16-168. Precinct registers; date of preparation; contents; copies; reports; statewide database; violation; classification
A. By the tenth day preceding the primary and general elections the county recorder shall prepare from the original registration forms or from electronic media at least four lists that are printed or typed on paper, or at least two electronic media poll lists, or any combination of both, of all qualified electors in each precinct in the county, and the lists shall be the official precinct registers.
B. The official precinct registers for use at the polling place shall contain at least the names in full, party preference, date of registration and residence address of each qualified elector in the respective precincts. The names shall be in alphabetical order and, in a column to the left of the names, shall be numbered consecutively beginning with number 1 in each precinct register.
C. For the purposes of transmitting voter registration information as prescribed by this subsection, electronic media shall be the principal media. A county or state chairman who is eligible to receive copies of precinct lists as prescribed by this subsection may request that the recorder provide a paper copy of the precinct lists. In addition to preparing the official precinct lists, the county recorder shall provide a means for electronically reproducing the precinct lists. Unless otherwise agreed, the county recorder shall deliver one electronic media copy of each precinct list in the county without charge and on the same day within eight days after the close of registration for the primary and general elections to the county chairman and one electronic media copy to the state chairman of each party that has at least four candidates other than presidential electors appearing on the ballot in that county at the current election. The secretary of state shall establish a single format that prescribes the manner and template in which all county recorders provide this data to the secretary of state to ensure that the submissions are uniform from all counties in this state, that all submissions are identical in format, including the level of detail for voting history, and that information may readily be combined from two or more counties. The electronic media copies of the precinct lists that are delivered to the party chairmen shall include for each elector the following information:
1. Name in full and appropriate title.
2. Party preference.
3. Date of registration.
4. Residence address.
5. Mailing address, if different from residence address.
6. Zip code.
7. Telephone number if given.
8. Birth year.
9. Occupation if given.
10. Voting history for all elections in the prior four years and any other information regarding registered voters that the county recorder or city or town clerk maintains electronically and that is public information.
11. All data relating to early voters, including ballot requests and ballot returns.
D. The names on the precinct lists shall be in alphabetical order and the precinct lists in their entirety, unless otherwise agreed, shall be delivered to each county chairman and each state chairman within ten business days of the close of each date for counting registered voters prescribed by subsection G of this section other than the primary and general election registered voter counts in the same format and media as prescribed by subsection C of this section. During the thirty-three days immediately preceding an election and on request from a county or state chairman, the county recorder shall provide at no cost a daily list of persons who have requested an early ballot and shall provide at no cost a weekly listing of persons who have returned their early ballots. The recorder shall provide the daily and weekly information through the Friday preceding the election. On request from a county chairman or state chairman, the county recorder of a county with a population of more than eight hundred thousand persons shall provide at no cost a daily listing of persons who have returned their early ballots. The daily listing shall be provided Mondays through Fridays, beginning with the first Monday following the start of early voting and ending on the Monday before the election.
E. Precinct registers and other lists and information derived from registration forms may be used only for purposes relating to a political or political party activity, a political campaign or an election, for revising election district boundaries or for any other purpose specifically authorized by law and may not be used for a commercial purpose as defined in section 39-121.03. The sale of registers, lists and information derived from registration forms to a candidate or a registered political committee for a use specifically authorized by this subsection does not constitute use for a commercial purpose. The county recorder, the secretary of state and other officers in charge of elections, on a request for an authorized use and within thirty days from receipt of the request, shall prepare additional copies of an official precinct list and furnish them to any person requesting them on payment of a fee equal to the following amounts for the following number of voter registration records provided:
1. For one to one hundred twenty-four thousand nine hundred ninety-nine records, $93.75 plus $0.0005 per record.
2. For one hundred twenty-five thousand to two hundred forty-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine records, $156.25 plus $0.000375 per record.
3. For two hundred fifty thousand to four hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine records, $203.13 plus $0.00025 per record.
4. For five hundred thousand to nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine records, $265.63 plus $0.000125 per record.
