory council; membership; terms; vacancy; compensation; definition

§ 3-527.02 - Powers and duties of the council

§ 3-527.03 - Administrative services; reimbursement

§ 3-527.04 - Indemnification of council members

§ 3-561 - Definitions

§ 3-562 - Restrictions on sales by food producers prohibited

§ 3-563 - Tax, license or fee against producers and purchasers prohibited

§ 3-581 - Definitions

§ 3-582 - Arizona grain research and promotion council; appointment; term

§ 3-584 - Powers and duties of the council

§ 3-585 - Indemnification of council members

§ 3-586 - Records of the council

§ 3-587 - Budget and fees; report

§ 3-588 - Administrative services; reimbursement

§ 3-589 - Pledge or mortgage of grain; deduction of fee

§ 3-590 - Arizona grain research trust fund

§ 3-591 - Failure to make report

§ 3-592 - Refund of fees

§ 3-593 - Association of producers

§ 3-594 - Petition and election to terminate council

§ 3-601 - Definitions

§ 3-601.01 - Product standards; rules

§ 3-603 - Powers and duties; state dairy supervisor; qualifications; production of papers; formal requirements of complaints

§ 3-604 - Dairy inspectors; duties; powers; local officers

§ 3-605 - Federal milk ordinance; health and sanitation provisions; exemption

§ 3-606 - Sale of milk, milk products, raw milk and raw milk products; regulation

§ 3-607 - Annual licenses; inspections; revocation; fees; exceptions

§ 3-608 - Distributing and manufacturing plants; records

§ 3-609 - Financial condition of milk handlers; security; recovery on default; definition

§ 3-610 - Diseased handlers of dairy products prohibited; health examination

§ 3-611 - Tuberculin testing of dairy herds; veterinarian's certificate; other diseases; exclusion of animals from herds

§ 3-612 - Dairy cows suspected of disease; quarantine; examination

§ 3-613 - Importation of diseased animals

§ 3-614 - Sale of products from diseased cow; classification

§ 3-615 - Milk holding tanks; structural requirements; measuring device

§ 3-616 - Milk holding tanks; tolerances of measuring devices

§ 3-617 - Fat content; determination; fee; inspection of records and equipment

§ 3-618 - Sampling by purchaser; preservation; records

§ 3-619 - Qualification of sampler; license; certificate of proficiency; revocation

§ 3-620 - Bacterial count; method; inspection of equipment

§ 3-621 - Butterfat content; disagreement; procedure

§ 3-622 - Regulation of manufactured milk products

§ 3-623 - Manufacturing milk or cream; operating requirements; sanitation; sediment test tolerance; pasteurization

§ 3-624 - Cheese; ingredients; pasteurized cheese; part-skim cheese; labeling; cottage cheese excepted

§ 3-625 - Frozen desserts; coloring matter; weight; butterfat content; ices and sherbets

§ 3-627 - Brands for butter; labeling of dairy products; restrictions on use

§ 3-628 - Misbranding

§ 3-629 - Oleomargarine; sale; representation as butter or milk product prohibited

§ 3-630 - Adulterated products prohibited; exception; containers for poultry or stock feed; labeling

§ 3-631 - Restraint of competition prohibited; discrimination against localities prohibited; allowances

§ 3-632 - Unlawful acts

§ 3-633 - Enforcement duties of attorney general and county attorneys

§ 3-634 - Violation; classification; injunctive relief; evidence of violation

§ 3-661 - Definitions

§ 3-662 - Manufacture or sale not prohibited

§ 3-663 - Labeling and advertising

§ 3-665 - Plant licensing

§ 3-667 - Rules and orders; delegation of duties; regulation of interstate products

§ 3-669 - Deposit of monies; appropriation

§ 3-670 - Violation; classification; injunctive relief and penalty for contempt

§ 3-671 - Conformity

§ 3-701 - Definitions

§ 3-703 - Definitions of inedible eggs

§ 3-704 - Descriptive terms in general

§ 3-705 - Standards of quality

§ 3-706 - Grade tolerances

§ 3-707 - Allowances of tolerances

§ 3-708 - Standards of size; determination by weight

§ 3-709 - Supervisor of egg inspection; egg inspectors

§ 3-710 - Powers and duties; state preemption; egg promotion program

§ 3-712 - Sampling; methods; sample as evidence

§ 3-713 - Presumption of sale from possession

§ 3-714 - Annual licensing; application; fee; display; exceptions

§ 3-715 - Sales of nest run eggs; unlawful designations

§ 3-716 - Inspection fees; report and payment by dealers; exception; penalty; collection

