Alaska Statutes
Article 1. Services for Developmentally Delayed or Disabled Children.
Sec. 47.20.290. Definitions.

In AS 47.20.060 - 47.20.290,
(1) “additional early intervention services” means
(A) family training and counseling;
(B) speech pathology and audiology;
(C) occupational therapy;
(D) physical therapy;
(E) psychological services;
(F) medical services only for diagnostic or evaluation purposes; and
(G) health services for the child that are necessary to enable the child to benefit from the other early intervention services;
(2) “core early intervention services” means
(A) case management services;
(B) special instruction; and
(C) early identification, screening, and assessment;
(3) “department” means the Department of Health;
(4) “developmentally delayed” means functioning at least 15 percent below a chronological or corrected age or 1.5 standard deviations below age appropriate norms in one or more of the following areas: cognitive development, gross motor development, sensory development, speech or language development, or psychosocial development, including self-help skills and behavior, as measured and verified by appropriate diagnostic instruments and procedures or through systematic observation of functional abilities in a daily routine by two professionals and a parent, developmental history, and appropriate assessment procedures;
(5) “disability” means having an identifiable physical, mental, sensory, or psychosocial condition that has a probability of resulting in developmental delay even though a developmental delay may not be exhibited at the time the condition is identified, including
(A) chromosomal abnormalities associated with delays in development, such as Down's syndrome, Turner's syndrome, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, or fragile X syndrome;
(B) other syndromes and conditions associated with delays in development, such as fetal alcohol syndrome, cocaine and other drug-related syndromes, metabolic disorders, cleft lip, or cleft palate;
(C) neurological disorders associated with delays in development, such as cerebral palsy, microcephaly, hydrocephaly, spina bifida, or periventricular leukomalacia;
(D) sensory impairment, such as hearing loss or deafness, visual loss or blindness, or a combination of hearing and visual loss, that interferes with the child's ability to respond effectively to environmental stimulus;
(E) congenital infections, such as rubella, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, or acquired immune deficiency syndrome;
(F) chronic illness or conditions that may limit learning or development, such as cystic fibrosis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, tracheostomies, amputations, arthritis, or muscular dystrophy;
(G) psychosocial disorders, such as reactive attachment disorder, infant autism, or childhood schizophrenia; or
(H) atypical growth patterns consistent with a prognosis of developmental delay based upon parental and professional judgment, such as failure to thrive;
(6) “early intervention services” or “services” means services that are designed to help meet the developmental needs of a child under the age of three who is developmentally delayed or disabled or at risk of developmental delay or disability or the needs of the child's family so that the family can support the child's development.