5. For one million or more records, $328.13 plus $0.0000625 per record.
F. Any person in possession of a precinct register or list, in whole or part, or any reproduction of a precinct register or list, shall not permit the register or list to be used, bought, sold or otherwise transferred for any purpose except for uses otherwise authorized by this section. A person in possession of information derived from voter registration forms or precinct registers shall not distribute, post or otherwise provide access to any portion of that information through the internet except as authorized by subsection I of this section. Nothing in this section shall preclude public inspection of voter registration records at the office of the county recorder for the purposes prescribed by this section, except that the month and day of birth date, the social security number or any portion thereof, the driver license number or nonoperating identification license number, the Indian census number, the father's name or mother's maiden name, the state or country of birth and the records containing a voter's signature and a voter's e-mail address shall not be accessible or reproduced by any person other than the voter, by an authorized government official in the scope of the official's duties, for any purpose by an entity designated by the secretary of state as a voter registration agency pursuant to the national voter registration act of 1993 (P.L. 103-31; 107 Stat. 77), for signature verification on petitions and candidate filings, for election purposes and for news gathering purposes by a person engaged in newspaper, radio, television or reportorial work, or connected with or employed by a newspaper, radio or television station or pursuant to a court order. Notwithstanding any other law, a voter's e-mail address may not be released for any purpose. A person who violates this subsection or subsection E of this section is guilty of a class 6 felony.
G. The county recorder shall count the registered voters by political party by precinct, legislative district and congressional district as follows:
1. In even numbered years, the county recorder shall count all persons who are registered to vote as of:
(a) January 2.
(b) April 1.
(c) The last day on which a person may register to be eligible to vote in the next primary election.
(d) The last day on which a person may register to be eligible to vote in the next general election.
(e) The last day on which a person may register to be eligible to vote in the next presidential preference election.
2. In odd numbered years, the county recorder shall count all persons who are registered to vote as of:
(a) January 2.
(b) April 1.
(c) July 1.
(d) October 1.
H. The county recorder shall report the totals to the secretary of state as soon as is practicable following each of the dates prescribed in subsection G of this section. The report shall include completed registration forms returned in accordance with section 16-134, subsection B. The county recorder shall also provide the report in a uniform electronic computer media format that shall be agreed on between the secretary of state and all county recorders. The secretary of state shall then prepare a summary report for the state and shall maintain that report as a permanent record.
I. The county recorder and the secretary of state shall protect access to voter registration information in an auditable format and method specified in the secretary of state's electronic voting system instructions and procedures manual that is adopted pursuant to section 16-452.
J. The secretary of state shall develop and administer a statewide database of voter registration information that contains the name and registration information of every registered voter in this state. The statewide database is a matter of statewide concern and is not subject to modification or further regulation by a political subdivision. The database shall include an identifier that is unique for each individual voter. The database shall provide for access by voter registration officials and shall allow expedited entry of voter registration information after it is received by county recorders. As a part of the statewide voter registration database, county recorders shall provide for the electronic transmittal of that information to the secretary of state on a real time basis. The secretary of state shall provide for maintenance of the database, including provisions regarding removal of ineligible voters that are consistent with the national voter registration act of 1993 (P.L. 103-31; 107 Stat. 77; 52 United States Code sections 20501 through 20511) and the help America vote act of 2002 (P.L. 107-252; 116 Stat. 1666; 52 United States Code sections 20901 through 21145), provisions regarding removal of duplicate registrations and provisions to ensure that eligible voters are not removed in error. For the purpose of maintaining compliance with the help America vote act of 2002, each county voter registration system is subject to approval by the secretary of state for compatibility with the statewide voter registration database system.
K. Except as provided in subsection L of this section, for requests for the use of registration forms and access to information as provided in subsections E and F of this section, the county recorder shall receive and respond to requests regarding federal, state and county elections.
L. Beginning January 1, 2008, recognized political parties shall request precinct lists and access to information as provided in subsections E and F of this section during the time periods prescribed in subsection C or D of this section and the county recorder shall receive and respond to those requests. If the county recorder does not provide the requested materials within the applicable time prescribed for the county recorder pursuant to subsection C or D of this section, a recognized political party may request that the secretary of state provide precinct lists and access to information as provided in subsections E and F of this section for federal, state and county elections. The secretary of state shall not provide access to precinct lists and information for recognized political parties unless the county recorder has failed or refused to provide the lists and materials as prescribed by this section. The secretary of state may charge the county recorder a fee determined by rule for each name or record produced.
M. For municipal registration information in those municipalities in which the county administers the municipal elections, county and state party chairmen shall request and obtain voter registration information and precinct lists from the city or town clerk during the time periods prescribed in subsection C or D of this section. If the city or town clerk does not provide that information within the same time prescribed for county recorders pursuant to subsection C or D of this section, the county or state party chairman may request and obtain the information from the county recorder. The county recorder shall provide the municipal voter registration and precinct lists within the time prescribed in subsection C or D of this section.