§ 3-717 - State egg inspection trust fund

§ 3-718 - Sale of eggs; invoice; deterioration of eggs below grade; exceptions

§ 3-719 - Reuse of standard cases and other containers; identification of eggs; expiration date markings; exceptions

§ 3-720 - Containers not requiring markings; department of agriculture grades

§ 3-721 - Trade-mark; filing; reuse

§ 3-722 - Bulk lots; prohibition

§ 3-723 - Price advertisements; designation of size and grade of eggs

§ 3-724 - Misrepresentation of quality

§ 3-725 - Egg products; rules; out-of-state products; sanitary certificate

§ 3-726 - Imported egg products; permit; inspection; certificate; containers; fee

§ 3-727 - Refrigeration of eggs and egg products

§ 3-728 - Nonconforming eggs; refusal of carrier to ship; reservation in bill of lading

§ 3-729 - Violation by transporting agency

§ 3-730 - Nonconforming eggs as nuisance; procedure for handling and abatement

§ 3-731 - Injunction

§ 3-732 - Eggs bearing warning tag or notice; removal of tag or movement of containers prohibited

§ 3-733 - Unlawful acts and conduct

§ 3-734 - Prosecutions by attorney general or county attorneys

§ 3-735 - Arrests; appearance before magistrate; notice; written promise to appear; bail

§ 3-736 - Venue; evidence

§ 3-737 - Violations; classification

§ 3-738 - Appeal inspections

§ 3-739 - Violations; civil penalties; exception

§ 3-901 - Definitions

§ 3-902 - Administration and enforcement

§ 3-903 - Protected group of plants; botanical names govern; categories of protected plants; power to add or remove plants; annual hearing

§ 3-904 - Destruction of protected plants by private landowners; notice; exception

§ 3-905 - Destruction of protected plants by state

§ 3-906 - Collection and salvage of protected plants; procedures, permits, tags and seals; duration; exception

§ 3-907 - Cutting or removal of harvest restricted plants for their by-products, fiber or wood; procedures; exceptions

§ 3-908 - Prohibited acts; use of permits, tags, seals and receipts

§ 3-909 - Shipment of plants; exhibition of permit and certificate of inspection to carrier; sale of highly safeguarded plants

§ 3-910 - Compiling information; reports; native plant surveys; investigations; technical advisory board

§ 3-911 - Conservation and public education

§ 3-912 - Rules; additional notice requirements

§ 3-913 - Fiscal provisions; fees; Arizona protected native plant trust fund

§ 3-914 - Board of supervisors; power to preserve plants

§ 3-915 - Exemptions

§ 3-916 - Salvage of native plants by homeowners' association or other nonprofit organization; definition

§ 3-931 - Enforcement powers and procedures

§ 3-932 - Violation; classification; penalties

§ 3-933 - Violation; civil penalty

§ 3-934 - Injunction; violation; civil penalty

§ 3-1001 - Arizona exposition and state fair board; members; appointment; terms; vacancy; removal; oath; bond; meetings; report

§ 3-1002 - Compensation of members; personal interest in contracts prohibited; classification

§ 3-1003 - Arizona exposition and state fair board; powers and duties; compensation of employees

§ 3-1003.01 - Qualifications of executive director, coliseum manager, and comptroller

§ 3-1003.02 - Duties of the executive director and comptroller

§ 3-1004 - Contracts with federal agencies

§ 3-1005 - Arizona exposition and state fair fund

§ 3-1006 - Change of name; body corporate

§ 3-1007 - Additional powers

§ 3-1007.01 - Naming of coliseum or auditorium in honor of war veterans

§ 3-1008 - Issuance of revenue bonds; provisions of bonds; sale

§ 3-1009 - Power to secure bonds

§ 3-1010 - Provision of bond resolution; covenants

§ 3-1011 - Validity of bonds

§ 3-1012 - Prior lien of bonds

§ 3-1081 - Definition

§ 3-1082 - Cotton research and protection council; membership; terms; vacancy; compensation

