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Article 1. Public Works Planning and Construction.
Sec. 35.10.010. Standard plans and specifications and limitation on cost. - The department shall prepare and adopt plans and specifications and...
Sec. 35.10.015. Accessibility of public buildings and facilities. - (a) The department shall prepare, adopt, and enforce regulations governing...
Sec. 35.10.025. Compliance with local building codes. - A public building shall be built in accordance with applicable...
Sec. 35.10.030. Inspecting and supervising public works construction. - The department shall supervise and inspect the construction of public...
Sec. 35.10.040. Failure of contractor to perform work. - If a contractor or person in charge of the construction...
Sec. 35.10.050. Duty of department to examine and report on existing public buildings. - The department shall, from time to time, examine all existing...
Sec. 35.10.060. Inspection and testing of materials. - The department may inspect and test materials, supplies, equipment, and...
Sec. 35.10.070. Research on public works. - The department may gather, investigate, and compile information concerning the...
Sec. 35.10.080. Statement of work authorized, completion schedule, and recommendations. - Not later than February 1 of each year, the department...
Article 2. Boat Harbor, Dike, Jetty, and Breakwater Facilities.
Sec. 35.10.090. Application for federal funds. - The department shall apply in the name of the state,...
Sec. 35.10.100. Determining need and priority of projects. - The department shall prepare the preliminary determination of need for...
Sec. 35.10.110. Contracting with communities for local participation. - The department may contract with a community for the participation...
Sec. 35.10.120. Lease or sale of marine or harbor facilities. - The department may lease for a period up to 50...
Article 3. Financial Provisions.
Sec. 35.10.130. Construction within appropriations and limits imposed by the legislature. - Each public work shall be constructed in a completed manner...
Sec. 35.10.135. Public facility planning fund. - There is established within the Office of the Governor, office...
Article 4. Public Facility Procurement Policy.
Sec. 35.10.160. Findings and purpose. - The legislature finds that since the needs of the state...
Sec. 35.10.170. Duties of department. - In addition to other duties prescribed by statute, the department...
Sec. 35.10.180. Physical facility procurement and planning policies. - (a) The department shall develop and keep current by periodic...
Sec. 35.10.190. Coordination by department. - (a) The department shall coordinate the procurement of physical facilities...
Sec. 35.10.195. Conformance with AS 36.30. - The contractual techniques for the procurement of labor, materials, and...
Sec. 35.10.200. Definitions. - In AS 35.10.160 - 35.10.200, (1) “life cycle costs” means...
Article 5. Utilities and Encroachments in Public Facilities.
Sec. 35.10.210. Use of public facilities for utilities. - A utility facility may be constructed, placed, or maintained across,...
Sec. 35.10.220. Relocation of utility facilities incident to public facility projects. - (a) If, incident to the construction of a public facility...
Sec. 35.10.230. Encroachment permits. - An encroachment may be constructed, placed, changed, or maintained across...
Sec. 35.10.240. Relocation or removal of encroachment. - If, incidental to the construction or maintenance of a state...
Sec. 35.10.250. Unauthorized encroachments. - If an unauthorized encroachment exists in, on, under, or over...
Sec. 35.10.260. Notice of removal of unauthorized encroachment. - Notice shall be given the owner, occupant, or person in...
Sec. 35.10.270. Removal after noncompliance; removal expense. - After a failure of the owner of an unauthorized encroachment...