(a) At the hearing for a 30-day commitment required under AS 47.37.190(b), the court shall hear all relevant testimony, including, if possible, the testimony of at least one person who has examined the person whose commitment is sought under AS 47.37.180(b) or 47.37.190(a). The person whose commitment is sought shall be present unless the court believes that being present is likely to be injurious to the person, in which case the court may conduct the hearing telephonically. The court may examine the person in open court, or, if advisable, examine the person out of court. If the person has refused to be examined under AS 47.37.180(b) or 47.37.190(a), the person shall be given an opportunity to request examination by a court-appointed licensed physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse. If the person fails to request a medical examination and there is sufficient evidence to believe that the allegations of the petition are true, or, if the court believes that more medical evidence is necessary, the court may issue a temporary order committing the person to a private or public facility for a period of not more than five days for purposes of a diagnostic examination.
(b) If after hearing all relevant evidence, including the results of any diagnostic examination by the private or public facility, the court finds that grounds for involuntary commitment have been clearly established, the court shall issue an order of 30-day commitment to the private or public facility.
(c) A person committed for a 30-day period shall remain in the custody of a private or public facility for treatment for a period of not more than 30 days. At the end of the 30-day period, the person shall be automatically discharged unless the director of the approved public facility or approved private facility, before the expiration of the period, files a petition for recommitment under AS 47.37.205.
(d) A private or public facility must be capable of providing adequate and appropriate treatment for a person in its custody. A public facility may transfer a person in its custody from one approved public treatment facility to another if the transfer is medically advisable.
(e) A person committed to the custody of an approved public facility or an approved private facility shall be discharged at any time before the end of the period for which the person has been committed if either of the following conditions is met:
(1) further treatment is not likely to bring about significant improvement in the person's condition; or
(2) treatment is no longer adequate or appropriate.
(f) The court shall inform the person whose commitment or recommitment is sought of the right to contest the petition, to be represented by counsel at every stage of the proceedings relating to commitment and recommitment, to have counsel appointed by the court or provided by the court, if the person is unable to obtain counsel, and of the right to a jury trial if recommitment is sought under AS 47.37.205. The person whose commitment or recommitment is sought shall be informed of the right to be examined by a licensed physician of the person's choice. If the person is unable to obtain a licensed physician and requests examination by a physician, the court shall appoint a licensed physician for the examination.
(g) If a private treatment facility agrees with the request of a competent patient or the patient's parent, adult sibling, adult child, or guardian to accept the patient for treatment, the administrator of the public treatment facility shall transfer the patient to the private treatment facility.
(h) A person committed under this chapter may at any time seek discharge from commitment by writ of habeas corpus under AS 12.75.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 47. Welfare, Social Services, and Institutions
Chapter 37. Uniform Alcoholism and Intoxication Treatment Act
Sec. 47.37.010. Declaration of policy.
Sec. 47.37.030. Powers of department.
Sec. 47.37.040. Duties of department.
Sec. 47.37.045. Community action against substance abuse grants.
Sec. 47.37.050. Interdepartmental coordinating committee.
Sec. 47.37.120. Program development and implementation.
Sec. 47.37.125. Payment for services.
Sec. 47.37.130. Comprehensive program for treatment; regional facilities.
Sec. 47.37.140. Treatment facilities.
Sec. 47.37.150. Admission for treatment.
Sec. 47.37.160. Voluntary treatment of alcoholics.
Sec. 47.37.180. Emergency commitment.
Sec. 47.37.190. Involuntary commitment.
Sec. 47.37.200. Hearing, commitment, facility, discharge, transfer, and rights.
Sec. 47.37.205. Procedure for recommitment following 30-day commitment.
Sec. 47.37.207. Unauthorized absences: return to facility.
Sec. 47.37.210. Records of alcoholics, drug abusers, and intoxicated persons.
Sec. 47.37.220. Visitation and communication with patients.
Sec. 47.37.230. Establishment of emergency service patrol.
Sec. 47.37.235. Limitations on liability; bad faith application a felony.
Sec. 47.37.240. Payment for treatment.
Sec. 47.37.245. Wages of patients.
Sec. 47.37.250. Effect of chapter on other laws.
Sec. 47.37.260. Application of Administrative Procedure Act.