Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 15 - Education
§ 15-249.10 - Dyslexia handbook

15-249.10. Dyslexia handbook
The department of education, subject to approval by the state board of education, may develop and maintain a handbook for use in the schools of this state that provides guidance for pupils, parents and teachers concerning dyslexia. The handbook shall include the following:
1. Guidelines for teachers and parents to identify dyslexia.
2. A description of educational strategies that have been shown to improve the academic performance of pupils with dyslexia.
3. A description of resources and services that are available to pupils with dyslexia and to teachers and parents of pupils with dyslexia.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 15 - Education

§ 15-101 - Definitions

§ 15-102 - Parental involvement in the school; definition

§ 15-103 - School districts; financial mismanagement; intervention; definitions

§ 15-104 - Mental health screening; consent; form; exemption

§ 15-105 - Use of restraint and seclusion techniques; requirements; definitions

§ 15-106 - Identity verified fingerprints

§ 15-107 - School district overexpenditures; fiscal crisis teams; quarterly progress reports; fiscal management report; annual report; actions resulting from overexpenditures; professional development; definition

§ 15-108 - Medical marijuana; school campuses; prohibition; definition

§ 15-109 - Biometric information; prohibition; definition

§ 15-110 - Rights of students at public educational institutions; limitations; definition

§ 15-111 - Declaration of policy

§ 15-112 - Prohibited courses and classes; enforcement

§ 15-113 - Rights of parents; public educational institutions; definitions

§ 15-114 - Display of school, charter school and school district achievements, classifications or rankings; expiration; definition

§ 15-115 - Preference for childbirth and adoption; allowable presentations

§ 15-115.01 - Public educational institution facility; prohibition; definitions

§ 15-116 - Public schools; fees; waiver; prohibition

§ 15-117 - Surveys; pupil information; parental permission and informed consent; exceptions; penalties; definitions

§ 15-118 - Recess; requirements; exceptions; definition

§ 15-119 - Vacant and partially used buildings; list; sale or lease; equipment; definitions

§ 15-120 - Suicide prevention training; approved materials; posting; immunity; spending classification

§ 15-120.01 - Public schools; child care services; reduced fees

§ 15-120.02 - Interscholastic and intramural athletics; designation of teams; biological sex; cause of action; definition

§ 15-120.03 - Sexually explicit materials; prohibition; exemptions; definition

§ 15-121 - School employees; participation in federal retirement plans and deferred compensation plans; prohibition against use of public monies; exceptions

§ 15-131 - Exchange teacher agreements

§ 15-132 - Certification of exchange teachers and professors

§ 15-133 - Certification required; employment

§ 15-134 - Payment of salaries of exchange teachers

§ 15-135 - Deductions for retirement; preservation of rights

§ 15-141 - Educational records; injunction; special action

§ 15-142 - Access to directory information relating to pupils and to school property; violation

§ 15-143 - Educational records; rights of parents

§ 15-151 - Eye protective devices; definition

§ 15-152 - Pest management at schools; notice

§ 15-153 - Crime reporting; policies and procedures; notification; discipline

§ 15-154 - School safety program; purpose; program proposals; requirements; annual report; definitions

§ 15-154.01 - Character education matching grant program

§ 15-155 - School safety program; funding

§ 15-156 - Liquid roofing systems; violation; classification; definition

§ 15-157 - Emergency administration of epinephrine auto-injectors by trained personnel; immunity

§ 15-158 - Emergency administration of inhalers by trained personnel; immunity; definitions

§ 15-159 - Use of sunscreen in schools

§ 15-160 - Student identification cards; suicide prevention; contact information required

§ 15-160.01 - Child abuse hotline; required posting

§ 15-160.02 - Seizure management and treatment plans; requirements; immunity; online instruction; rules

§ 15-161 - State control over private schools

§ 15-181 - Charter schools; purpose; scope

§ 15-182 - State board for charter schools; membership; terms; compensation; duties

§ 15-183 - Charter schools; application; requirements; immunity; exemptions; renewal of application; reprisal; fee; funds; annual reports

§ 15-183.01 - New charter application processing fund

§ 15-184 - Charter schools; admissions requirements; parental classroom visits

§ 15-185 - Charter schools; financing; civil penalties; transportation; definition

§ 15-185.01 - Charter school pupils attending career technical education districts; average daily membership calculation

§ 15-186 - Pupil disciplinary procedures; notification

§ 15-186.01 - Parental notification; immunity

§ 15-187 - Charter schools; teachers; employment benefits

§ 15-187.01 - Optional inclusion of charter school employees in state health and accident coverage; payment of premiums; advance notice; minimum period of participation; definition

§ 15-188 - Charter schools stimulus fund

§ 15-189 - Charter schools; total compensation statement

§ 15-189.01 - Charter schools; zoning; development fees

§ 15-189.02 - Charter schools; public bidding requirements

§ 15-189.03 - Academic credits; transfer

§ 15-189.04 - Policies and procedures for the emergency administration of epinephrine and inhalers

§ 15-189.05 - Charter school budgets; posting of teacher salary information; annual report

§ 15-189.06 - Charter schools; teacher performance evaluation systems; principal evaluation policies

§ 15-189.07 - Library collection; parental access; public review; exemption

§ 15-191 - Definitions

§ 15-201 - State board of education; members; appointment; terms

§ 15-202 - Meetings; majority required for validation; travel expenses; immunity

§ 15-203 - Powers and duties; definition

§ 15-204 - Acceptance of gifts and grants; gifts and grants fund; use; unexpended monies

§ 15-205 - Education of Indians in state schools; contracts with department of interior

§ 15-206 - Federal grants for educational purposes; administration

§ 15-207 - Apportionment and expenditure of federal grants for educational purposes

§ 15-208 - Application by school district for apportionment of federal monies; hearing

§ 15-209 - Disbursement of apportioned federal funds

§ 15-210 - Unlawful expenditure of federal monies

§ 15-211 - K-3 reading program; dyslexia specialist; dyslexia training; receipt and use of monies; additional funding; annual report

§ 15-212 - Expenditure of private funds; exemption

§ 15-213 - Procurement practices of school districts and charter schools; violations; classification; definitions

§ 15-213.01 - Procurement practices; guaranteed energy cost savings contracts; definitions

§ 15-213.02 - Program for school energy and water use efficiency programs; definitions

§ 15-213.03 - Procurement practices; guaranteed energy production contracts; definitions

§ 15-214 - Braille literacy; definition

§ 15-215 - Petition process for regulatory exemptions; annual report

§ 15-217 - Performance measures; adult education and workforce development programs

§ 15-217.01 - Continuing high school and workforce training program; service providers; program schools; requirements; reporting; enrollment limits; rules

§ 15-217.02 - Adult workforce diploma program; fund; program providers; requirements; annual reports; definitions

§ 15-217.03 - Community college adult education workforce development program; fund; program schools; annual reports

§ 15-218 - Suicide awareness and prevention training; child abuse and sexual abuse prevention and training; continuing education

§ 15-219 - Dyslexia and reading impairment screening, intervention, accommodation and technology; continuing education; rules; training

§ 15-231 - Department of education

§ 15-231.03 - School safety survey report

§ 15-231.04 - Department of education intellectual property fund

§ 15-232 - Division of adult education; duties

§ 15-233 - Night schools for teaching English

§ 15-234 - Appropriations for adult education; eligibility; supplemental fees; definition

