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Article 1. General Regulations and Classifications.
Sec. 46.14.010. Emission control regulations. - (a) After public hearing, the department may adopt regulations under...
Sec. 46.14.015. Special procedure for more stringent regulations. - (a) Before the department adopts a regulation described under AS...
Sec. 46.14.020. Classification of stationary sources or emissions units; reporting. - (a) The department, by regulation, may classify stationary sources or...
Sec. 46.14.030. State air quality plan. - The department shall act for the state in any negotiations...
Article 2. Emission Control Permit Program.
Sec. 46.14.120. Permits for construction, installation, modification, or operation. - (a) Before constructing, installing, modifying, or establishing a stationary source...
Sec. 46.14.130. Stationary sources requiring permits. - (a) The owner and operator shall obtain a construction permit...
Sec. 46.14.140. Emission control permit program regulations. - (a) The department shall adopt regulations to address substantive and...
Sec. 46.14.150. Time for submission of operating permit applications. - (a) The owner and operator of a stationary source required...
Sec. 46.14.160. Completeness determination. - (a) The department shall review every application submitted under this...
Sec. 46.14.170. Administrative actions regarding permits. - (a) Except as provided in AS 46.14.220 or in regulations...
Sec. 46.14.180. Monitoring. - Monitoring by the owner and operator of stack emissions or...
Sec. 46.14.190. Single permit. - (a) Except as provided in (b) of this section, the...
Sec. 46.14.200. Review of permit action. - A person who has a private, substantive, legally protected interest...
Sec. 46.14.210. General operating permits. - After notice and opportunity for public comment and hearing, the...
Sec. 46.14.211. General minor permits. - After notice and opportunity for public comment and hearing, the...
Sec. 46.14.215. Temporary operations. - For purposes of AS 46.14.130(b), the department may issue a...
Sec. 46.14.220. Objection by federal administrator. - (a) An operating permit may not be issued under this...
Sec. 46.14.230. Duration of operating permits. - (a) An operating permit under this chapter, including an operating...
Sec. 46.14.235. Federal termination, modification, or revocation and reissuance of permits. - The department shall take measures practicable and otherwise lawful to...
Sec. 46.14.240. Permit administration fees. - (a) The owner or operator of a stationary source who...
Sec. 46.14.250. Emission fees. - (a) A person named as permittee in a permit issued...
Sec. 46.14.255. Interest and sanctions for nonpayment. - (a) The department may assess interest against the owner and...
Sec. 46.14.260. Clean air protection fund. - (a) The clean air protection fund is established. The fund...
Sec. 46.14.265. Emission control permit receipts account. - (a) The emission control permit receipts account is established in...
Sec. 46.14.270. Clean air protection account. - Civil or criminal penalties, fines, assessments, or damages, and interest,...
Sec. 46.14.275. Timely and complete application as shield. - If an owner and operator have submitted a timely and...
Sec. 46.14.280. Termination, modification, reopening, or revocation and reissuance of permits by the department. - (a) After 30 days' written notice to the permittee, the...
Sec. 46.14.285. Amendment and modification of permit upon request of permittee. - (a) A permittee may request (1) a permit amendment that...
Sec. 46.14.290. Permit as shield. - (a) To the extent allowed under 42 U.S.C. 7661c(f) (Clean...
Article 3. Small Business Assistance Program.
Sec. 46.14.300. Small business assistance program. - (a) A small business assistance program is established in the...
Sec. 46.14.310. Power to limit small business assistance program. - (a) After consultation with the federal administrator and the administrator...
Sec. 46.14.320. Compliance advisory panel. - (a) There is established in the department a compliance advisory...
Article 4. Local Programs.
Sec. 46.14.400. Local air quality control programs. - (a) With the approval of the department, a municipality may...
Sec. 46.14.410. Inadequacy of local program. - (a) If a municipality or a local air quality district...
Article 5. Miscellaneous Provisions.
Sec. 46.14.500. Air pollution from outer continental shelf activities. - (a) The department shall seek delegation of authority from the...
Sec. 46.14.510. Motor vehicle pollution. - (a) When the department determines that the state of knowledge...
Sec. 46.14.515. Inspection. - (a) An officer or employee of the department designated by...
Sec. 46.14.520. Confidentiality of trade secrets. - Records, reports, and information, and parts of records, reports, and...
Sec. 46.14.525. Public records. - Except as provided in AS 46.14.520, permits, permit applications, emissions...
Sec. 46.14.530. State and federal aid. - (a) A municipality or local air quality district with a...
Sec. 46.14.540. Authority of department in cases of emergency. - (a) When the commissioner finds that an act of God,...
Sec. 46.14.550. Responsibilities of owner and operator; agent for service. - Notwithstanding use of the conjunctive or disjunctive in a provision...
Sec. 46.14.560. Unavoidable malfunctions and emergencies. - Excess emissions caused by an unavoidable emergency, a malfunction, or...
Article 6. General Provisions.
Sec. 46.14.900. Limitations. - This chapter does not (1) grant jurisdiction or authority with...
Sec. 46.14.990. Definitions. - In this chapter, (1) “air pollutant” has the meaning given...