In AS 35.10.160 - 35.10.200,
(1) “life cycle costs” means analytic techniques that provide data to describe the first cost of procurement of public facilities through lease or construction, and the maintenance cost, operation cost, and occupancy cost of the facilities;
(2) “policies” includes but is not limited to budget accounting and cost planning techniques, facility design techniques, and contractual techniques for the procurement of labor, materials, and contractual services.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 35. Public Buildings, Works, and Improvements
Article 4. Public Facility Procurement Policy.
Sec. 35.10.160. Findings and purpose.
Sec. 35.10.170. Duties of department.
Sec. 35.10.180. Physical facility procurement and planning policies.
Sec. 35.10.190. Coordination by department.