§ 15-235 - Division of special education; director; duties; qualifications; advisory committee; members

§ 15-236 - Special education programs; program and fiscal audits

§ 15-237 - Publications; production revolving fund

§ 15-237.01 - Department of education professional development revolving fund; exemption

§ 15-238 - Statewide student estimate

§ 15-239 - School compliance and recognition; accreditation; audits

§ 15-240 - High-quality teacher professional development program; annual report; definitions

§ 15-241 - School, charter school and school district accountability; annual achievement profiles; classification; letter grade system; profiles; appeals process; failing schools tutoring fund; definition

§ 15-241.01 - School accountability; alternative operation plans

§ 15-241.02 - School improvement plans; solutions teams; withholding of state monies

§ 15-242 - Nutrition standards

§ 15-243 - Golden rule special plate fund

§ 15-244 - Office of Indian education; definition

§ 15-244.01 - Tribal college dual enrollment program fund; intergovernmental agreements

§ 15-245 - Mandatory reporting training; materials

§ 15-246 - Arizona government education fund

§ 15-247 - Reporting; school district overexpenditures

§ 15-248 - Arizona national rankings; annual report

§ 15-248.02 - Teacher certification fund

§ 15-249 - Department of education; education learning and accountability system; reports; reviews

§ 15-249.02 - Education learning and accountability fund; appropriation; subaccounts

§ 15-249.03 - Best practice examples of reading intervention and remedial reading strategies; posting

§ 15-249.04 - Report; school district overrides

§ 15-249.05 - Federal monies; state and local monies; separate accounting

§ 15-249.06 - College credit by examination incentive program; incentive bonuses; report; college credit by examination development fund

§ 15-249.07 - Broadband expansion fund; requirements; disbursements to certified applicants; reports

§ 15-249.08 - Results-based funding fund; distributions; requirements; reports

§ 15-249.09 - Early literacy program fund; report; definitions

§ 15-249.10 - Dyslexia handbook

§ 15-249.11 - Rural STEM program fund; definition

§ 15-249.12 - Computer science professional development program fund; requirements; uses; reports

§ 15-249.13 - Definition of "rural" for purpose of federal funding eligibility

§ 15-249.14 - Department of education; kindergarten survey; reading proficiency

§ 15-249.15 - Arizona industry credentials incentive program; distributions; report; fund

§ 15-249.16 - Statutory handbook of parental rights; posting

§ 15-249.17 - Code writers initiative program; grants; annual report

§ 15-249.18 - Invest in postsecondary success program; vendor; fund; rules

§ 15-251 - Powers and duties

§ 15-252 - Powers and duties; publications; payment of claims for printing

§ 15-253 - Legal opinions relating to school matters

§ 15-255 - Annual report; contents; definition

§ 15-256 - Waivers; federal education flexibility partnership act

§ 15-257 - Employee evaluation system

§ 15-258 - State seal of biliteracy program; requirements; diploma

§ 15-259 - State seal of civics literacy program; requirements; diploma

§ 15-260 - State seal of personal finance proficiency program; requirements; diploma

§ 15-261 - State seal of arts proficiency program; requirements; diploma

§ 15-271 - Duties of auditor general for uniform financial records system; reporting requirements

§ 15-272 - Duties of department of education for uniform system of financial records

§ 15-301 - Office of county school superintendent; qualifications; travel expenses

§ 15-302 - Powers and duties

§ 15-303 - Apportionment of funds

§ 15-304 - Warrants; limitations; definition

§ 15-308 - Providing educational services of an accommodation school

§ 15-321 - Organization; election of officers of the board; meetings; execution of warrants; exemption

§ 15-322 - Organization of the governing board of a consolidated school district

§ 15-323 - Governing board member; voting eligibility; purchases from board member

§ 15-326 - Capacity to sue and be sued and to hold and convey property

§ 15-327 - Advisory meetings of school district electors; notice; procedure; effect

§ 15-328 - Single administrative program

§ 15-341 - General powers and duties; immunity; delegation

§ 15-341.01 - One hundred eighty day school year; definition

§ 15-342 - Discretionary powers

§ 15-342.01 - School districts; roof inspection protocol

§ 15-342.02 - Dating abuse policies

§ 15-342.03 - Other powers and duties

§ 15-342.04 - Sale or lease of vacant and partially used school buildings

§ 15-342.05 - Face coverings; vaccines; requirement prohibition

§ 15-343 - Employment of professional help

§ 15-344 - Administration of prescription, patent or proprietary medications by employees; civil immunity; definition

§ 15-344.01 - Diabetes management; policies and procedures; civil immunity

§ 15-345 - Chemical abuse prevention policies and procedures

§ 15-346 - Policies and procedures concerning pupils with chronic health problems; definition

§ 15-347 - Extracurricular activities; cultural tradition

§ 15-348 - Dress code policies; traditional tribal regalia; objects of cultural significance; graduation ceremonies; definitions

§ 15-350 - Investigation of immoral or unprofessional conduct; confidentiality; definition

§ 15-351 - School councils; duties; membership

§ 15-352 - Exemptions

§ 15-354 - Principals; supplies and materials purchases

§ 15-361 - Establishment of evening and night schools; admission of students; tuition

§ 15-362 - Libraries; powers and duties; authority to contract

§ 15-363 - School recreation centers; authority to contract with public recreation boards and agencies

§ 15-364 - Agreements and expenditure of public monies for recreational facilities on school properties; use of proceeds of bond issues

§ 15-365 - Service programs operated through the office of a county school superintendent; reports; definitions

§ 15-381 - Liabilities of the governing board; payment of liabilities; immunity

§ 15-382 - Authorization to self-insure; pooling agreements; joint agreements; trustees; liability coverage and pool requirements; definition

§ 15-383 - Insurance on school bus and other vehicle operators; authority of the governing board to purchase

§ 15-384 - Authorization for insurance coverage for students

§ 15-385 - Premiums of a bond or insurance for accommodation schools or federally owned buildings on Indian reservation

§ 15-386 - Insurance refund fund

§ 15-387 - Procurement of insurance; eligibility of governing board members, former board members and surviving spouse and dependents; deposit of monies

§ 15-388 - Optional inclusion of school district employees in state health and accident coverage; payment of premiums; advance notice; minimum period of participation; definition

§ 15-391 - Definitions

§ 15-392 - Formation of career technical education districts

§ 15-393 - Career technical education district governing board; report; definitions

§ 15-393.01 - Career technical education districts; annual report; performance and accountability

§ 15-394 - Preservation of years of employment

§ 15-395 - Enlarging career technical education districts

§ 15-395.01 - Reducing the size of career technical education districts

§ 15-396 - Dissolution of career technical education districts

§ 15-397 - Effect of unification or consolidation of participating school districts

§ 15-398 - Career technical education districts; associate degrees; requirements; reports; definitions

§ 15-401 - Qualifications of school electors; school district registers; challenge; tally lists

§ 15-402 - Voting by early ballot

§ 15-403 - Elections; notice; bond election procedure; qualifications of voters; closing of registrations; election precincts; polling places

§ 15-404 - Election officers; compensation

§ 15-405 - Opening and closing of polls

§ 15-406 - Cost of elections

§ 15-407 - School district ballot option

§ 15-421 - Governing board; members; qualifications; statement; definitions

§ 15-422 - Nominating petitions; ballots

§ 15-423 - School district precinct registers; date of preparation; contents; copies