N. The county recorders and the secretary of state shall not prohibit any person or entity prescribed in subsection C of this section from distributing a precinct list to any person or entity that is deemed to be using the precinct list in a lawful manner as prescribed in subsections E and F of this section.
Structure Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 16 - Elections and Electors
§ 16-101 - Qualifications of registrant; definition
§ 16-102 - Power of attorney; prohibited use
§ 16-104 - Registration in incorporated cities and towns
§ 16-105 - Registration required by city ordinance or charter
§ 16-112 - Driver license voter registration
§ 16-120 - Eligibility to vote
§ 16-121 - Qualified elector; definition
§ 16-121.01 - Requirements for proper registration; violation; classification
§ 16-122 - Registration and records prerequisite to voting
§ 16-123 - Proof of location of residence
§ 16-124 - Public officer residing in county of post of duty
§ 16-125 - Change of residence to different county during twenty-nine day period preceding election
§ 16-126 - Authority to vote in presidential election after moving from state
§ 16-127 - Federal only voters; early ballot; eligibility; exemption
§ 16-128 - Clerk of the court; secretary of state; county recorder; notice of conviction
§ 16-131 - Registration of electors; deputy registrars
§ 16-132 - Voter registration assistance; hunting, fishing, trapping licenses; definitions
§ 16-133 - Voter registration events; website posting
§ 16-135 - Change of residence from one address to another
§ 16-136 - Change of political party
§ 16-138 - Voter registration database; federal only voters; analysis; annual report; investigation
§ 16-139 - Registration expenses as county charge
§ 16-140 - Voter registration assistance agencies; definitions
§ 16-141 - Armed forces recruiting offices; voter registration assistance
§ 16-143 - Federal only voters; attorney general; investigation; report
§ 16-144 - Same day voter registration prohibited; violation; classification
§ 16-145 - Automatic voter registration prohibited
§ 16-151 - Forms for registration supplied by county recorder and secretary of state
§ 16-153 - Voter registration; confidentiality; definitions
§ 16-161 - Official record of registration; federal form; reporting
§ 16-162 - Retention of registration forms and record of cancellation
§ 16-165 - Causes for cancellation; report
§ 16-166 - Verification of registration
§ 16-168.01 - County contributions to the voter registration system fund; exemption
§ 16-169 - Disposition and use of precinct registers; signature roster; form
§ 16-170 - Transmittal of signature roster to county recorder; comparison of names by recorder
§ 16-171 - Preservation of signature rosters as permanent records
§ 16-172 - Use of county registration rolls by political subdivisions
§ 16-173 - County recorder to file data processing system or program
§ 16-181 - Return of registration; violation; classification
§ 16-182 - False registration; classification; cancellation of registration
§ 16-183 - Violations; classification
§ 16-184 - Additional violations; classification
§ 16-193 - Active registered voters; applicability
§ 16-202 - Notice of offices for which candidates are to be nominated at primary
§ 16-203 - Primary election for nomination of candidates in municipalities
§ 16-204 - Declaration of statewide concern; consolidated election dates; definition
§ 16-205 - Election dates; notice; administration
§ 16-212 - Election of presidential electors; electoral college votes; vacancy; replacement
§ 16-213 - Election of United States senator
§ 16-221 - Special election to fill vacancy in Congress
§ 16-222 - Vacancy in the office of United States senator or representative
§ 16-225 - Special district election dates
§ 16-226 - Nonpartisan elections; local elections; time of calling; definition
§ 16-227 - Publication or posting of call of election for nonpartisan elections
§ 16-228 - Notice of election for nonpartisan elections
§ 16-229 - Affidavit of compliance
§ 16-230 - Vacancy in certain state or county offices; election
§ 16-241 - Presidential preference election; conduct of election
§ 16-242 - Qualifications for ballot; nomination paper
§ 16-243 - National convention delegates; vote for candidates
§ 16-244 - Representation on ballot
§ 16-245 - Form and content of ballot
§ 16-246 - Early balloting; satellite locations; additional procedures
§ 16-247 - Write-in candidates prohibited
§ 16-248 - Designation of polling places
§ 16-249 - Certification of election to parties; automatic recount inapplicable; tabulation
§ 16-250 - Expenses of election
