Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 27 - Minerals, Oil and Gas
§ 27-442 - Aggregate mining operations; community notice; application

27-442. Aggregate mining operations; community notice; application
A. An owner or operator of an aggregate mining operation shall not conduct any aggregate mining until it has an approved community notice pursuant to section 27-445, except that an owner or operator of an existing aggregate mining operation may continue the operation if a community notice is filed as provided by subsection H of this section.
B. An owner or operator of an aggregate mining operation shall not undertake a major modification of an approved community notice until a major modification application is approved by the state mine inspector pursuant to section 27-445.
C. The owner or operator of a new aggregate mining operation shall file an application for a community notice with the inspector containing:
1. The name and mailing address of the aggregate mining operation.
2. The name and mailing address of the owner or operator of the operation.
3. The name, mailing address and telephone number of the designated community representative or representatives for the operation.
4. A statement describing the mining activities to be conducted at the operation.
5. The amount of acreage of the operation and a map showing the location of the major process facilities.
6. Each type of major equipment to be used in the operation.
7. The approximate date when the operation will start.
8. A description and location of access routes to be used to and from the operation site during normal hours and nonemergency conditions.
9. The normal operating hours of the operation to be maintained during nonemergency conditions, unless the inspector authorizes a temporary variance from normal operating hours.
10. A description of measures the owner or operator will use to moderate, to the extent economically practicable at the site, any adverse physical effects on the residential property owners who are notified pursuant to section 27-444.
D. An owner or operator who owns or leases the land of the operation may submit a joint application for a community notice with one or more lessees or sublessees who are also operating an aggregate mining operation on the same property. A joint application for a community notice must separately list the information required pursuant to subsection C of this section by each owner or operator of an aggregate mining operation. Owners or operators of aggregate mining operations who received approval for a joint application for a community notice may also file a joint application on that approved community notice for major and minor modifications.
E. The owner or operator may propose a major or minor modification by filing an application with the inspector containing the text of the community notice with the proposed changes noted in the text.
F. Within fourteen days after receiving an application for a community notice for a new aggregate mining operation or major modification, the inspector shall notify the applicant if the community notice application contains the information required by subsection C of this section or if the major modification application is complete pursuant to subsection E of this section. If the inspector fails to notify the applicant within fourteen days, the application is considered to be complete.
G. The owner or operator must file an application for a minor modification to an approved community notice with the state mine inspector. Minor modifications take effect on filing, unless a later effective date is designated in the application. Applications for minor modifications are not subject to sections 27-443, 27-444 and 27-445.
H. For purposes of having an approved community notice, within ninety days after an aggregate mining operations zoning district is established pursuant to section 11-812, the owner or operator of an existing aggregate mining operation must file with the state mine inspector a community notice, which is not subject to sections 27-443 and 27-444. The community notice shall contain all the information required by subsection C of this section, except paragraph 7, for its aggregate mining operation. Owners or operators of existing aggregate mining operations may submit a joint application for a community notice pursuant to subsection D of this section.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 27 - Minerals, Oil and Gas

§ 27-101 - Definitions

§ 27-102 - Arizona geological survey; state geologist; powers

§ 27-103 - Objectives of Arizona geological survey

§ 27-104 - Qualifications of employees; private activities relating to geological services prohibited

§ 27-105 - Immunity

§ 27-106 - Duties of Arizona geological survey; mining, mineral and natural resources educational museum

§ 27-107 - Powers and duties; fund

§ 27-108 - Publications; deposit

§ 27-110 - Trade secrets; confidentiality; definition

§ 27-111 - Mining, mineral and natural resources educational museum advisory council; membership; duties; terms; compensation

§ 27-121 - Qualifications of state mine inspector; affidavit; continuing education; deputy inspectors; salary; seal; immunity

§ 27-122 - Deputy inspectors

§ 27-123 - Education and training fees

§ 27-124 - Mine inspections required; powers of inspector

§ 27-125 - Inspection report

§ 27-126 - Annual report to governor

§ 27-127 - Restrictions on divulging information by inspectors and employees; dismissal for violation