§ 15-424 - Election of governing board members; terms; reduction of membership; statement of contributions and expenditures

§ 15-425 - Election to determine whether membership of governing board shall increase to five members; form of ballot; reconsideration procedure if negative vote; appointment or election of new members

§ 15-425.01 - Election; reduction of governing board to three members; ballot; requirements; reconsideration

§ 15-426 - Tally and canvass of votes; certificate of election; oath of office

§ 15-427 - Governing board of a union high school district; qualifications; terms

§ 15-428 - Election of governing board members of a union high school district

§ 15-429 - Election of governing board members of a joint common school district

§ 15-430 - Governing board members of newly consolidated district; election of members

§ 15-431 - Alternative election procedure of governing board members

§ 15-441 - School districts; designation

§ 15-442 - Record of school district boundaries; limitation on change; notice to governing board

§ 15-443 - Formation of new common school district

§ 15-444 - Formation of union high school district; petition for establishment; election; notice

§ 15-444.01 - Common school districts within a high school district; proposed expansion or reduction; notification

§ 15-445 - Residents of unorganized territory; school district elections

§ 15-447 - Offer of instruction in high school subjects by common school districts; limitations

§ 15-447.01 - Common school districts; offer of instruction in grade nine

§ 15-448 - Formation of unified school district; board membership; budget

§ 15-448; Version 2 - Formation of unified school district; board membership; budget

§ 15-449 - Formation of unified school district by common school district; petition for establishment; election; notice

§ 15-450 - Formation of a new joint unified school district; petition; report; election; notice; ballots; canvass of votes; appointment of governing board

§ 15-451 - Appointment of governing board for joint unified school districts

§ 15-453 - Authority to form joint common school districts; applicability of laws governing other school districts

§ 15-454 - Authority to form joint unified or joint high school districts; applicability of other laws governing other school districts

§ 15-455 - Formation of joint common school district; petition; election; notice; canvass

§ 15-456 - Jurisdiction of county board of supervisors and county school superintendent over joint common school district

§ 15-457 - Formation of new joint common school district by subdivision of existing school district; effect on bonded indebtedness; transfer of property

§ 15-458 - Formation of new district or districts by subdivision of existing district; division of assets

§ 15-459 - Consolidation of districts; petition; election; notice; report; ballots; canvass of votes; governing board

§ 15-460 - Change of school district boundaries

§ 15-461 - Transporting school districts; joining existing school districts; dissolution

§ 15-463 - Annexation of military reservation to high school district or union high school district; procedure; notice; hearing

§ 15-464 - Withdrawal of military reservation from school district; petition; hearing

§ 15-465 - Accommodation school; establishment on military reservation; expenses; abandonment

§ 15-465.01 - Accommodation school; military reservation; governing board

§ 15-466 - Transfer of accommodation schools

§ 15-467 - Change of union high school district to high school district

§ 15-469 - Lapsing of common school district; conditions; procedure; disposition of property and monies

§ 15-481 - Override election; budget increases; informational pamphlet; notice; ballot; effect

§ 15-482 - Special five per cent override for programs of pupils in kindergarten programs and grades one through twelve

§ 15-491 - Elections on school property; exceptions

§ 15-493 - Canvass of votes; certification of result

§ 15-501 - Definitions

§ 15-501.01 - Requirements for teachers; teaching certificates; rules; reciprocity; placement; posting

§ 15-502 - Employment of school district personnel; payment of wages of discharged employee

§ 15-503 - Superintendents, principals, head teachers and school psychologists; term of employment; evaluation; contract delivery; nonretention notice

§ 15-504 - Contract days for professional association activities; prohibition

§ 15-505 - Discipline; educator information system; personnel list; definitions

§ 15-506 - Flag, Constitution and Bill of Rights display; recitation of pledge of allegiance; moment of silence; exemption

§ 15-507 - Abuse of teacher or school employee in school; classification

§ 15-508 - Dismissal for failure to comply with certain laws

§ 15-510 - Authorization of leaves of absence; application; preservation of rights

§ 15-511 - Use of school district or charter school resources or employees to influence elections; prohibition; civil penalty; definitions

§ 15-512 - Noncertificated personnel; fingerprinting personnel; background investigations; affidavit; civil immunity; violation; classification; definition

§ 15-513 - Transportation employees; chemical abuse education; drug tests; costs; termination from employment; appeal; definition

§ 15-514 - Immoral or unprofessional conduct; duty to report; immunity; definition

§ 15-515 - Duty to report violations occurring on school premises

§ 15-516 - Teacher immunity

§ 15-531 - Fees

§ 15-531.01 - Certification expiration; military service; one year extension

§ 15-532 - Examination on state and United States constitutions; reciprocity requirement; exemption; intergovernmental agreement or contract for administration and evaluation

§ 15-533 - Proficiency examination; examination reciprocity

§ 15-534 - Fingerprinting; review and disciplinary action; violation; classification

§ 15-534.01 - Withdrawal of applications for administrative deficiencies; denial of applications for substantive deficiencies; certification time frames

§ 15-534.02 - Restrictions on applications for certification after the surrender, revocation or denial of certificate; definition

§ 15-534.03 - Service of documents; change of address notice requirement

§ 15-534.04 - Reciprocal discipline; definition

§ 15-535 - Sectarian instruction prohibited

§ 15-536 - Offer of contract to probationary teacher; acceptance; notice to teacher of intention not to reemploy; definition

§ 15-537 - Performance of certificated teachers; evaluation system; alternative performance evaluation cycle; confidentiality

§ 15-537.01 - Posting of best practices for teacher and principal evaluation systems

§ 15-538 - Preliminary notice of inadequacy of classroom performance; performance improvement plan; adoption of definition

§ 15-538.01 - Offer of contract to continuing teacher; definition

§ 15-538.02 - Teachers with short-term certificates; dismissal; notice

§ 15-539 - Dismissal of certificated teacher; due process; written charges; notice; hearing on request

§ 15-540 - Suspension prior to dismissal of a certificated teacher; written charges; salary

§ 15-541 - Hearing on dismissal

§ 15-542 - Hearing costs; counsel; limitations on evidence; reinstatement

§ 15-543 - Appeal from decision of board

§ 15-544 - Limitations on reduction of salaries or personnel

§ 15-545 - Resignation restrictions; unprofessional act; penalty

§ 15-546 - Rights in employment not vested

§ 15-547 - Preservation of years of employment

§ 15-549 - Compulsory leaves of absence for criminal charges; continued salary

§ 15-550 - Unprofessional conduct; penalty; definition

§ 15-551 - Confidentiality of pupil's name; disciplinary hearing; civil penalty

§ 15-552 - Alternative teacher development program; report

§ 15-553 - School districts and charter schools; classroom-based preparation program providers; teacher certification; rules

§ 15-554 - School districts and charter schools; locally based school leadership preparation program providers; certification; rules

§ 15-701 - Common school; promotions; requirements; certificate; supervision of eighth grades by superintendent of high school district; high school admissions; academic credit; definition

§ 15-701.01 - High schools; graduation; requirements; community college or university courses; transfer from other schools; academic credit; report

