The department shall supervise and inspect the construction of public works and shall see that the work performed in constructing, repairing, altering, or improving public works is in accordance with the drawings and specifications for them, that the interests of the state are fully protected, and that no person, firm, or corporation employed on any work performs the work in any other or different manner than is provided by the contract and the plans and specifications.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 35. Public Buildings, Works, and Improvements
Article 1. Public Works Planning and Construction.
Sec. 35.10.010. Standard plans and specifications and limitation on cost.
Sec. 35.10.015. Accessibility of public buildings and facilities.
Sec. 35.10.025. Compliance with local building codes.
Sec. 35.10.030. Inspecting and supervising public works construction.
Sec. 35.10.040. Failure of contractor to perform work.
Sec. 35.10.050. Duty of department to examine and report on existing public buildings.
Sec. 35.10.060. Inspection and testing of materials.
Sec. 35.10.070. Research on public works.
Sec. 35.10.080. Statement of work authorized, completion schedule, and recommendations.