Alaska Statutes
Article 3. Water Pollution Control and Waste Disposal.
Sec. 46.03.110. Waste disposal permit procedure.

(a) An application for a permit under AS 46.03.100(b)(1) or (2) or an authorization under AS 46.03.100(d) shall be made on forms prescribed by the department. Forms must contain the name and address of the applicant, a description of the applicant's operations, the quantity and type of waste material sought to be disposed of, the proposed method of disposal, and any other information considered necessary by the department. The applicant may request that a general permit be issued, or the department may, on its own initiative, propose that an applicant be authorized under a general permit.
(b) After receipt of a proper application for an individual or general permit or a determination by the department that a general permit should be proposed, the department shall publish notice of the application or proposal, or of the availability of a draft permit for comment, as applicable, in at least two publications of a newspaper of general circulation within the general area in which the disposal of waste material is proposed to be made. The notice shall also be posted on the Alaska Online Public Notice System maintained under AS 44.62.175 and may also be published in other appropriate information media. The notice must include a statement that a person who wants to present views to the department with regard to the application or proposal may do so in writing to the department within 30 days after the first publication of the notice. The written response entitles the writer to a copy of the application or draft permit, and, in the case of an application or proposal to issue a general permit, the application or proposal shall also be posted by the department on the Internet at the same time that notice is published under this subsection.
(c) When the department receives an application or makes a proposal that a general permit be issued, the commissioner shall immediately send copies of the application or proposal to the commissioner of fish and game, the commissioner of natural resources, the commissioner of commerce, community, and economic development, and the commissioner of health.
(d) The department may specify in a permit or other authorization the terms and conditions under which waste material or water may be disposed of. The terms and conditions shall be directed to avoiding pollution and to otherwise carry out the policies of this chapter. The commissioner may provide, as a term of a general permit, that a person intending to dispose of waste material or water under the general permit shall first obtain specific authorization from the department. A general permit shall be posted on the Internet by the department; the posting must include the names of persons authorized to make disposals under the permit and the locations at which disposals may be made if those locations are specifically authorized under this subsection. A permit may not be issued for a term in excess of five years from the date of issuance. The department may prescribe in regulations the circumstances under which an expiring permit may be administratively continued.
(e) If the department has certified a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit under 33 U.S.C. 1341 (sec. 401, Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972), and the United States Environmental Protection Agency has issued that permit to a person, the department may waive the requirements of this section, and adopt the federal permit as the permit required under AS 46.03.100.
(f) The standards for determining waste material in AS 46.03.100(m) apply to this section.