Subject to available appropriations, the chair may, with the concurrence of a majority of the trustees,
(1) employ necessary personnel; the personnel employed by the council are exempt from AS 39.25 (State Personnel Act); and
(2) contract for the services of experts and other persons who may be needed.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 27. Department of Education and Early Development
Article 2. Alaska State Council on the Arts.
Sec. 44.27.040. Alaska State Council on the Arts.
Sec. 44.27.041. Board of trustees.
Sec. 44.27.043. Terms of office.
Sec. 44.27.045. Chair and vice-chair.
Sec. 44.27.050. Duties of council.
Sec. 44.27.052. Powers of council.
Sec. 44.27.053. Legal counsel.
Sec. 44.27.054. Powers of chair.
Sec. 44.27.055. Administration of affairs.
Sec. 44.27.058. National endowment funds.
Sec. 44.27.059. Alaska arts and cultural investment fund.
Sec. 44.27.060. Art in public places fund.
Sec. 44.27.080. Competition for the design of the special request plate celebrating the arts.