§ 3-1083 - Council powers and duties

§ 3-1084 - Council staff; administrative services

§ 3-1085 - Cotton research and protection council fund; use by director

§ 3-1086 - Fees; collection; plow-up enforcement; budget; civil penalty

§ 3-1086.01 - Colored cotton fee

§ 3-1086.02 - Pink bollworm eradication program; fee; registration; civil penalties

§ 3-1087 - Deposit of fees; rebates; use of monies on termination

§ 3-1088 - Failure to pay fee; penalty; hearing; violation; classification

§ 3-1090 - Recommendation for termination of council; election

§ 3-1201 - Definitions

§ 3-1202 - Division council; members

§ 3-1203 - General powers and duties; civil penalties

§ 3-1204 - Powers and duties relating to the sheep and goat industries

§ 3-1205 - Control of animal diseases; violation; classification

§ 3-1206 - Suspension, revocation or termination of licenses and agreements; hearing

§ 3-1207 - Cooperation with the United States; limitations

§ 3-1208 - Officers and inspectors; conditions of employment

§ 3-1209 - Counterfeiting

§ 3-1210 - Disposition of monies

§ 3-1211 - State veterinarian; qualifications

§ 3-1212 - Private practice prohibited

§ 3-1213 - Acquisition and use of sodium pentobarbital or sodium pentobarbital derivative by county and local pounds

§ 3-1214 - National animal identification system voluntary participation

§ 3-1231 - Definitions

§ 3-1232 - Arizona beef council; appointment; term

§ 3-1233 - Powers and duties of council

§ 3-1234 - Acceptance of grants and gifts

§ 3-1235 - Payments to organizations

§ 3-1236 - Collection of additional amounts at time of brand inspection; disbursement

§ 3-1237 - Failure to pay; violation; classification

§ 3-1238 - Exemptions

§ 3-1239 - Termination of council

§ 3-1261 - Adoption and recording of brand and earmark; brand as property right; sale or transfer

§ 3-1262 - Recording brand and earmark; lease of brand for transient livestock

§ 3-1263 - Systems for recording or rerecording

§ 3-1264 - Schedule for rerecording brands and earmarks

§ 3-1265 - Failure to rerecord as abandonment

§ 3-1266 - Fees for recording, rerecording and leasing

§ 3-1267 - Certified copy of brand entries as evidence; brand on animals as evidence of ownership

§ 3-1268 - Issuance of brand books; charge and expenses

§ 3-1269 - Use of unrecorded brand prohibited; violation; classification; exception

§ 3-1291 - Bill of sale required in transfer of livestock

§ 3-1292 - Sale of livestock without lawful brand, bill of sale or power of attorney; classification; defenses

§ 3-1293 - Procedure for owner to authorize another person to deal with animals; violation

§ 3-1294 - Improperly maintaining a stallion or jack; classification; seizure and sale; expenses for care

§ 3-1295 - Lien for feed, pasturage and other services

§ 3-1296 - Ranging of unbranded range livestock prohibited; classification

§ 3-1297 - Concealment of livestock killed or injured by railroad or motor vehicle; classification

§ 3-1298 - Herding sheep or goats on land or water of another without consent; classification

§ 3-1299 - Herding, grazing or pasturing sheep or goats on cattle range; classification; priority of right to use of range; exceptions

§ 3-1300 - Overstocking land; classification; definition

§ 3-1301 - Gathering cattle for tournament or contest without consent of owner; classification

§ 3-1302 - Taking animal without consent of owner; classification

§ 3-1303 - Driving livestock from range without consent of owner; classification

§ 3-1304 - Branding or altering brand of animal of another; classification

§ 3-1305 - Obliterating or changing brand or mark; classification

§ 3-1306 - Prima facie guilt of owner of brand to which another brand is altered

§ 3-1307 - Unlawfully killing, selling or purchasing livestock of another; classification; civil penalty; exception

§ 3-1308 - Evidence of illegal possession of livestock

§ 3-1309 - Proof of branding with brand of accused as tending to show conversion by accused

§ 3-1310 - Abandonment of animal at boarding facility or veterinarian facility

§ 3-1311 - Dogs killing or chasing livestock; liability of owner; classification

§ 3-1312 - Transporting equine in a cruel manner; violation; classification; definitions

