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Sec. 47.27.010. Eligible families. - The following families may apply under the Alaska temporary assistance...
Sec. 47.27.015. Disqualifying conditions. - (a) A family is not eligible for cash assistance under...
Sec. 47.27.020. Application requirements. - (a) An applicant under the Alaska temporary assistance program shall...
Sec. 47.27.025. Cash assistance. - (a) The department shall provide cash assistance to families that...
Sec. 47.27.026. Diversion payments. - (a) The department may offer a lump-sum diversion payment in...
Sec. 47.27.027. Assistance to minors. - (a) If an applicant under AS 47.27.020 is not married,...
Sec. 47.27.030. Family self-sufficiency services. - (a) A participant in the Alaska temporary assistance program shall...
Sec. 47.27.035. Participation in work activities. - (a) An Alaska temporary assistance program participant shall, after the...
Sec. 47.27.040. Assignment of support rights; cooperation with child support services agency. - (a) An Alaska temporary assistance program applicant is considered to...
Sec. 47.27.045. Alienation and attachment. - Cash assistance granted under this chapter is inalienable by assignment...
Sec. 47.27.050. Grants and contracts for services. - (a) The department may contract with or award grants to...
Sec. 47.27.055. Agency collaboration. - (a) The department shall coordinate with other state agencies that...
Sec. 47.27.060. Job development. - The department may establish cooperative agreements with the Department of...
Sec. 47.27.065. Federal-state cooperation. - In the administration of this chapter, the department shall cooperate...
Sec. 47.27.070. Alaska native organizations' family assistance programs. - (a) The department may coordinate only with the following Alaska...
Sec. 47.27.075. Emergency account established. - There is established within the general fund the Alaska temporary...
Sec. 47.27.080. Appeals; dispute resolution. - (a) An applicant or participant who receives a determination from...
Sec. 47.27.085. Sanctions; recovery of costs. - (a) Except as provided in (b) of this section, the...