§ 16-301 - Nomination of candidates for printing on official ballot of general or special election
§ 16-302 - Failure to nominate candidate in primary election
§ 16-311 - Nomination papers; statement of interest; filing; definitions
§ 16-312 - Filing of nomination papers for write-in candidates
§ 16-313 - Filing of nomination paper and petitions for special primary election
§ 16-314 - Filing and form of nomination petitions; definition
§ 16-315 - Form of petitions; registration of circulators
§ 16-317 - Secure online signature collection; municipal, county and precinct committeeman offices
§ 16-318 - Secure online signature collection; federal offices
§ 16-321 - Signing and certification of nomination petition; definition
§ 16-322 - Number of signatures required on nomination petitions
§ 16-331 - Election of superior court judges by declared divisions of court
§ 16-332 - Election of justices of supreme court or judges of court of appeals by declared terms
§ 16-333 - Preparation and filing of nominating petition for certain judicial offices
§ 16-342 - Special election nominations by delegate convention
§ 16-343 - Filling vacancy caused by death or incapacity or withdrawal of candidate
§ 16-344 - Office of presidential elector; appointment by state committee chairman
§ 16-351 - Limitations on appeals of validity of nomination petitions; disqualification of candidate
§ 16-351.01 - Nomination challenges; expenses
§ 16-401 - Applicability of general election law to primary elections
§ 16-403 - City or town elections; duties of officers
§ 16-404 - Preparation of polling place; voting booths; ballot boxes for paper ballots
§ 16-405 - Preparation for elections
§ 16-406 - Public display of voting equipment
§ 16-407.01 - Election administration; private monies prohibited
§ 16-407.02 - Elections training classes; statement; water; registration form
§ 16-407.03 - Election deadlines; filings; violation; classification
§ 16-408 - Cost of special district elections; bond
§ 16-409 - Certain cities, towns and school districts; mail ballot elections; report
§ 16-410 - Cancellation of certain elections; appointment to office; filling vacancies
§ 16-412 - Effective date of new precincts
§ 16-413 - Precincts; special district boundaries
§ 16-441 - Effective date of article; approval of counting equipment
§ 16-442 - Committee approval; adoption of vote tabulating equipment; experimental use; emergency
§ 16-442.01 - Accessible voting technology; recommendations; certification; applicability
§ 16-443 - Authorization of use at all elections
§ 16-444 - Definitions; applicability of general laws
§ 16-445 - Filing of computer election programs with secretary of state
§ 16-446 - Specifications of electronic voting system
§ 16-447 - Voting devices; inspection; specifications and number of booths
§ 16-448 - Write-in votes; instructions
§ 16-449 - Required test of equipment and programs; notice; procedures manual
§ 16-450 - Location and acquisition of vote tabulating devices
§ 16-451 - Cost; means of financing
§ 16-462 - Form of paper ballot
§ 16-464 - Rotation of names on ballots
§ 16-465 - Arrangement of candidates' names at primary election
§ 16-467 - Method of voting on ballot
§ 16-468 - Form of ballot; optical scanning system; sample ballots
§ 16-501 - Compliance with primary election law as prerequisite to printing name on ballot
§ 16-502 - Form and contents of ballot
§ 16-504 - Antifraud ballot paper; vendor certification; antifraud measures
§ 16-507 - Presentation of presidential candidates on ballot
§ 16-508 - Number of ballots furnished each polling place
§ 16-509 - Delivery of ballots to election officers
§ 16-510 - Sample ballots; preparation and distribution
§ 16-511 - Duty of board of supervisors to furnish election supplies to precinct officers
§ 16-512 - Displaying United States flag at polls
§ 16-513 - Instructions for voters and election officers; overvote notice
§ 16-513.01 - Right to vote a provisional ballot; notice
§ 16-514 - Notice to voters; form
§ 16-515 - "Seventy-five foot limit" notices; posting; violation; classification
§ 16-531 - Appointment of election boards; qualifications
§ 16-533 - Filling vacancy in election board by electors
§ 16-535 - Election marshal; appointment; powers and duties
§ 16-536 - Compensation of election board officers
§ 16-537 - Powers and duties of election officers with respect to special elections
§ 16-542 - Request for ballot; civil penalties; violation; classification
§ 16-543 - Application for ballot; United States service; emergency procedures
§ 16-543.02 - Federal write-in early ballots; procedure; registration form