§ 3-1331 - Inspection required; powers and duties of livestock officers

§ 3-1332 - Method, place and time of inspecting livestock

§ 3-1333 - Record of inspection

§ 3-1334 - Inspection as to ownership of livestock

§ 3-1335 - Certificate of inspection; delivery

§ 3-1336 - Inspection of livestock to be slaughtered, sold or transported; fee; violation; classification

§ 3-1337 - Service charge and inspection fee; self-inspection

§ 3-1339 - Mobile slaughtering units; custom slaughtering; brand inspections

§ 3-1340 - Unbranded livestock kept in close confinement; shipment, sale and inspection

§ 3-1341 - Transportation of livestock by person without certificate of inspection, validated auction invoice or bill of sale; violation; classification

§ 3-1342 - Alteration of certificate or record of inspection; classification

§ 3-1343 - Substitution of animals after issuance of certificate of inspection; classification

§ 3-1344 - Ownership and hauling certificates for equines; inspection; exemption; cancellation; fees

§ 3-1345 - Transfer or issuance of ownership and hauling certificates; fees

§ 3-1345.01 - Equine inspection fund

§ 3-1346 - Seasonal inspection for exhibition livestock; fee

§ 3-1347 - Violation; classification

§ 3-1348 - Equine trader permit

§ 3-1349 - Inventory and monthly report of equine traders

§ 3-1350 - Registry of equine rescue facilities; fees

§ 3-1371 - Seizure of livestock by a livestock officer

§ 3-1372 - Keeping livestock following seizure; expenses; use of livestock in criminal prosecution; sale of forfeited livestock; nonliability of state

§ 3-1373 - Report of seizure; filing and docketing

§ 3-1374 - Setting time for hearing on ownership of seized stock; issuance of summons

§ 3-1375 - Service on owner of seized livestock; forfeiture proceedings on failure to respond

§ 3-1376 - Hearing on claim; release or sale of seized livestock; appeals

§ 3-1377 - Sale of seized stock; disposition of proceeds; livestock custody trust fund

§ 3-1378 - Representation of livestock officer by county attorney

§ 3-1379 - Notification required on seizure by government agencies

§ 3-1401 - Definition of stray animal

§ 3-1402 - Holding and sale of stray animals; repossession before and after sale; nonliability of state

§ 3-1403 - Report by livestock officer or inspector; preliminary disposition of proceeds of sale

§ 3-1404 - Payment of proceeds of sale to owner of stray

§ 3-1421 - Formation

§ 3-1422 - Publication of order forming no-fence district

§ 3-1423 - Designation of stock driveway

§ 3-1424 - Civil and criminal liability of person allowing stock to run at large within no-fence district

§ 3-1425 - Dissolution of district

§ 3-1426 - Lawful fence defined

§ 3-1427 - Recovery for damage to unfenced lands; exception

§ 3-1428 - Action to recover for damage done by livestock which break through lawful fence

§ 3-1429 - Exemption of incorporated city or town from provisions of article

§ 3-1451 - Definitions

§ 3-1452 - Feed lot operator's license; applications; fees; exemption

§ 3-1453 - Disposition of fees

§ 3-1454 - Standards of operations for feed lots

§ 3-1455 - Powers and duties

§ 3-1456 - Suspension or revocation of licenses; hearing; appeal

§ 3-1457 - Unlawful acts; classification

§ 3-1481 - Rules to regulate and protect ratite production; fees

§ 3-1491 - Salt river horse herd; necessary interaction; written authorization; violation; classification; definition

§ 3-1492 - Unlawful release of a domesticated horse; violation; classification

§ 3-1701 - Report of killed or crippled livestock; inspection and removal; violation; classification; definition

§ 3-1702 - Stock crossings required in fences enclosing rights of way; violation; classification

§ 3-1703 - Liability for injury to livestock on unfenced railroad; contributory negligence

§ 3-1704 - Liability of railroad for negligent injury of certain animals; injury or death as prima facie evidence of negligence; liability of owner for intentional damage

§ 3-1721 - Petition of seizure; notice of seizure; lien for expenses; forced sale; disposition of proceeds; nonliability of state; neglect or cruel treatment of equine; civil penalty; legal representation

§ 3-1741 - Federal cooperation and agreements

§ 3-1742 - Entry upon premises to inspect animals; condemnation of diseased animals

