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Article 1. State Board of Education and Early Development and Department of Education and Early Development.
Sec. 44.27.010. Board and commissioner of education and early development. - There is at the head of the Department of Education...
Sec. 44.27.020. Duties of department. - The Department of Education and Early Development shall (1) administer...
Article 2. Alaska State Council on the Arts.
Sec. 44.27.040. Alaska State Council on the Arts. - The Alaska State Council on the Arts is created as...
Sec. 44.27.041. Board of trustees. - The Alaska State Council on the Arts shall be governed...
Sec. 44.27.042. Appointment. - The trustees are to be appointed by the governor from...
Sec. 44.27.043. Terms of office. - The term of office of each trustee is three years....
Sec. 44.27.044. Compensation. - The trustees are not entitled to receive compensation for their...
Sec. 44.27.045. Chair and vice-chair. - The governor shall designate a chair and a vice-chair from...
Sec. 44.27.050. Duties of council. - The council shall (1) stimulate and encourage throughout the state...
Sec. 44.27.052. Powers of council. - (a) The council may (1) hold public and private hearings;...
Sec. 44.27.053. Legal counsel. - (a) The attorney general is the legal counsel for the...
Sec. 44.27.054. Powers of chair. - Subject to available appropriations, the chair may, with the concurrence...
Sec. 44.27.055. Administration of affairs. - (a) The board of trustees shall manage the assets and...
Sec. 44.27.056. Reports. - The council shall report to the governor from time to...
Sec. 44.27.058. National endowment funds. - The council is the official agency of this state to...
Sec. 44.27.059. Alaska arts and cultural investment fund. - (a) The Alaska arts and cultural investment fund is created...
Sec. 44.27.060. Art in public places fund. - (a) The art in public places fund is established. The...
Sec. 44.27.080. Competition for the design of the special request plate celebrating the arts. - (a) The council may hold a competition every four years...
Sec. 44.27.090. Definitions. - In this chapter, (1) “board of trustees” means the board...