Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 29 - Partnership
§ 29-3410 - Records to be kept; rights to information and records of member, manager and person dissociated as member

29-3410. Records to be kept; rights to information and records of member, manager and person dissociated as member
A. A limited liability company shall keep all of the following:
1. A current list of the full name and last known address of each member and manager.
2. A copy of the articles of organization and all amendments to the articles of organization.
3. A copy of all current and prior written operating agreements and amendments to all current and prior written operating agreements.
4. Any record of a member's obligation to make a capital contribution to the company.
5. A copy of the company's federal, state and local income tax returns and reports, if any, for the three most recent years.
6. A copy of the company's financial statements, if any, for the three most recent years.
B. During regular business hours and at a reasonable location specified by the limited liability company, a member or manager may inspect and copy the records described in subsection A of this section and any other company record regarding the activities, affairs, financial condition and other circumstances of the company as is just and reasonable if all of the following apply:
1. The member or manager seeks the records for a purpose reasonably related to the rights and duties of the member or manager under the operating agreement or this chapter.
2. The member or manager makes a demand in a record received by the company describing with reasonable particularity the records sought and the purpose for seeking the records.
3. The records sought are directly connected to the member's or manager's purpose.
C. Not later than ten days after receiving a demand pursuant to subsection B, paragraph 2 of this section, the limited liability company shall inform in a record the member or manager that made the demand of:
1. The records that the company will make available in response to the demand and when and where the company will make the records available. The time and location may not be unreasonable under the circumstances.
2. The reasons for declining if the company declines to provide any demanded records.
D. Whenever this chapter or the operating agreement provides for a member or manager to vote on or give or withhold consent to a matter, before the vote is cast or consent is given or withheld, the limited liability company, without demand, shall provide the member or manager with all information that is known to the company and all records in the company's possession that are material to the member's or manager's decision except to the extent the company reasonably believes that the member or manager already knows the information or is in possession of the records.
E. To the extent that some or all of a limited liability company's records are maintained by a member or manager, the member or manager shall make those records available to the company as necessary for the company to satisfy its obligations pursuant to this section.
F. Subject to subsection L of this section, on ten days' demand made in a record received by a limited liability company, a person dissociated as a member may have access to the records to which the person was entitled while a member if all of the following apply:
1. The records pertain to the period during which the person was a member.
2. The person seeks the records in good faith.
3. The person satisfies the requirements imposed on a member by subsection B of this section.
G. A limited liability company shall respond to a demand made pursuant to subsection F of this section in the manner provided in subsection C of this section.
H. A limited liability company may charge a person that makes a demand under this section the reasonable costs of copying, limited to the costs of labor and material.
I. A member or person dissociated as a member may exercise the rights under this section through an agent or, in the case of an individual under legal disability, a legal representative. Any restriction or condition imposed by the operating agreement or under subsection K of this section applies both to the agent or legal representative and to the member or person dissociated as a member.
J. Subject to sections 29-3502 and 29-3504, the rights under this section do not extend to a person as transferee.
K. In addition to any restriction or condition stated in its operating agreement, a limited liability company may impose reasonable restrictions and conditions on access to and use of information to be furnished and records to be made available under this section, including designating information and records confidential and imposing nondisclosure and safeguarding obligations on the recipient. In a dispute concerning the reasonableness of a restriction under this subsection, the company has the burden of proving reasonableness.
L. If a dispute arises regarding a member's or manager's right under this section to obtain information or inspect or copy a record, or regarding whether any restriction imposed by the limited liability company on a member's or manager's right to obtain, inspect, copy or use any such information or record is unreasonable, the court may award the successful party reasonable expenses, including reasonable attorney fees and costs.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 29 - Partnership

§ 29-101 - Effect of name of trading firm upon liability of firm property for personal debts