§ 3-1771 - Definitions

§ 3-1772 - Raw milk; registering and testing herd of producer

§ 3-1773 - Brucellosis test and vaccinations

§ 3-1774 - Disposition of reactors

§ 3-1775 - Enforcement

§ 3-1776 - Violations; classification

§ 3-2001 - Definitions

§ 3-2002 - Application for license to slaughter

§ 3-2003 - Grant of licenses; fees; expiration date

§ 3-2004 - Place of slaughter

§ 3-2005 - Licensee's record of animals purchased or slaughtered; monthly copy for the department; violation; classification

§ 3-2006 - Preslaughter brand inspection of hides

§ 3-2007 - Purchase of uninspected hide; classification; exception

§ 3-2008 - Receiving uninspected hides for transportation; sale of uninspected hides; classification

§ 3-2009 - Transfer of license without fee

§ 3-2010 - Identification of animals with drug residue; violation; classification

§ 3-2011 - Slaughter of animals by producer or owner for own use; inspection of hides; violation; classification

§ 3-2012 - Secreting hide; defacement of mark or brand; classification

§ 3-2013 - Slaughter of animals for compensation without license; classification

§ 3-2014 - Limitation

§ 3-2015 - Cooperation with federal government

§ 3-2016 - Methods of slaughtering which are humane

§ 3-2017 - Exemption

§ 3-2041 - Chief veterinary meat inspector; appointment of inspectors; qualifications; bond

§ 3-2042 - Inspection stamps and establishment numbers

§ 3-2043 - Assignment of inspectors

§ 3-2044 - Antemortem and postmortem inspection

§ 3-2045 - Condemnation and appeal

§ 3-2046 - Meat inspection rules; violation; classification

§ 3-2047 - Application for state meat inspection service

§ 3-2048 - Inspection of slaughtering establishments without state meat inspection service

§ 3-2049 - Inspection fees

§ 3-2050 - Requirements for exempt processors

§ 3-2051 - Requirements for slaughtering establishments with state meat inspection service

§ 3-2052 - Construction and remodeling of slaughtering establishments

§ 3-2053 - Slaughtering and mixing prohibition

§ 3-2054 - Requirements for meat processors

§ 3-2055 - Cooperation with other public health authorities

§ 3-2056 - Inspection of meat; reentry inspection

§ 3-2057 - Transportation of meat

§ 3-2058 - Inspection of sanitation

§ 3-2081 - Licenses for sale or exchange of meat or poultry; fee; records kept by licensee; expiration of license; violation; classification

§ 3-2082 - Brand inspection of hides; violation; classification

§ 3-2083 - Authority of inspector to search for and seize unstamped meat

§ 3-2084 - Detention of product

§ 3-2085 - Condemnation of product

§ 3-2086 - Transfer of license without fee

§ 3-2087 - Sales to state institutions

§ 3-2088 - Requirements for processed, blended or prepared meat and meat food products; violation; classification

§ 3-2089 - Vehicles

§ 3-2090 - Exemptions

§ 3-2091 - Nonlimitation of sale

§ 3-2092 - Violation; classification

§ 3-2093 - Reporting violations

§ 3-2094 - Inspections

§ 3-2095 - Investigation of violations

§ 3-2096 - Disciplinary actions

§ 3-2097 - Prosecution of violations

§ 3-2098 - Suspension, revocation or wrongful closure; review or special action; compensation

§ 3-2121 - Definitions

§ 3-2122 - License to slaughter horses for human consumption; application; records required; appointment of inspectors

§ 3-2123 - Slaughterhouses and processing houses; separation from other meat handling; inspection; hearing; revocation of license; exemption of retailers

§ 3-2124 - Inspection of horses before and after slaughter; condemnation of unfit products

§ 3-2125 - Labeling of horsemeat; requirements

§ 3-2126 - Signs required for sale of horsemeat

§ 3-2127 - Segregation of horsemeat products sold at retail from other meat products

§ 3-2128 - Sale of horsemeat not for human consumption in hermetically sealed container or frozen package

§ 3-2129 - Sale of horsemeat to state institutions prohibited

§ 3-2130 - Unlawful use of horsemeat

§ 3-2131 - Violation; classification

§ 3-2132 - Labeling of equines other than horses

§ 3-2151 - Definitions

§ 3-2152 - State and federal cooperation

§ 3-2153 - Antemortem and postmortem inspection; reinspection and quarantine

§ 3-2154 - Sanitation, facilities and practices

§ 3-2155 - Labeling and containers; standards

§ 3-2156 - Prohibited acts

§ 3-2157 - Complete coverage of official establishments

§ 3-2158 - Articles not intended for human food; requirements for and regulation of intrastate commerce in dead, dying, disabled or diseased poultry; registration