§ 16-544 - Active early voting list; civil penalty; violation; classification; definition
§ 16-547 - Ballot affidavit; form
§ 16-548 - Preparation and transmission of ballot
§ 16-550 - Receipt of voter's ballot; cure period
§ 16-550; Version 2 - Receipt of voter's ballot; cure period; tracking system
§ 16-551 - Early election board; violation; classification
§ 16-552 - Early ballots; processing; challenges
§ 16-558 - Special districts; mail ballot election option; conduct
§ 16-558.01 - Mailing of ballots
§ 16-558.02 - Replacement ballots
§ 16-562 - Preparation and arrangement of polling place with voting booths and ballot boxes
§ 16-563 - Posting sample ballots, instruction cards and notice to voters before opening polls
§ 16-565 - Hours polls opened and closed; proclamation of opening and closing polls
§ 16-566 - Opening and closing of polling place; unused ballots
§ 16-570 - Conduct of election; duties of officers; placing machines
§ 16-571 - Poll lists to be kept by election clerk; posting
§ 16-572 - Delivery and custody of ballots at polling place
§ 16-573 - Substitution of ballots when official ballots not available
§ 16-574 - Repair or substitution of machines; use of paper ballots
§ 16-579 - Procedure for obtaining ballot by elector
§ 16-579.01 - Early ballots; on-site tabulation
§ 16-579.02 - Election day early ballot on-site tabulation procedure; fund
§ 16-580 - Manner of voting; assistance for certain electors
§ 16-581 - Elderly persons; persons with disabilities; inaccessible polling places; definitions
§ 16-583 - Voter not on precinct register; inactive voter list; procedure
§ 16-585 - Spoiled ballots; disposition
§ 16-590 - Appointment of challengers and party representatives
§ 16-591 - Grounds for challenging an elector
§ 16-592 - Proceedings on challenge; disposition of ballot
§ 16-593 - Rules determining residence of voter upon challenge; reading of rules upon request
§ 16-594 - List of challenges, grounds and rulings
§ 16-603 - Inspection of ballots by party representative
§ 16-604 - Election integrity fund; purpose; exemption
§ 16-607 - Statements of tally
§ 16-608 - Delivery of ballots; electronic voting system
§ 16-609 - Questioned legality of ballots; procedure
§ 16-610 - Uncertainty of voter's choice as cause for rejection
§ 16-611 - Certain defects invalidating vote for particular office
§ 16-612 - Determination of write-in choice of voter
§ 16-614 - Signing of tally lists after completion of tally
§ 16-615 - Delivery of returns
§ 16-616 - Preparation and disposition of unofficial returns
§ 16-617 - Transmittal of signature roster and precinct registers after election
§ 16-621 - Proceedings at the counting center
§ 16-622 - Official canvass; unofficial results
§ 16-623 - Copy of abstract of vote of certain counties filed with secretary of state
§ 16-624 - Disposition of official returns and ballots
§ 16-625 - Electronic data and digital images; ballots; security
§ 16-642 - Canvass of election; postponements
§ 16-644 - Effect of want of form in precinct returns
§ 16-646 - Statement, contents and mailing of official canvass
§ 16-647 - Declaration of election to office; delivery of certificate of election
§ 16-648 - Canvass for state offices, amendments and measures; postponement
§ 16-649 - Determination of tie vote; notice to candidates; exception
§ 16-650 - Declaration of election to office; delivery of certificate of election
§ 16-651 - Proclamation by governor on amendments and initiated and referred measures
§ 16-661 - Automatic recount; requirements
§ 16-662 - Certification to superior court of facts requiring recount
§ 16-663 - Recount of votes; method
§ 16-664 - Recount of votes by automatic tabulating system
§ 16-665 - Determination of results by court; distribution of copies of order of determination
§ 16-666 - Expenses of recount
§ 16-667 - Supplementary nature of article
§ 16-671 - Contest of primary elections
§ 16-672 - Contest of state election; grounds; venue
§ 16-673 - Statement of contest; verification; filing
§ 16-674 - Contest of county or other election
§ 16-675 - Summons; form; answer
§ 16-676 - Time for hearing contest; continuance; findings of the court; judgment
§ 16-677 - Inspection of ballots before trial; petition; bond; appointment of inspectors
§ 16-678 - Inapplicability of article to contests of election of legislators
§ 16-701 - Applicability of election laws
§ 16-702 - Number of delegates
§ 16-703 - Qualifications of candidates for delegate; nominations
§ 16-706 - Meeting of delegates in convention
§ 16-707 - Organization of convention
§ 16-708 - Journal of proceedings
§ 16-709 - Certificate of ratification
§ 16-710 - Compensation and mileage of delegates
