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Sec. 46.03.460. Program established. - (a) There is established the commercial passenger vessel environmental compliance...
Sec. 46.03.461. Registration requirements. - (a) Except as provided in AS 46.03.487, each calendar year...
Sec. 46.03.462. Terms and conditions of discharge permits. - (a) An owner or operator may not discharge any treated...
Sec. 46.03.463. Prohibited discharges; limitations on discharges. - (a) Except as provided in (h) of this section, a...
Sec. 46.03.465. Information-gathering requirements; exemption. - (a) The owner or operator of a commercial passenger vessel...
Sec. 46.03.470. Record keeping requirements. - An owner or operator subject to AS 46.03.465 shall record...
Sec. 46.03.475. Reporting requirements. - (a) An owner or operator of a commercial passenger vessel...
Sec. 46.03.476. Ocean rangers. - (a) An owner or operator of a large commercial passenger...
Sec. 46.03.480. Fees. - (a) There is imposed an environmental compliance fee on each...
Sec. 46.03.481. Citizens' suits. - (a) Any citizen of the state may commence a civil...
Sec. 46.03.482. Commercial passenger vessel environmental compliance fund. - (a) The commercial passenger vessel environmental compliance fund is created...
Sec. 46.03.485. Recognition program. - The department may engage in efforts to encourage and recognize...
Sec. 46.03.487. Exemption for vessels in innocent passage. - AS 46.03.460 - 46.03.490 do not apply to a commercial...
Sec. 46.03.488. Activities of the department. - The department may engage in the following activities relating to...
Sec. 46.03.490. Definitions. - In AS 46.03.460 - 46.03.490, (1) “agent for service of...