Alaska Statutes
Chapter 55. Alaska Pioneers' Home and Alaska Veterans' Home
Sec. 47.55.010. Maintenance and operation of Alaska Pioneers' Home and Alaska Veterans' Home.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the state shall maintain and operate facilities known as the Alaska Pioneers' Home at Sitka, Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, Ketchikan, Palmer, and other sites designated by the commissioner of family and community services. The state may maintain and operate one or more facilities known as the Alaska Veterans' Home at sites designated by the commissioner of family and community services. The only Pioneers' Home that may be maintained and operated as a Veterans' Home is the Pioneer's Home located in Palmer, Alaska. The Alaska Pioneers' Home and the Alaska Veterans' Home shall be collectively administered by the Department of Family and Community Services as the Alaska Pioneers' Home and Alaska Veterans' Home.
(b) The department shall formulate general policies for the homes designated under (a) of this section. It may hold hearings and subpoena witnesses and documents and may administer oaths in connection with the homes.
(c) The department shall
(1) cooperate with the federal government in matters pertaining to the welfare of Alaska pioneers and of veterans who reside in the homes operated under this chapter, make the reports in the form and containing the information the federal government from time to time desires, and accept money and prescription drug benefits allotted by the federal government, its agencies, or its instrumentalities in establishing, extending, and strengthening services for pioneers and veterans who reside in a home operated under this chapter;
(2) adopt regulations necessary to conduct business and to carry out the provisions of this chapter, require bonds and undertakings from persons employed by a home as in its judgment are necessary, and pay the premiums on them, and establish regional and local offices and the advisory groups that are necessary or considered expedient to carry out or assist in carrying out a duty or authority assigned to it;
(3) perform all executive or administrative duties necessary and advisable to carry out the purpose of this chapter, including the power to make contracts and to make disbursements on vouchers against appropriations for the purpose of this chapter, within the limit of appropriations available;
(4) study the needs of pioneers and veterans of this state who reside in the homes operated under this chapter and submit recommendations for new regulations and proposed legislation.
(d) The department may employ the necessary subordinate officers and employees, and shall prescribe methods for operation of the homes, standards of care and service to home residents, and rules governing personnel. The methods for operation and standards of care and services to residents prescribed under this subsection shall be the same as the methods for operation and standards of care established by the department for an assisted living home licensed under AS 47.32.
(e) The department may engage in activities directed to increase revenue from a home. These activities may include the use of excess bed or floor space, up to 50 percent of the total floor space in a home, or lease of space or buildings that are not in use or are underutilized.
(f) The department shall conduct, at least annually, an unannounced inspection of each site of the Alaska Pioneers' Home and the Alaska Veterans' Home to determine compliance of the facilities with all applicable laws and regulations.