§ 27-128 - Inspection of mines; violation; classification

§ 27-129 - Locating abandoned mines; public education; donor immunity

§ 27-131 - Abandoned mines safety fund; annual report

§ 27-201 - Location of mining claim upon discovery of mineral in place

§ 27-202 - Method of locating a lode claim; monument; location notice; amendments

§ 27-203 - Completing lode, placer or millsite locations; recording location notice; monumenting; map, plat or sketch requirements; abandonment of claims; recorder duties and fees

§ 27-204 - Monumenting lode claims

§ 27-205 - Locating and monumenting placer and millsite claims

§ 27-206 - Relocation

§ 27-208 - Affidavit of annual work; affidavit of claim maintenance fee payment; fees

§ 27-209 - Sufficiency of description of mining claims

§ 27-210 - Existing claims

§ 27-221 - Notice to delinquent co-owner to contribute share of annual labor expense or maintenance fees

§ 27-222 - Acknowledgment of contribution by delinquent co-owner

§ 27-231 - Definition of mineral

§ 27-233 - Preferred right to renew mineral lease; evaluation of geologic and economic evidence

§ 27-234 - Rent; royalty; appeal; interest; penalty; lien

§ 27-235 - Offering permits and leases at auction; terms of lease; financial security termination

§ 27-236 - Suspension of royalty rights

§ 27-237 - Review by commissioner

§ 27-238 - Existing leases

§ 27-239 - Inspections, investigations and audits

§ 27-251 - Application for mineral exploration permit

§ 27-252 - Terms of mineral exploration permit; definition

§ 27-253 - Renewal of permit

§ 27-254 - Mineral lease

§ 27-255 - Bonds

§ 27-256 - Assignment

§ 27-271 - Definition of common variety minerals

§ 27-271.01 - Inventory of trust land containing common mineral products, materials and property

§ 27-272 - Common variety mineral leases; terms and conditions; rules

§ 27-273 - Performance and reclamation bonds

§ 27-274 - Trade secrets; confidentiality; definition

§ 27-276 - Enforcement

§ 27-301 - Definitions

§ 27-302 - Operations subject to chapter; enforcement by inspector; violation; classification

§ 27-303 - Notification to inspector of beginning or suspending operations

§ 27-304 - Operator responsibility

§ 27-305 - Employee responsibility

§ 27-306 - First aid; inspectors as qualified instructors

§ 27-307 - Notice to operator of dangerous condition; compliance; failure to comply as prima facie evidence of negligence; order to cease operations

§ 27-308 - Complaint to inspector of dangerous conditions by employee; inspection

§ 27-309 - Reports of fatal accidents to inspector; investigation

§ 27-310 - Copy of law available for inspection

§ 27-311 - Fire prevention and protection

§ 27-312 - Safety equipment

§ 27-313 - Machinery

§ 27-314 - Electrical installations

§ 27-315 - Unauthorized persons

§ 27-316 - Intoxicating liquors and drugs

§ 27-317 - Waste dumps and tailings areas; signs; violation; classification

§ 27-318 - Abandoned and inactive mines to be secured; inspector authority; violation; classification