§ 29-102 - Certificate of name required for certain firms

§ 29-103 - Partnerships not required to record certificate

§ 29-104 - Service of summons in actions against partners; judgment

§ 29-301 - Definitions

§ 29-302 - Name

§ 29-303 - Reservation of name

§ 29-304 - Specified office and agent

§ 29-305 - Records to be kept

§ 29-306 - Nature of business

§ 29-307 - Business transactions of partner with partnership

§ 29-308 - Certificate of limited partnership

§ 29-309 - Amendment to certificate; restatement

§ 29-310 - Cancellation of certificate

§ 29-311 - Execution of certificates

§ 29-312 - Execution by judicial act

§ 29-313 - Filing in office of secretary of state; acceptance

§ 29-314 - Liability for false statement in certificate

§ 29-315 - Scope of notice

§ 29-316 - Delivery of certificates to limited partners

§ 29-317 - Admission of limited partners

§ 29-318 - Voting

§ 29-319 - Liability to third parties

§ 29-320 - Person erroneously believing himself limited partner

§ 29-321 - Information

§ 29-322 - Admission of additional general partners

§ 29-323 - Events of withdrawal

§ 29-324 - General powers and liabilities

§ 29-325 - Contributions by general partner

§ 29-326 - Voting

§ 29-327 - Form of contribution

§ 29-328 - Liability for contribution

§ 29-329 - Sharing of profits and losses

§ 29-330 - Sharing of distributions

§ 29-331 - Interim distributions

§ 29-332 - Withdrawal of general partner

§ 29-333 - Withdrawal of limited partner

§ 29-334 - Distribution on withdrawal

§ 29-335 - Distribution in kind

§ 29-336 - Right to distribution

§ 29-337 - Limitations on distribution; treatment as income

§ 29-338 - Liability on return of contribution

§ 29-339 - Nature of partnership interest

§ 29-340 - Assignment of partnership interest

§ 29-341 - Rights of judgment creditor

§ 29-342 - Right of assignee to become limited partner

§ 29-343 - Power of estate of deceased or incompetent partner

§ 29-344 - Nonjudicial dissolution

§ 29-345 - Judicial dissolution

§ 29-346 - Winding up

§ 29-347 - Distribution of assets

§ 29-348 - Law governing

§ 29-349 - Registration

§ 29-350 - Issuance of registration

§ 29-351 - Name

§ 29-352 - Changes and amendments

§ 29-353 - Cancellation of registration

§ 29-354 - Transaction of business without registration

§ 29-355 - Action by attorney general

§ 29-356 - Right of action

§ 29-357 - Proper plaintiff

§ 29-358 - Pleading

§ 29-359 - Expenses

§ 29-360 - Construction and application

§ 29-361 - Short title

§ 29-362 - Severability

§ 29-363 - Rules for cases not provided for in this chapter

§ 29-364 - Application to existing limited partnership; definition

§ 29-365 - Effect of enactment on accrued rights

§ 29-366 - Fees

§ 29-367 - Limited partnership as limited liability partnership

§ 29-368 - Definitions

§ 29-369 - Entity restructuring transactions

§ 29-370 - Action on plan

§ 29-373 - Effect of transaction; definition

§ 29-1001 - Definitions

§ 29-1002 - Knowledge and notice

§ 29-1003 - Effect of partnership agreement; nonwaivable provisions

§ 29-1004 - Supplemental principles of law

§ 29-1005 - Execution, filing and recording of statements

§ 29-1006 - Law governing internal relations

§ 29-1007 - Partnership subject to amendment or repeal

§ 29-1011 - Partnership as entity

§ 29-1012 - Formation of partnership

§ 29-1013 - Partnership property

§ 29-1014 - When property is partnership property

§ 29-1021 - Partner agent of partnership

§ 29-1022 - Transfer of partnership property

§ 29-1023 - Statement of partnership authority

§ 29-1024 - Statement of denial

§ 29-1025 - Partnership liable for partner's actionable conduct

§ 29-1026 - Partner's liability

§ 29-1027 - Actions by and against partnership and partners

§ 29-1028 - Liability of purported partner

§ 29-1031 - Partner's rights and duties

§ 29-1032 - Distributions in kind

§ 29-1033 - Partner's rights and duties with respect to information

§ 29-1034 - General standards of partner's conduct

§ 29-1035 - Actions by partnership and partners

§ 29-1036 - Continuation of partnership beyond definite term or particular undertaking

