The chief executive officer of each state agency shall
(1) make and preserve public records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the agency, and designed to furnish the information necessary to protect the legal and financial rights of the state and of persons directly affected by the agency's activities;
(2) establish and maintain an active, continuing program for the efficient management of the records of the agency under the procedures prescribed by the department, including effective controls over the creation, maintenance, and use of records in the conduct of current business;
(3) submit to the department, in accordance with the standards established by it, records retention schedules proposing the length of time which records having administrative, legal, or historical value shall be retained;
(4) apply the provisions of approved records retention schedules to ensure the orderly disposition of state records including transfer to a state records center;
(5) identify, segregate, and protect records vital to the continuing operation of an agency in the event of natural, man-made, or war-caused disaster;
(6) cooperate with the department in conducting surveys made by it under the provisions of this chapter;
(7) establish safeguards against unauthorized or unlawful removal or loss of state records;
(8) comply with the regulations, standards, and procedures relating to records management and archives established by the department;
(9) appoint a records officer who shall act as a liaison between the department and the agency on all matters relating to the records management program.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 40. Public Records and Recorders
Chapter 21. Management and Preservation of Public Records
Sec. 40.21.020. Archival and records management program creation and administration.
Sec. 40.21.030. Duties of the state archivist.
Sec. 40.21.040. Gifts, bequests, or endowments of money.
Sec. 40.21.060. Duties of chief executive officers of state agencies.
Sec. 40.21.070. Records management for local records.
Sec. 40.21.080. Disposal of public records by political subdivision.
Sec. 40.21.090. Transfer of public records of political subdivision to department.
Sec. 40.21.100. Assistance to legislative and judicial branches.
Sec. 40.21.110. Care of records.
Sec. 40.21.120. Standards of clarity, accuracy, and permanency of copies.
Sec. 40.21.130. Alteration and replacement of public records.