Alaska Statutes
Article 2. Oversight of Medical Care Programs.
Sec. 47.05.235. Duty to identify and repay self-identified overpayments.

(a) Unless a provider is being audited under AS 47.05.200(a), an enrolled medical assistance provider shall conduct a biennial review or audit of a statistically valid sample of claims submitted to the department for reimbursement. If overpayments are identified, the medical assistance provider shall report the overpayment to the department not later than 10 business days after identification of the overpayment. The report must also identify how the medical assistance provider intends to repay the department. After the department receives the report, the medical assistance provider and the department shall enter into an agreement establishing a schedule for repayment of the identified overpayment. The agreement may authorize repayment in a lump sum, in a payment plan, or by offsetting future billings, as approved by the department.
(b) The department may not assess interest or penalties on an overpayment identified and repaid by a medical assistance provider under this section.