§ 27-321 - Explosives; records; inspection

§ 27-322 - Explosives; marking; utilization and storage

§ 27-323 - Explosives; rules and regulations; access to operations

§ 27-324 - Blasting

§ 27-325 - Use of tamping bar

§ 27-341 - Escapement shafts

§ 27-342 - Mine outlets

§ 27-343 - Structures over mine outlet

§ 27-344 - Timbering support

§ 27-345 - Shelter areas

§ 27-346 - Ladder-ways

§ 27-347 - Construction of ladder-ways

§ 27-348 - Shaft stations

§ 27-349 - Tracks and roadbeds; maintenance underground

§ 27-350 - Lights; trolley wires

§ 27-351 - Hoists; operator; indicator

§ 27-352 - Inspection and construction of hoists

§ 27-353 - Safety cage and catches

§ 27-354 - Cross-heads; buckets

§ 27-355 - Hoisting tools and materials

§ 27-356 - Protection from falling materials

§ 27-357 - Hoist release signal

§ 27-358 - Signaling apparatus

§ 27-359 - Signal code

§ 27-360 - Precautions against flooding

§ 27-361 - Common system of drainage; contribution of cost

§ 27-362 - Order for inspection

§ 27-363 - Danger signals; visitors

§ 27-364 - Interfering with equipment

§ 27-365 - Regulation of underground use of internal combustion engines

§ 27-366 - Maps of underground workings

§ 27-367 - Maintenance and use of loading equipment

§ 27-368 - Ventilation; condition of airways; testing

§ 27-369 - Evacuation; procedure; routes

§ 27-370 - Stench warning

§ 27-371 - Radon control

§ 27-372 - Uranium operations; testing for radon daughters

§ 27-373 - Cap lamps

§ 27-411 - Definitions

§ 27-412 - Dust control

§ 27-421 - Ingress and egress

§ 27-422 - Banks

§ 27-423 - Tracks, roadbeds and roadways

§ 27-424 - Operation of heavy equipment

§ 27-425 - Open pits; fencing or blocking

§ 27-441 - Definitions

§ 27-442 - Aggregate mining operations; community notice; application

§ 27-443 - Application fee; aggregate community notice fund

§ 27-444 - Community notice; public meeting

§ 27-445 - Approval of community notice or major modification

§ 27-446 - Claims of deviation from an approved community notice

§ 27-447 - Inspection and enforcement

§ 27-448 - Sand and gravel safety rules

§ 27-461 - Definitions

§ 27-462 - Administration by inspector; rules and regulations

§ 27-463 - Procedure

§ 27-464 - Notice of proposed adoption of rule

§ 27-469 - Exceptions to rules and regulations

§ 27-501 - Definitions

§ 27-502 - Declaration of policy

§ 27-503 - Waste of oil or gas prohibited; powers of commissioner to prevent waste

§ 27-504 - Drilling units; rules and regulations; exceptions

§ 27-505 - Pooling of interests

§ 27-506 - Regulation of drilling in pools; notice of sale, transfer or purchase

§ 27-507.01 - Common purchaser of crude oil and petroleum; duties; ratable taking; discrimination prohibited

§ 27-508.01 - Common purchaser of gas; duties; ratable taking; discrimination prohibited

§ 27-509 - Certificate of compliance

§ 27-510 - Certificate of clearance

§ 27-511 - Confiscation proceedings

§ 27-512 - Sale of illegal oil or gas or illegal products

§ 27-513 - Permit to drill well

§ 27-513.01 - Appointment by drilling permittee of attorney upon whom to serve process

§ 27-514 - Commission; appointment; terms; compensation

§ 27-515 - Administration; powers of the commission; fees

§ 27-516 - Rules

§ 27-517 - Hearings; reporter; fees

§ 27-519 - Refusal to obey subpoena

§ 27-520 - Judicial review; procedures

§ 27-521 - Duties of attorney general

§ 27-522 - Records

§ 27-523 - Deposit of monies; expenses

§ 27-524 - Enforcement

§ 27-525 - Injunctions and restraining orders

§ 27-526 - Appeals

§ 27-527 - Violation; classification

§ 27-531 - Integration of interests and spacing units

§ 27-532 - Order; units and unit areas; plan of unitization

§ 27-533 - Ratification or approval of plan by lessees and owners

§ 27-534 - Unlawful operation

§ 27-535 - Status and powers of unit; liability and expenses; lien

§ 27-536 - Modification of property rights, leases and contracts; title to property; distribution of proceeds; delivery in kind; effect of operations; matters not affected

§ 27-537 - Enlargement of area; creation of new units; amendment of plan

§ 27-538 - Federal taxation

§ 27-539 - Validation of unit agreements

§ 27-551 - Definitions

§ 27-552 - Rules and regulations

§ 27-553 - Leasing state lands for oil and gas

§ 27-554 - Designation of known geological structures of producing oil and gas fields

