AS 46.03.460 - 46.03.490 do not apply to a commercial passenger vessel that operates in the marine waters of the state solely in innocent passage. For purposes of this section, a vessel is engaged in innocent passage if its operation in marine waters of the state, regardless of whether the vessel is a United States or foreign-flag vessel, would constitute innocent passage under the
(1) Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone, April 29, 1958, 15 U.S.T. 1606; or
(2) United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982, December 10, 1982, United Nations Publication No. E.83.V.5, 21 I.L.M. 1261 (1982), were the vessel a foreign-flag vessel.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 46. Water, Air, Energy, and Environmental Conservation
Chapter 03. Environmental Conservation
Article 7. Commercial Passenger Vessel Environmental Compliance Program.
Sec. 46.03.460. Program established.
Sec. 46.03.461. Registration requirements.
Sec. 46.03.462. Terms and conditions of discharge permits.
Sec. 46.03.463. Prohibited discharges; limitations on discharges.
Sec. 46.03.465. Information-gathering requirements; exemption.
Sec. 46.03.470. Record keeping requirements.
Sec. 46.03.475. Reporting requirements.
Sec. 46.03.476. Ocean rangers.
Sec. 46.03.481. Citizens' suits.
Sec. 46.03.482. Commercial passenger vessel environmental compliance fund.
Sec. 46.03.485. Recognition program.
Sec. 46.03.487. Exemption for vessels in innocent passage.