§ 15-701.02 - Instruction on the Holocaust and other genocides

§ 15-701.03 - Health education instruction; mental health instruction

§ 15-702 - High school equivalency diploma; fees; rules

§ 15-703 - Kindergarten programs and special departments; special teachers

§ 15-704 - Reading proficiency; dyslexia screening plan; parental notification; definitions

§ 15-705 - Extracurricular activities; requirements

§ 15-706 - Instruction in environmental education; definition

§ 15-707 - College and career readiness program for at-risk students; requirements; annual report; definition

§ 15-708 - Common school pupils; mathematics proficiency; parental notification

§ 15-710 - Instruction in state and federal constitutions, American institutions and history of Arizona

§ 15-710.01 - Sandra Day O'Connor civics celebration day; civics instruction requirement

§ 15-710.02 - 9/11 education day; instruction requirement; policies or rules

§ 15-711 - Sex education instruction; minimum grade; parental review of curricula; sexual conduct with a minor; review and approval of course of study; public hearings and input

§ 15-711.01 - Instruction; child assault awareness; abuse prevention

§ 15-712 - Instruction on alcohol, tobacco, narcotic drugs, marijuana, date rape drugs and other dangerous drugs; chemical abuse prevention programs; definitions

§ 15-712.01 - Instruction on dating abuse; definitions

§ 15-713 - Training in use of bows or firearms; instruction materials; certification of instructors; cooperating agencies

§ 15-714 - Eligibility for training in use of bows or firearms

§ 15-714.01 - Arizona gun safety program course

§ 15-715 - Special academic assistance to pupils in kindergarten programs and grades one through three

§ 15-716 - Instruction on acquired immune deficiency syndrome; department assistance

§ 15-717 - American history and heritage

§ 15-717.01 - Bible influence; elective course; requirements; immunity

§ 15-717.02 - Prohibited instruction; disciplinary action; legal action; civil penalty

§ 15-718 - Civics instruction

§ 15-718.01 - Instruction on cardiopulmonary resuscitation; exemptions; definition

§ 15-719 - Character education program instruction; fund

§ 15-720 - Noncurriculum related clubs for grades seven and eight; definitions

§ 15-720.02 - Instruction on personal finance in high schools

§ 15-721 - Common schools; course of study; textbooks; approval; selection; library books and materials; definition

§ 15-722 - High schools; course of study; textbooks; approval; library books and materials; definition

§ 15-723 - Furnishing of free textbooks; subject matter materials and supplementary books

§ 15-724 - Purchase of high school textbooks, subject matter materials and supplementary books; budget; rental

§ 15-726 - Purchase of textbooks and instructional computer software by schools having four or fewer teachers; welfare institutions

§ 15-727 - Care and issue of textbooks, subject matter materials, supplementary books and instructional computer software

§ 15-728 - Purchase of books by pupils or parent

§ 15-729 - Use of monies received for lost or damaged textbooks, subject matter materials, supplementary books or instructional computer software

§ 15-730 - Access to instructional material by parents and guardians

§ 15-731 - Definitions

§ 15-732 - Powers and duties; state board of education; governing boards

§ 15-741 - Assessment of pupils

§ 15-741.01 - Goals for excellence

§ 15-741.02 - Menu of achievement assessments; requirements; rules; definition

§ 15-741.03 - Statewide assessment; contracts; JLBC review

§ 15-742 - Contract for purchase of tests

§ 15-743 - Test results; annual report; five-year cumulative summary

§ 15-745 - Homeschooled children; testing; prohibition

§ 15-746 - School report cards

§ 15-747 - School financial transparency; portal; required information; third-party contractor

§ 15-751 - Definitions

§ 15-752 - English language education

§ 15-753 - Parental waivers

§ 15-754 - Legal standing and parental enforcement

§ 15-755 - Standardized testing for monitoring education progress

§ 15-756 - Identification of English language learners

§ 15-756.01 - State board of education; research-based models of structured English immersion; alternative English instruction models; English language learners; budget requests; definitions

§ 15-756.02 - School districts and charter schools; English language learner models; adoption, approval and implementation

§ 15-756.03 - English language learner budget requests; requirements

§ 15-756.04 - Arizona English language learner fund; local-level funds

§ 15-756.05 - Reassessment and reclassification of English language learners

§ 15-756.07 - Office of English language acquisition services; duties; annual report

§ 15-756.08 - Monitoring; report; corrective action plan

§ 15-756.09 - Teacher training

§ 15-756.10 - Reporting requirements

§ 15-756.11 - Statewide compensatory instruction fund; reporting; definition

§ 15-756.12 - Auditor general; annual financial report; modification

§ 15-756.13 - School district and charter schools; responsibility to comply with state and federal law

§ 15-757 - Contracts with private vendors

§ 15-761 - Definitions

§ 15-761.01 - Child with a disability; reclassification

§ 15-762 - Division of special education

§ 15-763 - Plan for providing special education; definition

§ 15-763.01 - Surrogate parent; notification; appointment

§ 15-764 - Powers and duties of the school district governing board or county school superintendent

§ 15-765 - Special education in rehabilitation, corrective or other state and county supported institutions, facilities or homes

§ 15-766 - Evaluation of child for placement in special education program; due process hearing procedures

§ 15-767 - Annual goals; notification

§ 15-769 - Appropriation and apportionment; approval of program

§ 15-771 - Preschool programs for children with disabilities; definition

§ 15-773 - Transfer of parental rights at age of majority

§ 15-774 - Extraordinary special education needs fund; claim application; criteria; revisions; policies and procedures; annual report

§ 15-779 - Definitions

§ 15-779.01 - Powers and duties of the school district governing board

§ 15-779.02 - Gifted pupils; scope and sequence; annual financial report

§ 15-779.03 - Additional assistance for gifted programs

§ 15-779.04 - Powers and duties of the superintendent of public instruction

§ 15-781 - Definitions

§ 15-781.02 - Meetings; majority required for validation; travel expenses; immunity

§ 15-782 - Career and technical education and vocational education

§ 15-782.01 - Instructors; specialized teaching certificate; qualifications; rules; definition

§ 15-782.02 - Career and technical education and vocational education programs; fingerprint clearance card; expanded hours; tuition

§ 15-783 - Evaluation of career and technical education and vocational education programs

§ 15-784 - Vocational education; acceptance of congressional acts; appropriation; distribution of federal monies

§ 15-785 - Career and technical education and vocational education schools; expenses; allocations from federal funds

§ 15-786 - Acceptance of gifts or grants; fund; unexpended monies

§ 15-787 - Eligibility; allocation; plan

§ 15-788 - Exemption from certain requirements; exception

§ 15-789 - Contracting and cooperative arrangements for career and technical education and vocational education; advisory committee

§ 15-790 - Primary responsibility of school districts, career technical education districts, community college districts and universities

§ 15-791 - Arizona agricultural youth organization special plate fund

§ 15-792 - Declaration of purpose and policy

§ 15-792.01 - Definitions

§ 15-792.02 - Board examination system; private contractor; duties; rules

§ 15-792.03 - Grand Canyon diploma

§ 15-795 - Declaration of purpose and policy

§ 15-795.01 - Competency-based college-ready educational pathways

§ 15-796 - Alternative education programs; alternative schools; requirements; funding; definitions

§ 15-797 - Financial provisions for students in alternative education programs and alternative schools

§ 15-798 - Governing board responsibility

§ 15-801 - Holidays

§ 15-802 - School instruction; exceptions; violations; classification; definitions