§ 29-1041 - Partner not co-owner of partnership property

§ 29-1042 - Partner's transferable interest in partnership

§ 29-1043 - Transfer of partner's transferable interest

§ 29-1044 - Partner's transferable interest subject to charging order

§ 29-1051 - Events causing partner's dissociation

§ 29-1052 - Partner's power to dissociate; wrongful dissociation

§ 29-1053 - Effect of partner's dissociation

§ 29-1061 - Purchase of dissociated partner's interest

§ 29-1062 - Dissociated partner's power to bind and liability to partnership

§ 29-1063 - Dissociated partner's liability to other persons

§ 29-1064 - Statement of dissociation

§ 29-1065 - Continued use of partnership name

§ 29-1071 - Events causing dissolution and winding up of partnership business

§ 29-1072 - Partnership continues after dissolution

§ 29-1073 - Right to wind up partnership business

§ 29-1074 - Partner's power to bind partnership after dissolution

§ 29-1075 - Statement of dissolution

§ 29-1076 - Partner's liability to other partners after dissolution

§ 29-1077 - Settlement of accounts and contributions among partners

§ 29-1081 - Definitions

§ 29-1082 - Entity restructuring transactions

§ 29-1083 - Action on plan

§ 29-1086 - Effect of transaction; definition

§ 29-1101 - Statement of qualification

§ 29-1102 - Name

§ 29-1103 - Publication and annual reports; late filing penalty

§ 29-1104 - Designated office and agent for service of process

§ 29-1105 - Law governing foreign limited liability partnerships

§ 29-1106 - Statement of foreign qualification

§ 29-1107 - Effect of failure to qualify

§ 29-1108 - Activities not constituting transacting business

§ 29-1109 - Action by attorney general

§ 29-1110 - Uniformity of application and construction

§ 29-1111 - Effect of enactment on accrued rights

§ 29-2101 - Short title

§ 29-2102 - Definitions

§ 29-2103 - Relationship to other laws

§ 29-2104 - Required notice or approval

§ 29-2105 - Status of filings; matters regarding filing

§ 29-2106 - Nonexclusivity

§ 29-2107 - Reference to external facts

§ 29-2108 - Alternative means of approval of transactions

§ 29-2109 - Appraisal rights

§ 29-2110 - Recording of statements

§ 29-2201 - Merger authorized

§ 29-2202 - Plan of merger

§ 29-2203 - Approval of merger

§ 29-2204 - Amendment or abandonment of plan of merger

§ 29-2205 - Statement of merger; effective date

§ 29-2206 - Effect of merger

§ 29-2207 - Ineffectiveness of merger due to law of foreign jurisdiction

§ 29-2301 - Interest exchange authorized

§ 29-2302 - Plan of interest exchange

§ 29-2303 - Approval of interest exchange

§ 29-2304 - Amendment or abandonment of plan of interest exchange

§ 29-2305 - Statement of interest exchange; effective date

§ 29-2306 - Effect of interest exchange

§ 29-2307 - Ineffectiveness of interest exchange due to law of foreign jurisdiction

§ 29-2401 - Conversion authorized

§ 29-2402 - Plan of conversion

§ 29-2403 - Approval of conversion

§ 29-2404 - Amendment or abandonment of plan of conversion

§ 29-2405 - Statement of conversion; effective date

§ 29-2406 - Effect of conversion

§ 29-2407 - Ineffectiveness of conversion due to law of foreign jurisdiction

§ 29-2501 - Domestication authorized; definition

§ 29-2502 - Plan of domestication

§ 29-2503 - Approval of domestication

§ 29-2504 - Amendment or abandonment of plan of domestication

§ 29-2505 - Statement of domestication; effective date

§ 29-2506 - Effect of domestication

§ 29-2507 - Ineffectiveness of domestication due to law of foreign jurisdiction

§ 29-2601 - Division authorized

§ 29-2602 - Plan of division

§ 29-2603 - Approval of division

§ 29-2604 - Amendment or abandonment of plan of division

§ 29-2605 - Statement of division; effective date

§ 29-2606 - Effect of division

§ 29-2607 - Allocation of obligations in division

§ 29-2608 - Ineffectiveness of division due to law of foreign jurisdiction

§ 29-2701 - Consistency of application

§ 29-2702 - Relation to electronic signatures in global and national commerce act

§ 29-2703 - Saving clause

§ 29-3101 - Short title

§ 29-3102 - Definitions

§ 29-3103 - Knowledge; notice

§ 29-3104 - Governing law

§ 29-3105 - Operating agreement; scope, function and limitations

§ 29-3106 - Operating agreement; effect on limited liability company and persons becoming members; preformation agreement

§ 29-3107 - Operating agreement; amendment; effect on third parties and relationship to records effective on behalf of limited liability company