§ 3-2159 - Violations; classification

§ 3-2160 - Reporting violations

§ 3-2161 - Rules

§ 3-2162 - Exemptions and exceptions

§ 3-2163 - Entry of materials into official establishment

§ 3-2164 - General provisions

§ 3-2165 - Detention of product

§ 3-2166 - Condemnation of product

§ 3-2167 - Jurisdiction

§ 3-2168 - Cost of inspection

§ 3-2169 - Limitation

§ 3-2401 - Control of destructive animals and noxious rodents; agreements and cooperation with federal agencies; exception

§ 3-2402 - Expenditures

§ 3-2403 - Disposition of furs, skins and specimens

§ 3-2404 - Purchase and disposition of rodent control supplies

§ 3-2405 - Powers of boards of supervisors

§ 3-2406 - Violation; classification

§ 3-2601 - Definitions

§ 3-2602 - Administration and enforcement

§ 3-2603 - Enforcement and administrative powers

§ 3-2604 - Publications; membership in professional organizations

§ 3-2605 - Inspection; official samples; analysis; report

§ 3-2606 - Inspection fees; quarterly statement by distributor; retention of records

§ 3-2607 - Commercial feed trust fund; exemption

§ 3-2608 - Restrictions upon enforcing officers

§ 3-2609 - Licensing

§ 3-2610 - Labeling

§ 3-2611 - Adulteration

§ 3-2611.01 - Maximum acceptable levels of aflatoxin; ammoniation of cottonseed and cottonseed products to reduce aflatoxin content

§ 3-2612 - Adulteration; penalties payable to customer; hearing; definitions

§ 3-2613 - Misbranding

§ 3-2614 - Cease and desist orders

§ 3-2615 - Seizure, condemnation and sale of noncomplying feed

§ 3-2616 - Violations; notice; criminal classification; injunctive relief; exceptions

§ 3-2641 - Marking and labeling egg mash containers; violation; classification

§ 3-2661 - Definitions

§ 3-2662 - Administration and enforcement

§ 3-2663 - Revocation or refusal of permit

§ 3-2664 - Permit to feed garbage to swine; exception

§ 3-2665 - Application for permit; fee

§ 3-2666 - Permit for removal of swine from premises

§ 3-2667 - Cooking or other treatment of garbage

§ 3-2668 - Inspection and investigation of garbage treatment; records

§ 3-2669 - Violation; classification

§ 3-2691 - Definitions

§ 3-2692 - Decharacterization of fresh meat to be used as animal food

§ 3-2693 - Inspection of establishments selling meat for animal food

§ 3-2694 - Violation; classification

§ 3-2695 - Collecting dead stock by tallow and rendering companies

§ 3-2901 - Definitions

§ 3-2902 - Supervisor of aquaculture

§ 3-2903 - Regulatory powers of the director

§ 3-2904 - Quality and disease control

§ 3-2905 - Inspections and certification of facilities

§ 3-2906 - Seizure and quarantine; hearing

§ 3-2907 - Licenses; fee; exemption

§ 3-2908 - Special licenses

§ 3-2909 - Protecting aquatic wildlife

§ 3-2910 - Unauthorized removal of aquatic animals or plants from aquaculture facility; classification

§ 3-2911 - Cease and desist orders; hearing; subpoena; injunctions; revocation or suspension of license; probation

§ 3-2912 - Civil penalties

§ 3-2913 - Aquaculture trust fund

§ 3-3101 - Definitions

§ 3-3102 - Scope of chapter

§ 3-3103 - Assistant director for the office of agricultural safety

§ 3-3104 - Duties of employer and employee

§ 3-3105 - Powers and duties

§ 3-3106 - Pesticides

§ 3-3107 - Inspection of places and practices of employment; employee initiation of investigation; violation; injunction; classification

§ 3-3108 - Development of standards and rules

§ 3-3109 - Emergency temporary standards

§ 3-3110 - Citations

§ 3-3111 - De minimis violations

§ 3-3112 - Enforcement procedure

§ 3-3113 - Penalties; violation; classification

§ 3-3114 - Additional penalty for wilful or repeated violation causing employee permanent disability or death covered by workers' compensation; payment to employee; enforcement