§ 15-802.01 - Homeschooled children; eligibility to participate in interscholastic activities

§ 15-803 - School attendance; exemptions; definitions

§ 15-804 - Attendance officer; appointment; salary

§ 15-805 - Attendance officer; powers and duties

§ 15-806 - Excuse from school attendance

§ 15-807 - Absence from school; notification of parent or person having custody of pupil; immunity; excused absence

§ 15-808 - Arizona online instruction; reports; definitions

§ 15-816 - Definitions

§ 15-816.01 - Open enrollment policies; preference; selection process; transportation; reporting requirements; public awareness effort

§ 15-816.07 - District and school immunity

§ 15-821 - Admission of children; required age

§ 15-823 - Admission; residents of other school districts; nonresidents of this state; tuition

§ 15-823.01 - Admission of nonresident pupils; active military duty; definitions

§ 15-824 - Admission of pupils of other school districts; homeless children; tuition charges; definitions

§ 15-824; Version 2 - Admission of pupils of other school districts; homeless children; tuition charges; definitions

§ 15-825 - Certificates of educational convenience; issuance; effect on enrollment records; reporting requirements

§ 15-825.01 - Certificates of educational convenience; pupils attending out-of-state schools

§ 15-825.02 - Certificates of educational convenience; unorganized territory

§ 15-826 - Education of children to whom school inaccessible

§ 15-827 - Presentation of withdrawal form

§ 15-828 - Birth certificate; school records; exception

§ 15-829 - Missing child; notification of school; flagging records; definitions

§ 15-840 - Definitions

§ 15-841 - Responsibilities of pupils; expulsion; alternative education programs; alternative to suspension programs; placement review committee

§ 15-842 - Damage to school property; suspension or expulsion of pupil; liability of parent

§ 15-843 - Pupil disciplinary proceedings; definition

§ 15-844 - Suspension and expulsion proceedings for children with disabilities

§ 15-854 - Year-round school year operation; powers and duties of superintendent of public instruction

§ 15-855 - School or school district operation on a year-round school year basis; separate budget

§ 15-871 - Definitions

§ 15-872 - Proof of immunization; noncompliance; notice to parents; civil immunity

§ 15-873 - Exemptions; nonattendance during outbreak

§ 15-874 - Records; reporting requirements

§ 15-881 - Extended school year services for pupils with disabilities; eligibility and service structure; definition

§ 15-901 - Definitions

§ 15-901.01 - Inflation adjustments

§ 15-901.02 - Voluntary full-day kindergarten instruction; requirements; academic quality

§ 15-901.03 - Transfers; review

§ 15-901.05 - Application of school finance changes

§ 15-901.06 - Dropout recovery programs; written learning plan; requirements; annual report; definitions

§ 15-901.07 - Concurrent coursework; calculation of average daily membership; definition

§ 15-901.08 - School year; school month; instructional time models; requirements; funding; definition

§ 15-902.01 - Student revenue loss phasedown

§ 15-902.03 - Procedures for determining average daily membership

§ 15-902.04 - Optional two hundred days of instruction

§ 15-903 - Budget format; prohibited expenditures; annual report

§ 15-904 - School district annual financial report; publication; summary

§ 15-905 - School district budgets; notice; adoption; aggregate budget limit; summary; adjustments; impact aid fund; definition

§ 15-905.01 - Truth in taxation; calculation; notice and hearing; vote on tax increase

§ 15-906 - Procedure for payment of levy fund liabilities payable on June 30; lapsing of levy funds with balance for reduction of taxes

§ 15-907 - Incurring liabilities in excess of school district budget; petition; approval; procedure for expenditures

§ 15-908 - Revenue control limit for school district after consolidation

§ 15-909 - Financial provisions for accommodation schools; definition

§ 15-910 - School district budgets; excess utility costs; desegregation costs; tuition costs for bond issues; costs for registering warrants; report

§ 15-910; Version 2 - School district budgets; excess utility costs; desegregation costs; tuition costs for bond issues; costs for registering warrants; report

§ 15-910.01 - School district budgets; career and technical education and vocational education center expenses

§ 15-910.02 - Energy and water savings accounts

§ 15-911 - Aggregate expenditure limitation; aggregate expenditures of local revenues; adjustments

§ 15-912 - Consolidation assistance

§ 15-912.01 - Unification assistance

§ 15-913 - Education programs; juvenile detention centers; fund

§ 15-913.01 - Education program; county jails

§ 15-914 - Financial and compliance audits

§ 15-914.01 - Accounting responsibility; definition

§ 15-914.02 - School district audit

§ 15-915 - Correction of state aid or budget limit errors; definition

§ 15-916 - Expenditure of state grant monies not included in budget

§ 15-920 - Performance pay; budget balance carryforward; definitions

§ 15-920.01 - Arizona performance based compensation system task force; members; evaluation; reporting

§ 15-921 - Duties of superintendent of public instruction

§ 15-922 - Reporting duties of the school district; definition

§ 15-923 - Contracts for transportation; requirement; report

§ 15-924 - In lieu of transportation grants

§ 15-925 - School transportation; allowable vehicles

§ 15-941 - Teacher experience index; computation; definition

§ 15-943 - Base support level

§ 15-943.01 - Maintenance and operation budget balance; definition

§ 15-943.01; Version 2 - Maintenance and operation budget balance; definition

§ 15-943.02 - Base support level for career technical education districts

§ 15-943.04 - English learner classroom personnel bonus fund; payment of English language classroom personnel bonuses

§ 15-944 - Base revenue control limit

§ 15-944.01 - Additional expenditures exempt in whole or in part from revenue control limit

§ 15-945 - Transportation support level

§ 15-946 - Transportation revenue control limit

§ 15-947 - Revenue control limit; district support level; general budget limit; unrestricted total capital budget limit; district additional assistance limit

§ 15-947; Version 2 - Revenue control limit; district support level; general budget limit; unrestricted total capital budget limit; district additional assistance limit

§ 15-947.01 - Revenue control limit; general budget limit; total capital budget limit for career technical education districts

§ 15-949 - Small school districts; exemption from general budget limit; budget revision

§ 15-950 - Revenue control limits for new school districts

§ 15-951 - District additional assistance, district support level and student count for a common school district not within a high school district

§ 15-951; Version 2 - District additional assistance, district support level and student count for a common school district not within a high school district

§ 15-953 - Increases in the base level

§ 15-954 - Adjustment for tuition loss

§ 15-961 - District additional assistance; growth rate

§ 15-961; Version 2 - District additional assistance; growth rate

§ 15-962.01 - District additional assistance allocation for career technical education districts

§ 15-963 - Capital transportation adjustment for small school districts

§ 15-964 - Federal impact adjustment

§ 15-965 - Schools; impact aid; teacher housing

§ 15-971 - Determination of equalization assistance payments from county and state funds for school districts

§ 15-971; Version 2 - Determination of equalization assistance payments from state funds for school districts

§ 15-972 - State limitation on homeowner property taxes; additional state aid to school districts; definitions

§ 15-972; Version 2 - State limitation on homeowner property taxes; additional state aid to school districts; definitions

§ 15-973 - Apportionment of funds; expenditure limitation

§ 15-973.01 - Assistance for education fund

§ 15-974 - Equalization assistance for education for accommodation schools

§ 15-974; Version 2 - Equalization assistance for education for accommodation schools

