The following families may apply under the Alaska temporary assistance program:
(1) a single parent who has the physical custody of one or more related dependent children;
(2) a caretaker of one or more dependent children who is a relative to at least the fifth degree;
(3) a woman in the last trimester of pregnancy;
(4) a two-parent family with physical custody of one or more related dependent children.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 47. Welfare, Social Services, and Institutions
Chapter 27. Alaska Temporary Assistance Program
Article 2. Alaska Temporary Assistance Program.
Sec. 47.27.010. Eligible families.
Sec. 47.27.015. Disqualifying conditions.
Sec. 47.27.020. Application requirements.
Sec. 47.27.025. Cash assistance.
Sec. 47.27.026. Diversion payments.
Sec. 47.27.027. Assistance to minors.
Sec. 47.27.030. Family self-sufficiency services.
Sec. 47.27.035. Participation in work activities.
Sec. 47.27.040. Assignment of support rights; cooperation with child support services agency.
Sec. 47.27.045. Alienation and attachment.
Sec. 47.27.050. Grants and contracts for services.
Sec. 47.27.055. Agency collaboration.
Sec. 47.27.060. Job development.
Sec. 47.27.065. Federal-state cooperation.
Sec. 47.27.070. Alaska native organizations' family assistance programs.
Sec. 47.27.075. Emergency account established.