§ 3-3115 - Imminent dangers

§ 3-3119 - Nonliability

§ 3-3120 - Employee discharge or discrimination

§ 3-3121 - Trade secrets; confidentiality

§ 3-3122 - Employer and employee representation

§ 3-3123 - Testimony of witnesses; compensation; order of superior court to appear

§ 3-3124 - Agricultural education and training program

§ 3-3125 - Trainer certification

§ 3-3401 - Definitions

§ 3-3411 - Standard weights and measures

§ 3-3412 - Physical standards

§ 3-3413 - Technical requirements for commercial devices

§ 3-3414 - Powers and duties; definition

§ 3-3415 - Enforcement powers of the associate director, agents and inspectors

§ 3-3416 - State metrology laboratory; operation; standards; testing

§ 3-3417 - Fees to state general fund

§ 3-3418 - Disposition of seized property

§ 3-3419 - Consultation and training program; inspection training program

§ 3-3431 - Sale of commodities

§ 3-3432 - Sale, delivery or consignment of motor fuel; temperature presumption

§ 3-3433 - Standards for motor fuel; exceptions

§ 3-3434 - Area C; standards for motor fuel; exceptions

§ 3-3435 - Heating of motor fuel prohibited

§ 3-3436 - Dispensing motor fuel; hold-open latches; grip guards; definition

§ 3-3437 - Aversive or bittering agent in engine coolant and antifreeze; liability limitation; exceptions; violation; classification

§ 3-3451 - Licensing devices used for commercial purposes; authorization to test devices used for all other purposes; fees; certification; issuance of license; violation; classification

§ 3-3452 - Licensing fees; proration; cancellation for nonpayment

§ 3-3453 - License as public weighmaster or deputy weighmaster required; application; fee; renewal; training; exemptions

§ 3-3454 - License required as registered service agency or registered service representative; qualifications; application; fees; renewal

§ 3-3471 - Registered service representative; powers; violation; classification

§ 3-3472 - Revocation or suspension of licenses; procedure; judicial review

§ 3-3473 - Violations; classification; jurisdiction

§ 3-3474 - Presumptive evidence of use

§ 3-3475 - Civil penalties; hearing

§ 3-3476 - Delinquent civil penalties and fees

§ 3-3491 - Standards for oxygenated fuel; volatility; exceptions

§ 3-3492 - Area A; sale of gasoline; oxygen content

§ 3-3493 - Area A; fuel reformulation; rules

§ 3-3493; Version 2 - Area A; fuel reformulation; rules

§ 3-3494 - Area C; fuel reformulation; rules

§ 3-3495 - Area B; sale of gasoline; oxygen content

§ 3-3496 - Use of gasoline purchased outside of area A or area B

§ 3-3497 - Exemption

§ 3-3498 - Inspections

§ 3-3511 - Definitions

§ 3-3512 - Stage I vapor recovery systems; stage II vapor recovery systems

§ 3-3513 - Compliance schedules

§ 3-3514 - Stage I rule effectiveness; enhanced enforcement

§ 3-3601 - Definitions

§ 3-3602 - Applicability of chapter; state preemption

§ 3-3603 - Powers and duties of director

§ 3-3604 - Pest management trust fund

§ 3-3605 - Pest management division council; members; duties

§ 3-3606 - Pesticide applications at schools and child care facilities; advance notification; exemptions

§ 3-3611 - License and registration exemptions

§ 3-3612 - Political subdivisions; exemptions; definition

§ 3-3613 - Landscapers; records; civil penalties

§ 3-3614 - Applicator certification; categories; criminal records check requirement

§ 3-3615 - Business license; financial security

§ 3-3616 - Qualifying party; registration

§ 3-3617 - Branch office; branch supervisor

§ 3-3618 - Fees

§ 3-3621 - Disciplinary action; grounds; procedure

§ 3-3622 - Joint responsibility; burden of proof

§ 3-3623 - Civil penalties; suspension

§ 3-3624 - Unlawful acts; violations; classification

§ 3-3625 - Business license; principals; definition

§ 3-3626 - Injunctive relief

§ 3-3631 - Termite action report form; exemption

§ 3-3632 - Wood-destroying organisms; treatment proposal; form; retention; exception

§ 3-3633 - Wood-destroying insect inspection reports