Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 27 - Minerals, Oil and Gas
§ 27-315 - Unauthorized persons

27-315. Unauthorized persons
No person whose entry has not been authorized by the operator shall be allowed in any operation.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 27 - Minerals, Oil and Gas

§ 27-101 - Definitions

§ 27-102 - Arizona geological survey; state geologist; powers

§ 27-103 - Objectives of Arizona geological survey

§ 27-104 - Qualifications of employees; private activities relating to geological services prohibited

§ 27-105 - Immunity

§ 27-106 - Duties of Arizona geological survey; mining, mineral and natural resources educational museum

§ 27-107 - Powers and duties; fund

§ 27-108 - Publications; deposit

§ 27-110 - Trade secrets; confidentiality; definition

§ 27-111 - Mining, mineral and natural resources educational museum advisory council; membership; duties; terms; compensation

§ 27-121 - Qualifications of state mine inspector; affidavit; continuing education; deputy inspectors; salary; seal; immunity

§ 27-122 - Deputy inspectors

§ 27-123 - Education and training fees

§ 27-124 - Mine inspections required; powers of inspector

§ 27-125 - Inspection report

§ 27-126 - Annual report to governor

§ 27-127 - Restrictions on divulging information by inspectors and employees; dismissal for violation

§ 27-128 - Inspection of mines; violation; classification

§ 27-129 - Locating abandoned mines; public education; donor immunity

§ 27-131 - Abandoned mines safety fund; annual report

§ 27-201 - Location of mining claim upon discovery of mineral in place

§ 27-202 - Method of locating a lode claim; monument; location notice; amendments

§ 27-203 - Completing lode, placer or millsite locations; recording location notice; monumenting; map, plat or sketch requirements; abandonment of claims; recorder duties and fees

§ 27-204 - Monumenting lode claims

§ 27-205 - Locating and monumenting placer and millsite claims

§ 27-206 - Relocation

§ 27-208 - Affidavit of annual work; affidavit of claim maintenance fee payment; fees

§ 27-209 - Sufficiency of description of mining claims

§ 27-210 - Existing claims

§ 27-221 - Notice to delinquent co-owner to contribute share of annual labor expense or maintenance fees

§ 27-222 - Acknowledgment of contribution by delinquent co-owner

§ 27-231 - Definition of mineral

§ 27-233 - Preferred right to renew mineral lease; evaluation of geologic and economic evidence

§ 27-234 - Rent; royalty; appeal; interest; penalty; lien

§ 27-235 - Offering permits and leases at auction; terms of lease; financial security termination

§ 27-236 - Suspension of royalty rights

§ 27-237 - Review by commissioner

§ 27-238 - Existing leases

§ 27-239 - Inspections, investigations and audits

§ 27-251 - Application for mineral exploration permit

§ 27-252 - Terms of mineral exploration permit; definition

§ 27-253 - Renewal of permit

§ 27-254 - Mineral lease

§ 27-255 - Bonds

§ 27-256 - Assignment

§ 27-271 - Definition of common variety minerals

§ 27-271.01 - Inventory of trust land containing common mineral products, materials and property

§ 27-272 - Common variety mineral leases; terms and conditions; rules

§ 27-273 - Performance and reclamation bonds

§ 27-274 - Trade secrets; confidentiality; definition

§ 27-276 - Enforcement

§ 27-301 - Definitions

§ 27-302 - Operations subject to chapter; enforcement by inspector; violation; classification

§ 27-303 - Notification to inspector of beginning or suspending operations

§ 27-304 - Operator responsibility

§ 27-305 - Employee responsibility

§ 27-306 - First aid; inspectors as qualified instructors

§ 27-307 - Notice to operator of dangerous condition; compliance; failure to comply as prima facie evidence of negligence; order to cease operations

§ 27-308 - Complaint to inspector of dangerous conditions by employee; inspection

§ 27-309 - Reports of fatal accidents to inspector; investigation

§ 27-310 - Copy of law available for inspection

§ 27-311 - Fire prevention and protection

§ 27-312 - Safety equipment

§ 27-313 - Machinery

§ 27-314 - Electrical installations

§ 27-315 - Unauthorized persons

§ 27-316 - Intoxicating liquors and drugs

§ 27-317 - Waste dumps and tailings areas; signs; violation; classification

§ 27-318 - Abandoned and inactive mines to be secured; inspector authority; violation; classification

