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Sec. 46.03.050. Authority. - The department has jurisdiction to prevent and abate the pollution...
Sec. 46.03.060. Water pollution control plan. - The department shall develop comprehensive plans for water pollution control...
Sec. 46.03.070. Pollution standards. - After public hearing, the department may adopt standards and make...
Sec. 46.03.080. Quality and purity standards. - After study and public hearings held upon due notice, the...
Sec. 46.03.100. Waste management, disposal, and discharge authorization. - (a) A person may not construct, modify, or operate a...
Sec. 46.03.110. Waste disposal permit procedure. - (a) An application for a permit under AS 46.03.100(b)(1) or...
Sec. 46.03.120. Termination or modification of waste management and disposal authorization. - (a) The department may terminate a permit or other authorization...