§ 15-975 - Method of determining funds payable to a joint common school district

§ 15-976 - Assistance for school districts for children whose parents are employed by certain state institutions; expenditure limitation

§ 15-977 - Classroom site fund; definitions

§ 15-978 - Classroom site fund budget limit; school district

§ 15-979 - Instructional improvement fund

§ 15-980 - Uncollected property tax; property tax loss; supplemental state aid

§ 15-991 - Annual estimate by county school superintendent of monies for ensuing year; review and approval by property tax oversight commission

§ 15-991.01 - Tax levy for property not located in a school district

§ 15-992 - School district tax levy; additional tax in districts ineligible for equalization assistance; definition

§ 15-992; Version 2 - School district tax levy; additional tax in districts ineligible for equalization assistance; definition

§ 15-995 - Special district assessment for adjacent ways by school district

§ 15-996 - Duties of county treasurer relating to school district's monies

§ 15-997 - Authority of county officers as to funds, taxes and boundaries of joint common school district

§ 15-998 - Liability of treasurer for failure to keep separate account or give notice; enforcement

§ 15-999 - Preference of payment of warrants; use of balance of school fund remaining at close of fiscal year

§ 15-1000 - County school fund

§ 15-1001 - Special county school reserve fund

§ 15-1002 - Administration of county school reserve fund; uses

§ 15-1021 - Limit on bonded indebtedness; limit on authorization and issuance of bonds; definitions

§ 15-1022 - Tax levy for bonds; administration and disposition of tax; cancellation of paid bonds; security

§ 15-1023 - Issuance of bonds

§ 15-1023.01 - Municipal property corporation financing prohibited; definition

§ 15-1024 - Interest on bonds; sale; disposition of proceeds; definition

§ 15-1025 - Investment and reinvestment of debt service fund

§ 15-1027 - Administration of school district debt service funds by county treasurer

§ 15-1028 - Disposition of surplus tax monies

§ 15-1029 - Rights of bondholder; additional state tax

§ 15-1030 - Cancellation of unsold bonds; notice; hearing

§ 15-1031 - Power to use outstanding bond authorizations of common school districts or high school districts

§ 15-1032 - Capital facilities; bonded indebtedness liability for unified school districts

§ 15-1033 - Certification of school district bonds by attorney general

§ 15-1041 - Student accountability information system

§ 15-1042 - Student level data; timeline for submittal; confidentiality; definition

§ 15-1043 - Student level data; allowable disclosure; policies

§ 15-1045 - Education database; pupil privacy

§ 15-1046 - Student data privacy; definitions

§ 15-1051 - Definition of noncustodial federal monies

§ 15-1052 - Receipt of federal monies; accounting; report

§ 15-1101 - Revolving funds; purpose and manner of procuring

§ 15-1102 - Disposition of proceeds from sale or lease of school property; school plant monies; payment of bonded indebtedness; definition

§ 15-1103 - Insurance proceeds fund; disposition of proceeds

§ 15-1104 - Unemployment compensation fund

§ 15-1105 - Lease of school property; immunity; civic center school fund; reversion to school plant fund; definitions

§ 15-1106 - Permanent teacherage fund; uses; definition

§ 15-1107 - Litigation recovery fund; disposition of proceeds

§ 15-1108 - District services fund

§ 15-1121 - Student activities monies defined

§ 15-1122 - Student activities treasurer; assistant student activities treasurer; administration of student activities monies

§ 15-1123 - Record of revenues and expenditures

§ 15-1124 - Student activities revolving fund for expenses

§ 15-1125 - Auxiliary operations fund defined

§ 15-1126 - Accounting; deposit; disposition of monies

§ 15-1141 - Definitions

§ 15-1142 - Powers of the governing board

§ 15-1143 - Community school program fund

§ 15-1151 - Definition of school meal programs

§ 15-1152 - School meal programs; nonschool meal programs; powers of state board of education

§ 15-1153 - Federal funds; acceptance; disbursement

§ 15-1154 - Operation of school meal programs by governing boards; school meal program fund; revolving fund

§ 15-1155 - Records, reports, regulations, audits and inspections by state board of education

§ 15-1157 - Inclusion of expenses in budget of superintendent of public instruction

§ 15-1158 - Agreements for meals for persons sixty years of age or older

§ 15-1171 - Trust assets of Arizona rural rehabilitation corporation; transfer to state board of education

§ 15-1172 - Arizona youth farm loan fund

§ 15-1173 - Use of funds

§ 15-1174 - Powers and duties

§ 15-1175 - Liability

§ 15-1181 - Definitions

§ 15-1182 - Special education fund; administration

§ 15-1183 - Placement; voucher application requirements

§ 15-1184 - Vouchers; requirements; budgets; prohibited uses

§ 15-1185 - School district responsibility; integration into a school

§ 15-1201 - Definitions

§ 15-1202 - Special education fund account; administration; expenditure limitation

§ 15-1203 - Placement; requirements

§ 15-1204 - Voucher; application; approval; requirements; budgets; prohibited uses; advances

§ 15-1205 - Voucher; evaluation; placement; definition

§ 15-1221 - Bank account; federal savings bonds; withholdings; vendor electronic payments; payroll direct deposit

§ 15-1222 - Bank account; employee income tax; withholdings

§ 15-1223 - Bank accounts; employee insurance; interest; accounting procedures

§ 15-1224 - Grants to teachers for instruction

§ 15-1225 - Postemployment benefits; trust accounts; actuarial report

§ 15-1231 - Career and technical education projects fund; use of monies; requirements

§ 15-1241 - Academic contests fund; state board of education powers and duties; distribution of monies

§ 15-1251 - State block grant for early childhood education; evaluation

§ 15-1261 - E-rate application; fund

§ 15-1265 - Industry-recognized certification and licensure reimbursement fund; exemption; qualifications

§ 15-1281 - Student support and safety fund; exemption; distribution; definitions

§ 15-1282 - Career training and workforce fund; exemption; distribution

§ 15-1283 - Career training and workforce program; grants; rules

§ 15-1284 - Separate local-level funds; annual reporting; no supplanting

§ 15-1285 - Local revenues and revenue control limitations; exemption

§ 15-1286 - State treasurer; annual reports; distributions from funds

§ 15-1301 - Definitions

§ 15-1302 - Arizona state schools for the deaf and the blind; provision of services

§ 15-1303 - School for the deaf and the blind as public corporation; tax exemption

§ 15-1304 - Land reserved for use and benefit of school; schools for the deaf and the blind fund; cooperative services fund; definition

§ 15-1305 - Arizona state schools for the deaf and the blind; classroom site fund

§ 15-1306 - Arizona state schools for the deaf and the blind; local education agency

§ 15-1321 - Board of directors; members; appointment; term; compensation

§ 15-1322 - Board organization; meetings; quorum

§ 15-1323 - Board of directors; fund; powers and duties

§ 15-1324 - Reports of board of directors

§ 15-1325 - Superintendent and other personnel; appointment; compensation; term of employment; qualifications; nonretention notice

§ 15-1326 - Employment and discharge of personnel; probationary status; report; hearing; policies

§ 15-1327 - Limitations on reduction of salaries or personnel; notice; reappointment