§ 27-321 - Explosives; records; inspection

§ 27-322 - Explosives; marking; utilization and storage

§ 27-323 - Explosives; rules and regulations; access to operations

§ 27-324 - Blasting

§ 27-325 - Use of tamping bar

§ 27-341 - Escapement shafts

§ 27-342 - Mine outlets

§ 27-343 - Structures over mine outlet

§ 27-344 - Timbering support

§ 27-345 - Shelter areas

§ 27-346 - Ladder-ways

§ 27-347 - Construction of ladder-ways

§ 27-348 - Shaft stations

§ 27-349 - Tracks and roadbeds; maintenance underground

§ 27-350 - Lights; trolley wires

§ 27-351 - Hoists; operator; indicator

§ 27-352 - Inspection and construction of hoists

§ 27-353 - Safety cage and catches

§ 27-354 - Cross-heads; buckets

§ 27-355 - Hoisting tools and materials

§ 27-356 - Protection from falling materials

§ 27-357 - Hoist release signal

§ 27-358 - Signaling apparatus

§ 27-359 - Signal code

§ 27-360 - Precautions against flooding

§ 27-361 - Common system of drainage; contribution of cost

§ 27-362 - Order for inspection

§ 27-363 - Danger signals; visitors

§ 27-364 - Interfering with equipment

§ 27-365 - Regulation of underground use of internal combustion engines

§ 27-366 - Maps of underground workings

§ 27-367 - Maintenance and use of loading equipment

§ 27-368 - Ventilation; condition of airways; testing

§ 27-369 - Evacuation; procedure; routes

§ 27-370 - Stench warning

§ 27-371 - Radon control

§ 27-372 - Uranium operations; testing for radon daughters

§ 27-373 - Cap lamps

§ 27-411 - Definitions

§ 27-412 - Dust control

§ 27-421 - Ingress and egress

§ 27-422 - Banks

§ 27-423 - Tracks, roadbeds and roadways

§ 27-424 - Operation of heavy equipment

§ 27-425 - Open pits; fencing or blocking

§ 27-441 - Definitions

§ 27-442 - Aggregate mining operations; community notice; application

§ 27-443 - Application fee; aggregate community notice fund

§ 27-444 - Community notice; public meeting

§ 27-445 - Approval of community notice or major modification

§ 27-446 - Claims of deviation from an approved community notice

§ 27-447 - Inspection and enforcement

§ 27-448 - Sand and gravel safety rules

§ 27-461 - Definitions

§ 27-462 - Administration by inspector; rules and regulations

§ 27-463 - Procedure

§ 27-464 - Notice of proposed adoption of rule

§ 27-469 - Exceptions to rules and regulations

§ 27-501 - Definitions

§ 27-502 - Declaration of policy

§ 27-503 - Waste of oil or gas prohibited; powers of commissioner to prevent waste

§ 27-504 - Drilling units; rules and regulations; exceptions

§ 27-505 - Pooling of interests

§ 27-506 - Regulation of drilling in pools; notice of sale, transfer or purchase

§ 27-507.01 - Common purchaser of crude oil and petroleum; duties; ratable taking; discrimination prohibited

§ 27-508.01 - Common purchaser of gas; duties; ratable taking; discrimination prohibited

§ 27-509 - Certificate of compliance

§ 27-510 - Certificate of clearance

§ 27-511 - Confiscation proceedings

§ 27-512 - Sale of illegal oil or gas or illegal products

§ 27-513 - Permit to drill well

§ 27-513.01 - Appointment by drilling permittee of attorney upon whom to serve process

§ 27-514 - Commission; appointment; terms; compensation

§ 27-515 - Administration; powers of the commission; fees

§ 27-516 - Rules

§ 27-517 - Hearings; reporter; fees

§ 27-519 - Refusal to obey subpoena

§ 27-520 - Judicial review; procedures

§ 27-521 - Duties of attorney general

§ 27-522 - Records

§ 27-523 - Deposit of monies; expenses

§ 27-524 - Enforcement

§ 27-525 - Injunctions and restraining orders

§ 27-526 - Appeals

§ 27-527 - Violation; classification

§ 27-531 - Integration of interests and spacing units

§ 27-532 - Order; units and unit areas; plan of unitization

§ 27-533 - Ratification or approval of plan by lessees and owners

§ 27-534 - Unlawful operation

§ 27-535 - Status and powers of unit; liability and expenses; lien

§ 27-536 - Modification of property rights, leases and contracts; title to property; distribution of proceeds; delivery in kind; effect of operations; matters not affected