§ 16-711 - Congressional provisions as superseding article
§ 16-801 - Representation of new party on ballot at primary and general elections
§ 16-802 - Representation of new party on ballot for county or municipal election
§ 16-807 - Political parties trust fund
§ 16-821 - County committee; vacancy in office of precinct committeeman
§ 16-822 - Precinct committeemen; eligibility; vacancy; duties; term
§ 16-823 - Legislative district committee; organization; boundary change; reorganization
§ 16-824 - Meeting, organization and officers of county committee
§ 16-825.01 - State committee; vacancy; filling of vacancy
§ 16-826 - Meeting, organization and officers of state committee
§ 16-827 - Executive committee of state committee
§ 16-901.01 - Limitations on certain unreported expenditures and contributions
§ 16-905 - Committee qualification; requirements; exemption; adjustments
§ 16-906 - Committee statement of organization; amendment; committee limitation
§ 16-907 - Committee recordkeeping; treasurer; accounts
§ 16-908 - Mega PAC status qualification
§ 16-911 - Exemption from definition of contribution
§ 16-912 - Individual contribution limits; requirements
§ 16-913 - Candidate committee contribution limits; requirements
§ 16-914 - Political action committee contribution limits; requirements
§ 16-915 - Political party contribution limits; requirements
§ 16-917 - Partnership contribution limits; requirements
§ 16-918 - Earmarking prohibited
§ 16-921 - Exemptions from definition of expenditure
§ 16-922 - Independent and coordinated expenditures
§ 16-925 - Advertising and fundraising disclosure statements
§ 16-926 - Campaign finance reports; contents
§ 16-927 - Campaign finance reporting period
§ 16-928 - Filing officer; statements and reports
§ 16-931 - Biennial adjustments; committee registration; contribution limits
§ 16-933 - Transfer and disposal of committee monies; limitations
§ 16-934 - Termination statement; filing; contents
§ 16-937 - Failure to file; penalties; notice; suspension
§ 16-938 - Enforcement authority; investigation; reasonable cause; notice of violation; appeal
§ 16-940 - Findings and declarations
§ 16-941 - Limits on spending and contributions for political campaigns
§ 16-942 - Civil penalties and forfeiture of office
§ 16-943 - Criminal violations and penalties
§ 16-945 - Limits on early contributions
§ 16-946 - Qualifying contributions
§ 16-947 - Certification as a participating candidate
§ 16-948 - Controls on participating candidates' campaign accounts
§ 16-949 - Controls on spending from citizens clean elections fund
§ 16-950 - Qualification for clean elections funding
§ 16-951 - Clean elections funding
§ 16-952 - One-party-dominant legislative district
§ 16-953 - Return of monies to the citizens clean elections fund
§ 16-954 - Disposition of excess monies
§ 16-955 - Citizens clean election commission; structure
§ 16-956 - Voter education and enforcement duties
§ 16-957 - Enforcement procedure
§ 16-958 - Manner of filing reports
§ 16-959 - Inflationary and other adjustments of dollar values
§ 16-1001 - Applicability of penal provisions
§ 16-1002 - Counterfeiting or distributing unlawful ballots; classification
§ 16-1003 - False endorsement, knowing destruction or delay in delivery of ballot; classification
§ 16-1005 - Ballot abuse; violation; classification
§ 16-1006 - Changing vote of elector by corrupt means or inducement; classification
§ 16-1007 - Election officer ascertaining or disclosing elector's vote; classification
§ 16-1008 - Election officer changing vote of elector by menace or reward; classification
§ 16-1009 - Failure or refusal to perform duty by election officer; classification
§ 16-1010 - Refusal by election officer to perform duty; violation of election law; classification
§ 16-1011 - Counterfeiting election returns; violation; classification
§ 16-1012 - Intimidation of elector by employer; classification
§ 16-1013 - Coercion or intimidation of elector; classification
§ 16-1014 - Corruption of electors; classification
§ 16-1015 - Election wagers; classification
§ 16-1017 - Unlawful acts by voters with respect to voting; classification
§ 16-1018 - Additional unlawful acts by persons with respect to voting; classification
§ 16-1019 - Political signs; printed materials; tampering; violation; classification
§ 16-1020 - Signing of petitions; violation; classification
§ 16-1021 - Enforcement by attorney general and county, city or town attorney
§ 16-1022 - Campaign finance violations; classification
§ 16-1101 - Redistricting; legislative district designation
§ 16-1103 - Legislative and congressional redistricting; census enumeration