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Sec. 47.05.200. Annual audits. - (a) The department shall annually contract for independent audits of...
Sec. 47.05.210. Medical assistance fraud. - (a) A person commits the crime of medical assistance fraud...
Sec. 47.05.220. Notice of charges. - Upon the filing of a complaint, information, presentment, or indictment...
Sec. 47.05.230. Determination of value; aggregation of amounts. - In AS 47.05.210, whenever it is necessary to determine the...
Sec. 47.05.235. Duty to identify and repay self-identified overpayments. - (a) Unless a provider is being audited under AS 47.05.200(a),...
Sec. 47.05.240. Exclusion from medical assistance programs. - (a) The commissioner may exclude an applicant to or disenroll...
Sec. 47.05.250. Civil penalties. - (a) The department may assess a civil penalty against a...
Sec. 47.05.270. Medical assistance reform program. - (a) The department shall adopt regulations to design and implement...
Sec. 47.05.290. Definitions. - In AS 47.05.200 - 47.05.290, (1) “benefit” has the meaning...