§ 15-1329 - Employee salaries and classification; definition

§ 15-1330 - Personnel; fingerprinting; immunity

§ 15-1341 - Instruction of pupils

§ 15-1342 - Admissions

§ 15-1343 - Persons entitled to education

§ 15-1344 - Authority for enrollment of children under three years of age; definition

§ 15-1345 - Overage and nonresident students; deposit

§ 15-1346 - Payment for personal expenses

§ 15-1371 - Equalization assistance for state educational system for committed youth; state education fund for committed youth

§ 15-1372 - Equalization assistance for state educational system for persons in the state department of corrections; fund

§ 15-1373 - State education system for committed youth; classroom site fund

§ 15-1401 - Definitions

§ 15-1402 - Community college districts; requirements; exception

§ 15-1402.01 - Alternative organization for community college districts

§ 15-1403 - Procedure to form a district; exception

§ 15-1404 - Election to determine formation of district; notice; canvass

§ 15-1405 - Presentation of plan to legislature by county board of supervisors

§ 15-1406 - District board members and employees; compensation; payment of expenses for employment candidates

§ 15-1407 - Formation of new district by subdivision of existing district; division of assets

§ 15-1408 - Use of community college district resources or employees to influence elections; prohibition; civil penalty; definitions

§ 15-1409 - Community college tuition financing districts; formation; powers and duties; issuance and sale of bonds for capital outlay

§ 15-1410 - Credit and noncredit courses

§ 15-1427 - Annual report

§ 15-1441 - Selection of precincts; district board members; terms; qualifications; vacancies

§ 15-1442 - Nominating petitions; election; returns; results; certificate of election; statement of contributions and expenditures

§ 15-1443 - Meetings; officers; immunity

§ 15-1444 - General powers and duties of district boards

§ 15-1444.01 - Baccalaureate degree programs; reporting requirements; definitions

§ 15-1445 - Administrative powers and duties of district governing boards

§ 15-1446 - Lease-purchase agreements

§ 15-1447 - Community college district collegiate special plate funds; purpose

§ 15-1448 - Employment of legal counsel; opinions of counsel

§ 15-1449 - Control of vehicles and nonpedestrian devices on community college property by district board; sanctions; compliance with emissions inspection; definition

§ 15-1450 - District board members; participation in employee benefit plan

§ 15-1451 - Optional retirement plans

§ 15-1452 - Evaluation of vocational and technological education programs

§ 15-1453 - Energy and water savings accounts

§ 15-1461 - District budget; annual estimate; computation; notice; hearing; adoption

§ 15-1461.01 - Truth in taxation notice and hearing; roll call vote on tax increase; definition

§ 15-1462 - Special tax levy for maintenance or capital outlay of district; proration of monies

§ 15-1463 - State contribution for capital outlay for initial or additional campus

§ 15-1464 - State aid per capita distribution for science, technology, engineering and mathematics and workforce programs; fund; appropriation; report

§ 15-1465 - Election; issuance and sale of bonds for capital outlay; disposition of proceeds; proration of expenditures by counties

§ 15-1466 - State aid; eligibility; limits

§ 15-1466.01 - Calculation of full-time equivalent student enrollment; report

§ 15-1466.02 - Record keeping requirements for full-time equivalent student enrollment

§ 15-1467 - State aid appropriations; disbursement procedure; district fund

§ 15-1468 - Equalization aid for community college districts

§ 15-1469 - Attendance of nonresident state students; payment of cost by county of residence and state

§ 15-1469.01 - Payment of community college nonresident state student cost

§ 15-1470 - Community college courses; intergovernmental agreement

§ 15-1471 - Expenditure limitations; overrides

§ 15-1472 - Community college district workforce development accounts; reports

§ 15-1473 - Uniform system of accounting for community college districts; duties of auditor general; posting; budget; accepting audit results

§ 15-1481 - Definitions

§ 15-1482 - Powers

§ 15-1483 - Issuance of bonds

§ 15-1484 - Powers to secure bonds

§ 15-1485 - Monies of institution

§ 15-1486 - Validity of bonds

§ 15-1487 - Prohibitions against obligating the state of Arizona

§ 15-1488 - Bonds obligations issued for and on behalf of institutions

§ 15-1489 - Certification of bonds by attorney general

§ 15-1490 - Excision of unconstitutional or ineffective parts of article

§ 15-1491 - Supplemental nature of article; construction and purpose

§ 15-1601 - State universities; location; faculty powers; report

§ 15-1606 - Correspondence and extension courses

§ 15-1621 - Members; appointment; terms; oath; immunity

§ 15-1622 - Officers; organization; quorum

§ 15-1623 - Compensation of members

§ 15-1624 - Meetings of board advisory committees; student records; executive session

§ 15-1625 - General powers of board as body corporate

§ 15-1626 - General administrative powers and duties of board; definition

§ 15-1626.01 - Transfer of fees for student organizations; prohibition; support

§ 15-1627 - Control of vehicles and nonpedestrian devices on university property; sanctions; compliance with emissions inspection; definition

§ 15-1628 - Powers and procedures pertaining to optional retirement programs

§ 15-1629 - Annual report

§ 15-1630 - Abortion at educational facility prohibited; exception

§ 15-1631 - State museum; fees

§ 15-1632 - University property of expelled students; classification

§ 15-1633 - Use of university resources or employees to influence elections; prohibition; civil penalty; definitions

§ 15-1634 - Intergovernmental agreements; special assessments

§ 15-1635 - University research development purposes; product development; corporations

§ 15-1635.01 - Transfer of technology developed by universities; intellectual property policies; officer or employee interest in private entity

§ 15-1636 - Lease of real property and improvements in research park; prohibited and permitted uses

§ 15-1637 - Lease of property for health care institution; requirements; conditions; reports; directors, members and officers of nonprofit corporation; definition

§ 15-1638 - Disclosure of records and other matters; exception; definition

§ 15-1639 - University recruitment and retention program for economically disadvantaged, minority and underrepresented student populations

§ 15-1640 - Public records exemptions; confidential information; historical records; donor records

§ 15-1641 - University collegiate special plate funds; purpose

§ 15-1642 - Financial aid trust fund; aid to students with verifiable financial need; endowment

§ 15-1643 - Arizona area health education system; centers; governing boards; duties

§ 15-1644 - Statewide commission; membership; qualifications; duties; compensation; staffing

§ 15-1645 - Health professions field scholarships; purpose; amount; repayment; definition

§ 15-1646 - Board of regents and university scholarships; notification requirements

§ 15-1647 - Water rights adjudication; cooperative extension; establishment; assistance; annual report

§ 15-1648 - Technology and research initiative fund; purpose

§ 15-1649 - Fingerprinting academic and nonacademic personnel; civil immunity; definitions

§ 15-1650 - Annual financial aid report

§ 15-1650.01 - Hospitality studies scholarship fund

§ 15-1650.02 - Energy and water savings accounts

§ 15-1650.03 - Arizona board of regents; resident undergraduate students; cost study; annual cost containment report

§ 15-1650.04 - Contract lobbyist; prohibition

§ 15-1650.05 - COVID-19 vaccine; face covering; testing; mandate prohibition; exceptions

§ 15-1650.06 - Arizona veterinary loan assistance program; fund; annual report; rules; definitions

§ 15-1651 - Teacher training schools

§ 15-1652 - Management and expenses

§ 15-1653 - Authority to prescribe rules governing admission and attendance

§ 15-1654 - Qualifications for admission to teacher training program

§ 15-1655 - Arizona teachers academy; tuition and fees scholarships; fund; annual report; definitions