§ 27-555 - Lease of state lands not located within known geological structure of producing oil and gas field; application; lease extension; provisions of lease; withdrawal of lands from leasing

§ 27-555.01 - Extension of lease due to lack of transportation, processing facilities or market

§ 27-556 - Lease of state lands located within known geological structure of producing oil or gas field; sealed bids; call for bids; publication; lease extension; provisions of lease; acreage limitation

§ 27-557 - Unit operations; unit agreements

§ 27-558 - Conservation laws

§ 27-559 - Development of water for use in operations; taking over well which yields fresh water

§ 27-560 - Surface use by lessee; liability for damages; bond; appraisal of damages; appeal

§ 27-561 - Assignment of lease; recording

§ 27-562 - Surrender

§ 27-563 - Payment of noncompetitive lease royalties in kind or cash

§ 27-564 - Receipt and sale of royalty oil

§ 27-565 - Application to purchase royalty oil

§ 27-566 - Notice to lessee of election; storage

§ 27-567 - Sales of royalty oil

§ 27-568 - Delivery of oil to purchaser

§ 27-569 - Prohibitions on resale

§ 27-570 - Bond and penalties; waiver

§ 27-571 - Inspecting well records; trade secrets; confidentiality; definition

§ 27-601 - Authorization to enter compact

§ 27-602 - Extension of expiration date

§ 27-603 - Official representative

§ 27-651 - Definitions

§ 27-652 - Supervision by commission

§ 27-653 - Information; filing; confidentiality

§ 27-654 - Drilling bond; amount; responsibility

§ 27-655 - Commission approval prior to operation; information; hearing

§ 27-656 - Rules and orders; hearing

§ 27-657 - Agent for process

§ 27-658 - Notice of sale or conveyance of well or land

§ 27-659 - Application to drill

§ 27-660 - Safety requirements

§ 27-661 - Drilling record; samples

§ 27-662 - Monthly report

§ 27-663 - Unlawful interference; classification

§ 27-664 - Cooperative development agreements; unitization

§ 27-665 - Unitization; requirements

§ 27-666 - Pooling

§ 27-667 - Relationship of geothermal resources to water laws

§ 27-668 - Leasing state lands for development of geothermal resources

§ 27-669 - Designation of known geothermal resource areas

§ 27-670 - Lease of state lands; application; call for bids; publication; withdrawal of lands from leasing

§ 27-671 - Provisions of lease

§ 27-672 - Unit operations; unit agreements

§ 27-673 - Surface use by lessee; liability for damages; bond; appraisal of damages; appeal

§ 27-674 - Assignment of lease; recording

§ 27-675 - Surrender

§ 27-676 - Enjoining violations

§ 27-677 - Violation; civil penalty

§ 27-901 - Definitions

§ 27-902 - Division of mined land reclamation; coordination of programs and activities

§ 27-903 - Exemption for state lands; agreements for coordination with other governmental agencies and landowners

§ 27-904 - Rules; contributions

§ 27-905 - Certificate of disclosure of violations; remedies; definition

§ 27-921 - Surface disturbances created by new exploration operation or mining unit

§ 27-922 - Surface disturbances created by existing exploration operation or mining unit; extension; continuing operations

§ 27-923 - Creating surface disturbances of five acres or less

§ 27-924 - Inactive mining units

§ 27-925 - Remedial response to emergencies and governmental orders

§ 27-926 - Initiation, extension and completion of reclamation

§ 27-927 - Substantial changes to approved reclamation plan; fee

§ 27-928 - Transferring an approved reclamation plan

§ 27-929 - Notice of plan or substantial change

§ 27-930 - Public disclosure of information; definition

§ 27-931 - Variances

§ 27-932 - Coordination with other governmental agencies

§ 27-933 - Denials; appeals

§ 27-934 - Plan submission fee; accounting and appropriation of revenues

§ 27-935 - Plan review and evaluation by private consultants

§ 27-1221 - Surface disturbances created by new exploration operation or aggregate mining unit

