Alaska Statutes
Article 3. Deductions; Claims; Assignments.
Sec. 43.23.170. Claims on defaulted public assistance overpayment.

(a) AS 09.38 does not apply to permanent fund dividends taken under AS 47.05.080(b). Notwithstanding AS 09.35, execution on a dividend claimed under AS 47.05.080(b) is accomplished by delivering a certified claim to the department containing the following information:
(1) the name and social security number of the individual whose dividend is being claimed;
(2) the amount the individual owes on the overpayment claim; and
(3) a statement that
(A) the Department of Health has notified the individual that future permanent fund dividends of the individual will be taken to satisfy the overpayment claim;
(B) the individual was notified of the right to request a hearing and allowed 30 days from the date of the notice under (A) of this paragraph to request the Department of Health to hold a hearing on the overpayment claim;
(C) the overpayment claim has not been contested, or, if contested, that the issue has been resolved in favor of the Department of Health; and
(D) if the overpayment claim has been contested and resolved in favor of the Department of Health, no appeal is pending, the time limit for filing an appeal has expired, or the appeal has been resolved in favor of the Department of Health.
(b) The Department of Health shall notify the individual if a dividend is claimed under (a) of this section. The notice shall be sent to the address provided in the individual's permanent fund dividend application and must provide the following information:
(1) the amount of the overpayment claim;
(2) notice that the amount of the permanent fund dividend that does not exceed the amount of the overpayment claim shall be paid to the Department of Health; and
(3) notification that the individual has a right to request a hearing and has 30 days from the date the notice is mailed in which to file with the Department of Health an objection to the dividend claim if a mistake has been made.
(c) AS 44.62.330 - 44.62.630 apply to a hearing requested by an individual under (b)(3) of this section.