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Article 1. Public Records.
Sec. 40.21.010. Purpose. - The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the...
Sec. 40.21.020. Archival and records management program creation and administration. - There is established in the Department of Education and Early...
Sec. 40.21.030. Duties of the state archivist. - (a) In order to carry out the archival program, the...
Sec. 40.21.040. Gifts, bequests, or endowments of money. - Gifts, bequests, or endowments of money shall be deposited in...
Sec. 40.21.050. Regulations. - The department shall adopt regulations necessary to carry out the...
Sec. 40.21.060. Duties of chief executive officers of state agencies. - The chief executive officer of each state agency shall (1)...
Sec. 40.21.070. Records management for local records. - The governing body of each political subdivision of the state...
Sec. 40.21.080. Disposal of public records by political subdivision. - An official of a political subdivision of the state having...
Sec. 40.21.090. Transfer of public records of political subdivision to department. - The governing body of a political subdivision of the state...
Sec. 40.21.100. Assistance to legislative and judicial branches. - Upon request, the department shall assist in the establishment of...
Sec. 40.21.110. Care of records. - Except for public records lawfully in the possession of a...
Sec. 40.21.120. Standards of clarity, accuracy, and permanency of copies. - When a public officer performing duties under this chapter is...
Sec. 40.21.130. Alteration and replacement of public records. - An original public record that is worn or damaged may...
Sec. 40.21.140. Use of copies and replacements as evidence. - Reproductions or replacements of records made under this chapter are...
Article 2. General Provisions.
Sec. 40.21.150. Definitions. - In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, (1) “agency”...