§ 15-1656 - Suicide prevention training programs; requirements

§ 15-1657 - Arizona teacher student loan program; requirements; fund; definitions

§ 15-1661 - Annual appropriation; enrollment audit; expenditure; balance; salaries

§ 15-1662 - Universities; funds and accounts

§ 15-1663 - Expenditure of land funds; eminent scholars matching grant fund

§ 15-1664 - Expenditure of monies

§ 15-1665 - Acceptance of federal and other monies

§ 15-1666 - Federal monies; deposit and expenditure

§ 15-1667 - Federal aid to experiment stations

§ 15-1668 - Deposits of universities monies to be secured; exception

§ 15-1669 - Payment of salaries; sick leave

§ 15-1670 - Appropriations for university research infrastructure facilities; university transfers; annual report; definitions

§ 15-1671 - University infrastructure capital financing; capital infrastructure funds; appropriations; uses; review; definitions

§ 15-1681 - Definitions

§ 15-1682 - Powers

§ 15-1682.01 - Lease-purchase agreements

§ 15-1682.02 - Indirect and third party financing; review; reporting

§ 15-1682.03 - University capital improvement lease-to-own and bond fund; lease-to-own and bond capital improvement agreements

§ 15-1683 - Issuance of bonds

§ 15-1684 - Refunding bonds

§ 15-1685 - Security of bonds

§ 15-1686 - Effect on bonds authorized but unissued

§ 15-1687 - Enforcement of contract

§ 15-1688 - Monies of the board

§ 15-1689 - Validity of bonds

§ 15-1690 - Prohibitions against obligating state of Arizona

§ 15-1691 - Bonds; obligations of board

§ 15-1692 - Certification of bonds by attorney general

§ 15-1693 - Bonds as legal investments

§ 15-1694 - Excision of unconstitutional and ineffective parts of article

§ 15-1695 - Supplemental nature of article; construction and purpose

§ 15-1696 - Commercial paper; requirements

§ 15-1701 - Arizona promise program; eligibility requirements; award; fund; definitions

§ 15-1702 - Arizona board of regents; state higher education agency; state scholarship grant agency

§ 15-1703 - Arizona leveraging educational assistance program; grants; criteria

§ 15-1704 - Postsecondary educational fund; exemption; use of monies

§ 15-1721 - Definitions

§ 15-1722 - Board of medical student loans; members; terms; officers; compensation

§ 15-1723 - Medical student loans; amount; qualifications; requirements

§ 15-1724 - Medical student loans; interest; obligations; penalties; authority of attorney general

§ 15-1725 - Medical student loan fund; exemption

§ 15-1741 - Definitions

§ 15-1742 - Authority of governor to enter compact; terms of compact

§ 15-1743 - Authorizing agreements for education of Arizona students outside compact area; limitations

§ 15-1744 - Processing and certification of students

§ 15-1745 - Contract with student certified by board

§ 15-1746 - Collections revolving fund; expenditures; employment of legal counsel; exemption from lapsing

§ 15-1747 - Reciprocity agreement for distance education; definition

§ 15-1751 - Positions at the university of Arizona

§ 15-1753 - Primary care disciplines; definition

§ 15-1754 - Rural health professions program; definition

§ 15-1755 - Clinical rotations

§ 15-1756 - Medical programs; students; required opioid-related clinical education

§ 15-1761 - Short title

§ 15-1762 - Definitions

§ 15-1770 - Required form of contract

§ 15-1771 - Notice to educational institution

§ 15-1772 - Student athlete's right to cancel contract

§ 15-1773 - Required records

§ 15-1774 - Prohibited conduct; violation; classification

§ 15-1775 - Civil remedies

§ 15-1801 - Definitions

§ 15-1802 - In-state student status

§ 15-1802.01 - County residency status; community college districts

§ 15-1803 - Alien in-state student status

§ 15-1804 - Presumptions relating to student status; definition

§ 15-1805 - Student status guidelines

§ 15-1805.01 - Admissions; enrollments; community colleges

§ 15-1806 - Testimony concerning student status; designation of persons to administer oaths

§ 15-1807 - Concurrent enrollment; nonresident tuition

§ 15-1808 - Tuition waiver scholarships; eligibility; definitions

§ 15-1809 - Spouses of military veterans tuition scholarship fund; tuition scholarships; eligibility; rules

§ 15-1809.01 - Tuition waiver scholarships; persons in foster care; requirements; definition

§ 15-1811 - Individuals with disabilities; policies; documentation; dissemination

§ 15-1821 - Special admission of students under age eighteen; enrollment information; reports

§ 15-1821.01 - Dual enrollment information

§ 15-1822 - Report; academic performance of high school graduates

§ 15-1823 - Identification numbers; social security numbers

§ 15-1824 - Transfer articulation; course numbering; reports

§ 15-1825 - Prohibited financial assistance; report

§ 15-1831 - Information on persons who have completed vocational programs; definitions

§ 15-1861 - Definitions

§ 15-1862 - Rights of students at universities and community colleges

§ 15-1863 - Student organizations; recognition; rights

§ 15-1864 - Students' right to speak in a public forum; protests and demonstrations; invited speakers; court actions

§ 15-1865 - Free speech; prohibition

§ 15-1866 - Free expression policy; rules; Arizona board of regents; community college district governing boards; requirements

§ 15-1867 - Arizona board of regents; committee on free expression; annual report

§ 15-1868 - Community college districts; committee on free expression; annual report

§ 15-1869 - Information on free expression; freshman orientation programs

§ 15-1871 - Definitions

§ 15-1872 - AZ529, Arizona's education savings plan; state board of investment; rules; powers and duties

§ 15-1873 - Treasurer; powers and duties; AZ529, Arizona's education savings plan trust fund

§ 15-1874 - Use of contractor as account depository and manager

§ 15-1875 - Plan requirements

§ 15-1876 - Higher education expenses; exemption from taxation

§ 15-1877 - Scholarships and financial aid provisions

§ 15-1878 - Limits of article

§ 15-1879 - Annual report

§ 15-1881 - Postsecondary health sciences programs; definitions

§ 15-1891 - College course materials; information; definitions

§ 15-1892 - Student athlete compensation; definitions

§ 15-1895 - Voting information; postsecondary students

§ 15-1896 - Faculty employment decisions; religious and political beliefs; definitions

§ 15-1897 - Private postsecondary institutions; appointment of peace officers; powers; qualifications; liability

§ 15-1898 - Awarding of academic and vocational credits; policies; current and former military members; annual report; definitions

§ 15-1899 - Student identification cards; suicide prevention; contact information required; definition

§ 15-1901 - Authority of governor to enter compact; terms of compact for education

§ 15-1911 - Authority to enter compact; terms of interstate compact on educational opportunity for military children

§ 15-2301 - Hazing prevention policies; definitions

§ 15-2401 - Definitions

§ 15-2401; Version 2 - Definitions

§ 15-2401.01 - Definition of qualified student for Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts; expansion

§ 15-2402 - Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts; funds

§ 15-2403 - Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts; administration; appeals; audit; rules; policy handbook

§ 15-2404 - State control over nonpublic schools; prohibition; application

§ 15-2405 - Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts parent oversight committee; membership; duties