Alaska Statutes
Chapter 55. Alaska Pioneers' Home and Alaska Veterans' Home
Sec. 47.55.900. Definitions.

In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires,
(1) “department” means the Department of Family and Community Services;
(2) “home” means
(A) the Alaska Pioneers' Home; or
(B) the Alaska Veterans' Home;
(3) “physical disability or other reason” means inability of an individual to maintain a household without regular assistance in shopping, housekeeping, meal preparation, dressing, or personal hygiene because of physical or medical impairment, infirmity, or disability;
(4) “resident of the state” has the meaning given “resident” in AS 47.25.430(a);
(5) “veteran” means a person who has been discharged from the armed forces of the United States, including the Alaska National Guard or the Alaska Territorial Guard; the discharge from the armed forces must be other than dishonorable.