§ 27-1222 - Surface disturbances created by existing exploration operation or aggregate mining unit; extension; continuing operations

§ 27-1223 - Creating surface disturbances of five acres or less

§ 27-1224 - Inactive aggregate mining units

§ 27-1225 - Remedial response to governmental orders

§ 27-1226 - Initiation, extension and completion of reclamation

§ 27-1227 - Substantial changes to approved reclamation plan

§ 27-1228 - Transferring an approved reclamation plan

§ 27-1229 - Notice of plan or substantial change; new exploration operations; new aggregate mining units

§ 27-1230 - Notice of plan for existing exploration operations and existing aggregate mining units

§ 27-1231 - Public disclosure of information; definition

§ 27-1232 - Coordination with other governmental agencies

§ 27-1233 - Fees; plan submissions; substantial changes; aggregate mining reclamation fund

§ 27-1234 - Plan review and evaluation by private consultants

§ 27-1235 - Appeals

§ 27-1236 - Licensing time frames

§ 27-1237 - Variances

§ 27-951 - Submission and contents of reclamation plan

§ 27-952 - Notice of complete, incomplete or denied plan

§ 27-953 - Approval; criteria

§ 27-954 - Beginning new exploration operations

§ 27-955 - Annual renewal

§ 27-1251 - Submission and contents of reclamation plan

§ 27-1252 - Notice of complete, incomplete or denied plan

§ 27-1253 - Approval; criteria

§ 27-1254 - Beginning new exploration operations

§ 27-1255 - Annual renewal

§ 27-971 - Submission and contents of reclamation plan

§ 27-972 - Notice of complete, incomplete or denied plan

§ 27-973 - Approval; criteria

§ 27-974 - Preservation and conservation of soil; exceptions

§ 27-975 - Features excluded from reclamation plan or allowed to remain following reclamation; public protection measures

§ 27-976 - Beginning new mining units

§ 27-991 - Financial assurance requirements; form

§ 27-992 - Mining unit or existing exploration operation

§ 27-993 - New exploration operation

§ 27-994 - Duplication of financial assurance not required

§ 27-995 - Incremental financial assurance

§ 27-996 - Release of financial assurance

§ 27-997 - Rules; release, forfeiture or exercise of financial assurance

§ 27-1291 - Financial assurance requirements; form

§ 27-1292 - Aggregate mining unit or existing exploration operation

§ 27-1293 - New exploration operation

§ 27-1294 - Duplication of financial assurance not required

§ 27-1295 - Incremental financial assurance

§ 27-1296 - Release of financial assurance

§ 27-1297 - Rules; release, forfeiture or exercise of financial assurance

§ 27-1021 - Inspections

§ 27-1022 - Compliance orders

§ 27-1023 - Enforcement action on reclamation plan approval

§ 27-1024 - Injunctive relief; civil penalties

§ 27-1025 - Agency order; appeal

§ 27-1026 - Violation; classification

§ 27-1321 - Inspections

§ 27-1322 - Compliance orders

§ 27-1323 - Enforcement action on reclamation plan approval

§ 27-1324 - Injunctive relief; civil penalties

§ 27-1325 - Agency order; appeal

§ 27-1326 - Violation; classification

§ 27-1327 - Procurement; aggregate materials; eligibility

§ 27-1201 - Definitions

§ 27-1202 - Coordination of programs and activities

§ 27-1203 - Exemption for state lands; agreements for coordination with other governmental agencies and landowners

§ 27-1203.01 - Exemption for limited, intermittent-use projects

§ 27-1204 - Rules; contributions

§ 27-1205 - Certificate of disclosure of violations; remedies; definition

§ 27-1271 - Submission and contents of reclamation plan

§ 27-1272 - Notice of complete, incomplete or denied plan

§ 27-1273 - Approval; criteria

§ 27-1274 - Preservation and conservation of soil; exceptions

§ 27-1275 - Features excluded from reclamation plan or allowed to remain following reclamation; public protection measures

§ 27-1276 - Beginning new aggregate mining units

§ 27-1277 - Annual status report