Alaska Statutes
Article 3. Deductions; Claims; Assignments.
Sec. 43.23.180. Claims for amounts owed under the Alaska Employment Security Act.

(a) AS 09.38 does not apply to permanent fund dividends taken by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development for a claim for payment of money owed under AS 23.20 (Alaska Employment Security Act). Notwithstanding AS 09.35, execution on a dividend claimed under this section is accomplished by delivering a certified claim to the Department of Revenue containing the following information:
(1) the name and social security number of the individual whose dividend is being claimed; if the Department of Labor and Workforce Development does not have access to the individual's social security number for this purpose, the department may supply other identification information authorized under regulations to make a claim under AS 43.23.140;
(2) the amount the individual owes on the claim under AS 23.20;
(3) a statement that
(A) the Department of Labor and Workforce Development has notified the individual that future permanent fund dividends of the individual will be taken to satisfy the claim under AS 23.20;
(B) the individual was notified of the right to request a hearing under AS 23.20 and the Department of Labor and Workforce Development has allowed the individual at least 30 days after the date of the notice described in (A) of this paragraph to request a hearing on the claim;
(C) the claim under AS 23.20 has not been contested, or, if contested, the issue has been resolved in favor of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development; and
(D) if the claim under AS 23.20 has been contested and resolved in favor of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development, an appeal is not pending, the time limit for filing an appeal has expired, or the appeal has been resolved in favor of the department.
(b) The Department of Labor and Workforce Development shall notify the individual if a dividend is claimed under (a) of this section. The notice shall be sent to the mailing address provided in the individual's permanent fund dividend application and must provide the following information:
(1) the amount of the claim under AS 23.20;
(2) notice that the permanent fund dividend, or that portion of the permanent fund dividend that does not exceed the amount of the claim under AS 23.20, shall be paid to the Department of Labor and Workforce Development in accordance with priorities established in state law;
(3) notice that the individual has a right to request a hearing and has a specific time after the date that the notice is mailed in which to file with the Department of Labor and Workforce Development an objection to paying the claim from the individual's permanent fund dividend.
(c) Except as provided in (d) of this section, AS 44.62.330 - 44.62.630 apply to a hearing requested by an individual under (b) of this section. The hearing
(1) is limited to issues of identity of the individual and whether an amount is still owing in the claim under AS 23.20; and
(2) may be conducted telephonically or in writing.
(d) If the Department of Labor and Workforce Development has a notification or hearing procedure established in statute or regulation, the department may instead use that notification and hearing procedure so long as
(1) the procedure provides at least the minimum time for notice specified in (a)(3)(B) of this section for the individual to request a hearing;
(2) the notice includes the statements required by (b) of this section; and
(3) the hearing is limited to the issues specified in (c)(1) of this section.
(e) The Department of Labor and Workforce Development may adopt regulations to implement this section under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act).
(f) In a claim for payment under this section, the Department of Labor and Workforce Development may include only fines, penalties, overpayments, attorney fees, costs, and other amounts that
(1) are owed the department under other provisions of state law under which the claim under AS 23.20 is being made; and
(2) have been established by court judgment or administrative order.