Alaska Statutes
Chapter 37. Uniform Alcoholism and Intoxication Treatment Act
Sec. 47.37.050. Interdepartmental coordinating committee.

(a) An interdepartmental coordinating committee is created, composed of the commissioners of health, education and early development, transportation and public facilities, labor and workforce development, and public safety, and the director of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board. The committee shall meet at least twice annually at the call of the commissioner of health who is its chairman. The committee shall provide for the coordination and exchange of information on all programs relating to alcoholism or drug abuse and act as a permanent liaison among state departments engaged in activities affecting alcoholics, intoxicated persons, and drug abusers. The committee shall assist the commissioner of health in formulating a comprehensive plan for prevention of alcoholism and drug abuse and for treatment of alcoholics, intoxicated persons, and drug abusers.
(b) In exercising its coordinating functions, the committee shall assure that the appropriate state agencies
(1) provide all necessary medical, social, treatment, and educational services for alcoholics, intoxicated persons, and drug abusers and for the prevention of alcoholism and drug abuse, without unnecessary duplication of services;
(2) cooperate in the use of facilities and in the treatment of alcoholics, intoxicated persons, and drug abusers;
(3) adopt approaches for the prevention of alcoholism and drug abuse and the treatment of alcoholics, intoxicated persons, and drug abusers consistent with the policy of AS 47.37.010 - 47.37.270.

Structure Alaska Statutes

Alaska Statutes

Title 47. Welfare, Social Services, and Institutions

Chapter 37. Uniform Alcoholism and Intoxication Treatment Act

Sec. 47.37.010. Declaration of policy.

Sec. 47.37.030. Powers of department.

Sec. 47.37.040. Duties of department.

Sec. 47.37.045. Community action against substance abuse grants.

Sec. 47.37.050. Interdepartmental coordinating committee.

Sec. 47.37.120. Program development and implementation.

Sec. 47.37.125. Payment for services.

Sec. 47.37.130. Comprehensive program for treatment; regional facilities.

Sec. 47.37.140. Treatment facilities.

Sec. 47.37.145. Telehealth.

Sec. 47.37.150. Admission for treatment.

Sec. 47.37.160. Voluntary treatment of alcoholics.

Sec. 47.37.170. Treatment and services for intoxicated persons and persons incapacitated by alcohol or drugs.

Sec. 47.37.180. Emergency commitment.

Sec. 47.37.190. Involuntary commitment.

Sec. 47.37.200. Hearing, commitment, facility, discharge, transfer, and rights.

Sec. 47.37.205. Procedure for recommitment following 30-day commitment.

Sec. 47.37.207. Unauthorized absences: return to facility.

Sec. 47.37.210. Records of alcoholics, drug abusers, and intoxicated persons.

Sec. 47.37.220. Visitation and communication with patients.

Sec. 47.37.230. Establishment of emergency service patrol.

Sec. 47.37.235. Limitations on liability; bad faith application a felony.

Sec. 47.37.240. Payment for treatment.

Sec. 47.37.245. Wages of patients.

Sec. 47.37.250. Effect of chapter on other laws.

Sec. 47.37.260. Application of Administrative Procedure Act.

Sec. 47.37.270. Definitions.