§ 29-3108 - Nature, purpose and duration of limited liability company

§ 29-3109 - Powers

§ 29-3110 - Application to existing relationships

§ 29-3111 - Supplemental principles of law and equity

§ 29-3112 - Permitted names

§ 29-3113 - Reservation of name

§ 29-3114 - Registration of name by a foreign limited liability company

§ 29-3115 - Statutory agent

§ 29-3116 - Statement of change

§ 29-3117 - Resignation of statutory agent

§ 29-3118 - Change of name or address by statutory agent

§ 29-3119 - Service of process, notice or demand

§ 29-3120 - Delivery of record

§ 29-3121 - Reservation of power to amend or repeal

§ 29-3122 - Powers of commission

§ 29-3123 - Taxation

§ 29-3201 - Formation of limited liability company; articles of organization

§ 29-3202 - Amendment or restatement of articles of organization

§ 29-3203 - Signing of records to be delivered for filing to the commission

§ 29-3204 - Signing and filing pursuant to judicial order

§ 29-3205 - Liability for inaccurate information in filed record

§ 29-3206 - Filing requirements

§ 29-3207 - Effective date and time

§ 29-3208 - Withdrawal of filed record before effectiveness

§ 29-3209 - Correcting filed record

§ 29-3210 - Duty of commission to file; refusal to file; delivery of record by commission

§ 29-3211 - Certificate of good standing or registration

§ 29-3212 - Interrogatories by the commission; information disclosed by interrogatories

§ 29-3213 - Fees; filing services; definition

§ 29-3301 - Agency power of member and manager

§ 29-3302 - [Reserved]

§ 29-3303 - [Reserved]

§ 29-3304 - Liability of members and managers

§ 29-3401 - Becoming a member; transferable interest; ownership of interest in limited liability company

§ 29-3402 - Form of contribution

§ 29-3403 - Liability for contributions

§ 29-3404 - Sharing of and right to distributions before dissolution

§ 29-3405 - Limitations on distributions

§ 29-3406 - Liability for improper distributions

§ 29-3407 - Management of limited liability company

§ 29-3408 - Reimbursement; indemnification; advancement; insurance

§ 29-3409 - Standards of conduct for members and managers

§ 29-3410 - Records to be kept; rights to information and records of member, manager and person dissociated as member

§ 29-3501 - Nature of transferable interest

§ 29-3502 - Transfer of transferable interest

§ 29-3503 - Charging order

§ 29-3504 - Power of legal representative of deceased member

§ 29-3601 - Power to dissociate as member; wrongful dissociation

§ 29-3602 - Events causing dissociation

§ 29-3603 - Effect of dissociation

§ 29-3701 - Events causing dissolution

§ 29-3702 - Winding up

§ 29-3703 - Rescinding dissolution

§ 29-3704 - Known claims against dissolved limited liability company

§ 29-3705 - Other claims against dissolved limited liability company

§ 29-3706 - Court proceedings

§ 29-3707 - Disposition of assets in winding up

§ 29-3708 - Administrative dissolution

§ 29-3709 - Reinstatement

§ 29-3710 - Judicial review of denial of reinstatement

§ 29-3801 - Direct action by member

§ 29-3802 - Derivative action

§ 29-3803 - Proper plaintiff

§ 29-3804 - Pleading

§ 29-3805 - Special litigation committee

§ 29-3806 - Proceeds and expenses; voluntary dismissal or settlement

§ 29-3807 - Other remedies in direct and derivative actions

§ 29-3901 - Governing law

§ 29-3902 - Registration to do business in this state

§ 29-3903 - Foreign registration statement

§ 29-3904 - Amendment of foreign registration statement

§ 29-3905 - Activities not constituting doing business

§ 29-3906 - Noncomplying name of foreign limited liability company

§ 29-3907 - [Reserved]

§ 29-3908 - Withdrawal on dissolution

§ 29-3909 - [Reserved]

§ 29-3910 - Termination of registration

§ 29-3911 - Withdrawal of registration

§ 29-3912 - Action by attorney general

§ 29-4001 - Definitions

§ 29-4002 - Appraisal rights

§ 29-4003 - Entity restructuring transactions

§ 29-4004 - Action on plan

§ 29-4005 - Statement of merger or other transaction as articles of termination; publication or posting

§ 29-4101 - Definitions

§ 29-4102 - Professional limited liability company formation

§ 29-4103 - Exclusions from article

§ 29-4104 - Application of general limited liability company law

§ 29-4105 - Special restrictions

§ 29-4106 - Name

§ 29-4107 - Professional relations and responsibility

§ 29-4108 - Disciplinary powers of regulating licensing authorities

§ 29-4201 - Uniformity of application and construction

§ 29-4202 - Relation to electronic signatures in global and national commerce act