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Sec. 47.20.060. Purpose. - It is the purpose of AS 47.20.060 - 47.20.290 to...
Sec. 47.20.070. Establishment of early intervention services system program. - (a) The department, with the assistance of the Governor's Council...
Sec. 47.20.075. Grant authority. - The department may award grants for covered services to children...
Sec. 47.20.080. Program eligibility. - (a) A child and the child's family are eligible for...
Sec. 47.20.090. Finding and evaluating eligible participants. - (a) The department shall establish a comprehensive system for finding...
Sec. 47.20.100. Individualized family service plan. - The individualized family service plan developed under AS 47.20.090(b)(2) shall...
Sec. 47.20.110. Other duties of the department. - (a) The department shall adopt regulations necessary to implement AS...
Sec. 47.20.290. Definitions. - In AS 47.20.060 - 47.20.290, (1) “additional early intervention services”...