§ 27-537 - Enlargement of area; creation of new units; amendment of plan

§ 27-538 - Federal taxation

§ 27-539 - Validation of unit agreements

§ 27-551 - Definitions

§ 27-552 - Rules and regulations

§ 27-553 - Leasing state lands for oil and gas

§ 27-554 - Designation of known geological structures of producing oil and gas fields

§ 27-555 - Lease of state lands not located within known geological structure of producing oil and gas field; application; lease extension; provisions of lease; withdrawal of lands from leasing

§ 27-555.01 - Extension of lease due to lack of transportation, processing facilities or market

§ 27-556 - Lease of state lands located within known geological structure of producing oil or gas field; sealed bids; call for bids; publication; lease extension; provisions of lease; acreage limitation

§ 27-557 - Unit operations; unit agreements

§ 27-558 - Conservation laws

§ 27-559 - Development of water for use in operations; taking over well which yields fresh water

§ 27-560 - Surface use by lessee; liability for damages; bond; appraisal of damages; appeal

§ 27-561 - Assignment of lease; recording

§ 27-562 - Surrender

§ 27-563 - Payment of noncompetitive lease royalties in kind or cash

§ 27-564 - Receipt and sale of royalty oil

§ 27-565 - Application to purchase royalty oil

§ 27-566 - Notice to lessee of election; storage

§ 27-567 - Sales of royalty oil

§ 27-568 - Delivery of oil to purchaser

§ 27-569 - Prohibitions on resale

§ 27-570 - Bond and penalties; waiver

§ 27-571 - Inspecting well records; trade secrets; confidentiality; definition

§ 27-601 - Authorization to enter compact

§ 27-602 - Extension of expiration date

§ 27-603 - Official representative

§ 27-651 - Definitions

§ 27-652 - Supervision by commission

§ 27-653 - Information; filing; confidentiality

§ 27-654 - Drilling bond; amount; responsibility

§ 27-655 - Commission approval prior to operation; information; hearing

§ 27-656 - Rules and orders; hearing

§ 27-657 - Agent for process

§ 27-658 - Notice of sale or conveyance of well or land

§ 27-659 - Application to drill

§ 27-660 - Safety requirements

§ 27-661 - Drilling record; samples

§ 27-662 - Monthly report

§ 27-663 - Unlawful interference; classification

§ 27-664 - Cooperative development agreements; unitization

§ 27-665 - Unitization; requirements

§ 27-666 - Pooling

§ 27-667 - Relationship of geothermal resources to water laws

§ 27-668 - Leasing state lands for development of geothermal resources

§ 27-669 - Designation of known geothermal resource areas

§ 27-670 - Lease of state lands; application; call for bids; publication; withdrawal of lands from leasing

§ 27-671 - Provisions of lease

§ 27-672 - Unit operations; unit agreements

§ 27-673 - Surface use by lessee; liability for damages; bond; appraisal of damages; appeal

§ 27-674 - Assignment of lease; recording

§ 27-675 - Surrender

§ 27-676 - Enjoining violations

§ 27-677 - Violation; civil penalty

§ 27-901 - Definitions

§ 27-902 - Division of mined land reclamation; coordination of programs and activities

§ 27-903 - Exemption for state lands; agreements for coordination with other governmental agencies and landowners

§ 27-904 - Rules; contributions

§ 27-905 - Certificate of disclosure of violations; remedies; definition

§ 27-921 - Surface disturbances created by new exploration operation or mining unit

§ 27-922 - Surface disturbances created by existing exploration operation or mining unit; extension; continuing operations

§ 27-923 - Creating surface disturbances of five acres or less

§ 27-924 - Inactive mining units

§ 27-925 - Remedial response to emergencies and governmental orders

§ 27-926 - Initiation, extension and completion of reclamation

§ 27-927 - Substantial changes to approved reclamation plan; fee

§ 27-928 - Transferring an approved reclamation plan

§ 27-929 - Notice of plan or substantial change

§ 27-930 - Public disclosure of information; definition

§ 27-931 - Variances

§ 27-932 - Coordination with other governmental agencies

§ 27-933 - Denials; appeals

§ 27-934 - Plan submission fee; accounting and appropriation of revenues

§ 27-935 - Plan review and evaluation by private consultants

§ 27-1221 - Surface disturbances created by new exploration operation or aggregate mining unit

§ 27-1222 - Surface disturbances created by existing exploration operation or aggregate mining unit; extension; continuing operations

§ 27-1223 - Creating surface disturbances of five acres or less

§ 27-1224 - Inactive aggregate mining units

§ 27-1225 - Remedial response to governmental orders

§ 27-1226 - Initiation, extension and completion of reclamation

§ 27-1227 - Substantial changes to approved reclamation plan

§ 27-1228 - Transferring an approved reclamation plan

§ 27-1229 - Notice of plan or substantial change; new exploration operations; new aggregate mining units

§ 27-1230 - Notice of plan for existing exploration operations and existing aggregate mining units

§ 27-1231 - Public disclosure of information; definition

§ 27-1232 - Coordination with other governmental agencies

§ 27-1233 - Fees; plan submissions; substantial changes; aggregate mining reclamation fund

§ 27-1234 - Plan review and evaluation by private consultants

§ 27-1235 - Appeals

§ 27-1236 - Licensing time frames

§ 27-1237 - Variances

§ 27-951 - Submission and contents of reclamation plan

§ 27-952 - Notice of complete, incomplete or denied plan

§ 27-953 - Approval; criteria

§ 27-954 - Beginning new exploration operations

§ 27-955 - Annual renewal

§ 27-1251 - Submission and contents of reclamation plan

§ 27-1252 - Notice of complete, incomplete or denied plan

§ 27-1253 - Approval; criteria

§ 27-1254 - Beginning new exploration operations

§ 27-1255 - Annual renewal

§ 27-971 - Submission and contents of reclamation plan

§ 27-972 - Notice of complete, incomplete or denied plan

§ 27-973 - Approval; criteria

§ 27-974 - Preservation and conservation of soil; exceptions

§ 27-975 - Features excluded from reclamation plan or allowed to remain following reclamation; public protection measures

§ 27-976 - Beginning new mining units

§ 27-991 - Financial assurance requirements; form

§ 27-992 - Mining unit or existing exploration operation

§ 27-993 - New exploration operation

§ 27-994 - Duplication of financial assurance not required

§ 27-995 - Incremental financial assurance

§ 27-996 - Release of financial assurance

§ 27-997 - Rules; release, forfeiture or exercise of financial assurance

§ 27-1291 - Financial assurance requirements; form

§ 27-1292 - Aggregate mining unit or existing exploration operation

§ 27-1293 - New exploration operation

§ 27-1294 - Duplication of financial assurance not required

§ 27-1295 - Incremental financial assurance

§ 27-1296 - Release of financial assurance

§ 27-1297 - Rules; release, forfeiture or exercise of financial assurance

§ 27-1021 - Inspections

§ 27-1022 - Compliance orders

§ 27-1023 - Enforcement action on reclamation plan approval

§ 27-1024 - Injunctive relief; civil penalties

§ 27-1025 - Agency order; appeal

§ 27-1026 - Violation; classification

§ 27-1321 - Inspections

§ 27-1322 - Compliance orders

§ 27-1323 - Enforcement action on reclamation plan approval

§ 27-1324 - Injunctive relief; civil penalties

§ 27-1325 - Agency order; appeal

§ 27-1326 - Violation; classification

§ 27-1327 - Procurement; aggregate materials; eligibility

§ 27-1201 - Definitions

§ 27-1202 - Coordination of programs and activities

§ 27-1203 - Exemption for state lands; agreements for coordination with other governmental agencies and landowners

§ 27-1203.01 - Exemption for limited, intermittent-use projects

§ 27-1204 - Rules; contributions

§ 27-1205 - Certificate of disclosure of violations; remedies; definition

§ 27-1271 - Submission and contents of reclamation plan

§ 27-1272 - Notice of complete, incomplete or denied plan

§ 27-1273 - Approval; criteria

§ 27-1274 - Preservation and conservation of soil; exceptions

§ 27-1275 - Features excluded from reclamation plan or allowed to remain following reclamation; public protection measures

§ 27-1276 - Beginning new aggregate mining units

§ 27-1277 - Annual status report